Report 2021 To 2022 Deacons New

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This is the annual report of the deacon department for the financial year

The role of the deacon department is to coordinate all church programs as well as
managing the welfare of the church members while at church working hand in
hand with the pastor.
Unlike other years, the financial year 2021/2022 covered only two quarters that is;
third and fourth quarter due to the covid19 pandemic outbreak that affected the
entire world forcing some countries into lockdown Uganda inclusive.
The following are the department objectives
 To co-ordinate church programs and always communicate with the pastor
 To manage the welfare of the pastor at church.
 To manage security in and around the church

In this financial year, the department set one goal which is to furnish and
rehabilitation of the church shelter
The department failed to complete this goal in the financial year 2021/2022.
This is because the church had a gospel campaign in April 14th -16th all the
effort that is to say; money and time was put on this campaign which affected
department meetings and member contributions towards the goal. However the
department set 3 fundraising strategies for the goal as per the work plan that is
to say; kirimuttu, tea party , and pledges but, only used pledges and collected an
amount of 445,000/= which was used to buy iron sheet ridge caps and painting
the roof top of the church
 Iron sheet ridge caps(Emigongo) 10 at 120,000/=
 Nails 3kg at 24,000/=
 Labour at. 46,000/=
 Preservative (Black) 2 jerricans 40,000/=
 One tin of paint (Black) 50,000 /=
 Transport. 10,000/=
 Labour50,000/=
Total 445,000/=
In the meeting held on 6th May 2022, the department agreed to carry on
this goal the next financial year so that it can be completed that’s to say
buying face boards and painting the remaining poles.
The departments is thankful to its members for their cooperation towards
this goal
Other activities, the department carries out other activities which
include treating termites and pit latrines buying airtime and stationary
Treating termites, The departments collected an amount of 20,000/=
through pledges which was used to treat the termites
Treating pit latrines, the department collected on amount of 100,000/=
Through pledges which was used to buy Dx4 for the pit latrine which
was almost getting full.
Stationary and airtime ,for typing and printing department reports ,
communicating to department member to remind them about department
meetings and their pledges through phone calls and messages an amount
of 30,000/= was spent in this financial year and the amount was
collected from member pledges
Department meetings, the department held two meetings in this
financial year that is to say: 12th Dec and 6th May, 2022 to discuss about
the department goals and activities. The department did not spend any
amount in the meeting because it did not have money in its treasury bag.

Prepared by


Item Member Treasure Total Member Treasure Total %

contribution contribution contribution

Furnishing and 700,000 - 700,000 - - - -


Treating termites 150,000 - 150,000 120,000 - 120,000 80

and latrine

Department meeting 100,000 - 100,000 - - - -

Stationary and 40,000 - 40,000 30,000 - 30,000 20


Total 990,000 - 990,000 150,000 - 150,000 100%

Percentage 100% - 100% 100% - 100% 15%

15% is the total percentage of the financial year 2021/2022

Reported by:

Nabakooza phionah
Department treasurer

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