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Badugu Naveen babu


In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the degree of



Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab.


I, Badugu Naveen Babu, Registration Number: - 12111599

hereby declare that the work done by me on the
“Community Development Project” from 1 June 2022 – to 26
June 2022, under SAMARPAN, is a record of original work for
the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
degree, CDP-22231.


I would want to extend my sincere gratitude to the Lovely

Professional University School of Computer Science and
Engineering Training and Placement Coordinator for allowing
me to seize this one. I am appreciative and lucky to have
ongoing support, encouragement, and direction from the
School of Computer Science and Engineering's teaching team.
I got a fantastic opportunity for learning and career growth
when I worked for the SAMARPAN foundation on community
development. I consider myself fortunate that I had the
chance to participate in it. I would want to take this
opportunity to thank the experts that helped me complete
my assignment successfully by providing me with the
essential advice, direction, and knowledge.

I would not have been able to finish this project without the
help of my friends, seniors, and classmates. Thank you and
love to everyone who provided so much of their time and
thoughtful care. In the end, my devoted parents provided me
with the morale boost and self-assurance that I needed.
Blood donation is a vital part of worldwide
healthcare. It allows for blood transfusion as a life-
sustaining and life-saving procedure. Over one
hundred million units of blood are donated each
year throughout the world. This activity reviews
donor eligibility and selection, adverse effects of
donation, and pathogen reduction and inactivation
for donated blood. This activity highlights the role
of the interprofessional team in ensuring
appropriate protocol is followed.
Blood donation is most often performed by
inserting a large-bore needle (16G or 18G) into a
peripheral vein, usually within the antecubital
fossa. Veins on the dorsum of the hand or other
prominent veins may be used in some individuals
who do not have an otherwise easily accessible
antecubital vein. That’s why I organized a blood
donation project.

In order to raise awareness about this life-saving

procedure, the world observes 14th June as Blood
Donor Day. It promotes blood donation and urges
people to save lives by donating blood.
Furthermore, this day is quite an important day as
it makes people about safe blood. People need to
know the basics to be able to donate blood. For
instance, there are certain criteria one must fulfill
to donate blood. Not everyone knows that. Thus,
this day helps in doing so.

Most importantly, on this day, the WHO organizes

a campaign that invites people to donate blood. A
person eligible to donate blood must fall in the age
bracket of 17-66 years of age. They must weigh
more than 50 kgs and have sound health. People
suffering from diseases like diabetes,
hypertension, and more cannot donate blood.

Therefore, on World Blood Donor Day, they also

appreciate blood donors for their contribution to
making the world a better place.
The reason to donate is simple…it helps save
lives. Every two seconds of every day, someone
needs blood. Since blood cannot be manufactured
outside the body and has a limited shelf life, the
supply must constantly be replenished by
generous blood donors.
Blood donors play a vital role in the healthcare of
patients in your community. 37% of the population
is eligible to donate blood, yet only 5% do. With
every blood donation, you are providing strength,
hope, and courage to patients and their families in
your local hospitals.
• Creating the condition for availability of blood
by non-remunerating all needy pet patients in
• Building and escalating the coordination
among scattered blood donating or
organizations volunteer blood donors, helping
to achieve the objectives of Nepal Red Cross
Blood Transfusion Service.
• Conducting motivational program related to
blood donation for achieving 100% non-
Remunerated safety voluntary blood donation
stimulating to others.
• Increasing the awareness of blood donation
among the public.
• Representing National/International
organizations and conducting blood donation
related to programs &stimulation.
• Publication and distribution of audio/video and
other materials related to blood and blood
• It is a non-profit and social welfare
• Operation of ambulance service to assist
voluntary blood donation and blood transfusion
• Operation of the mobile van for emergency
blood collection.
• Program organize to prevent/minimize blood
transfuse diseases such as Hike/Aids,
Hepatitis, I s, etc.


SAME: Well, I began this project from my
home itself. As we all know charity begins at
home hence, I decided to take my first step
from here itself. In our home, there is a barren
backyard full of scraps. So, I just went to it and
donated blood. Seeing me, many of my friends
got curious about what I am doing because I
posted a story. Becoming aware of my
resolution to donate blood to save lives
seemed to inspire them quite a lot and after
that, they joined me too to contribute to this
noble cause.


WITH THE HELP OF NGO: With the help of
an NGO nearby my village and the blood bank
center we organized a special blood donation
camp where around 130 people donated blood
who came from nearby villages and towns. We
also motivated them to donate blood 5-6 times
a year so that we can contribute to saving
3. Operation of the mobile van for emergency
blood collection: As we generally see mostly
people die in accidents due to a lack of
resources and transportation services so we
also collected donations for emergency blood
collection and accident-related issue vans.


I used the weapon of today, also can be
referred to as boon, digitalization. I invited all
my peers and closest acquaintances to online
sessions which were hosted by some well-
known doctors and healthcare practitioners to
educate them about the importance of blood
donation, and the importance of the cause and
inspired them on how saving a bottle of blood
is saving their lives. In that session, several
facts were shared, many documentaries were
regarding the problems and also a lot of
interviews of several researchers and
scientists taken in the past were shown.


DONATION: Then I took a very important step
and that is taking surveys of the condition of
our society and how many people are aware of
blood donation. So, I collected some friends,
made a survey sheet, took a printout, and then
spread it to all the blocks of ours and societies
around mad started asking about how many
people are donating blood every year and how
many people are aware of the cause. Those
ignorant about the facts were enlightened and
inspired to donate blood taking some extra
pain and effort. After all, we all know no pain,
no gain.


AWARENESS: As we all know social media is
the rising platform to let reach our ideas to
millions of people worldwide, so we used the
same Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp to
share our creative ideas and posts regarding
blood donation awareness
We highlight that both recipients and donors benefit,
and as such neither blood nor organ donation is
purely altruistic. The blood donation camp was a
record-breaking success, and there was
overwhelming participation from staff and the
student community. The most inspiring part was that
the nearby restaurant owners and their staff took
part. Most of them were first-timers and were
skeptical about the effect on their health. Few had
never experienced a needle prick in their life, but
their spirit was indomitable and genuinely admiring.
We also highlight health problems associated with
both types of donation. In evaluating interventions,
we highlight that a move to an opt-out policy for
organ donation may not be the simple fix it is
believed to be, and propose interventions to enhance
the effectiveness of an opt-in policy (e.g. social media
updates). We show that incentives, text messaging,
feedback, and a focus on prosocial emotions (e.g.
'warm-glow', 'gratitude') may be effective
interventions for both blood and organ donation.
Interventions designed to reduce fainting (e.g., water
pre-loading) are also effective for blood donation.

Teamwork creates wonders, and a naturally
formed team, where members join voluntarily
can create magic. We started with only 2-3
volunteers, but people joined and took charge
of various functions on their own. For such a
dedicated team, nothing is impossible.
Emotionally connecting with the task is a must.
Doing a job without emotional connection is like
sailing on a boat in an ocean without any sense
of direction. A process is essential, but not
everything. Management tells us that all jobs
must have streamlined processes, but when
dealing with humans, you have to deviate from
a set process, and then also you can achieve
your target. Set ambitious goals. Most likely you
are going to reach them. You can call it the
Pygmalion effect or whatever, but it works. In
any team, a balance of experience and energy is
necessary. Young people bring a lot of energy to
the team, and experience channelizes the
energy in the right direction. Irrational people
take the most rational decisions with a cool
head. Identify them, and praise their efforts.
Celebrate each milestone and achievement.
Celebrating milestones brings happiness and
joy, and people start talking about ways to
achieve the next higher targets. Be ready for
surprises. During our donation drive, a group of
outstation students came, who was visiting our
campus donated significantly. Suggestions can
come from anywhere. Most often, valuable
ideas come from people you least expect. A
picture is better than 1000 words. Our
photographs of 50th, 75th, 100th, etc. blood
donors were great motivation for all team
members. Believe in yourself, and your team.
Have 100% trust and faith in your idea, plan,
and your team. This belief has a halo effect on
all people around you. People want to do their
best to keep that faith.

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