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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:


Researchers are aiming toward a deeper understanding of how humans act, feel, plan and
make decisions. According to Kagan (2022), human behavior is the potential and expresses
capacity for physical, mental and social activity during the phases of human life. Humans just
like any other animals, have that typical life course has successive phases of growth. In a simple
sense, behavior is the response of an individual to a certain stimulus whether internal or external.
Furthermore, Farnsworth (2022) states that human behavior is a complex interplay of three
components, namely; actions, cognition, and emotions. The successful businesses and
organizations that we knew are the ones that continuously look for strategies and techniques not
just for improving the team’s performance but also motivates them to have more of their skills
and abilities, this essentially what organizational behavior is all about.

According to Rabha (2022), it is a must for every leader to be aware of some key aspects
of organizational behaviors. And one has to understand the core elements behind it. There are
four main elements of organizational behavior, namely; people, structure, technology and
environment. Aside from leaders knowing the mentioned elements, it is also important to know
the benefits of understanding behaviors in an organization. The study of behavior in an
organization is vital for team collaboration. It gives you insights into the similarities and
differences that people share. Organizational behavior is an essential part of people management
in today’s work culture. The synergy and behavior between your people will determine their
efficiency. Organizational behavior is the study of learning on how to predict human behavior
and applying useful ways to make the organization more effective and efficient. I have learned
that human behavior is influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority,
rapport, persuasion, coercion and genetics. Human behavior is an act of an individual that can

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

occur anywhere and everywhere. Humans indeed, are complex creatures. According to Aristotle,
man is by nature a social animal that’s why people tend to look for a group where he/she can fit
and here comes the so-called organization. Based on my understanding, organization is a
collection of people, who are involved in pursuing defined objectives. It can be understood as a
social system which comprises all formal human relationships. Here, we have the concept of
‘human behavior’ and the concept of ‘organization’, putting these two together would mean
human and organizational behavior. If someone will ask me, ‘what is organizational behavior?” I
would probably answer, to me that is about having a deeper understanding, intelligent predicting
and humanely managing human behavior in organizations. It would also help us to understand
why a certain individual in our organization behaves in that way, or what causes that wrong
behavior, or where the cause lies and how it can be corrected.

Analyzing and understanding where people are coming from would greatly help the
organization. We are all distinct humans governed by different attitudes, behavior and beliefs.
Studying human behavior in an organization is essential. I would certainly claim that this course
subject that I have will be pretty sure helpful in my future endeavors as our discussions gave me
rich experiences. I have also learned that the study of organizational behavior is easier said than
done. According to Rabha (2022), it takes tremendous effort and time to successfully understand
how people behave in an organization. Social psychology plays a crucial role in human behavior
in organizational settings. He also added that, a leader must do thorough organizational behavior
researches to bring the best in their people.

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:


After 7 sessions of this subject, Human Behavior in Organization, we came across many
topics that are too relevant with today’s situations and needs. Personally, I showed so much
interest in the second topic which is the theories of human and organizational behavior as well as
to the models of human and organizational behavior. There are several practical reasons why we
need to study organizational behavior and the most connected importance with the topic
mentioned earlier is, organizational behavior helps leaders or managers to understand the basis of
motivation and what he should do to motivate his subordinates. It helps also managers to apply
appropriate motivational techniques in accordance with the nature of individual employees who
exhibit a learning difference in many aspects. The very essence of the second topic is for leaders
to be aware of the driving forces or motivations that an employee has. Knowing what motivates
them will surely be a great help for the betterment of the organization.

What I have learned from this topic are the different theories in organizational behavior,
namely; expectancy theory, traditional theory of motivation, hierarchy of needs, Adelfer’s ERG
theory, McGregor’s Theory of X and Theory Y, Hexberg’s two factor theory, McCllelland’s
human motivation theory and the carrot and stick theory. The models of human and
organizational behavior were also discussed. There are four models namely; autocratic model,
custodial model, collegial model and supportive model. Having the time to study models of
organizational behavior is a blessing for me. These models constitute a belief system that
dominates management’s thought in running the organization. Models set as guides to better
understand owners and management behavior in particular situations and conditions. The models
will give us the idea of what model we are going to use if we will be a leader of an
organization/team in the future. I have also learned that the four models are the most common

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

models used over the last 100 years. Some of the traditional and oldest model are still practiced.
According to the study conducted by Davis (2014), the four models are not distinct in the sense
that a manager uses one and only one of them.
If I would choose among the models of human and organizational behavior to use in my
future organization, I would choose all. According to the study conducted by Davis (2014), the
four models are not distinct in the sense that a manager uses one and only one of them. In a
week, or even a day – a manager/leader probably applies some of all four models. I want to have
these four models in my organizations so that the interests of everyone is being taken into
consideration. There is still the authority and respect and at the same time the motivation and
care for members’ feelings and insights. I think it would be a great combination, having power
and employees’ interests at the same time. I would also implement the ideas of the 21 st century
leadership skills most specially the concept of team building. I have never been in a team
building before, so it would be best to have this in my organization. I believe that a team implies
synergy and the whole is greater the sum of their parts. Through this, the team will function
effectively and at the same time will develop harmonious relationship between leader and

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:


It is no doubt that people are social animals. It is in nature of man to look for groups and
be part of that group, and that rise the so-called organization. It is only natural for a certain
organization to crate and form groups, with the purpose of accomplishing desired goals and
objectives of that of an organization. An organization is being composed of two different types
of groups, namely, formal groups and informal groups. The nature of the creation of groups
varies from the single reason which is the urge of people to talk and share and make their own
circle, where they can talk, interact and work freely. It is revolving around the need of people to
recognize each other and to identify the differences of values, interests and attitudes. Learning
the behaviors of people belonging in a group is much helpful in dealing with the organization as
a whole.

I have learned that formal groups are the collection of persons who are grouped together
with the purpose of achieving common goals. The main purpose of the creation of this group is
to fulfill some official requirement in order to support or accomplish anything. This type of
group has a systematic structure using a social hierarchy. It formally shows the down flow of
authority and as well as the upward flow of accountability within the group. in this kind of
group, there is clear evidence of division of labor and every task is given to each group. On the
other hand, informal groups are groups that were created naturally within the organization
influenced by social and psychological forces. In this kind of group, every employee enters into
groups without the approval of the management, employees just want to satisfy their social needs
on the job. The creation of this kind of group is based on the common likes, dislikes, prejudices,
language and attitudes. Although there are problems or disadvantages on having groups in an
organization, we should focus more on the benefits it will bring.

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Me, personally do not want to work alone or in isolation. I am the kind of person who
relies on other’s ideas and insights. I can be the best version of myself when I know I have a
circle who can guide me for I can share my feelings, opinions, experiences and beliefs. If I would
be a leader someday; I want to have formal and informal groups in my organization. Working in
a team is a great help in making the organization to be longer and efficient. I am a believer of a
famous line ‘Two heads are better than one’, problems were better solved by a team rather than
alone. Cooperation and collaboration in groups can also be developed.

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:


‘There is nothing permanent in this world but change’, this was quoted by Heraclitus.
Change is inevitable and is synonymous with life and growth, the life we lead today is the result
of the acceptance of change by nomadic peoples. According to Stobierski (2020), organizational
change refers to the actions in which an organization alters a major component of its
organization, such as its culture, the underlying technologies or infrastructure it uses to operate,
or its internal processes. On the other hand, organizational change management is the process of
guiding organizational change to a successful resolution and it typically includes three major
phases; preparation, implementation and follow-through. It is necessary for an organization to
succeed and grow and as well as allows employees to understand and commit to the shift and
work effectively during it. If the organization failed to have effective organizational change
management, it will result to lower employee morale and competent skill development.

I have learned that every organization will and undergo a transition or change in order to
remain viable and scale. There are reasons for changes; starting from new leadership at the helm
of the company or within its departments, shifts in the organizational team structure, the
implementation of new technology and the adoption of new business models. Change may be a
challenge for all but it can be a chance for growth and career development.

Leaders have to courageous by taking on risks. They need to look at the big picture and
articulate high-level change to the organization and should motivate people to support the
transition. I also learned that to be a successful leader, one must be insightful and know who to
put in charge of carrying out change processes.

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:


After 7 sessions of this subject, Human Behavior in Organization, we came across many
topics that are too relevant with today’s situations and needs. There is no doubt that this subject
is interesting as it tackles about from human behaviors up to the benefits of the organizational
management. All topics are relevant and useful for those individuals aspiring to be a leader of an
organization someday and that includes me. Personally, this subject enlightens me on the things
that are going on in an organization. Now, I have better understanding why people in an
organization behave in a certain way. All actions of every single person come from their own
volition. All topics are useful as those aims to understand the nature, determinants and the
individual differences for managing organizational behavior while working in teams or groups.
Organizations differ in structure, culture, personnel, missions and various factors. I realized that
one of the most important components of an organization is the so-called diversity.

As a future leader, it is very crucial to understand why people act and behave the way
they do. I should put in my mind and heart that all people in my organization are unique
individuals and they differ from each other. They have their own distinct characteristics, beliefs,
values and traits. I thought that every personality is fated to be the way it is. No single person can
question the very nature of one’s behavior. I would like to be the leader who hears, sees and feels
what others are also feeling and seeing. I want to be in their shoes so I can easily make decisions
based on their needs and interests. I do not want to be the leader who closes the mind and heart
in everything. My ability as a leader to fit into an organization determines how well I am able to
become a productive asset to my team and to the organization as a whole. I want to embody all
the learning I have gained from this course.

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

The feelings, attitudes and behaviors in organization is greatly affected by the interaction
of the personality of a person as well as the situation the person is in. There goes the notion that
individuals with similar personalities tend to be attracted to an organization and individuals with
other types of personalities tend to leave the organization. Of course, when we are looking at
individual differences it is also right to look at their unique abilities and skills, these might be
helpful for an organization to thrive and survive the test of time. According to Varney (2022), a
good leader should possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building,
have a bias for action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as
constant and consistent, become role models and are fully present. Leadership is one of the key
factors and determinants associated with the success and failure of any organization. According
to Klein (2013), there is a considerable impact of the leadership styles on organizational
performance. The leadership style influences the culture of organization which, in turn,
influences the organizational performance.

MSC VISION: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
MSC MISSION: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic,
professional and technology advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers for excellence and development
and research-driven outreach programs.


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