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When an aircraft is built it is designed by the manufacturer to comply with a specific set of
certification requirements :

a. False
b. True
c. There are no such requirements.
d. None of the above is correct

2. Regarding aircraft certification and statistics:

a. The chances of an unrelated double engine failure are considered so low, already less than one
in a million.
b. The chances of an unrelated double engine failure are considered very high.
c. There are no such statistics accounted for.
d. None of the above is correct.

3. Regarding aircraft performance class…

a. Class A aircraft includes turbine powered large aircraft ( more than 5700 kg takeoff weight ).
b. Class A aircraft includes turbine powered large aircraft ( less than 5700 kg takeoff weight ).
c. Class A aircraft includes turbine powered large aircraft ( more than 7500 kg takeoff weight ).
d. None of the above is correct.

4. Regarding aircraft performance class…

a. All performance Class A aircraft are operationally more restricted than class B.
b. All performance Class B aircraft are operationally more restricted than class A.
c. All performance Class A and B aircraft are operationally the same.
d. None of the above is correct.

5. Regarding aircraft performance:

a. Temperature, pressure and humidity directly influence the air’ density.

b. Temperature, pressure and humidity have nothing to do with the air’density .
c. Temperature, pressure and humidity never influence the air’ density.
d. None of the above is correct.

6. Performance data should be provided in a form that can be used without difficulty:

a. False.
b. There is no such requirements specified by ICAO or EASA.
c. True.
d. Performance data are only needed to certify the aircraft.

7. Regarding the pressure altitude:

a. As the altitude increases the air pressure decreases, and the air density decreases.
b. As the altitude increases the air pressure increase, and the air density decreases.
c. As the altitude increases the air pressure decreases, and the air density increases.
d. Answers a. and b. are both correct.
8. A high pressure altitude means:

a. Very high air density.

b. High air density.
c. Low air density.
d. It is not related with air density.

9. A high pressure altitude leads to:

a. decreased engine performance.

b. Increase engine performance.
c. Medium engine performance.
d. Pressure altitude is not related with engine’s performance.

10. A low air temperature leads to:

a. an increase of air density and therefore a better engine’s performance.

b. a decrease of air density and therefore a better engine’s performance.
c. an increase of air density and therefore a degraded engine’s performance.
d. a decrease of air density and therefore a degraded engine’s performance.

11. Air density and temperature are:

a. Directly proportional.
b. Inversely proportional.
c. There are no data regarding this proportion.
d. None of the above is correct.

12. In the standard atmosphere temperature reduces by:

a. 1.98C per 1000 feet.

b. 1.89C per 10000 feet.
c. 2.98C per 100 feet.
d. 3.98C per 1000 feet.

13. Regarding air’s humidity:

a. Moist air is less dense than dry air.

b. Moist air is more dense than dry air.
c. Moist air has the same density of dry air.
d. None of the above is correct.

14. Engine’s performance:

a. In moist air will be better that dry air.

b. In moist air will be worse that dry air.
c. In moist air will be the same of dry air.
d. None of the above are correct.
15. Temperature, air density and pressure altitude are related with engine’s performance:

a. True.
b. False

16. Select the correct statement:

a. Thrust = mass x acceleration.

b. Thrust = mass / acceleration.
c. Thrust = mass + acceleration.
d. Thrust = mass - acceleration.
17. Select the correct statement:

a. EPR = engine pressure ratio.

b. EPR = exhaust pressure ratio.
c. EPR = entropic pressure ratio.
d. EPR = external pressure ratio.

18. EPR is as the ratio of the pressure at the back of the engine to the at the front:

a. True.
b. False

19. Jet thrust varies with altitude and temperature.

a. Jet thrust decreases with altitude and temperature.

b. Jet thrust increases with altitude and temperature.
c. Jet thrust doesn’t change with altitude and temperature.
d. None of the above is correct.

20. Thrust and power are not the same thing:

a. False.
b. True.
c. Not always.
d. None of the above is pertinent.

21. Regarding the propeller thrust:

a. The thrust that is produced depends on the angle of attack of the blade.
b. The thrust that is produced doesn’t depends on the angle of attack of the blade.
c. There is no correlation between thrust and blade’s angle of attack.
d. None of the above is correct.

22. The effect of flap on stalling speed:

a. They are used for takeoff and landing to reduce the stalling speed.
b. They are used for takeoff and landing to increase the stalling speed.
c. They are used for takeoff and landing to increase the stalling speed.
d. None of the above is correct.
23. Increasing the angle of attack:

a. Increases the lift.

b. Decreases the lift.
c. Has no effect on lift.
d. None of the above is correct.

24. The effect of icing:

a. Degrades the aerodynamics of the aircraft and reduces weight.

b. Degrades the aerodynamics of the aircraft and add weight.
c. improve the aerodynamics of the aircraft.
d. improve the aerodynamics of the aircraft and reduces weight.

25. Icing on the wing will disturb the airflow and induce separation:

a. False.
b. True.

26. Rudder icing..

a. Reduces directional stability.

b. Improves directional stability.
c. Answers a. and b. are both correct.
d. None of the above is correct.

27. The Thrust to weight ratio is an indication of thrust efficiency:

a. False.
b. True.
c. It is not pertinent in aviation.
d. None of the above are correct.

28. Regarding aircraft rotation during takeoff..

a. Over rotating to a high pitch attitude can lead to a ground stall and quite possibly a tail scrape.
b. Over rotating to a high pitch attitude is acceptable.
c. Over rotating to a high pitch attitude is acceptable in most of the cases.
d. None of the above is correct.

29. Both early and late rotation will have the same effect of increasing the ground run:

a. False.
b. True.

30. Water, slush and snow on the runway resist acceleration and increase takeoff distance:

a. False.
b. True.
c. Is not correlated with aviation.
d. None of the above is correct.
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