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The t-Test

It is used to compare two means, the means of

independent samples or two independent groups
and the means of correlated samples before and
after the treatment. It is also used to compare the
means of the pretest and posttest. The formula is:

ΣD2 – (ΣD)2
n (n-1)

D = the mean difference between
the pretest and posttest
ΣD2 = the sum of squares of the
difference between the
pretest and posttest
ΣD = the summation of the
difference between the
pretest and posttest
n = the sample size

An experimental study was conducted on the
effect of programmed materials in English on the
performance of 20 selected college students.
Before the program was implemented, the pretest
was administered and after 5 months, the same
instrument was used to get the posttest result.
The following is the result of the experiment:
Pretest Posttest

X1 X2
20 25
30 35
10 25
15 25
20 20
10 20
18 22
14 20
15 20
20 15
18 30
15 10
15 16
20 25
18 10
40 45
10 15
10 10
12 18
20 25
Pretest Posttest

X1 X2 D D2
20 25 -5 25
30 35 -5 25
10 25 -15 225
15 25 -10 100
20 20 0 0
10 20 -10 100
18 22 -4 16
14 20 -6 36
15 20 -5 25
20 15 5 25
18 30 -12 144
15 10 5 25
15 16 -1 1
20 25 -5 25
18 10 8 64
40 45 -5 25
10 15 -5 25
10 10 0 0
12 18 -6 36
20 25 -5 25
ΣD = -81 ΣD2 = 947
D = -81
= -4.05
Solving by the Stepwise Method
I. Problem : Is there a significant difference
between the pretest and the
posttest on the use of programmed
materials in English?
II. Hypotheses
H0 : There is no significant difference between the
pretest and posttest or the use of the
programmed materials did not affect the
students’ performance in English
H1 : The posttest result is higher than the pretest
III. Level of Significance:
= 0.05
df = n-1
= 20-1
= 19
t.05 = -1.729
IV. Statistics: t-test for correlated samples
V. Decision Rule: If the t-computed value is greater
than or beyond the critical value, reject H0.

ΣD2 – (ΣD)2
n (n-1)
947 – (-81)2
20 (20-1)

947 – 6,561
20 (19)

947 – 328.05



= -3.17

VI. Conclusion: The t-computed value of -3.17 is

beyond the critical value of -1.73 at 0.05 level of
significance with 19 degrees of freedom, the null
hypothesis is therefore rejected in favor of the
research hypothesis. This means that the post test
result. It implies that the use of programmed
materials in English is effective.

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