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Bullying Practices of Grade 12 Students St. Therese of Rose School (Caloocan City) Inc.

Submitted as a partial requirement for senior high school

J.M. Sia – GAS

Alffy Borgonia – GAS

Regiel Custodio – HUMMS

October 2019

The researchers dedicate this study to everyone who helped us throughout the making of this
thesis paper.Without them and their help,we will not be able to complete the study.To our
parents,we are truly thankful,who taught us to work hard and aim big on the thing we want to

We would also like to dedicate this research to our friends, who helped us during the time we are
in need of help, who encourage and motivate us to continue do our studies.

This work is also dedicated to all teachers who teaches us the knowledge we had learned , the
hard working teachers who made I possible for us to move forward in life.

J.M. Sia
Regiel Custodio
Alffy Borgonia


The researchers would like to express our gratitude to the people who offered their support and
help to make this research complete.

We would like to thank our Research teacher, Ma’am Eleonor Bugayong, who guides us on what
is right and wrong,for her helpful advices,for her guidance for us to be able to make this study
complete,and for her patience in checking errors in our research.

To our friends, thank you for the help that you gave us when we are in need , thank you for
motivating us.

To our respondents, the senior highschool grade 12 students of Saint Therese of Rose
School,thank you.Without them we will not be able to continue this research.Thank you for the
effort and time in answering our survey questionnaires.

It was good to have all of your support while making this research.Thank you.

J.M. Sia
Regiel Custodio
Alffy Borgonia


The main aim of this research study is to know the bullying practices of Grade 12 students in St.
Therese of Rose School. This study finds out the common practices of bullying. The researchers
investigated what are bullying practices, the researchers used descriptive research design to
depict the answers of the participants in the conducted survey.

Bullying is a big problem, and most of it happens in school, our very own second home.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a bully is someone who insult or threaten others who
are weaker or in some way vulnerable. Bully does not pick someone they think they cannot hurt,
it is always the one who shows weakness.

.The research design used is phenomenology. The reason is because as a researcher we want to
observe and study the common practices of a bully and a bullied. Moreover, their actions that the
students do and the side effects that they may have experience. Thus, resulting to us researcher to
use the phenomenology approach.

The Survey was conducted at Saint Therese Of Rose School. The place enable us to know the
bullying practices of Grade 12 students of St. Therese of Rose School.

This interview was conducted by the researchers. The chosen respondents were grade 12 students
who were available during the administration of the questionnaire were chosen.

The research instruments that the researchers used during assessment were based on the different
practices commonly observed in the school.
The researchers gathered the questionnaire answers, get the tally and the percentage of the
answered questionnaires. Interpreted given were strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly
disagree in the pie chart.

As incidence of school bullying is still growing there are a lot of students who have experienced
depression, anxiety or even trauma this behaviour could affect their motive in going to school or
leave the school being bullied could lead to having low self esteem

A lot of times, students also get bullied when they are very popular within their school they
became victims of name calling cyber bullying verbal bullying and social bullying.

Chapter I



Bully Practices is a way on how a person acts toward the others,Parents plays a big role on a
child’s behavior,they need to be involved with their kids,School plays a big role too on guiding a
children,having policies and punishments,and not tolerating a Bullying situation.

Bullying is all about practices,how a person interacts and behaves.Even thousand of years
ago,behavior is one of the most mysterious aspect of a human,it does affect everything and
anyone around you,Bullies have their own reasons too,they may have experienced the same
problem and just trying to do it to others.

School is said to be the place where children learns and know what they wanted to be.But it can
also be a place of survival,where the poor unlucky ones are bullied.

Bullying is a big problem,and most of it happens in school,our very own second home.According
to Merriam-Webster Dictionary,a bully is someone who insult or threaten others who are weaker
or in some way vulnerable.Bully doesnot pick someone they think they cannot hurt, it is always
the one who shows weakness,for example,the incident about Joaquin Montes,a taekwondo
practitioner who physically and verbally attacked a fellow student in Ateneo.There are many
different factors that may affect a person’s behavior,it may be caused by
environment,experience,or other related matters,like a student that grew up in a place where bad
things are commonly seen,he/she will be thinking that it will be fine if he/she do it in other place
or people.And one of the factors is caused by Bullying,it can make someone feel depress.There
are some instances people can’t just identify if it is already an act of Bullying,specially when the
bully is having fun,this is commonly seen in friends situation,they are so close to each
other,they’re teasing each other,making fun of each other,calling names,saying bad words they
didnot know it is already an act of Bullying.

Students experience different challenges in their daily lives and once experienced being Bullied
by the Bullies.Bullying must be stop.


The focus of the research is to determine the practices of a bully and bullied individual.


What are the common practices of a bully and bullied individual?


1.What is bullying?

2.What are the possible reasons of bullying?


 Students- this would help them know what are the common bullying practices
 Parents- this would help them guide their child, what to look into fellow classmates to
know the bully and bullied students
 Teachers/Administrator- this would help them in their observation of who are the bullies
and bullied students


This research paper aims to know the comparison of the common practices of a bully and a
bullied individual that are being experienced by the grade 12 students section Selenium of
St.Therese of Rose School.The manner of both individual being affected by their behavior is
included in this research.



School Environment

Personal Development Survey of a Bully

Classroom Initiatives
Activities Involving
Parents Individual


Bullying is the use of coercion, force, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate.

Behavior is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Bully is someone who insult or threaten others who are weaker or in some way vulnerable.

Bullied is a victim of the bully ; someone that is insulting or threatening others.



Bullying is not a new issues that students and schools face. In fact, over
the years, it has been viewed as being so common place in schools that it has been overlooked as
a threat to students and reduced to a belief that bullying is a developmental stage that most youth
will experience then get over.

But not everyone gets over the personal trauma that can come with
bullying both for the victim and the bully.But schools are the best place to actively intervene.
Teachers,administrators, counsellors, and even students have the greatest access to the most
students through a school system.

It is here that school staff can intervene, support and educate students about ending bullying
behaviors directly and indirectly; breaking the bullying-cycle. This paper will address bullying in
Grade 12 students of St. Therese of Rose School.

“Bullies are often people who have been bullied or abused themselves.Sometimesthey are
experiencing life situations they cannot cope with, that leave them feeling helpless and out of
control.Thiskind of people are frustrated and stressed as well, because this feeling of anxiety
provokes them to bully or hurt others to release the frustration that they feel.

Also people who are bully have such big pride which makes them boastful and careless towards
others.“Bullies can suffer long-term effects of bullying if their behavior is not
addressed.Sometimes a bully can actually hate the way they treat their victims but somehow feel
justified in doing so since they are abused by others as well.

This feeling tends to override the feeling of empathy which makes for a psychological mess for
the bully.Feeling conflicted about their behavior is also a source of stress that makes them want
to bully more. If a bully is not stopped and treated then the chance of them stopping and
becoming a different and healthier person is very slim and their behavior will continue into
adulthood, affecting the type of life they lead.

The problem of bullying has become a topic of national conversation over the past decades. To
address this problem, numerous anti-bullying interventions have been developed and
implemented, and advocates have worked to pass state and local laws and policies on bullying. A
critical accompaniment to these efforts has been the growing field of research on bullying,
which strives to understand the causes of bullying, its predictors, its effects, and ways of
effectively intervening and preventing it.

What is bullying? While multiple definitions of bullying are used , bullying at root is one form of
youth violence and aggressive behavior. The following three aspects are often used to distinguish
bullying from other types of aggression or violence: The behavior stems from an intent to cause
fear, distress, or harm,The behavior is repeated over time,There is a real or perceived imbalance
of power between the bully and victim.Bullying can be physical (hitting, punching),verbal
(name-calling,teasing), or psychological/relational (rumors, social exclusion).

Typically,individuals involved with bullying are classified as bullies, bully-victims, victims, or

bystanders.Developments in electronics and social media have made cyberbullying an increasing
problem and concern.Types of cyberbullying include posting hurtful information on the Internet;
unwanted contact via email,instant messaging, or text messaging; and purposeful exclusion from
an online community.

Bullying does not need to be a reality that student face.As more schools adopt whole school
prevention programs and actively work with students,staff,and parents effectively addressing the
issues of bullying and harassment in each individual school.Effects on victim who are bullied
can experience negative,physical,and mental health issues.

Bullying in the Philippines is widespread in schools and over internet,with a study that states that
about 50% of Pilipino students are bullied in school.Bullying can easily affect both the bully and
the victim,and that’s why the government in the Philippines is working hard to crack down on
it.The latest measures include the signing the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013,which criminalizes any
act of bullying or cyber-bullying that happens in the country.

For any bullying prevention program to be successful it is necessary for each school to have a
clear and easily understood philosophy that promotes a safe and positive environment.This
philosophy should start during the early childhood years and continue throughout
highschool.Three values which promote a positive climate and develop a basis for a bullying
prevention program include the belief that all children can learn,people should be treated with
respect and dignity,and there is no place for violence in the school.

Republic Act 10627 (Anti Bullying Act of 2013), mandates all elementary & secondary schools
to adopt policies to prevent & address the acts of bullying in their institution.

DepEd Order No.40,s.2012 (Child Protection Policy), to promote zero tolerance policy for any
act of child abuse ,exploitation,violence,discrimination,bullying & other related offenses.

Republic Act 7610 (Anti Child Abuse Law-1992), provides special protection to children from
all forms of abuse,neglect,cruelty,exploitation& discrimination.

Presidential Decree 603 (Child & Youth Welfare Code), every child has right to protection
against exploitation,improper influence,hazards & other condition or circumstances prejudicial to
his physical,mental,emotional,social & moral development.

Republic Act 9344 (Juvenile Justice & Welfare Act of 2006), it states the responsibility of the
educational system that should work together with families,communityorganizations and
agencies in the prevention of juvenile delinquency and in the rehabilitation and reintegration of
child in conflict with the law.



Research Design

The research design used is phenomenology. The reason is because as a researcher we want to
observe and study the common practices of a bully and a bullied. Moreover, their pactions that
the students do and the side effects that they may have experience. Thus, resulting to us
researcher to use the phenomenology approach.

Research Locale

The Survey was conducted at Saint Therese Of Rose School. The place enable us to know the
bullying practices of Grade 12 students of St. Therese of Rose School.


This interview was conducted by the researchers. The chosen respondents were grade 12 students
who were available during the administration of the questionnaire were chosen.

Research Instrument

The research instruments that the researchers used during assessment were based on the different
practices commonly observed in the school.

Data Collection Procedures

The researchers gathered the questionnaire answers, get the tally and the percentage of the
answered questionnaires. Interpreted given were strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly
disagree in the pie chart.


Interpretation of Graph

All subjects were asked through the use of survey to determine the Bullying Practices of Grade
12 Students in St. Therese of Rose School. The researchers prepared twenty different questions
which is answerable by Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

I Tease classmates


strongly agree agree

disagree strongly disagree

90% of the students agree that they are teasing their classmates,10% of the students strongly
agree that they are teasing their classmates.

I Bully classmates in
social media


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

50% of the students disagree that they bully their classmates in social media,40% agree that they
bully their classmate in social media,10% strongly disagree that they bully their classmates in
social media.

I Bully classmates by name calling



strongly agree agree

disagree strongly disagree

80% of the students agree that they bully their classmates by name calling,10% disagree that they
bully their classmates by name calling,10% strongly disagree that they bully their classmates by
name calling.

I Show Rude Gesture to classmates



Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

60% of the students disagree that they show rude gestures to their classmates, 30% strongly
disagree that they show rude gestures to their classmates, 10% agree that they show rude gestures
to their classmates.
I Hide classmates lunch box or

60% 30%

Strongly agree Agree

Dis agree Strongly disagree

60% of the students strongly disagree that they hide their classmates lunch box or money, 30%
disagree that they hide their classmates lunch box or money, 10% agree that they hide their
classmates lunch box or money.

I Tie classmates bag in their chair

40% of the students agree that
they tie their 20% classmates bag in
their chair, 40% strongly disagree
that they tie their 40% classmates bag to
their chair, 20% strongly agree that
they tie their classmates bag in
their chair.
Strongly agree Agree
11 Disagree Strongly disagree

I spread lies about classmates


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree
50% of the students strongly disagree that they spread lies about their classmates, 30% disagree
that they spread lies about their classmates, 20% agree that they spread lies about their

I Blame classmates for a thing they

did not do


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

50% of the students agree that they blame their classmates for a thing they did not do, 30%
disagree that they blame their classmates for a thing they did not do, 20% strongly disagree that
they blame their classmates for a thing they did not do.

I Shame or Embarrass classmates

10% 10%

40% 40%

Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

10% of the students strongly agree that they shame or embarrass their classmates, 40% agree that
they shame or embarrass their classmates, 40% disagree that they shame or embarrass their
classmates, 10% strongly disagree that they shame or embarrass their classmates.

I Throw Crumpled Paper to



Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

40% of the students agree that they throw crumpled paper to their classmates, 40% disagree that
they throw crumpled paper to their classmates, 20% strongly disagree that they throw crumpled
paper to their classmates.

I Experienced being teased

by classmates


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

60% of the students agree that they experienced being teased by their classmates, 40% strongly
agree that they experienced being teased by their classmates.

I Experienced being bullied

in social media


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree
20% of the students strongly agree that they have experienced being bullied in social media,20%
agree that they have experienced being bullied in social media, 40% disagree that they have
experienced being bullied in social media.


I Experienced being bullied by name




Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

60% of the students agree that they experienced being bullied by name calling, 30% strongly
agree that they experienced being bullied by name calling, 10% disagree that they experienced
being bullied by name calling.

I Experienced classmates showing

rude gestures to me


Stronly agree Agree Disagree Stronly disagree

60% of the students disagree that they experience rude gestures by their classmates, 40% agree
that they experience rude gestures by their classmates.


I Experienced classmates tied my

bag in chair

10% 20%

Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

40% of the students agree that they experienced their classmates tied their bag in the chair,20%
strongly agree that they experienced their classmates tied their bag in the chair, 30 disagree that
they experienced their classmates tied their bag in the chair, 10% strongly disagree that they
experienced their classmates tied their bag in the chair.

I Experienced classmates hide my

lunch box or money



Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree
60% of the students disagree that they experienced that their classmates hide their lunch box or
money, 30% agree that they experienced that their classmates hide their lunch box or money,
10% strongly disagree that they experienced that their classmates hide their lunch box or money.


I Experienced being blamed by



Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

70% of the students agree that they experienced being blamed by their classmates,30% disagree
that they experienced being blamed by their classmates.

I Experienced classmates spreading

lies about me


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree
20% of the students strongly agree that they experienced that their classmates spread lies about
them, 40% agree that they experienced that their classmates spread lies about them, 40%
disagree that they experienced that their classmates spread lies about them.


I Experienced Classmates Throw-

ing Crumpled Paper to me

30% 20%


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree

50% of the students agree that they experienced that their classmates throw crumpled paper to
them, 20% strongly agree that they experienced that their classmates throw crumpled paper to
them, 30% disagree that they experienced that their classmates throw crumpled paper to them.

I Experienced being shamed or

embarrassed by classmates

30% 20%


Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Strongly disagree
50% of the students agree that they experienced being shamed or embarrassed by their
classmates,20% strongly agree that they experienced being shamed or embarrassed by their
classmates, 30 disagree that they experienced being shamed or embarrassed by their classmates.


A. Summary of Findings
*Female is bullied more often than male in gr.12 classroom
*All of the respondents agree that they are teasing their classmates
*Many agree that they experienced being teased by their classmates
*Many strongly disagree that they steal their classmates lunch box and money
*Many disagree that their classmates are stealing their lunch box and money
*Many agree that they blame and falsely accuse their classmates
*Many agree that they experienced being falsely accused by classmates

B. Conclusion
All of the respondents have experienced being bullied and do bully things, female are more
prone to being bullied and male are more into bullying. Bullying is the use of coercion, force, or
threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate.There are many and different possible
reasons for bullying,feel of satisfaction from others discomfort,excited by conflict of
others,etc.There are laws implemented for bullying,these laws give penalties to those who will
not follow,it helps and prevent instances of bullying.

C. Recommendation
Therefore,the researcher recommend to the future students who will conduct this research to be
more aware and observant.Bullies act dominant to others,you will make it worse if you will just
overlook and don’t make actions to it.Bullied need to have courage for them to stand up,they
needed someone who can help them.On other hand,you can help both sides by knowing each of
their stories and making the right decision and actions.Interact and communicate with them,your
time spent with them can be life changing moment for them.



Bullying Practices of Grade 12 Students St. Therese of Rose School (Caloocan City) Inc.

Age: Gender: Grade & Section:
Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (1) (2) (3) Disagree (4)
1. I tease classmates verbally
2. I bully classmates in social media
3. I bully classmates by name calling
4. I show rude gestures to classmates
5. I hide classmates lunch box or money
6. I tie bag of my classmates in their chair
7. I spread lies about classmates
8. I blame classmates for a thing they did not do
9. I shame other people
10. I throw crumpled paper to my classmate
11. I experienced being teased by classmates
12. I experienced being bullied in social media
13. I experienced being bullied by name calling
14. I experienced seeing rude gestures by
15. I experienced classmates hide my lunch box
or money
16. I experienced classmates tied my bag in chair
17. I experienced other people spread lies to me
18. I experienced being blamed for a thing I did
not do
19. I experienced being shamed by classmates
20. I experienced classmates throwing me a
crumpled paper
Direction: Read the statements then put a check on the choice that you most relate with. Please
answer this survey honestly. Your answers will be treated with confidentiality. Thank you!

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