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CONSULTANT I : Dr. Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A.

CONSULTANT II : Dr. Muhammad Taufik, S.S., M.Hum.


A. Background

Emotions are the emotions or feelings that arise when a person is in a

particular state or is influencing an interaction that is important to them, especially

their health condition. Emotions are often related to how people communicate

with the world (Santrock, 2011). Emotions are reactions to people and events.

show people Feelings when you are happy with something, angry with someone,

afraid of something, or discouraged. Emotions are usually an individual's response

to external and internal stimuli. For example, psychological laughter and sad

emotions make someone cry, because happy emotions prompt a change in a

person's mood.

According to Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), “Emotions are all emotions that

change people in ways that influence their judgments, and are accompanied by

pain and pleasure. Such are anger, Pity, fear, etc., and the opposite of each other”.

Emotions are a heterogeneous category that encompasses a wide variety of

important psychological phenomena. Some emotions are very specific in that they

relate to specific people, things, or situations. Others, such as sadness, joy, and

depression, are very common. Some emotions are so brief that they are barely

conscious. Sudden outbursts of embarrassment or anger. Others, like long-lasting

love and seething resentment, are long-lasting, lasting hours, months, or even

years (in which case they can become enduring traits of an individual's

personality). Emotions can have noticeable physical side effects, such as: Facial

expressions, or may not be visible to the observer.

Islam also takes a part to this research as a show in QS. Al-Isra':84 which

talks about emotion whitin as follow :

‫قُلْ ُكلٌّ يَ ْع َم ُل َعلَى َشا ِكلَتِ ِه فَ َربُّ ُك ْم َأ ْعلَ ُم بِ َم ْن هُ َو َأ ْهدَى َسبِيال‬

Allah SWT says : “Every one acts according to his own character (made up of his

creed, worldview and disposition), and your Lord knows best who is better guided

in his way”.

According to Shihab (2002:544), this verse indicates that the faithful

possess tendencies, potentialities, and important qualities of activity. On the other

hand, there are introverts who like being alone and are not good at socializing, and

there are extroverts. Some are brave, some are cowardly.

The above verse can be interpreted as saying that humans have different

kinds of emotions. In relation to pre-existing emotions, anxiety is a word we hear

a lot in cyberspace and in our circles of friends in this millennial generation. It

may be coming. Instability is defined by feelings of anxiety and insecurity that

make a person anxious, uneasy, confused, and perplexed. Actually, there are

many factors that can cause a person to feel insecure, both insecure with their own

potential and their environment. Feeling inferior to others, feeling like a failure,

lacking a lot or feeling like you don't have any potential is one of the causes of

feeling insecure about yourself. Meanwhile, the views of other people who

belittle, ridicule and look down on one eye can be the cause of feelings of

insecurity. Feelings of insecure can be overcome, among others, by trying to

always think positively, stop blaming yourself, not comparing yourself to others,

avoiding people who make you insecure, and doing things that make you happy

(Daniel Goleman, 1996).

Daniel Goleman describes that emotion is a vocabulary that cannot be

described exactly as a whole emotion that we feel. However, psychologists try to

classify emotions into two broad groups: primary emotions and mixed emotions.

The basic emotion is having only one emotion, for example anger, while mixed

emotions, for example, if someone graduated with cum laude predicate, he would

be happy and mixed with joy.

In relation to literature and psychology, there are several things that make

a person can experience psychological changes, one of which is emotion.

Something joy, anger, fear, and sadness are often considered as most basic

emotions. Emotional situations can evoke feelings associated with actions that

cause tension. In classification emotions, there are several causes, including the

concept of guilt, feelings ofpent-up guilt, self-punishment, shame, sadness, hate,

and love. The basic emotions have a long history of human evolution and have

largely evolved to make quick judgments about stimuli and quickly guide

appropriate actions (LeDoux, 2000).

This research about the classification of character emotions in literary

works has been widely carried out both in dramas and novels. One of them is the

movie “A Star is Born”. According to (Krech, 1974: 471) the classification of

emotions is the emotions of happy, angry, often afraid and sad sometimes

considered the most basic emotions (primary emotions). The situation that evokes

this feeling is closely related to the action it causes and results in increased

tension. The classification of emotions according to David Krech, is the concept

of guilt, repressed guilt, self-punishment, shame, sadness, hatred, and love.

Emotions can be aroused by the presence of characters in a story. A figure

deliberately created by the author to be able to bring a story to life with various

problems presented. One of them is about the character's psychology, the

psychological pressure given by the author makes the atmosphere feel more alive

and developing because it is also related to the problems of human life.

Emotions are very important for us to know because they play an

important role in influencing the way a person thinks and behaves. Where the

emotions that are felt every day that make us have to take action and influence

decisions in life, both big and small. Therefore, in this study the researcher will

discuss about emotions, especially the classification of emotions in a literary


One of literary work that deals with the emergence of different kinds of

emotions is the movie A Star is Born. A Star is Born is a movie about musician

Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) who finds and falls in love with struggling artist

Ally (Gaga). She had just given up on her dream of making it big as a singer, until

Jack invited her into the spotlight, but even as Ally's career got her on track, their

relationship's personal woes continued. side collapses. Jack was a successful

singer and musician, but he ruined his own career and life because he was

addicted to alcohol and it was hard to quit and Jack chose to end his own life

because he didn't want to be a burden to Ally. Ally also feels very lost because

she has to live her life always remembering her husband, Jack.

This research was conducted because of the psychological pressure that

occurred to the main characters in the movie, namely Jack and Ally. This movie

has a lot of emotion going on in it. In this movie, it tells the various kinds of

emotions that occur such as anger, sadness, disappointment and other emotions

that usually happen to us because every human being must have emotions in him.

The emotions in this movie occur in Jack's character because his career was

destroyed because he was addicted to alcohol. Emotions are psychological things

that happen to Jack and Ally themselves, building a variety of repetitive emotions

so that researchers feel the need to study the movie to find out what is behind the

occurrence of various emotions in the main characters of Jack and Ally.

This research will focus on the classification of emotions in the main

characters, namely Jack and Ally, using David Krech's theory of emotional

classification which relies on text as research material with a literary psychology

approach. The classification of emotions is here to be able to classify the

emotions that occur in a person and to find out how those emotions can occur in

each character. The classification of emotions can also describe feelings, a

person, an event, or a person's occurrence, especially towards a character in a

story in a literary work. By knowing the emotions that occur in the character, you

will also find the classification of emotions contained in the movie “A Star is


B. Research Question

In this case, the researcher will discuss about How are Emotions of the

Main Characters Occurred in the movie “A Star is Born” ?

C. Objectives of the Research

This research focuses on the Movie “A Star is Born”, and specifically the

Emotion Classification of the main characters Jack and Ally, which relies on text

as research material using a literary psychological approach David Krech's

Emotion Classification theory using.

D. Significance of the Research

The significances in this research are as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefits

The theoretical benefits of this research are expected to develop

the use of literary psychology and its use in the analysis of a work

literature. Researcher want to explore new information to learn more

about the classification of emotions especially about primary emotion.

This researcher can also be used as a reference for others research.

2. Practical Benefits

The practical benefits of this research are expected to add insight,

especially researchers, readers in general regarding the psychology of

literature and add more insight into the classification of emotions.

E. Scope of the Research

The researcher will focus on analyzing about emotions in the main

character in the movie “A Star is Born”. The researcher use classification of

emotions to know primary emotions of the main character of the movie “A Star is

Born” in David Krech's perspective. In the theory of classification of emotions,

Krech (1969: 522) explains that pleasure, anger, fear, and sadness are often

considered as the most basic or primary emotion. So, the researcher limit this

research only on emotions, especially primary emotions of Classification

emotions after watching a movie. Therefore, researchers will also be classified

based on David Krech's perspective.


A. Previous Studies

Research on Clasification Emotion has been carried out by previous

studies, namely :

The first previous study is Trisnantasari (2018) “Analysis the Emotional

Characters in Riley's Brain in Inside Out Movie”. In this occasion, the researcher

chooses the movie to entitle inside out because this movie is very interesting to

analyze. The story of this movie is about the five characters, representing with

Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust, who contributed to Riley's brain to

control all her activities in her life. Riley is 11th years old young girl as the main

character in this movie. Riley is a good, happy, enjoy, respect girl and clever to

hidden her dissampointed feeling. In this case, researchers use qualitative

methods. The researchers screened her five emotional characters in this film,

analyzed her five characters based on the screening results, and in the final step,

based on real life and data collection. Reflect the analysis results. found by

watching as many movies as needed. Then analyzed the data collection based on

the related theory such as a psychological theory. The result of this research is five

characters, representing with Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust, who

contributed to Riley's brain to control all her activities in her life. The first

emotional character names Joy, she is a happy, passionate, clever, cheerful, smart,

shining and colorful character in this movie, Sadness is the second emotional

character in Riley's brain. The sad character is always hopeless, fearful, and

pessimistic, the exact opposite of Joy's character. In this movie, she doesn't

contribute much to Riley's brain, horror, in her own role. This emotional trait is

almost the same as sadness, but closer to panic, and the final emotional trait is

anger. In this movie, anger is a temperamental character inside Riley's brain.

The second previous study is Siallagan (2020) “Emotions of The Main

Character in The Film Sang Martir by Helfi Kardit : Literary Psychological

Analysis” The emergence of literature is motivated by the existence of a basic

human urge to express his existence through the literary works he creates. A good

number of people are therefore competing to carve out a existence for themselves

by producing various kinds of literary works. The vast number of literary works

that have emerged from the hands of contemporary and classical authors cannot

be separated from the analysis and research of linguists and literary experts. The

study of literary works can be viewed from many angles, one of which is the

character's perspective. The purpose of this paper is to show the protagonist's

emotions in Helfi Kardit's film Sang Mortar in the form of joy, anger, fear, and

sadness, and to clarify the causes of the protagonist's emotions. Its. Helfi Kardit's

study of the film Sang Mortar uses literary psychological theory with

psychoanalysis and qualitative research methods by Sigmund Freud. The data

collection method in this study used the library research method and the

descriptive analysis method as the data analysis method. The results of this study

can be concluded that, Rangga's character's emotions are evidenced by Rangga's

attitudes, reactions, words and treatment of the situation or problem at hand. The

emotional sources of the character Rangga in Helfi Kardit's film Sang Mortar

include sources of emotional pleasure: communication partners, the unexpected,

and problem solving. The source of anger feelings, i.e. feeling unacceptable and

being controlled. The root cause of the feeling of fear is the feeling of being

threatened. Cause the emotion of sadness.

The third previous study is Ningsih (2020) “An Analysis of Riley's

Emotion in Inside Out Movie by Peter Docter”. There are many kinds of literary

works that can be interpreted in deep analysis, such as novel, short story, poetry,

drama, etc. As one of literary work, movie is the example of drama. “Inside Out”

movie showed that emotions have really important part in human daily life. The

purpose of the study is to find out what are Riley’s emotions and how are Riley’s

emotions expressed in “Inside Out” movie by Pete Docter. This study used a

descriptive qualitative research design. Document analysis and human instruments

were used as research tools in this study. Research has shown that Riley has five

basic emotions. They were disgust, fear, sorrow, anger and joy. In addition, Riley

had several ways of expressing her feelings: 1) Riley looked around, trying to

figure out where the strange smell was, eating broccoli pizza to express her

disgust. refused to eat. 2) Riley moved away from the dead mouse, showed a

shocked face, hid under a blanket, and expressed her fear by waking up and

having a frightening dream. 3) Riley expressed sadness by crying. 4) Riley

expressed anger by snapping and talking loudly. 5) Riley expressed joy by joining

a new hockey team. Made my feelings clear as still adjusting to the many things

that were changing within. This research becomes more interesting when the next

researcher uses new objects for this type of research.

The similarity of the relevant in research is discussing the emotions in the

movie and using a Psychological Approach. The emotions are Joy, Anger,

Sadness, Fear, and Disgut. The difference of this research from the previous study

above is the object being studied and the theory used. In this study, researchers

examined the Movie “A Star Is Born”, and the research used David Krech's

Emotion Classification theory based on the script as research material with a

literary psychology-based approach to Focuses on categorizing the primary

emotions of Jack and Ally's characters. Classification emotions themselves are

present to be able to classify the emotions that occur in somebody. The

classification of emotions can also describe feelings, a person,events, or

occurrences of a person primarily to a character in a story in literature work.

B. Theoritical Framework

1. Psychological Literature Approach

Literature as a work of art in its entirety will not be able to escape from

various psychological symptoms that occur in social life. Wrong the only thing

that is inherent in humans themselves, namely the psyche. With can understand

psychology, then humans will be able to understand the characters man. Similarly,

what happened to the psychology of literature, the character who bring a character

to life with a touch of literary psychology. Figure a design that displays a variety

of characters and behaviors associated with a Psychiatric is packaged so that

humans can also experience it in real life. As a reader and researcher of course

have many questions why the characters in the story act like that, of course that's

all related to psychology.

Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental

processes. A behavior is any activity that can be observed, recorded and

measured. Mental processes include thoughts, memories, emotions, and beliefs

(Cieder & Ceothals, 1983:4). Wiyatumi (2011:6) argues that the literature of

psychology uses various concepts and frameworks of existing theories in the will

of psychology to read and interpret literary works, authors, and readers of literary

works. It explains that it arose as a kind of literary study to be used.

Endraswara (2003:16) states that psychological literature is

interdisciplinary between psychology and literature. Psychological literature is

basically divided into three areas of study: the psychology of writers, the

psychology of readers, and the psychology of characters involved in literary


Endraswara (2003:59) describes the procedure for understanding theories

in the psychological literature in three ways. We begin by understanding the

theories of psychology and then researching literary works. Second, to first

describe the literary work as an object of study, and then to determine the theory

of psychology thought to be relevant to its use. Third, the theory and the object of

research were determined at the same time.

Based on some suggestions about psychology of literature above, the

researchers can conclude that psychology of literature is an approach which

connects between literary works and psychology of science and the literary

psychology approach is closely related to the system of thought social community.

Grow and can develop to create a new psyche with the problems presented.

therefore, This research uses an approach psychology based on script, namely A

Star is Born by Bradley Cooper so that it only focuses on scripts as research

material, mainly focuses on deepening the main character. In literary works,

characters are built to be able to express stories so that they seem alive. Characters

to be discussed namely Jack and Ally in the A Star is Born movie by Bradley

Cooper. This Jack and Ally character is the main character who has a different

psychic from the character other. The psychic is emotion, which is present in the

imaging of the two main characters so that in this study will be discussed

regarding the classification of emotions in the main character in the movie. So, In

this research, the researchers used the theory of emotional classification from

David Krech with a literary psychology approach.

2. Emotions Classification

Emotions are intense emotions displayed by someone or something.

Emotions are reactions to people and events. Emotions can appear when you are

happy with something, angry with someone, or afraid of something. Emotions can

happen if something happens which can trigger so that it stimulates a person to

secrete her emotions.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) emotions are overflows feelings

that can develop and recede over time briefly, states and reactions relating to the

state of the soul and concerning with the functions and activities of life, such as

joy, sadness.Compassion, love, and courage based on own views (feelings). In

line with the opinion above, emotion is a unified state and the vibration of the soul

that accompanies or arises can occurs before or after the behavior occurs.

Emotions can be classified according to whether they are positive or

negative. There are some emotions that tend to be negative and there are also

some emotions that fall into the classification of positive emotions. joy, anger,

Fear, and sadness are often considered the most basic (primary emotions).

Situations that evoke feelings This is closely related to the action it causes and

results in increased tension (Krech, 1974: 471). Besides, hatred or feelings Hate is

closely related to feelings of anger, jealousy, and envy.

David Krech explains that there are four categories of emotions. basic or

dominant emotions (happiness, anger, fear, sadness), emotions associated with

sensory stimuli (pain, disgust, happiness), and emotions associated with self-

evaluation (success and failure). failure, pride and shame, guilt and regret) and

feelings associated with other people (love and hate). However, in this study,

researchers will only discuss the basic classification of emotions or primary

emotions according to David Krech. Emotion classification can be used to help

classify the emotions that have been found so that they can know what emotions

are included in the classification of emotions according to the David Krech's

classification of emotions.

In the theory of classification of emotions, Krech (1969: 522) explains

that pleasure, anger, fear, and sadness are often considered as the most basic or

primary emotion. Arousing situation these feelings are closely related to the

actions they cause and lead to increased tension.

The following are primary emotions based on David Krech's theory of

emotion classification :

a. Pleasure (Happy)

Pleasure is a feeling of joy, passionate, clever, cheerful, smart,

shining and colorful and also pleasure is important, because when

someone wants to be happy than he has the determination to change his

life for the better than before. This does not mean that our current life is

not good, but in this life we are required to continue to grow and change

for the better. A happy person has a positive vibes and making those

around him feel comfortable.

Pleasure is a mild form of pleasant emotion. It is known as joy,

pleasure or happiness. Usually, the most common reason for someone's

pleasure or pleasure is successfully achieving the goals they set for

themselves. Pleasure is the first emotion in the basic emotion taxonomy.

Pleasure is an emotional partner who relieves tension by achieving goals.

The condition of happiness is that one strives for and tries to achieve goals

(Krech, 1969: 522). Pleasure can be interpreted as a flood of emotional

pleasure when a goal is achieved. In theory, Krech gives examples like

playing games and quizzes. If he wins and gets a score, he has the euphoria

of having achieved that goal, called pleasure in Krech's example.

Happiness can affect physical health. Conversely, people who find

it difficult to find happy emotions will be easy to stress and depression,

which also leads to low immunity. For example :

"A few people patted my arm and thanked me for cooking or sharing. One

girl said

she liked my skirt. I wanted to burst, I felt so happy. Was this what it was

like to be a normal nineteen-year-old girl?" (Cass, 2016: 75).

The data above shows Kahlen's happy emotions when her dream

feels the life of being a normal girl can be realized. Kahlen is turned into a

siren when teenager. She didn't feel how normal a normal girl's life really

was, and she wanted to feel it. So that the actions that Akinli's friends did

to Kahlen, made her feel like a normal girl and it caused happy emotions

because Kahlen achieved what she wanted.

b. Angry (Anger)

Anger is the emotion you feel when something or someone does

something you don’t want. Anger can be felt by anyone and is a normal

person’s reaction to an event. However, if these emotions are not

controlled, they can become problems both with oneself and with others.

Anger can be caused by frustration (inability to achieve desired goals,

failure to achieve what we achieve or deserve), feelings of being treated

unfairly, physical or emotional pain or injury. known (Barish, 2009:21).

From the opinion above, the researcher can conclude that anger is

something that arises from within if we can control it well then nothing

bad will happen and if we can't control it properly it will harm ourselves

and even others.

In this case, anger arise as a result of not achieving a goal. It is the

same as that expressed by Krech (1969: 522) that an important condition

for evoking anger is blocking goal attainment, especially when there is

constant frustration from goal attainment, with gradual accumulation from

tension. Anger not only stems from not being able to achieve something,

but it also happens when someone is faced with something unexpected or

disliked, and the frustration and stress builds up to anger. One of the four

basic emotions is to perceive a situation as highly negative and attribute

this negative state to someone or something else. Anger is almost always

preceded by real or imagined frustration.

Anger can have a positive effect but can also be negative. On the

positive side, for example, anger can be a step to improve a relationship

because you are able to express needs towards your partner, family, and

close friends.

However, if anger is overexpressed, the negative emotions of anger

can turn into violence towards others. Uncontrolled anger can also trigger

psychological problems and is harmful to the body. Therefore, it is

important for you to be able to control this type of emotion. For example :

I thrashed against her arms. “Get off me!” Sing. The Ocean’s voice was

stern and urgent. Elizabeth yanked me back to my feet. “Sing!” she

insisted, stopping her own song. Behind her, Miaka’s and Padma’s voices

carried on. “Can’t you see you’re making it worse? Sing. End it!” (Cass,

2016: 138)

The quote above contains Kahlen's angry emotions when she

prevented him from rescued the bride who was one of the victims of the

ship they had drown. Kahlen and the other sirens sing to sink the ship. At

first Kahlen didn't realize that there was a wedding party on the ship, until

she saw his bride drowning. Without thinking, Kahlen walked approached

the woman, but Elizabeth chased after Kahlen and dropped her into the

water. Kahlen struggles and screams to be released so she can help the

bride that woman. However, Elizabeth kept him from helping the bride

and it gave rise to angry emotions.

c. Afraid (Fear)

Fear is one of the most basic and powerful types of human

emotion. These emotion can be very debilitating, but they also play an

important role in human survival. In fact, fear is needed to protect

everyone. This feeling alerts you to situations that are perceived as

dengerous and prepares you for them. In this condition, the fer you feel is

normal and natural body response can lead to various changes in physical

and mental, ranging from mild or moderate.

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions, helping to keep us

safe by turning us into danger. The physical response to fear is related

topsychological responses such as feelings of fear, tension, nervousness or

worry. Krech (1969: 524) explains that pleasure and anger are emotions

“approaches”, that is, they involve the struggle to achieve a goal. Fear, on

the other hand, is a form of "avoidance" emotion, which involves an

escape to escape danger. Fear is a primitive emotion, a strong emotion in

the face of threats, real or imaginative, accompanied by physiological

reactions resulting from stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and

with a defensive pattern of behavior related to avoidance, resistance or

even hiding. In theory, Krech is like an ape. A dummy object was placed

near its cage and see what the reaction was caused by the monkey. The

result was that the monkey was afraid of see a foreign object that

resembles itself. The animal thinks that there is another ape who wants to

dominate his territory so he becomes afraid about it.

Fear is a strong emotion and plays an important role in survival.

The fight or flight response also helps us prepare to fight the threat.

For example :

"I closed my eyes, praying that the water would still. I didn’t want to be

sick". (Cass, 2016: 1)

Kahlen and her parents and siblings are on a cruise ship vacation,

but the storm hit the ship and threw it away. It makes Kahlen lying on the

bedroom floor feeling seasick. Then he was covered afraided because he

was worried that his seasickness was getting worse until he fell painful if

the waves are not calm. His mother told him not to lie down on floor, so

Kahlen crawled onto one of the sofas. Then he closed his eyes, pray that

the water is calm, so that seasickness doesn't get worse so it doesn't she fell


d. Sad (Sadness)

Sadness is an emotion characterized by deprivation, loss, and

helplessness. When people are sad, they often become calmer, less

agitated, and more introverted. Sadness can be viewed as a temporary low

mood, but depression is often characterized by a low mood, sometimes

accompanied by disruption of the ability to carry out daily activities.

Crying is a sign of sadness.

Barish (2009:24), Sadness is our instinctive response to loss,

loneliness (physical or psychological), and disappointment that helps us

thrive. In other words, grief is the psychological trauma, emotional pain

caused by the loss of something loved or valued, such as a person, pet, or

inanimate object such as a mobile phone. Inside there is a light form called

sorrow. Sadness is one of the most unpleasant emotions, regardless of its

intensity or age. Usually, someone expresses sadness by crying or by

losing interest in normal activities such as eating or being alone.

According to Krech (1969:526), grief or grief is an emotion

associated with the loss of something important or valuable. The intensity

of grief can usually be measured on a scale of value. If what is lost is of

great value, the grief can be very deep, and vice versa. For example, if

someone loses the person he loves like a member of his family then he will

feel deep sadness, and vice versa, if he loses something which is not too

valuable then the sadness that is felt is not so deep. Sadness protracted can

lead to depression and hopelessness which leads to on anxiety; As a result,

it can cause insomnia, lack of appetite eating, a feeling of irritation arises

and becomes grumpy and withdraws from association.

Sadness is a natural emotion that many people feel. However,

some individuals can feel prolonged sadness. For example :

“I have a few weeks... I asked for some time to say good-bye to you all, to

help Padma adjust, and to prepare.” I blinked back my tears. “I can’t

believe you’ll be gone so soon.” The joy I had at gaining a new sister was

on par with the pain of losing another. (Cass, 2016: 107)

In the data above, there is a sad emotion for Kahlen when she is

about to lose one from her siren sister whom he loves dearly. The time for

Aisling to become a siren is over done. He will be released from his duty

to serve the Ocean and become human again and it made Kahlen feel sad

because she was going to part with Aisling. Aisling was the longest siren

with him. Even though she was happy because she had recently found a

new sister, namely Padma, but still Kahlen couldn't hiding her sadness at

being separated from her other sister.

3. Movie

Movie is resembles a novel or short story in that it tells a story.

Movie is a tool to convey different messages to the general public through

narrative, and can also be interpreted as an artistic vehicle for artists and

filmmakers to express their thoughts and narrative ideas. According to

Hornby (1995: 434), movie means a series of moving images recorded

with sound that tell the story presented on the motion picture/film. Movie

or film is a term that encompasses individual movies, the field of movie as

an art form, and the movie industry. Movies are created by capturing

images from the world with a camera or using animation techniques and

special effects to create images. It covers the same genres: romantic,

historical, detective, thriller, adventure, horror, science fiction. However,

movies can also include subgroups such as action, comedy, tragedy,

western, and warm.

4. Synopsis

In the movie, Gaga plays Ally, an aspiring singer who has given

up on her dreams. But one night, her established rock star Jackson

(Bradley) hears her singing in her drug bar, and her life changes. Not only

does Jackson invite Ally on tour, they are two falling in love and Ally

becomes a superstar. They later get married and Ally wins the prestigious

Grammy Award for Best New Artist.

However, the movie has a dark undertone. Jackson has a serious

addiction to alcohol and drugs that dominates his life. As Ally wins the

Grammy Awards, Jackson stumbles onto the stage and wets his body. He

goes to rehab and then sobers up, but after Ally's manager tells him that he

has to leave Ally because he's embarrassed (unbeknownst to Ally), he

commits suicide. It's heartbreaking.

The movie ends with Alliy giving her first performance since

Jackson's death. It's a stripped-down version of the heartbreaking ballad

called “I'll Never Love Again”. Everything about it is soul-crushing, so

naturally, even those who knew what would happen to Jackson have a hard

time coming to terms with it all. (Perry Spencer, 2018).


A. Research Method

This research using a qualitative technique that aims to describe the

classification of emotions contained in A Star is Born movie. The research design

is problem solving oriented, meaning that a research is conducted because there is

a problem and there is a desire to solve the problem scientifically. The problem to

be studied should be structured and complex, not just an elementary problem.

Therefore, it is very necessary to have a research design for the smooth running of

the research itself. Consistent with this (Cresswel, 2009), study design defines and

defines methods and strategies for conducting research that may involve

judgments ranging from large-scale assumptions to precise data collection and

analysis methods. Qualitative research as research aimed at understanding

phenomena experienced by research subjects. It is more suitable and suitable for

use in research matters related to the study of subject behavior, attitudes,

motivations, perceptions, and behaviour. This means that quantitative methods

cannot be used in this kind of study.

B. Source of Data

The source of the research data is the script of A Star is Born movie,

which aired in 2018. The duration is 2 hours 5 minutes, which will examine the

emotional specifications, especially the primary emotions contained in the movie.

If traced one by one, A Star is Born itself from the original 1937 film, each time

presents a different meta-narrative and fate. In fact, whether it is inspired by the

same material or not, in the realm of Bollywood there is also a movie with a

similar premise called Aashiqui (1990) and its remake, Aashiqui 2. The data in

this research are all emotions that contain primary emotions contained in the

classification of emotions in the A Star is Born movie script. The subjects in this

research are all the emotions contained in the main characters, namely Jack and

Ally. The object of this research is the deepest classification of emotions in the

script of A star is Born movie.

C. Instrument of the Research

In this research, the researcher used note-taking as an instrument to collect

data. Note-taking is the practice of recording information taken from other

sources. By taking notes, the researcher writes down the essence of the

information and makes it easier to remember all the information needed. To find

data easily, researcher write down what is important and in accordance with what

they want to research and make it easier for researchers to find classifications of

emotions, especially primary emotions in A Star is Born movie.

D. Procedure of Data Collection

The procedure of data collection is divided into several steps:

1. The research downloaded the movie script.

2. The research watched the movie more than once.

3. Reading and observing the dialogue from the script.

4. The research collected data by watching the movie and trying to

understand it deeply and find primary emotions in the classification of

existing emotions.

5. This study collects data to classify primary emotions in David Krech's


6. Research selects primary emotions of emotion classification in David

Krech's (1969) theory in the movie.

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

There were some steps to analyze the data in this research. The first

researchanalyzed the theory related to the problem and anything needed basing on

the purpose of the research. In this case, research on emotion classification theory

by David Krech (1969) which focuses on the primary emotions contained in the

movie. Finally, the researcher will conclude this research.


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