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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Geraldine C. Jagna

Student Teacher: Ailene J. Braga

At the end of the lesson, the learners would be able to:
1. Describe the effects of the winds, given a certain storm warning signal;
2. Compose a song or poem about storm warning signals; and
3. Show appreciation for PAG-ASA’s great help on determining typhoon signals.


Meaning of Storm Signals
A. References
Learner's Material, The New Science Links 5, pp. 356
Curriculum Guide in Science Grade 5, S5FE-I Vf-6, pp. 87
B. Materials
Cartolina, Pentel Pen, Pictures, Flash Cards, Tarpaulin, Paper, Real Objects
Powerpoint Presentation and Video Clips
C. Science Ideas
 The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration or PAGASA is the government agency responsible not
only for forecasting weather but also for issuing warning signals to the
affected areas.
 Signal 1 - A depression is in the area.
- Winds less than 60 km/hr in the next 36 hours.
- People are advised to listen to the radio for updates.
- Preschool level classes are suspended.
 Signal 2 - The depression has developed into a storm.
- Winds from 60 km/hr to 100 km/hr are expected within 24
- Classes are suspended in elementary and high school levels.
- Winds cause moderate damage in areas affected.
 Signal 3 - A typhoon is coming within 18 hours.
- Winds above 100 km/hr but below 180 km/hr.
- Houses made of light materials maybe destroyed.
- Communication and electrical power disruptions.
- Evacuation of people living in low-lying areas is advised.
- Moderate to heavy damage maybe expected.
- Travel in air and seas are not recommended.
- Classes in all levels are suspended.
 Signal 4 - A typhoon is coming within 12 hours.
- Winds above 180 km/hr.
- Great damage can happen in affected places.
D. Science Processes
Observing, Predicting, Describing, Explaining
E. Values Infused
Cooperation, Teamwork, Appreciation, Awareness and Readiness in Times of
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Alright before we are going to start our Prayer leaders will proceed in front.
lesson today, may I call on ________ to
kindly lead the Christian Prayer and
________ for the Muslim Prayer.

Thank you ________ and _______ for You’re welcome Ma’am.

leading the prayer. You may now go back
to your seats.
2. Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good Afternoon Ma'am Ailene!
I'm fine and I am very happy to see you
3. Checking of Attendance
Alright class, I will now check your Yes Ma’am.
Who are absent today? No one Ma'am/________ are absent today.
I’m glad that no one is absent today./I
hope next meeting everybody is present.
To those who are present kindly give (Pupils will clap their hands.)
yourselves three claps
4. Stormy Weather Song Stormy Weather Song
Class, I have here a video with a song Yes, ma’am.
entitled “Stormy Weather”. I will sing
first and repeat after me okay?


(The teacher sings the song first.) (The pupils will sing the song.)

A storm is coming! A storm is coming!

(Chorus) (Chorus)
What do you do when there's stormy What do you do when there's stormy
weather? weather?
What do you do when the wind starts to What do you do when the wind starts to
blow. blow.
What do you do when there's stormy What do you do when there's stormy
weather? weather?
What do you do when the rains start to What do you do when the rains start to
fall? fall?

Find a safe place to rest and wait. Find a safe place to rest and wait.
Stay warm and dry in our little home. Stay warm and dry in our little home.
Find a safe place to rest and wait. Find a safe place to rest and wait.
Stay warm and dry in our treetop home. Stay warm and dry in our treetop home.

(Chorus) (Chorus)
Sway with the wind bending, flexing. Sway with the wind bending, flexing.
Lean with the branches side to side. Lean with the branches side to side.
Sway with the wind bending, flexing. Sway with the wind bending, flexing.
Lean with the branches, ride the wind. Lean with the branches, ride the wind.
(Chorus) (Chorus)
Stay warm together close and cozy. Stay warm together close and cozy.
Snuggle together warmer too. Snuggle together warmer too.
Stay warm together close and cozy. Stay warm together close and cozy.
Snuggle together, safe and sound. Snuggle together, safe and sound.

We have braved the storm together. We have braved the storm together.
Wind and rain have passed us by. Wind and rain have passed us by.
We have braved the storm together. We have braved the storm together.
The storm has passed. The storm has The storm has passed. The storm has p
passed. passed.
We have braved the storm together. We have braved the storm together.
We have braved the storm today. We have braved the storm today.
5. Setting of Rules
Class, do you still remember our rules Yes, ma’am.
every time we have our science subject?
Alright, everybody kindly read our (Pupils will read the rules.)
classroom rules for today.

6. Collecting or Checking of Assignments

Class, did I gave you an assignment last Yes, ma’am.

What was your assignment all about? We were tasked to bring a picture when
there is a storm.

Yes, you were tasked to bring a picture of

what happens when there is a storm.
Looking at your assignments, you all did
a great job.

Let's give everyone three claps. (Pupils will clap their hands.)

Kindly pass your assignments in front. (Pupils will pass their assignment.)

7. Science Word Drill

Do you want to complete a word or Yes Ma'am.
group of words class?
So I have here some words that I want
you to complete. Don't worry because I
will give you some clues. I will paste it
beside the words so that it would be
easier for you to answer them later.

Are you ready? Yes, ma’am!

That's the spirit! Who wants to go first? (Pupils will raise their hands.)
Yes ________?
Please read the clue first then you can fill
in the missing letters.

(This will be done with the other pupils.)

S_o__ Storm
P_ _ A _ _ PAGASA
W_ _t_er Weather

An extremely
large, powerful
and destructive
S_o__ storm that
especially in the
region of the
P_ _ A _ _ The government
responsible for
weather and
issuing warning
signals to the
affected areas.
Is the daily state
W_ _t_er of the
atmosphere, or
air, in any given
Let’s give your classmates three claps. (Pupils will clap their hands.)

8. Review
What was our lesson last meeting class? Our lesson last meeting was all about the
effects of the typhoon on the community.

That’s right! Now, who can give me Typhoons usually cause floods which
some effects of typhoon in the destroy crops, destroy buildings, kill
community? people and other living things.

Very Good! Let's give your classmates a (Pupils will clap their hands.)
one million clap.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
I will be giving each one of you a piece (Pupils will make paper boat.)
of paper and I want you to make a paper
Class, do you want to listen to a story? Yes, ma’am.

Okay, so I will tell you a story entitled

“The Captain’s Shirt.”

We will be using the paper boat that you

have made throughout the story. You
need to listen carefully and follow me.

“There was once a sea captain, who, not

being very clever, decided to set sail in a
boat even if a storm warning was given.
Not that anyone could talk him out of it –
as you can imagine, he was old, he
thought he knew everything, and to tell
the truth, he was a bit stubborn. No
sooner had the first signs of the storm
come up than he began to get worried.
His fears proved justified when lightning
struck the prow of the boat and tore it

(At this point, you hold the boat tightly in

one hand and tear off one end. Tear in a
circular motion from halfway along the
upper deck around the lower corner of
the boat.)

“The sea was very rough, the waves 10

meters high! Clouds were thick, and loud
thunder crashed in the sky. More
lightning struck the boat, and the
distressed captain watched in tears as the
stern was destroyed…”

(Tear off the other end of the boat in the

same way.)

“…Then with a loud crash the mast and

sails were torn down by the wind. Now
the boat was helpless, all the sailors in
danger. No island in sight! No other
boats on the horizon to help them! And
sharks are coming!! What will happen to
them? ”

(Tear off the remaining point in a

circular motion beginning halfway along
the edge of the sail.)

“And there was nothing left but the

Captain’s shirt!”
(At the end of the story, you open out the
paper as shown.)

What did you think happen to the sea The sea captain died in the story.

Why did the sea captain died in the Because he set sail in his boat even if he
story? was already warned that a storm is coming.

Very Good! Let’s give your classmates (Pupils will clap their hands.)
an angel clap.

In the story as what we can see the sea

captain did not follow the storm warning
given to him that’s why he was put in

It is important for us to know storm

warning signals in order to know the
effects of the wind and how serious will
be the damages and effects of the storm.

If the sea captain just knew about the

storm warning signals and followed its
precautions he could have saved his life
as well as the others.

Who can identify these objects? It’s a television, newspaper and siren

How do you think these objects help It can be used in weather forecasting.
(Elicit response until weather forecasting
is mentioned)

What is weather forecasting about? (Pupils will answer.)

What’s the importance of knowing the (Pupils will answer.)


2. Presentation
What do you think will be our lesson for (Pupils will raise their hands.)

Any ideas? Yes, _______? Do you have Our lesson for today will be all about storm
an idea? warning signals.
Very good, let's give _______ three (Pupils will clap their hands.)

Our new lesson will be all about, The

Meaning of Storm Signals.

In our new lesson for today, we must (Pupils will read the objectives.)
attain our learning outcomes which is to,
everybody please read:
1. Describe the effects of the winds, 1. Describe the effects of the winds, given
given a certain storm warning signal. a certain storm warning signal.
2. Develop readiness for each storm 2. Develop readiness for each storm
warning signal. warning signal.
3. Compose a song or poem about storm 3. Compose a song or poem about storm
warning signals. warning signals.

3. Lesson Proper
Tap your nose. (Pupils will follow.)
Pat your head.
Point the blackboard.
Eyes on me.

Class, I have here a video that shows the

different storm warning signals. I want
you to pay attention and listen to the
video. You can also take down notes
since we will have an activity later.


a) Group Activity (10 minutes)

I will the divide the class into four
groups. This will be group 1, group 2,
group 3 and group 4.
Are you now seated class? Yes, ma’am.
If you listened and took down notes
during the video presentation this will
help you in doing the activity.
b) Things to Remember in doing a
Group Activity
Here are some things to remember
when we are doing our group activity.
I have here the GROUP RULE. Class
kindly read altogether.
G – Give thoughtful feedback G – Give thoughtful feedback
R – Respect others and their thoughts R – Respect others and their thoughts
O – On task all the time O – On task all the time
U – Use soft voices U – Use soft voices
P – Participate actively P – Participate actively
S – Stay with your group S – Stay with your group
Do you understand class? Yes, ma'am.
c) Giving Instructions
• I will give each group four signs
with storm warning signals’ one
to four.
• Phrases or sentences about each
storm warning signal will flash on
the TV screen.
• You will choose your answer
among the group if the phrases or
sentences in screen belongs to
signal no.1, 2, 3, or 4.
• When I say go! Raise the sign
with your corresponding answers.
• The number of your correct
answers will determine your
d) Questions
- Winds less than 60 km/hr in
velocity are expected in the next 36

Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 1

(Teacher will tally the score.)

- Winds have a velocity above 180


Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 4

(Teacher will tally the score.)

- Winds have a velocity ranging from

60 km/hr to 100 km/hr.

Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 2

(Teacher will tally the score.)

- Classes in all levels are suspended.

Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 3

(Teacher will tally the score.)

- Classes are suspended in elementary

and high school levels.

Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 2

(Teacher will tally the score.)

- Preschool level classes are


Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 1
(Teacher will tally the score.)

- This condition is very dangerous

because great damage can happen in
affected places.

Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 4

(Teacher will tally the score.)

- Winds have a velocity above 100

km/hr but below 180 km/hr.

Go! (Pupils will raise their answers.)

Correct Answer: Signal No. 3

(Teacher will tally the score.)

e) Processing the Activities

Okay, class group 1 got a total score
of ____.
Group 2 got a total score of ____.
Group 3 got a total score of ____.
Group 4 got a total score of ____.

Job well done class!

Let us give everyone a one million (Pupils will clap their hands.)

4. Discussion
Kindly open your book in page 356 (Pupils will read the first paragraph.)
Meaning of Storm Signals and read the The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical
first paragraph. and Astronomical Services Administration
or PAGASA is the government agency
responsible not only for forecasting
weather but also for issuing warning
signals to the affected areas.

The Philippine Atmospheric,

Geophysical & Astronomical Services
Administration, or the PAGASA, is
dedicated to providing protection to
life and property against these and
other natural events. The PAGASA, a
Philippine national institution, is a
part of the country's Department of
Science and Technology (DOST) and
also works to promote the country's
progress and development through
meteorology, geophysics and space

One of the PAGASA's duties is to

maintain and run a nationwide
observation and forecasting network
focusing on weather and other
climatological conditions that might
affect the safety, welfare and economy
of the country. 

Now let us study this table. It can also be

found in your book on page 356.


Meteorological Conditions:
 A tropical cyclone will threaten/affect an
 Winds of 30-60 kph is expected.
 Intermittent rains may be expected in at
least 36 hours. (When the tropical cy-
clone develops very close to an area, a
shorter lead time of the occurrence of the
winds will be specified in the warning

Impact of the Winds:

 Twigs and branches of small trees may
be broken.
 Some banana plants may be tilted or up-
 Some houses of very light materials may
be partially unroofed.
 Only very light or no damage may be
sustained by areas affected.
 Rice crops in flowering stage may suffer
significant damage.


Meteorological Conditions:
 A tropical cyclone will affect an area.
 Winds of greater than 60 kph and up to
100 kph may be expected in at least 24

Impact of the Winds:
 Some coconut trees may tilt; some of
them may break.
 Few big trees may be uprooted.
 Many banana plants may be downed.
 Rice and corn crops may be affected.
 A large number of houses made of light
materials may be unroofed.
 Old galvanized iron roofing may be
peeled off.
 In general, the winds may bring light to
moderate damage to the exposed commu-


Meteorological Conditions:
 A tropical cyclone will affect an area.
 Winds of greater than 100 kph up to 185
kph may be expected in at least 18 hours.

Impact of the Winds:

 Many coconut trees may be broken or de-
 Almost all banana plants may be downed
and a large number of trees may be up-
 Rice and corn crops may suffer heavy
 Majority of light material houses may be
unroofed or destroyed. There may be
considerable damage to structures of
light to medium construction.
 There may be widespread disruption of
electrical power and communication ser-
 In general, moderate to heavy damage
may be experienced, particularly in the
agricultural and industrial sectors.


Meteorological Conditions:
 A very intense typhoon will affect the
 Very strong winds of more than 185 kph
may be expected in at least 12 hours.

Impact of the Winds:

 Coconut plantations may suffer extensive
 Many large trees may be uprooted.
 Rice and corn plantation may suffer se-
vere losses.
 Most residential and institutional build-
ings of mixed construction may be se-
verely damaged.
 Electrical power distribution and com-
munication services may be severely dis-
 Damage to affected communities can be
very heavy.
5. Generalization
Now let’s look back, what have you
learned in today’s lesson? We learned about the meaning of storm
warning signals and its effect to the
affected areas.
What government agency is responsible
for weather forecast and issuing public The government agency responsible for
storm signals? weather forecast and issuing public storm
signals is PAGASA.
PAGASA means?
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical &
Astronomical Services Administration
Why are storm warning signals put into
effect? Storm warning signals are put into effect in
order to predict what will happen during a
storm so that people in the affected areas
can prepare.
What do you think will happen if there is
no public storm warning signals? The people in the affected areas will be in
danger since they will not be prepared on
the storm that is to come.
6. Application
Now let’s have another group activity.
You will be divided into four groups.
Same groupings with the activity we had
earlier. Am I understood? Go to your
groups and take your seats. Yes, ma’am.
(Pupils will go to their groupings.)
Tap your nose.
Pat your head. (Pupils will follow.)
Point the blackboard.
Eyes on me.

I want everyone to listen to my instruc-

tions carefully.

Each of the group will have a different

task to complete.

Group 1 will create a dance about storm

warning signals.

Group 2 will create a dramatization about

storm warning signals.

Group 3 will create a poem about storm

warning signals.

Group 4 will create song about storm

warning signals.

After doing your task you will be pre-

senting it here in front.

Each group will be graded based on this

Presentation – 5 points
Content – 5 points
Creativity – 5 points
Teamwork – 5 points
Total: 20 points

You will be given 5 minutes to do this

task. Time starts now.

(Activity Ongoing)

Time is up! Arrange your chairs. Each

group kindly prepare for your presenta-

May I call in group 1.

(Group 1 will present.)
Let’s give group 1 three claps.
(Pupils will clap their hands.)
May I call in group 2.
(Group 2 will present.)
Let’s give group 2 three claps.
(Pupils will clap their hands.)
May I call in group 3.
(Group 3 will present.)
Let’s give group 3 three claps.
(Pupils will clap their hands.)
May I call in group 4.
(Group 4 will present.)
Let’s give group 4 three claps.
(Pupils will clap their hands.)

Okay, class I will now grade your pre-

sentation. So group one…
(Gives scores to each group.)

Job well done class!

Let us give ourselves a one million clap.

(Pupils will clap their hands.)

I guess every one of you is ready for a

quiz. Kindly get your ball pens. Read the
directions carefully and answer honestly.
Am I understood?
Yes, ma’am.
Direction: Write the missing data in the
table below. (Pupils will start answering.)

Signal Lead Winds Impacts

No. Time (km/hr) of Wind


Is everyone done answering?

Okay, exchange your papers to your Yes, ma’am.
seatmates. (Pupils will exchange their papers.)
Is everyone done checking?
Alright, pass all your papers in front. Yes, ma’am.
(Pupils will pass their papers in front.)

Now class for your assignment.

Answer the following questions in your
Science Assignment Notebook.

What should you do in the following


1. You do not have classes because

storm signal number 4 has been

2. Your parents are still in their offices.

When you turned into the early
evening TV news, you learned that
storm signal number 1 has been

Goodbye class!
Goodbye Ma'am Lorry! See you again
tomorrow afternoon.




A detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

I . Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

Identify types of motion

II. Subject Matter:

A .Topic: Motion and It’s Types

B. References: Science 5 textbook pp.4-5


C. Materials: Pictures , Printed Materials

D. Science Process: Describing, Identifying

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Learning Strategies
 Prayer
Pupils will pray.
Let’s us all stand for the prayer.

 Greetings Good morning ma’am Ailene !

Good Morning class!
Good morning classmates!
 Checking of Attendance:

Are all present today?

 Checking of Assignment
Yes ma ’am , all present today.
Do we have an assignment yesterday?

Okay , kindly pass your assignment. Yes ma’am!

B. Developmental Activity

1. Drill

The teacher show picture and ask the

pupil to Identify the illustration.

(Pupil will tell what’s is in the picture)

Our lesson yesterday was about the Motion.

2. Review
What was our lesson yesterday?
Motion is a change of position of an object .
What is Motion?

Very good!

C. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

Okay class , I have here pictures on the board ,

and I want you to observe it.


A. I’ve seen a Car, that running.

Ask: What do you see on each illustration?

B. I’ve seen a Car, beside the house.

Very good!

2. Presentation

Our lesson for today is all about Motion

and It’s Types.

Who can tell me , What the colors of the

Car in the illustration are?

Ma’am the color of the car in the Illustration are

Grey and Black.

3. Developmental Activity

Class I have here a organizer on the

charts. I want you to put the strips on
each correct heading.


↓ biking



↓ dancing




Class what motion found in the orga- Ma’am biking,walking,jumping,dancing.


Very good!

4. Discussion
What are the types of motion?

Types of Motion

1. Rectilinear Motion- the movement

of an object along straight line.
2. Circular Motion -the movement of
an object around a fixed point such
that its distance from the center re-
mains the same.
3. Periodic Motion- the motion that re-
peats itself after definite time inter-
4. Rolling Motion- the motion which is
a combination of rectilinear motion
and circular motion.
The boy is Biking faster.
I have here some cuts outs and as I post it on the
board. I want you to describe it.

1. Rectilinear Motion

2.Circular Motion

The fairies wheel is round and round .

4.Periodic Motion The red small ball will do the periodic motion.

5. Rolling Motion The ball are rolling in the ground.

Very good kids !

I’m glad you were able to describe the pictures


Group Activity

I will divide you into four groups ,each group

Will Identify the types of Motion in each activity.

G-et along

R-espect your group mates

 Setting of Standards
O-ffer ideas with the group

U-se quiet voices

What are the standards in doing the
P-resent you output well prepared
group activity?

Very good!

 Criteria
Here are the Criteria for our Activity.

Neatness 5

Teamwork 5

Accuracy 10

Total 20
Periodic Motion

Group 1
Circular Motion
Group 2

Rolling Motion

2. Group 3

Periodic Motion

Group 4
Motion the action or process of moving or of
changing place or position; movement. power
of movement, as of a living body the manner
of moving the body in walking; gait a bodily
movement or change of posture, gesture.

3. Generalization

What is Motion?

The types of Motion are Rectilinear Motion,

Circular Motion, Periodic Motion, Rolling
Very good!

What are the types of Motion?

Very good!

4. The pupils will group themselves into four and
The teacher will give the standards in performing will answer the given activity.

the activity.


1. A

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the

chosen letter on your science notebook.

Which of the following demonstrates periodic

Players playing on a football ground
B. Earth’s revolution
C. Jogging
D. Swaying leaves
The back and forth motion of a swing is a_.
A. periodic motion
B. periodic 3. C

C. rectilinear Motion
D. Circular Motion
3. The Merry go round demonstrates what motion?

A. Rectilinear

B .Periodic
C. Circular

D. Rolling

4. What motion has a ball rolling on the ground?

A. Rolling motion
B. Periodic motion
C. Rectilinear motion
D. Circular motion
5. What motion is combination of rectilinear and circular


A. Periodic motion

B. Rectilinear motion

C. Circular motion

D. Rolling motion


Give at least 1 example of each types of

motion and draw it.

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

I. Objectives
Differentiate the three (3) kinds of rocks.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: The three kinds of rock
B. References: Science links pp.309 -312
C. Materials: Books, Card, Pictures
D. Values Imposed: Sewing rocks hardness as a mirror of strength in every human to face

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Our father …Amen!
Let us all stand for the prayer

2.Greetings Good morning, teacher Ailene!

Good Morning Class!
How are you today! We’re fine, teacher!

3.Checking of Attendance
None, teacher! All are present!
Who is absent today?

Very good!

4 .Checking of Assignments
Yes , teacher!
Yesterday, I have given you and

assignment, right?
Okay ,teacher!
Please your assignment in front.


I have here a cards !

Let us read this together!

IGNEOUS Rocks ,Igneous ,Metamorphic, Sedimentary


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity


Class ,do you still remember our topic yesterday?

Very good! What do you call as the building blocks About rocks and Minerals
of the lithosphere.
Very good ! Let’s clap our hands! Rocks , teacher!

B. Developmental Activities
I have an activity for you
You have to arrange this three(3)
Jumbled words.
1.Sedimentary Rocks
2.CPIORMTEAMH SCROK 2.Metamorphic Rocks

3.SGNOEIU RKCOS 3.Igneous Rocks

Good Job!


Okay, before I am going to start our lesson for today

,let us first read our learning object .

“Differentiate the 3 kinds of rocks “ “Differentiate the 3 kinds of rocks “


Okay,so there are three (3) kinds of

rocks .First is the Igneous Rocks – It is the rock that
come from a very hot and melted magma below Earth’s

Magma is composed of very hot melted minerals.

Igneous rocks has two kinds. First is the Intrusive
Igneous Rocks which the magma is barried deeply in
Earth’s crust that will cool down slowly and will from
into a way large intrusive rocks which the magna is
barried deeply in earth crust that will cool down
slowly and will form into a way large intrusive rocks .

Second is the extrusive Igneous rock that form

very slowly which buried In earth crust .

The Second kind of rocks is the metamorphic

Rocks the word ,metamorphic means ,the clanging in
form .It is is used to described rocks that has been
change in some way .

Teacher’s Activity
Learner’s Activity

Metamorphic rocks stands either as igneous as

sedimentary rocks light temperature change rocks
into new form called metamorphic.

The third kind of rock is sedimentary rock.It is

formed when igneous rocks ,whether and their
particles called sediments are deponted on the
riverbeds is seabeds .

This material are deposited during floods and

heavy rains by running water.

Do you now understand the 3 kinds of
rocks class “

Yes , teacher!
Okay so , to test if you really understand our topic for
today ,I will group you into three (3) group to participate
in our activity.

Group 1 will have to report a short meaning of

Igneous rock in front .
Group 1 :Igneous Rock are rocks that came from a very
Group 2 in Metamorphic and Group 3 is sedimentary hot and melted magma.
rocks .I will be giving 10 pts ,to these who can perform
perfectly. Group 2 : Metamorphic rocks means “changed in form”

Group 3: Sedimentary rocks are formed when Igneous

rock weather and their small particles are deposited in
riverbeds in seabed’s.
Very good!


Okay class, do you now understand the difference of

how the three rocks are found?
Yes , teacher!

What kind of rock that is coming from the called

Igneous Rock

Very good!

What about rocks that were having a process called

Sedimentary Rocks

Very good!

Teacher’s Activity
Learner’s Activity
A rock that is formed to much heat and pressure? Metamorphic Rock

Very good!


So, seems your already understand the lesson,

please get ½ crosswise and answer the following .Copy
and answer the letter of the correct answer.

1.A rock forms from sediments and has fossils , C

a. Igneous Rocks

b. Metamorphic Rocks

c. Sedimentary Rocks

2. A rock that is formed from hot melted minerals called C


a. Metamorphic Rocks

b. Sedimentary Rocks

c. Igneous Rocks

3.A rock that is formed from too much heat and B


a. Sedimentary Rocks

b. Metamorphic Rocks

c.Igneous Rocks

4. What are the two kinds of rocks?

a. Igneous Rock/Sedimentary Rocks

b. Sedimentary Rocks/Metamorphic Rocks

C. Metamorphic Rocks/Igneous Rocks

d. Intrusive Rocks/Extrusive Rocks


Bring three (3) different rocks tomorrow

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