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Sunday Tribune

2 TribuneReview 06/04/08


Worst law for taking drop of a crown (1556’s “An Act for
the disposition of Leix and Offalie”).
your time More alarming than that,
researchers found a 1542 law
declaring Henry VIII – and his
BEFORE we get started, we’d like to successors – kings of Ireland “beyond
thank Annie from Sligo for her email doubt”. That would have made
about our Erindipity Does Cork Offalyman Cowen not only a subject,
special last week. Annie said it made but also Liz’s prime minister in
her laugh so hard that cappuccino Ireland. Actually, ‘Brian Crown’ has a
came out of her nose. bit of a ring to it.
What’s perplexing about this is that The British may not have re-taken
she wasn’t drinking cappuccino at the the midlands but they did once seize
time. our time...
And now to a legally themed
column. Worst case of daylight robbery
The past week saw the clocks go
back, an ancient law being used to Last Sunday Irish Standard Time
raid a nightclub and Bertie Ahern donned its summer clothes and
finally throwing in the towel. All we’ll kicked the clock forward in
say about Bertie is, despite accordance with GMT, on which it is
disagreeing with a lot of things he did, based.
it will seem strange not to have him The latter was introduced to
around anymore. ‘Stockholm Ireland on 1 October 1916, displacing
syndrome’ it’s called. our own Dublin Mean Time. This
This week it was also revealed that blithely ignored the fact that, due to
the minister for justice is looking at our westerly location, Ireland was
new laws which make parents do time » Beige, grey, taupe and stone- The Offaly (It doesn’t say anything about (and is) geographically
for the antisocial behaviour of their coloured slacks. home guard: rezoning, Brian.) 25 minutes behind
children. While he’s examining those » Bicycle couriers. Laois and Offaly London time.
he might like to consider our own list » Tradesmen sucking air over their were, up until 2007, “Children must wash an aging father’s The British
of things that should be outlawed... teeth while giving you a quote. still officially in the head once a month.” probably didn’t see
» Lemming wrestling. (Popular in Queen of England’s (Only once a month?) the irony of taking the
Things that should be outlawed Kildare.) name time of a race renowned
» People making fart noises with their Here’s one to deal with drunken yobs for taking its time.
» People tucking their shirts into armpits as you walk by. (Or is that attacking innocent people: After messing around with our
their underpants. Or anyone else’s for just me?) “If you wound a fellow tribe member, clock between 1968 and 1971 when a
that matter. » People who say “24/7”. you must take them into your own home new act extended summertime to the
» People talking loudly into mobile » People who make lists. and nurse them back to health, paying entire year, we decided to go back to
phones on trains/buses. all their bills.” the old arrangement and ignore the
» Old people pushing their way past Worst law for dealing with yobbos We’re not sure we’d actually like to fact that we’re almost half an hour
you to the top of the queue. Okay, be brought home by someone who’s out of kilter with GMT. If you’re late
they’ve less time to lose, but is getting Some may think the above new laws injured us. They might try it again. for work tomorrow please feel free to
to the cash desk first really a matter are excessive. However, they may not Speaking of old laws... use this as an excuse.
of life and death? Maybe if they’re be aware that Ireland used a legal And finally, what does the
buying batteries for their pacemaker, code up to the 17th century that was Best law for raiding a nightclub preceding piece have in common with
but apart from that, jail is too good so acute it even prescribed for the Bertie Ahern’s departure?
for them. government of wayward bees. This week gardaí used the 1874 It’s about time.
» Teenagers. The Brehon Law system was in use Licensing Act (Ireland) to seize the
» Combover hairdos. Hairdon’t. for about 1,000 years before the stock of a Letterkenny nightclub that
English did away with it. It had rules was allegedly doing business without
on everything from murder to the use a current booze licence.
of water, shunned capital punishment The penalty for a first time offence
and upheld women’s rights. under the act is... a £4 fine.
Here’s a few laws to bore your That statute is rarely used.
friends with: However, it’s not the only old law we
have – there are 1,348 laws on our
“It is illegal to override a horse, force a statute books, some of which date
tired ox to do excessive work or threaten back to 1171. Last year the state
an animal with angry vehemence.” did away with 3,188 old acts. They
(That includes sheep-worrying of a included one that gave the current
»Passion-killing pop socks. The raunchy nature.) Queen of England the right to seize
sartorial equivalent of pouring ice part of Biffo’s midlands.
water down the front of your “If a pregnant women craves a morsel of
underpants. food and her husband withholds it Best law for keeping
» People asking if you have a moment, through stinginess he must pay a fine.” ‘Erindipity’ and the Queen in the bog
when you’re clearly running for the ‘Erindipity Rides
train. “For pulling off the hairs of a virgin, one Again’ (Mentor, ¤15) Incredible as it may seem, Laois and
» People saying, “There’s no need to yearling for each 20 hairs.” are out now Offaly were, up until 2007, still
raise your voice, sir,” when you’re not officially in the Queen of England’s
raising your voice. Guaranteed to “If one man’s bees swarm on the land of Thanks for the name. Despite being in a
make you raise your voice. another, the honey is to be divided.” emails. Keep them republic, they still bore the titles
» Dogs mounting your leg as you’re coming to Queen’s County and King’s
being introduced to your new “A new king [Taoiseach] will be given County respectively and could,
partner’s parents. the gift of a large tract of land.” theoretically, be ‘seized’ at the

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