Common Exam GENG 107 Fall 2014 Solution

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Qatar University

College of Engineering


Course Title: GENG 107 Engineering Skills and Ethics

Time Allowed: 2 hrs.



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1. Please state whether the following statements are true or false: [5 Marks, 0.5 for each

Item Engineering, and Engineering Disciplines True False

1 Technicians are individuals who combine knowledge of science,
mathematics, and economics to solve technical problems that face

2 An accredited program by ABET assures that the program meets
professional standards.

3 If you are a professional engineer, you are allowed to perform
engineering services in all engineering fields.

Item Engineering Design
4 The last step of engineering design is whereby you
implement/construct a solution

5 To find a global optimum design, specialists need to work together
right from the beginning using an approach called Sequential

Item Engineering Ethics
6 Ethics are accepted standard of Right and Wrong that are usually
applied to personnel behavior and usually derived from parents,

religion, friends, and media.
7 In settling a conflict, moral issues are easier to settle than factual

8 Protecting the public safety, health, and welfare is not an ethical
responsibility of an engineer

9 Engineers may not participate in any matter involving a conflict of
interest if it could influence their judgment or the quality of their

Item Problem Solving
10 Reductionism is an important skill that a good problem solver should

2. “Power Generation and Transmission” is one of the specialties in …………….…[1 Mark].

i. Electrical Engineering
ii. Mechanical Engineering
iii. Chemical Engineering
iv. Computer Engineering
3. Which of the following deals with a hypothesis to be proved or disproved? [1 Mark]:
i. Knowledge problems
ii. Research problems
iii. Design problems
iv. None of the above

4. Which one of the followings is not one of the steps of the design engineering methods? [1
i. Assembling Design Team Phase
ii. Identify constraints and criteria Phase
iii. Search for a Solution Phase
iv. Compact Design Phase
5. Which of the following can be a constraint for an engineering design project? [1 Mark]
i. Budget
ii. Time
iii. Manufacturability
iv. All of them
6. What branch of engineering develops processes and systems that improves quality and
productivity with the objective of eliminating waste? [1 Mark]
i. Electrical Engineering
ii. Mechanical Engineering
iii. Industrial Engineering
iv. Computer Engineering
7. Which one of the following cannot be a goal for a project? [1 Mark]
i. Reliability
ii. Performance
iii. Safety
iv. All of the above
8. Engineer Ahmed is a new graduate of Industrial Engineering at Qatar University. He
works for a local company that imports and installs office equipment. The company he
works for is submitting a bidding package for office equipment for another company
XYZ. Engineer Ahmed’s father is the Director of Finance of that company and has some
influence on the final selection of the bids. Which ethical situation does Engineer Ahmed
have? [1 Mark]
i. immoral situation
ii. economic privilege
iii. conflict of interest
iv. none of the above
9. Organizing a presentation through describing different parts of a product is called
i. Chronological strategy
ii. Spatial strategy
iii. Debate strategy
iv. Motivational strategy
10. Which of the following is considered a type of engineering document?
i. Memo
ii. Proposal
iii. Technical Paper
iv. All of the above

11. A theory in which it is morally permissible to perform medical experiments on mentally
challenged children because of total benefits outweigh the total harms is
i. Utilitarianism
ii. Rights Analysis
iii. Ethical Egoism
iv. None of the Above
12. The feasibility study is where:
i. More promising ideas are explored in more details
ii. Eliminate ideas without consuming much engineering time
iii. Highly detailed drawing and specifications are prepared for the best
iv. None of the above
13. Find the midpoint between the two points (6, -8) and (24, -18)
i. 15, -13
ii. 14, -12
iii. 17, -15
iv. 13, -11
14. Utilitarianism suggests that it is ethical to make decisions based on
i. Common decency
ii. Moral virtues
iii. What is best for most people
iv. All of the above

15. You are a senior engineer working in the Public Works (Ashghal). Besides your normal
duties you were assigned to be a member in a committee that selects a contractor for a big
construction project. A number of construction companies have submitted their bids; one
of these companies belongs to your brother. Your brother’s company is a young struggling
company and they are in need of this big project to compensate for their losses in other
projects. Your brother asked you to push for his bid as “wastah” and will not forget your
help. ”. Identify the ethical situation in this case (if any) and what you should do? AND
Using the attached NSPE code of ethics, write down the relevant paragraph(s). [1 Mark]

This is a conflict of interest situation.

II. Rules of Practice
4. Engineers shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
a. Engineers shall disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest that could influence or
appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their services.

16. Explain the concept of “whistle blowing”. [1 Mark]
The act of a man or woman who, believing that the public interest overrides the interest of the
organization he/she serves, publicly “blows the whistle” if the organization is involved in corrupt,
illegal, fraudulent (fake; false), or harmful activity.

17. Define Morals and Ethics then explain the difference between them. [1 Mark]
Accepted standards of right and wrong applied to personal behavior. Moral standards come from
our parents, religious background, friends, society.
Ethics consists of general and abstract concepts of right and wrong behavior culled from
philosophy, theology, and professional societies.

18. List down at least four criteria for success. [1 Mark]

1. Cost
2. Quality
3. Safety
4. Performance

19. One of the major steps in engineering design method is to identify constrains and criteria
for success. List down at least four typical constraints. [1 Mark]
1. Budget
2. Time
3. Personnel
4. Legal

20. Explain four things that you can do during your presentation to overcome your
nervousness. [1 Mark]
1. Practice
2. Know the place before you start
3. Take a deep breath before speaking
4. Try to memorize the first few first sentences

21. Describe any four traits of a successful engineer [1 Mark]

1. Interpersonal skills
2. Communication skills
3. Leadership
4. Competence

22. Listt the four claasses of inteeraction rulees [1 Mark]]
1. Etiquettee
2 Law
3 Morals
4 Ethics
23. Listt any four stteps in the engineering
e design metthod [1 Marrk]
1. Identifyiing a need annd defining a problem
2 Assemblle the Designn Team
3 Identify Constraints and Criteria for Success
4 Search for
4. f Solutions
24. Write a professsional emaill to your insstructor req
questing to participate
p i a project.. Include
a brrief descripttion about your
y skills to
o assist the instructor taking a deccision in youur favor.
[1 Mark]

Email should
d have the foollowing:
1- Subjject Headingg
2- Saluutation
3- Brieef descriptionn
4- Signnature

25. Assuuming that an average car length is

i 5 m and tthe width iss 2.5 m, calcculate the minimum
areaa needed to store 20,000 vehicles to
t sell them later (openn spaces are already inccluded in
the ddimension). [1 Mark]

A of one car = 5 x 2.55 = 12.5 sqm

Area m
A of 20,0000 vehicles = 250,000 sqqm

26. Givven that the area of a sphere

s = 4πrr2 and that of a cylindeer = 2πrL, estimate
e thee area of
an aaverage sizee human boddy. [1 Markk]

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