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Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

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Occupational exposure to fungi on recyclable paper pots and growing

media and associated health effects – A review of the literature
Anne Mette Madsen a,⁎, Brian Crook b
The National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lersø Parkallé 105, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Health and Safety Executive, Science and Research Centre, Buxton SK17 9JN, UK


• Peziza ostracoderma is found on many

different growing and casing media.
• Other fungal species are also found on/
in growing and casing media.
• Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is caused
by fungi from growing and casing
• The air and hands are important routes
of exposure to consider.
• Limited knowledge on occupational
health associated with growing and
casing media.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Different types of pots and growing and casing media, including biodegradable materials, are used for plant and
Received 1 May 2021 mushroom production. The fungus Peziza ostracoderma has gained attention for its visible growth on growing
Received in revised form 11 May 2021 media for plants and casing media for mushrooms. Through a review of the literature we aim to evaluate whether
Accepted 12 May 2021
exposure to fungi from recyclable pots and different growing and casing media occurs and causes occupational
Available online 18 May 2021
health effects.
Editor: Frederic Coulon Based on the published papers, specific fungal species were not related to a specific medium. Thus P. ostracoderma
has been found on paper pots, peat, sterilized soil, vermiculite, and rockwool with plants, and on peat, pumice,
and paper casing for mushrooms. It has been found in high concentrations in the air in mushroom farms. Also
Keywords: Acremonium spp., Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, Athelia turficola, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium globosum,
Greenhouse Chrysonilia sitophila, Cladosporium spp., Cryptostroma corticale, Lecanicillium aphanocladii, Sporothrix schenckii,
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Stachybotrys chartarum, and Trichoderma spp. have been found on different types of growing or casing media.
Mushroom Most of the fungi have also been found in the air in greenhouses, but the knowledge about airborne fungal species
in mushroom farms is very limited. Eight publications describe cases of health effects associated directly with ex-
posure to fungi from pots or growing or casing media. These include cases of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
caused by exposure to: A. fumigatus, A. niger, Au. pullulans, Cr. corticale, P. ostracoderma, and a mixture of fungi
growing on different media. Different approaches have been used to avoid growth of saprophytes including:
chemical fungicides, the formulation of biodegradable pots and growing media and types of peat. To increase
the sustainability of growing media different types of media are tested for their use and with the present study
we highlight the importance of also considering the occupational health of the growers who may be exposed
to fungi from the media and pots.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Madsen).
0048-9697/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1. Fungi on surfaces of pots and growing media and in the air in greenhouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2. Fungi on casings and in the air in mushroom farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.3. Fungi in other environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.4. Health effects of exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Discussion and perspectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CRediT authorship contribution statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Declaration of competing interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1. Introduction described as synonyms, and we will in this paper in general use the
same names as used in the cited papers. The phylogenetic relationship
The global use of greenhouses for food production has increased six- between some Peziza species and related genera has been studied
fold over the past 20 years (Kirkham et al., 2020), and in addition (Hansen et al., 2001; Norman and Egger, 1999). In addition to Peziza
ornamental plants are produced in greenhouses. Furthermore, the spp., we expect that other fungi, for example Trichoderma spp. (Gams
worldwide production of edible mushrooms has increased more than et al., 2004; Hermosa et al., 1999), are also able to grow and sporulate
30-fold since 1978 till 2013 (Royse et al., 2017), and is expected to con- in these environments.
tinue to increase with the reduction of consumption of meat in some Work in greenhouses is associated with elevated exposure to
countries. In the European Union, the total volume of growing media airborne fungi (Hansen et al., 2010) and can be associated with develop-
produced yearly is around 3.5 × 107 m3, and the consumption of mineral ment of acute and chronic respiratory symptoms (Zuskin et al., 1993),
wool, perlite, and peat in professional horticulture is about 0.5, 0.3, and including occupational rhinitis (Gerth van Wijk et al., 2011), allergy
1.6 × 107 m3, respectively (Schmilewski, 2017). (Thilsing et al., 2012), and asthma (Farruggia and Bellia, 2001;
Manufacturing of growing media and plant pots have an important Lindström et al., 2018; Monso, 2004; Monsó et al., 2002). Furthermore,
environmental impact in life cycle assessment of several greenhouse systemic inflammation has been shown to be related with exposure to
production systems (Vandecasteele et al., 2020). The fate of pots and fungi during work in greenhouses (Madsen et al., 2020). Work with
spent growing media may further contribute to this. Plastic and mushroom production can cause exposure to high concentrations of air-
rockwool are not degradable by enzymes and therefore will remain in borne spores (Lee and Liao, 2014), and work with production of edible
nature. As an attempt to reduce the environmental impact, biodegrad- mushrooms has caused development of extrinsic allergic alveolitis
able materials as recycled food-grade paperboard, waste newspaper, (Kamm et al., 1991).
waste from distillation lees (Yamauchi et al., 2006), and from waste Airborne fungi in general in greenhouses are expected to be derived
pulp with the addition of cereal bran or peat (Sandak et al., 2019) are mainly from plants as the exposure is seen to increase with the sizes of
also used for pot production. The casing for mushroom production plants (Hansen et al., 2012; Madsen et al., 2014). However, based on the
(Table s1) traditionally is made of mainly composed of peat, however presence of fungi on the surfaces of pots or on growing and casing
peat as a resource is limited, peatland is protected nature, and damaged media, we hypothesize that airborne spores may also derive from the
peatland is a major contributor of CO2 emission. Therefore, peat and pots and growing and casing media, made airborne during work activi-
rockwool may be reused and handled repeatedly by the grower even ties, and may cause occupational exposure of the airways. Furthermore,
though they may be colonized by microorganisms. Furthermore, alter- spores on these surfaces may also cause exposure of the growers' hands
natives to peat, such as waste paper, wood fibre, and different types of and arms. In this study, we aim to evaluate whether exposure to fungi
biowaste are used or being tested for their usefulness (Gruda, 2019; from recyclable pots and growing and casing media causes occupational
Pardo et al., 2004; Sassine et al., 2007; Ślusarski and Smolińska, 2010). health effects of exposed workers. This will be done through a review of
People advising greenhouse growers have observed that growing the literature. We will compile knowledge about which fungal species
media may be colonized by visible saprophytic fungi (Carlile, 1999). are present on the surfaces of pots and growing and casing media, and
Due to the biodegradability of the paper pots, growth of fungi on their whether they will also be present in the air making exposure of both
surfaces during use have also been reported (Alsanius and Wohanka, skin and the airways possible. For these fungi we will compile knowl-
2019). These fungi have been of concern as they may inhibit the growth edge about reports on health risks associated with exposure to these
of especially slowly growing plants and may also be an aesthetical fungi in general and in particular concerning cases of health effects
concern (Alsanius and Wohanka, 2019; Meinken et al., 2015). Further- caused by the fungi growing on surfaces of recyclable pots and growing
more, it may also present a health concern for the exposed workers, and casing media. For further context we will illuminate factors that
and according to personal communication with greenhouse workers may inhibit fungal growth on these pots and media.
and advisors, this potential health effect seems to limit the use of biode-
gradable paper pots. 2. Methods
The fungus found repeatedly on peat has previously been called
‘peat mould’ and ‘cinnamon mould’, and has been assigned to different We searched Google Scholar and PubMed for literature without any
genera, but now belongs to the genus Peziza (Hennebert and Korf, year limitation using a combination of the search terms as summarized
1975). In the scientific papers these visible fungi are called either Peziza in Table 1. As it appeared that other fungi than Peziza are also present
atrovinosa, P. fulva, or P. ostracoderma, or the names of the anamorphic on the pots and on growing and casing media, we also used these fungal
states Chromelosporium ollare and Chr. fulvum. These names are names combined with the search terms in Table 1. The fungal names can

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

be seen in the Table 2. We have not included data from papers where the found in these studies were cultivated and identified based on morphol-
fungi have only been found in the rhizosphere or as an endophyte. A de- ogy. Athelia turficola has not been found in the air in any of the studied
scription of some of the growing and casing media can be found in publications and none of the studies have looked particularly for this
Table s1. The main results are presented in tables. In the tables we will species in the air in greenhouses.
also mention the method used for identification of the fungi. Concerning
fungi on surfaces of pots and on growing and casing media the results for 3.2. Fungi on casings and in the air in mushroom farms
greenhouses and mushroom production are presented separated.
Peziza ostracoderma has been found on rockwool used for mushroom
3. Results production. On peat and/or paper casings with mushrooms the following
species have been found: Ac. murorum, A. fumigatus, A. niger, C. globosum,
3.1. Fungi on surfaces of pots and growing media and in the air in Chrysonilia sitophila, P. ostracoderma, S. chartarum, Trichophaea abundans,
greenhouses and T. viride (Table 3). Acremonium spp., A. fumigatus, A. niger, Chr. fulvum,
Cladosporium herbarum, T. harzianum, and T. viride have also been found in
The following fungal species have been found on paper pot surfaces black areas of spent mushroom compost (Fergus, 1978; Milenkovic et al.,
in greenhouses: Acremonium spp., C. globosum, P. ostracoderma, 2000).
S. chartarum, and Trichoderma sp. (Table 2). Chromelosporium fulvum In a mushroom farm, concentrations of airborne fungi have been mea-
has also been found to colonize paper which for experimental reasons sured using stationary samplers during different work activities. During
was placed in a chamber with a nutrient solution and plants (Le Marié mushroom picking, P. ostracoderma has been found in a concentration
et al., 2014). In a greenhouse with plants in paper pots colonized by of 103 CFU/m3 while A. fumigatus has been found in concentrations of
S. chartarum around 30–100 S. chartarum conidia per m3 of air have 100 to 103 CFU/m3, and Trichoderma spp. in concentrations of 300 to
been found, and it increased to 7500 conidia per m3 during handling 103 CFU/m3 (Crook and Lacey, 1991). Aspergillus fumigatus was found in
of the pots (Dill et al., 1997) (Table 2). the air during spawning of mushrooms (2 × 104 CFU/m3) and disposal
The following species have been found on rockwool used as growing of compost (105 CFU/m3) from mushrooms (Crook and Lacey, 1991).
medium: Ac. charticola, A. niger, Cladosporium sp., L. aphanocladii, Peziza has also been found in the air during preparation and use of com-
P. ostracoderma, S. chartarum, T. harzianum, and T. viride. post for growing mushrooms (~500 CFU/m3) (Lacey et al., 1996)
On peat based media A. fumigatus, A. niger, At. turficola, Sporothrix (Table 5). In most studies the fungi have been identified by microscopy
schenckii, and P. ostracoderma have been found. On mixtures of the by their morphology post cultivation on agar (Tables 2–5).
peat and vermiculite or perlite P. ostracoderma has been found. In a sin- In a mushroom farm, 13 airborne fungal genera were found, but the
gle study perlite has been used in combination with soil and here sev- genera Acremorium, Peziza, and Trichoderma were not found; in the
eral different fungi have been found. On coco fibre substrates A. niger study the fungi were identified to genus level based on their morphol-
and T. harzianum were found and on sand with soybean chop ogy (Tarigan et al., 2017). An overview of fungal species on surfaces of
P. ostracoderma has been found. On bark media Cryptostroma corticale casing media and whether they have also been found in the air in mush-
and Peziza atrovinosa have been found (Table 2). room farms can be found in Fig. 1.
In an experimental study, different types of growing media
(pH adjusted to 5.5) were treated with the same fertilizer and inoculated 3.3. Fungi in other environments
with P. ostracoderma. The fungus colonized the slightly decomposed peat,
coir pith, wood fibre, and a mixture of peat, coir pith, or wood fibre. In con- The following species, in contrast to the other species in Tables 2–5,
trast, it did not grow well in moderately and strongly decomposed peat are expected to be less commonly found in other occupational settings:
nor in green waste and bark compost (Meinken et al., 2015). Most studies At. turficola, Cr. corticale, P. ostracoderma, Sp. schenckii and L. aphanocladii.
have only investigated the air or the surfaces, but Acremonium spp., We reviewed the literature, to see whether people are potentially ex-
A. fumigatus, A. niger, Cladosporium sp., P. ostracoderma, L. aphanocladii, posed to these species in other environments. Of these fungi, only Peziza,
and S. chartarum were all in at least one study found on both the surfaces Sp. schenckii, and Cr. corticale were found in other settings (Table 6).
and in the air of the same environment (Tables 2 and 3). Fig. 1 gives an
overview of species found on the surfaces of paper pots and/or on grow- 3.4. Health effects of exposure
ing media and whether they are also found in the air. In the cited papers
describing fungi on pots or growing media it was in general not Reported cases of health effects caused directly by species from pots
mentioned whether the pots were made of e.g. plastic or paper. and growing and casing media are presented in Table 7. Peziza
In studies in greenhouses in a botanical garden (Rodolfi et al., 2003) ostracoderma has been identified as the causative agent of extrinsic hy-
and an orchid greenhouse (Magyar et al., 2011) Stachybotrys, but not persensitivity pneumonitis (also called extrinsic allergic alveolitis and in
Peziza, were found in the phyllosphere or in the air; fungal species the following called HP) among carnation cutting workers, and the

Table 1
Summary of search terms.

Primary searcha Contextual search Exposure scenario search Health effects search Search term combinations

Peziza Bark chips Airborne Asthma Greenhouse-occupational exposure-bioaerosols

Chromelosporium Coco fibre Exposure Allergy Greenhouse-occupational exposure-fungi
Coir pith Indoor Allergic alveolitis Greenhouse-plant-fungi-exposure-occupational
Greenhouse Mushroom Occupational asthma Mushroom-occupational exposure- bioaerosols
Paper pots Occupational exposure Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Mushroom-occupational exposure- fungal exposure
Rockwool Recycle ODTS (Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome)
Peat pots Dermatitis
Perlite Onychomycosis
Wood chips
Supplemented by all fungal names in Table 2.

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Table 2
Fungi found on surfaces of growing media and paper pots in greenhouses.

Fungus Environments Sampling identification Reference

Athelia turficola On peat growing medium, Germany Nm (Alsanius and Wohanka, 2019)
Athelia turficola On the surface of peat based growing media, Germany Nm, cultivation+morphology (Schlechte and Hoffmann, 2000)

Chaetomium globosum On surfaces of recyclable paper pots with ornamental plants, Nm, cultivation+morphology (Dill et al., 1997)
Chaetomium globosum On non-specified plant growing medium, Germany Nm (Alsanius and Wohanka, 2019)

Lecanicillium On rockwool blocks with cannabis cuttings, Canada Material samples, cultivation+morphology (Punja, 2020)

Cladosporium On reused rockwool slabs for tomato plant growth, Poland Cork borer, cultivation, nm (Ślusarski and Smolińska, 2010)
Cladosporium sp.a On sandy loam soil covered with perlite, wheat plants in pots in Material, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
greenhouses, Denmark

Aureobasidium pullulansa On sandy loam soil covered with perlite, wheat plants in pots in Material, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
greenhouses, Denmark

Acremonium charticola On reused rockwool slabs for tomato plant growth, Poland Cork borer, cultivation, nm (Ślusarski and Smolińska, 2010)
Acremonium curvulum On sandy loam soil covered with perlite, wheat plants in pots in Material, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
greenhouses, Denmark
Acremonium persicinum On sandy loam soil covered with perlite, wheat plants in pots in Material, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
greenhouses, Denmark
Acremonium rutilum On sandy loam soil covered with perlite, wheat plants in pots in Material, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
greenhouses, Denmark
Acremonium spp. On surfaces of recyclable paper pots, Germany Surface sample, cultivation+morphology (Dill et al., 1997)
Trichoderma harzianum On reused rockwool slabs for tomato plant growth, Poland Cork borer, cultivation, nm (Ślusarski and Smolińska, 2010)
Trichoderma harzianum On coco fibre substrates in hydroponic cultivation of cannabis Material, cultivation+morphology (Punja et al., 2019)
plants, Canada
Trichoderma viride On wood bark chips (Douglas fir and Red wood bark) in an Chips samples, cultivation, nm (Shepherd et al., 1989)
orchid greenhouse with 1200 plants, USA
Trichoderma viride On reused rockwool slabs for tomato plants, Poland Cork borer, cultivation, nm (Ślusarski and Smolińska, 2010)
Trichoderma sp. On surfaces of recyclable paper pots with plants, Germany Surface sample, cultivation+morphology (Dill et al., 1997)
Trichoderma sp. On sandy loam soil covered with perlite, wheat plants in pots in Material, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
greenhouses, Denmark

Sporothrix schenckii On sphagnum moss with tree seedlings and from sphagnum Cultivation of dilutions of sphagnum moss (D'alessio et al., 1965)
moss piles, USA
Sporothrix schenckiid On sphagnum moss for tree seedlings, USA From a particular batch of sphagnum moss, (Powell et al., 1978)
cultivation+ morphology
Sporothrix schenckii On sphagnum moss for tree seedlings, USA Nm (Control, 1988)
Sporothrix schenckii On sphagnum moss for topiaries and plants, USA From sphagnum moss samples, cultivation and (Hajjeh et al., 1997)
DNA typing

Peziza cerea On a wooden box and the soil in the box, with tulip bulbs, Czech Sample, morphology (Rod, 1981)
Peziza domiciliana On surfaces in greenhouses, USA Nm, morphology (Seaver, 1916)
Chromelosporium fulvum On and in peat cubes with cabbage seedlings, USA Nm (Kilpatrick, 1977)
(Peziza ostracoderma)b
Chromelosporium fulvum On peat and vermiculite with pepper seedlings, China Nm, cultivation+morphology (Jin et al., 2008)
(Peziza ostracoderma)b
Chromelosporium fulvum On sterilized soil and vermiculite in pots in greenhouses, Iran Nm, cultivation+morphology (Jamali and Banihashemi, 2011)
Chromelosporium fulvum On the surface peat with Saintpaulia and on leaf debris on the Microscopy of peat surface and sample of leaf (Stępniewska-Jarosz et al., 2020)
(Peziza ostracoderma)b peat, Poland debris, cultivation+morphology
Chromelosporium ollare On peat on steam-sterilized soil and on paper pots in Nm, cultivation+morphology (Hennebert and Korf, 1975)
(Peziza ostracoderma)b greenhouses; Europe
Chromelosporium ollare On peat surfaces, carnation, greenhouses, Poland Nm, morphology (Pudełko, 2014)
(Peziza ostracoderma)b
Peziza atrovinosa On bark growing media in greenhouses with cucumber, Czech Sample, morphology (Rod, 1981)
Peziza ostracoderma On sterilized soil with peat-perlite mixture in clay pots, USA Material, cultivation+ morphology (Fergus, 1960)
Peziza ostracoderma Washed sand with peat, bentgrass; USA Nm (Shepard, 1978)
Peziza ostracoderma Washed sand with soybean chop, bentgrass, USA Nm (Shepard, 1978)
Peziza ostracoderma On perlite peat mixture, carnation cuttings, France Material, cultivation+ morphology (Guillot et al., 1988)
Peziza ostracoderma On rockwool blocks with seedlings, Germany Nm (Alsanius and Wohanka, 2019)
Peziza ostracodermaa On rockwool blocks used to root cannabis cuttings, Canada Material, sequencing (Punja, 2020)
Peziza vesiculosa On a wooden box and on the soil in the box, with tulip bulbs, Sample, morphology (Rod, 1981)
Czech Republic
Peziza vesiculosa On the border between straw and soil in a bed with cucumber Sample, morphology (Rod, 1981)
and lettuce, greenhouses, Czech Republic

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Table 2 (continued)

Fungus Environments Sampling identification Reference

Plicaria fulva (Now: On steamed sphagnum (75%) with soil (25%), in a tomato plant Nm (Roll-Hansen, 1961)
Peziza ostracoderma)c bed in a greenhouse, Norway

Stachybotrys chartaruma On surfaces of recyclable paper pots with plants, Germany Cultivation+morphology (Dill et al., 1997)
Stachybotrys chartarum On reused rockwool slabs for tomato plant growth, Poland Cork borer, cultivation, nm (Ślusarski and Smolińska, 2010)

Aspergillus fumigatusa,d Surface of the peat, ornamental plants, Germany Sterile spoon, cultivation+morphology (Staib et al., 1978)
Aspergillus fumigatus Orchid growing medium, Japan Nm (Kawaji et al., 1996)
Aspergillus nigera,d Surface of the peat, ornamental plants, Germany Sterile spoon, cultivation+morphology (Staib et al., 1978)
Aspergillus niger On surfaces of rockwool with roses, Japan Nm (Miyazaki et al., 2004)
Aspergillus niger Surfaces of soil and leaves, roses, Japan Nm (Hamaguchi et al., 2009)
Aspergillus niger On coco fibre substrates in hydroponic cultivation of cannabis Material, cultivation+morphology (Punja et al., 2019)
plants, Canada

Cryptostroma corticale On wood bark chips (Douglas fir and Red wood bark) in an Chips samples, cultivation, nm (Shepherd et al., 1989)
orchid greenhouse with 1200 plants, USA
Also found in the air in the same study.
Both names used in the paper.
Now called: P. ostracoderma; Nm = not mentioned.
Classified in risk class 2.

workers had precipitins against P. ostracoderma. It has been mentioned pullulans. The fungus was cultivated and identified based on morphol-
that Plicaria fulva (P. ostracoderma) may be dangerous for exposed ogy (Table 7).
mushroom workers (Van Der Vliet, 1960), but what this suggestion is Trichoderma viride, C. globosum, and Ac. strictum have caused HP, and
based on, is not mentioned. Another species in another environment, the authors suggest that this may have been caused by exposure from
P. domiciliana, has been identified as the causative agent of HP, and house plants in the home (Table 7). For the other fungal species found
also here the patient had serum precipitins against this fungus. The per- associated with paper pots and surfaces of growing and casing media
son was exposed in the home from growth of the fungus in the crevices we have found no reports on health effects.
of the basement floor walls, and the fungus was found in the air in the
basement (2250 CFU/m3) and the kitchen (2750 CFU/m3) (Wright 4. Discussion and perspectives
et al., 1999). Peziza vesiculosa (identified by sequencing) has been
found in higher concentrations in the airways of people with asthma Peziza ostracoderma has gained attention because of its visible
than in reference subjects (van Woerden et al., 2013), but it was not growth on paper pots and growing media, and in cultivation guides
studied whether it was involved in the development of the asthma. for production of plants (e.g. Klasmann-Deilmann, 2020; Toppe and
A case of painful inflammation of the fingertips and scaling off of the Herrero, 2005) and mushrooms (Sharma et al., 2007) it is described as
skin among greenhouse workers exposed to S. chartarum has been a problem which is of increasing concern (Lohr et al., 2017b). It is also
reported. Stachybotrys chartarum was growing on decomposable plant- mentioned that Plicaria fulva (now P. ostracoderma) may be dangerous
pots made of recycling paper. Several cases of skin infection with Sp. for mushroom workers (Van Der Vliet, 1960), and spores of
schenckii from peat has been published – all from the USA (Table 7), Oedocephalum glomerulosum (now Pyronema omphalodes) and Chr.
and time from first exposure to the fungus onset was between 10 and fulvum on paper pulp is a possible health hazard to mushroom workers
54 days (D'alessio et al., 1965). Also several cases of skin infection with (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989). In this review we investigated
Sp. schenckii are reported from Japan among horticulture workers, but whether there is documented evidence of occupational exposure to
the source of exposure is not identified (Kusuhara et al., 1988). fungi growing on recyclable paper pots and growing and casing media
Aspergillus fumigatus has in two studies been identified as the caus- such as rockwool, perlite, vermiculite, coco fibre, and peat, and also
ative agent of occupational HP; in both studies it grew on a growing any documented evidence exposure-associated health effects.
or a casing medium but the type of medium was not described This review shows that P. ostracoderma has been found on paper
(Table 7). Other greenhouse workers developed HP after exposure to pots, peat and paper casing for mushrooms, and on peat, sterilized
A. fumigatus from straw present on the floor (Yoshida et al., 1993). soil, and vermiculite, and rockwool blocks for plants. Overall, published
Weak positive reactions have been obtained when A. fumigatus antigens research shows that workers' hands and airways can be exposed to this
were tested against mushroom workers' antiserum (Kleyn et al., 1981). fungus. However, the documentation of exposure via the air is very lim-
Aspergillus fumigatus has also caused allergic bronchopulmonary asper- ited as we have only found one greenhouse study where Peziza was
gillosis in garden waste collectors (Poole and Wong, 2013) and other al- found in the air and the concentration was not measured. In mushroom
lergic airways diseases (Chaudhary and Marr, 2011). Exposure to Cr. farms, P. ostracoderma or Peziza sp. has been found in the air in two stud-
corticale from a bark chips growing medium has caused HP of orchid ies, and the concentrations were up to 1000 CFU/m3 (Table 5). This con-
grower (Table 7), and a shiitake mushroom grower had precipitating centration can be considered as high for a single species and as
antibodies towards this fungus – the mushrooms were grown on oak compared to the general outdoor concentration of fungi. It is therefore
wood logs (Matsui et al., 1992). relevant to further characterize the personal work task-related expo-
Aspergillus niger has been identified as a causative agent of cases of sure to P. ostracoderma. It is also relevant to obtain knowledge about
HP among greenhouse workers growing roses, where it was found on the potential deposition of these fungi in the airways during work in
leaves and on the soil or on rockwool (Table 7), and among onion greenhouses and mushroom farms. Few studies show that
farmers, where it was found on the onion peels (Sakamoto et al., 2018). P. ostracoderma is also found in other environments than greenhouses
Childhood HP has been reported to be caused by exposure to the and mushroom farms (Table 6).
yeast-like fungus Au. pullulans in a home where it was present in indoor As long ago as 1960, Plicaria fulva (now P. ostracoderma) had been
hydroponics. The child had serum precipitating antibodies against Au. suspected to cause health problems for people working with cultivation

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Table 3
Fungi in the air of greenhouses.

Fungus Concentration Environments Sampling identification Reference

Chaetomium Nm In vegetable greenhouses, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Cosentino and Palmas, 1991)

Lecanicillium Nm In a propagation room with cannabis in rockwool Open Petri dishes, cultivation+morphology (Punja, 2020)
aphanocladiia blocks, Canada

Cladosporium 0.17–0.66 CFU In greenhouses in a botanical garden, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Rodolfi et al., 2003)
sphaerospermum settledd
Cladosporium sp.a In 10 of 24 samples In greenhouses with wheat plants in soil with GSPb, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
perlite in pots, Denmark

Aureobasidium 0.25–3.3 CFU settled In greenhouses in a botanical garden, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Rodolfi et al., 2003)
Aureobasidium In 8 of 24 samples In greenhouses with wheat plants in soil with GSP, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
pullulansa perlite in pots, Denmark

Acremonium In 1 of 24 samples In greenhouses with wheat plants in soil with GSP, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
persicinuma perlite in pots, Denmark
Acremonium sp.a Nm Greenhouse workers handling plants in pots made Spore-fall collector, microscopy (Dill et al., 1997)
of recycling paper, Germany
Acremonium spp. 0.3–6.6 CFU settled Greenhouses in a botanical garden, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Rodolfi et al., 2003)
Acremonium sp. Nm A greenhouse with Gnetum, Russia Open Petri dishes, cultivation+morphology (Bogdanova et al., 2019)
Acremonium sp. 1240–4290 CFU/m3 Cucumber greenhouses, Denmark GSP personal air sampler, cultivation (Madsen et al., 2020)
NGS top 10 +MALDI-TOF MSc and sequencing
Acremonium sp. In 11 of 24 samples In greenhouses with wheat plants in soil with Perlite GSP, sequencing (Latz et al., 2020)
in pots, Denmark
Trichoderma viride 0.33–2.0 CFU settled In greenhouses in a botanical garden, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Rodolfi et al., 2003)

Peziza Nm In a cannabis propagation room, Canada Open Petri dishes, cultivation, sequencing (Punja, 2020)

Stachybotrys 100–7500 spores/m3 Greenhouse workers handling plants in pots made Spore fall collector, microscopy (Dill et al., 1997)
chartaruma of recycling paper, Germany
Stachybotrys Nm In a greenhouse with Gnetum, Russia Open Petri dishes, cultivation+morphology (Bogdanova et al., 2019)

Aspergillus Nm Above dry peat in pots with cactus plants exposed to Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Staib et al., 1978)
fumigatusa an air stream, Germany
Aspergillus 0.3–6.6 CFU settled In a greenhouses in a botanical garden, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Rodolfi et al., 2003)
Aspergillus Max 88 CFU/m In tomato greenhouses, Denmark GSP personal air sampler, cultivation (Hansen et al., 2010)
fumigatus +morphology
Aspergillus Max 80 CFU/m3 Poinsettia greenhouses, Denmark GSP personal air sampler, cultivation (Hansen et al., 2012)
fumigatus +morphology
Aspergillus 70 CFU/m3 Cucumber greenhouses, Denmark GSP personal air sampler, cultivation (Madsen et al., 2020)
fumigatus +MALDI-TOF MS
Aspergillus nigera Nm Above dry peat in pots with Clivia plants, exposed to Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Staib et al., 1978)
an air stream, Germany
Aspergillus niger 1.2 CFU/m3 In vegetable greenhouses, Italy Surface Air System, cultivation+morphology (Cosentino and Palmas, 1991)
Aspergillus niger Nm In a greenhouse with Gnetum, Russia Open Petri Dish cultivation+morphology (Bogdanova et al., 2019)
Aspergillus niger 0.3–27 CFU In greenhouses in a botanical garden, Italy Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Rodolfi et al., 2003)
Aspergillus niger 100 CFU sedimented In rose greenhouses, Japan Open Petri dish, cultivation+morphology (Miyazaki et al., 2004)
Also found in the same study on surfaces of pots or growing media.
Samples inhalable particles, and are used as personal or stationary samplers.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Sampled by passive sedimentation. CFU = Colony Forming Units, NGS = Next-generation sequencing, Nm = Not mentioned.

of mushrooms (Van Der Vliet, 1960). Cases of HP among mushroom documented among people working with carnation cuttings caused by
workers have been reported repeatedly, but it has not been studied P. ostracoderma (Table 7). Lohr et al. mention that Peziza can cause aller-
whether these workers were exposed to Peziza nor how they react gies but do not document this (Lohr et al., 2017a). Another Peziza spe-
upon exposure to this fungus. Antibody testing has been performed to cies in another environment, P. domiciliana, has been identified as the
determine whether exposed workers reacted to the mushrooms being causative agent of HP of an occupant (Wright et al., 1999). Based on
cultivated (Cox et al., 1988; Kamm et al., 1991), or to typical mushroom these cases, the general respiratory problems reported among green-
compost microbial components including A. glaucus (Yoshida et al., house (Zuskin et al., 1993) and mushroom (Hayes and Rooney, 2014)
1990), and thermophilic actinobacteria (Van den Bogart et al., 1993). workers, the frequent presence of Peziza spp. on different types of grow-
When it comes to working in greenhouses, 3 cases of HP have been ing and casing media, the weaker documented presence of Peziza spp.

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Fungus Peat Peat or soil, Rockwool Paper Coco, Fibre Non Air Health Health in
with perlite wood, with specified other
or or bark peat, or other environ-
vermiculite bark or media ments
Acremonium charcola
Acremonium curvulum
Acremonium murorum
Acremonium persicinum
Acremonium rulum
Acremonium spp.
Aspergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus niger
Athelia turficola
Aureobasidium pullulans
Chaetomium globosum 2)

Chrysonilia sitophiIa
Cladosporium sp.
Cryptostroma corcale
Peziza cerea
Peziza domiciliana
Peziza ostracoderma 1)
Peziza vesiculosa
Pyronema omphalodes
Sporothrix schenckii
Stachybotrys chartarum
Trichoderma harzianum
Trichoderma viride 2)

Trichoderma sp.
Trichophaea abundans

Fig. 1. Overview of fungal species found on surfaces of paper pots and different growing media for plants or casing media for mushrooms and in the air, and whether hypersensitivity
pneumonitis or skin irritation or skin or nail infection are reported from fungal growth on these pots or media or in other occupational settings. 1) In the papers we cite, this species is
also called Chr. fulvum, Chr. ollare, P. atrovinosa, and P. ostracoderma. 2) A mixture of the two fungi and Ac. strictum.

on paper pots combined with the wish of substituting plastic pots with home environment (Engelhart et al., 2009). Trichoderma viride and
paper pots, we suggest that the potential health effects of the Peziza spe- T. harzianum are more or less common in the indoor home environment
cies present in these environments should be studied further. (Beezhold et al., 2008) and in occupational settings and are used as bio-
Chaetomium globosum has been found on paper pots and peat and pesticides in greenhouses (Madsen, 2011). In the normal population, al-
compost casing for mushrooms. Laboratory experiments with biodegra- lergy towards T. viride has been reported (Beezhold et al., 2008).
dation of pots show that C. globosum grows very well on pots made of Trichoderma viride from ultrasonic humidifiers has caused HP in an ex-
recycled paper and wheat bran (Sandak et al., 2019). Only a single posed person (Enríquez-Matas et al., 2007) and, as shown in Table 7,
study has found this fungus in the air in greenhouses and its concentra- it is also described as a causative agent of HP in the home environment,
tion was not measured (Table 3), but it is common in the indoor home with ornamental plants presumed to be the source of fungal exposure.
environment (Ayanbimpe et al., 2010), where it has also gained atten- In a study involving 389 patients with suspected respiratory allergy,
tion because some isolates produce the cytotoxic mycotoxins positive skin reactions to T. viride was observed in 27% of the patients
chaetoglobosins A and C (Fogle et al., 2007), and fungal particles can (Das and Gupta-Bhattacharya, 2010). It would therefore be relevant to
be released from colonized materials when exposed to an airflow obtain more knowledge about occupational exposure related health ef-
(Madsen et al., 2015a). In addition, it has been found on wheat leaves fects of the two Trichoderma species.
in a greenhouse (Latz et al., 2020) as well as on other leaves Stachybotrys chartarum was found on peat and paper casing, paper
(Cosentino and Palmas, 1991). In the normal population, allergy to- pots, and rockwool for plants and, in a single study, also in high concen-
wards C. globosum has been reported (Beezhold et al., 2008) and it has trations in the air during work. This fungus grows well on cellulose-
caused onychomycosis (Aspiroz et al., 2007), but we have found no re- containing compounds and can be present on walls and in air in damp
ports on occupational health problems related to this fungus. In con- buildings (Johanning et al., 1996). Since S. chartarum on decomposable
trast, it is tested for its use as a biopesticide in greenhouses. plant-pots has caused painful inflammation of the fingertips among
Trichoderma viride was found in greenhouses on peat, paper, coco greenhouse workers (Table 7), and has caused several human diseases
fibre, and rockwool, and in relatively high concentrations in the air in other environments including dermatitis and HP (Kuhn and
(Tables 2–5), and it has also been found in hydroponics in the indoor Ghannoum, 2003), and allergy (Beezhold et al., 2008), it is relevant to

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Table 4
Fungi found on surfaces of beds and casing media in mushroom farms.

Fungus Environments Sampling identification Reference

Oedochephalum globosum (now Chaetomium On peat and paper casing, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)

Acremonium murorum On paper casinga, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)
Trichoderma viride On casing soil, Netherland Nm (Van Der Vliet, 1960)
Trichoderma viride On peat and paper casing, South Africa Cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)

Chromelosporium fulvum On paper casing, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)
Chromelosporium ollare (Peziza ostracoderma)a Mushroom beds in farms, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Coetzee, 1983)
Chromelosporium On peat casing, South Africa Sample, CFU + sequencing (Siyoum et al., 2016)
Peziza domiciliana Mushroom graves on surfaces, USA Nm, morphology (Seaver, 1916)
Plicaria fulva (now Peziza ostracoderma) On casing soil, Netherland Nm (Van Der Vliet, 1960)
Peziza ostracoderma On fibre-mixb with peat, bark, or pumice soil casing, Visually (Rainey, 1985)
New Zeeland
Peziza ostracoderma On peat casing with chalk, UK Visually (Richardson, 1991)

Oedocephalum glomerulosum (now Pyronema On peat and paper casing, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)
Trichophaea abundans On pasteurized peat, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Coetzee and Eicker, 1994)

Chrysonilia sitophiIa On peat and paper casing, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)

Stachybotrys atra (now Stachybotrys chartarum) On paper casing, South Africa Cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)

Aspergillus fumigatusc On unspecified casing, USA Casing sample, cultivation (Kleyn et al., 1981)
Aspergillus fumigatus On peat and paper casing, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)
Aspergillus nigerc On peat and paper casing, South Africa Nm, cultivation+morphology (Eicker and van Greuning, 1989)
Both names are used in the same study.
A by-product of a process involving the extraction of poly-phenolic resins from the bark of Pinus radiate.
Classified in risk class 2. CFU=Colony Forming Units, Nm = not mentioned.

obtain knowledge about how universally this fungus grows and sporu- does not consider the cytotoxic and inflammatory potential of microor-
lates on growing media and paper pots and whether it produces myco- ganisms. Two reports on HP caused by A. fumigatus related to growing
toxins on these media. and casing media have been reported (Table 7), and it has also caused
Two Aspergillus species, A. niger and A. fumigatus, have been found on HP in many other environments (Lacey and Crook, 1988). In addition,
peat, rockwool, coco fibre, orchid growing medium, and hydroponics for A. fumigatus has been identified as the causative agent of allergic
plants, and on peat and paper casing with mushrooms. The two species bronchopulmonary aspergillosis among greenhouse workers exposed
have also been found in the air. Aspergillus niger has previously been to the fungus from straw present on the floor (Yoshida et al., 1993).
found on leaves in greenhouses (Cosentino and Palmas, 1991) and This fungus has also been identified as the causative agent of allergic
both species have also been found as airborne fungi in other working bronchopulmonary aspergillosis among garden waste collectors
environments where organic material is handled as e.g. biofuel plants (Poole and Wong, 2013), a vegetable compost plant worker (Vincken
(Madsen, 2006), sawmills (Land et al., 1987), and seed treating plants and Roels, 1984), and occupants of a home where it grew on decayed
(Madsen et al., 2015b). Of all the fungal species found, only wood (Bryant and Rogers, 1991). It has also caused pneumonia of
A. fumigatus is classified as a potential human pathogen according to workers in a mushroom factory where it was present in dust on the
the directive on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure floor (Shimaoka et al., 2006). Since it can be infectious it is important
to biological agents at work (89/391/EEC, 2000). However, this directive to be aware of that fungicide resistance isolates of this species are

Table 5
Fungal speciesa found in the air of mushroom farms.

Fungus Concentration Environments Sampling identification Reference

Trichoderma viride 100–1000 CFU/m3 In mushroom farms during work, UK Andersen sampler, cultivation, nm (Crook and Lacey, 1991)
Trichoderma sp. ~200–300 CFU/m3 During preparation of compost, UK Andersen sampler, cultivation, nm (Lacey et al., 1996)

Peziza ostracoderma 1000 CFU/m3 In mushroom farms during work, UK Andersen sampler, cultivation, nm (Crook and Lacey, 1991)
Peziza sp. 100–1000 CFU/m3 During preparation of compost, UK Andersen sampler, cultivation, nm (Lacey et al., 1996)

Aspergillus fumigatus Nm Mushroom production, UK Air sampling, nm (Lacey, 1974)
Aspergillus fumigatus 100–105 CFU/m3 In mushroom farms during work, UK Andersen sampler, cultivation, nm (Crook and Lacey, 1991)
Aspergillus fumigatus 1000–106 CFU/m3 During preparation of compost, UK Andersen sampler, cultivation, nm (Lacey et al., 1996)
Only species which are also found on casing media. NM = not mentioned, CFU = colony forming units.

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Table 6
Other environments where Sporothrix schenckii, Peziza (Chromelosporium), and Cryptostroma corticale are found.

Fungus Environments Sampling identification method Reference

Sporothrix schenckii Soil adhering to fragments of wood, Israel Soil samples, cultivation, morphology (Feuerman et al., 1976)
Sporothrix schenckii On surfaces of edible mushrooms from China, Taiwan, Extracted from the surfaces of the mushroom, cultivation, (Kazanas and Jackson, 1983)
and Thailand morphology and antisera test
Sporothrix schenckii On hay, Australia Hay sample, cultivation, morphology, DNA (Feeney et al., 2007)
Sporothrix schenckii Air in chicken farm Andersen sampler, cultivation, morphology (Wang et al., 2007)
Sporothrix schenckii Hospital and home surfaces, Brazil Adhesive tape, surfaces, cultivation, morphology (Mattei et al., 2011)
Sporothrix schenckii Indoor air, hospital, Iran Open Petri dish, morphology (Sepahvand et al., 2013)
Sporothrix schenckii Indoor air, university, Nigeria Open Petri dish, morphology (Shittu et al., 2019)

Chromelosporium Ancient laid-paper; Portugal Scratching, cultivation+ sequencing (Mesquita et al., 2009)
Chromelosporium Air in turkey confinement brooder house; USA Filter sampling, cultivation, (Pinello et al., 1977)
fulva Nm
Chromelosporium In air in homes; Belgium Reuter centrifugal air sampler, cultivation, nm (Beguin and Nolard, 1994)
Chromelosporium In household waste; Sweden Waste sample, cultivation+morphology (Schnürer and Schnürer, 2006)
Chromelosporium Outdoor air in the city; Greece Air sampler, cultivation, nm (Pyrri and Kapsanaki-Gotsi, 2015)
Chromelosporium On building partitions; Poland Surfaces sampling, (Piontek et al., 2017)
sp. cultivation+ morphology
Peziza Surfaces of ancient maps in museums; Italy Swabs, cultivation+morphology (Corte et al., 2003)
Peziza Outdoor air in areas with greenhouses; Portugal Tape sampling of spores, microscopy (Oliveira et al., 2009)
Peziza Outdoor air; Nigeria Pollen sampler, microscopy (Njokuocha et al., 2019)
Peziza Wastewater; South Africa Water sample, sequencing (Assress et al., 2019)
Peziza Bed dust; Denmark Vacuum cleaning, NGS (Sørensen et al., 2020)

Cryptostroma In the air in a sawmill, USA Air samples and samples of face masks, microscopy (Wenzel et al., 1967)
Cryptostroma On trees in forests, in many countries e.g. Czech Cores of wood, PCR (Cochard and Lefort, 2016;
corticale Republic and Switzerland Kelnarová et al., 2017)

NGS=Next-generation sequencing.

found in soil (Fraaije et al., 2020) as well as in clinical settings (Garcia- species. Athelia turficola is the teleomorph of Burgoa turficola
Rubio et al., 2020). Furthermore, A. fumigatus can produce the myco- (Diederich and Lawrey, 2007), and also with Burgoa turficola as the
toxin gliotoxin on wood materials (Nieminen et al., 2002), and it search term we find no papers about this fungus which are relevant
seems to enable it to persist in the respiratory tract and in lung infec- for the present study.
tions (Bruns et al., 2010). Aspergillus niger has been identified twice as Acremonium was found on paper pots and on different growing and
a causative agent of HP in greenhouse workers growing roses casing media. But, as in some studies it was only identified to genus
(Table 7) and also in onion farmers (Sakamoto et al., 2018). As green- level, it is not possible to relate this to other studies about exposure
house workers are handling plants with their hands, it is also worth not- and potential health effects. Acremonium was also found as an airborne
ing that A. niger has caused occupational nail infections in e.g. workers at fungus, and for cucumber greenhouse workers an exposure up to
a vegetable market reviewed in (Bongomin et al., 2018), and fungicide 4290 CFU Acremonium/m3 has been measured, and according to NGS
resistance has been found in environmental isolates (Poulsen et al., data it was among the top 10 most abundant fungi (Table 3). Therefore
2021). Furthermore, A. niger can produce the mycotoxin fumonisin B2 it is relevant to illuminate whether this relatively high level will affect
(Nielsen et al., 2009), but whether it is produced on the growing and workers' health. In the normal population, allergy towards Ac. strictum
casing media is not known. Due to the potential health effects, it is rel- has been reported (Beezhold et al., 2008), and Acremonium sp. has
evant to pay attention to growers' exposure levels to A. fumigatus and caused onychomycosis (Tosti et al., 2000) and keratitis (Sahay et al.,
A. niger. 2020). In addition, Ac. strictum, T. viride, and C. globosum are reported
Chrysonilia sitophila, which was found on paper and peat casing, has to have caused HP with peat in ornamental plants in a home as the
been found in the air in sawmills (Klaric et al., 2012) and indoor air source of exposure (Table 7).
(Salonen et al., 2007). We have found no cases of health effects of this Aureobasidium pullulans was found on a growing medium with per-
fungus related to work with mushrooms, but it has caused occupational lite and in the air in the same study. It has also been found on plastic
asthma in a person working as a coffee dispenser operator (Francuz roofing of greenhouses (Durrell and Goldsberry, 1970). The species is
et al., 2010) and a person working in the logging industry (Tarlo et al., used as a post-harvest biopesticide and thus is expected to have been
1996), and HP among several cork workers (Winck et al., 2004). This through a safety evaluation. However, it has caused occupational HP
species seems not to produce mycotoxins (Barreto et al., 2011). (Woodard et al., 1988) and childhood HP (Temprano et al., 2007) -
Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cladosporium sp. were found in also related to exposure from hydroponics (Table 7), and a study of
one study each and have caused HP from growth on wallpaper in a bed- 105 asthmatic patients showed that sensitization to Au. pullulans was
room (Marin et al., 2009) and in a greenhouse worker (the source of a risk factor for severe asthma (Niedoszytko et al., 2007).
exposure was not mentioned) (Abreu et al., 2020). Cryptostroma corticale was found on a growing medium made of
Athelia turficola was described in year 2000 as a new species growing bark chips, and it has caused HP of an orchid grower. The species is
on horticultural growing substrates (Schlechte and Hoffmann, 2000), known to cause HP among wood workers in paper mills (Emanuel
and since then only a few papers have been published about this et al., 1962; Wenzel et al., 1967) where it was found in high

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

Table 7
Occupational health effects caused by exposure to fungi on recyclable paper pots or growing or casing media.

Causative agent Disease Population Patient tests Duration Isolationa Reference

Aureobasidium pullulans Hypersensitivity Occupant, 14 years Precipitins against Medication for 13 weeks, Hydroponics with (Engelhart et al., 2009)
pneumonitisb old, Germany Au. pullulans, healthy after 6 months clay pebbles, Yucca
DLCO = 38% elephantipes

Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis 14 pine seedling Physician diagnosed, Nm, but needs long Sphagnum moss, (D'alessio et al., 1965)
workers, USA and fungus isolated treatment cultivation
from skin lesions
Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis 17 pine seedling Physician diagnosed, Nm Sphagnum moss, (Powell et al., 1978)
workers, USA and fungus isolated cultivation
from skin lesions morphology
Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis Seedling and peat Physician diagnosed, Nm Sphagnum moss, nm (Control, 1988)
handlers, 84 cases, and fungus isolated
USA from skin lesions
Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis 3 nursery workers, Physician diagnosed, Nm Sphagnum moss, (Hajjeh et al., 1997)
topiary production, and fungus isolated cultivation and
USA from skin lesions molecular typing
Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis 9 of 65 nursery Physician diagnosed, Treated for 22 to 71 days Sphagnum moss, (Hajjeh et al., 1997)
workers, topiary and fungus isolated cultivation and
production, USA from skin lesions molecular typing
Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis 154 cases of which Physician diagnosed, nm No (Vismer and Hull, 1997)
some were caused by and fungus isolated
exposure from soil, from skin lesions or
South Africa histopathology

Peziza ostracoderma Hypersensitivity Carnation cuttings, 3 Serum precipitins Attempted to resume work Sample of growth (Guillot et al., 1988)
(Chromelosporium pneumonitis greenhouse workers, against P. after 10 month another medium, cultivation
fulvum)c France ostracoderma, other patient after 5 years – but + morphology
tests symptoms reappeared,
1 resumed work after
1 year

Stachybotrys chartarum Painful Greenhouse workers Fungi on fingers Symptoms disappeared Paper pot surfaces (Dill et al., 1997)
inflammation of handling plants in were not studied after workers used gloves cultivation+
the fingertips, pots made of morphology
followed by scaling recycling paper,
off of the skin Germany

Aspergillus fumigatus Mushroom Mushroom farmers, Weak positive Nm From casing (Kleyn et al., 1981)
workers' lungb USA immunological
reactions towards A.
fumigatus antigens
Aspergillus fumigatus Hypersensitivity 2 orchid greenhouse Precipitins against Stopped at the job From orchid culture (Kawaji et al., 1996)
pneumonitis workers, worked A. fumigatus, medium
with changing media, DLCO = 36%
Aspergillus niger Hypersensitivity Rose greenhouse Precipitins against On return to work, the From rockwool and (Miyazaki et al., 2004)
pneumonitis worker, Japan A. niger, inhalation symptoms reappeared in the air
provocation test,
hypoxemia, DLCO
Aspergillus niger Hypersensitivity Rose greenhouse Serum precipitins, – From leaves, soil, (Hamaguchi et al., 2009)
pneumonitis worker, Japan DLCO = 62%, other and pillar

Cryptostroma corticale Hypersensitivity Orchid greenhouse, Serum precipitins, 1 week hospitalized, after From a bark growing (Shepherd et al., 1989)
pneumonitis with plants in pots other tests 2 months returned to medium
with bark mix, peat greenhouse with face mask
and vermiculite, USA

Trichoderma viride, Hypersensitivity Exposed to the three Precipitating Ill at least 4 months No (Velcovsky and
Cephalosporium pneumonitis fungi from the peat antibodies in serum Graubner, 1981)
acremonium (now from houseplants, against the three
Acremonium strictum), Germany fungi.
Aspergillus fumigatus
Isolated from the environment.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is also called extrinsic allergic alveolitis and is a group of lung diseases in which the lungs become inflamed as an allergic reaction resulting from
repeated exposure to bioaerosols. Mushroom workers' lung is a type of HP.
Both names are used in the same study. Nm = not mentioned. DLCO = diffusion lung capacity of carbon monoxide test.

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

concentrations in the air (Wenzel et al., 1967). The species seems only In greenhouse cultivation, reuse of growing media and plant pots is
to have been found on wood or wood bark. strongly encouraged because the disposal of growing media at the end
Sporothrix schenckii has been found in sphagnum moss, on different of the growing season is a waste of resources and potential source of
surfaces including edible mushrooms, and has caused skin infections in contamination of the environment. Fungal growth during the reuse of
many workers handling sphagnum (Table 7) and also for people han- growing media, whether saprophytes as described above or plant path-
dling straw during farm or gardening work (Feeney et al., 2007) and ogens, may reduce the quality of plant growth (Vandecasteele et al.,
wood fragments with soil in a garden (Feuerman et al., 1976). None of 2020), but whether it affects the working environment has not been
the skin infections related to handling of seedlings in moss sphagnum studied. Different attempts have been made to avoid or inhibit growth
or other horticulture work are from Europe. In fact most cases are of fungi on paper pots. Under experimental conditions, the fungicide
from the USA, and as highlighted in a review it is not possible to con- captan inhibited the growth of Chr. fulvum on paper in a nutrient solu-
clude whether it is because occupational infections have only occurred tion with plant roots (Le Marié et al., 2014). In another study, cultivable
in the USA (de Lima Barros et al., 2011), or lack of awareness on the Sp. schenckii was isolated from topiaries, but not if the topiaries were
link between infections and occupation. Another issue is whether Sp. treated with fungicide (Hajjeh et al., 1997). In a study with cabbage
schenckii can be found with the typically used methods and whether it seedlings planted in peat cubes, P. ostracoderma colonized the surface
can airborne and spread by air. It is a thermally dimorphic fungus and of the peat; and if treated with the fungicides captan and/or thiram
has been isolated using different commonly used media as corn meal the growth was temporarily inhibited, but only on the surface of the
agar (Feuerman et al., 1976), yeast extract (D'alessio et al., 1965), peat cubes (Kilpatrick, 1977). In a guideline for mushroom farmers,
sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and mycobiotic agar (Kazanas and the advice is to use chemical pesticides to control P. ostracoderma, C.
Jackson, 1983). Few studies have found Sp. schenckii in air samples globosum, T. harzianum, and T. viride (Sharma et al., 2007). However,
(Table 6). the use of chemical fungicides on paper pots has a negative impact for
The fungal species, Ac. charticola, A. fumigatus, Au. pullulans, the environment and the working environment, and captan has been
C. globosum, and S. chartarum, found in the greenhouse and mushroom found in biological waste of ornamental plants (Taube et al., 2002).
farm environments, have all been found on ancient paper and artworks Also, when seen in the light of development of fungicide resistance,
(Melo et al., 2019; Mesquita et al., 2009; Sequeira et al., 2019; Zotti et al., the use of fungicide should not be the preferred approach.
2008), on humid wallpaper (Boutin-Forzano et al., 2004; Wang et al., It has been suggested that the colonization of paper pots and
2016), and in paper archives and libraries (Andres et al., 2015; Foladi growing and casing media with saprophytes is more likely to occur
et al., 2013) which shows that there is an overlap in the species to due to lack of competition from other microorganisms (e.g. (Roll-
which workers are exposed in these very different occupational Hansen, 1961; Toppe and Herrero, 2005). This is in line with the fact
settings. that P. ostracoderma has been found to colonize steam sterilized peat
We did not include Penicillium in this study even though it is found cubes with seedlings (Kilpatrick, 1977) and that it has also been found
in some studies. This is based on the evaluation that Penicillium was ab- on paper pots, vermiculite, and rockwool which are made of heat
sent on surfaces in many studies (Dill et al., 1997; Staib et al., 1978), has treated materials (Table s1). Therefore another attempt to avoid or min-
been found in spent compost but not on paper casing for mushrooms imize these fungi might be to apply competitive microorganisms to out-
(Eicker and van Greuning, 1989). Furthermore, if found it is not always compete the ‘problematic’ fungi. It is important that these
clear whether it in fact grew on the studied surfaces or just was present, microorganisms do not sporulate on the surfaces of pots or growing
as this genus is always present in the air in greenhouses and grows on media to avoid aerosolisation of spores. We have found no studies
e.g. senescent leaves (Cosentino and Palmas, 1991; Madsen et al., about this, but biopesticides to control plant pathogens are widely
2020: Punja, 2020). We limited this study only to include fungi, but used in greenhouses. It is, however, remarkable that some of the species
we are aware that actinobacteria have caused health problems in mush- in focus in this paper are used as biopesticides.
rooms farms (Lacey and Crook, 1988; Van den Bogart et al., 1993). We Another approach could be to investigate the influence of different
have also limited the study not to include the health problems associ- ingredients of pots or growing media on the colonization by sapro-
ated directly with the exposure to peat (Sandstrom et al., 1991), vermic- phytes. The biodegradation rate of recycled paper has been studied
ulite (Sullivan, 2007), perlite (Maxim et al., 2014), and rockwool with C. globosum, and with a mixture of A. niger, T. viride, and Penicillium
(Hansen et al., 1999) as the published reports are from the production funiculosum. The paper contained four concentrations of cereal bran.
rather than from the use of the media. The fungi colonized the paper and sporulated on the surface, and it
For isolation and identification of P. ostracoderma on growing and was found that the addition of wheat bran increased susceptibility to
casing media and Chr. carneum on paper, the agar medium PDA (potato fungal colonization and the degradation of the paper (Sandak et al.,
dextrose agar) has been used successfully (Coetzee, 1983; Jamali and 2011). Whether addition of wheat bran to paper pots also causes an in-
Banihashemi, 2011; Jin et al., 2008; Mesquita et al., 2009; Punja, 2020; creased colonization by these fungi at greenhouse level has to our
Stępniewska-Jarosz et al., 2020). For studies of exposure via the air, knowledge not been studied. In nature, peat is formed when plant ma-
other agar media such as DG18 (Madsen et al., 2020; Rodolfi et al., terial does not fully decay in acidic and anaerobic conditions, and it is
2003), Czapek Dox Agar (Bogdanova et al., 2019) and SDA (Rodolfi classified in terms of how much it is decomposed. As mentioned previ-
et al., 2003) are typically used. Cladosporium, A. fumigatus, and A. niger ously, under experimental conditions P. ostracoderma was shown to col-
grow well on these media. For future air studies of exposure it onize different growing media such as slightly decomposed peat but not
would be relevant in advance to determine whether Peziza can also moderately and strongly decomposed peat nor green waste and bark
grow on a preferentially used agar medium. In most of the cited pa- compost (Meinken et al., 2015). In another study different media for
pers in this study, Peziza spp. was identified based on morphology. growing grass have been compared, and the author noted that
Another possibility might be to use DNA sequencing. Using DNA P. ostracoderma was found on the surfaces of sphagnum peat and soy-
sequencing other Peziza species have been found: Peziza arvernensis bean chop media, but was absent on other media: corn chop, cotton
on leaves (Latz et al., 2020) and P. quelepidotia on the surface of chop, pine bark, oak sawdust, and sewage sludge (Shepard, 1978).
whiteflies in tomato greenhouses (Hong et al., 2017). However Thus, it may be possible to avoid or reduce the colonization by
using DNA sequencing, Peziza was often only identified to genus P. ostracoderma by using the right growing medium. According to data
level as e.g. in the rhizosphere of strawberry plants (Yang et al., from 2013 from 16 European countries, composted green waste and
2020), in bed dust (Sørensen et al., 2020), in forest soil (Bastida composted or aged bark were mainly used for hobby plant production
et al., 2019; De Witte et al., 2017), and in wastewater (Assress while sphagnum peat was used in larger amounts for professional
et al., 2019). plant production (Schmilewski, 2017). For mushroom production, a

A.M. Madsen and B. Crook Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147832

study with P. ostracoderma on casing material shows that the fungus Funding
grows well on a fibre-mix with peat, bark, or pumice casing, but not
on pure bark (Rainey, 1985). Consequently, it seems to be possible to re- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agen-
duce growth of some fungi using the right composition of growing or cies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
casing media or ingredients in paper pots. However, the ability of the
plants or mushrooms to grow in these media is of course essential. In CRediT authorship contribution statement
addition to considering the ingredients in pots, growing and casing
media, an approach could also be to study how plant cultivation condi- Anne Mette Madsen: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal anal-
tions such as light, fertilizer, and pH affect the colonization by sapro- ysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision,
phytes. Under laboratory conditions, P. ostracoderma conidia are able Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
to germinate in a wide range of pH and temperatures, thus it can germi- Brian Crook: Validation, Writing – review & editing.
nate in a buffer with pH from 3 up to 8 and in temperatures from 20 °C
to 42 °C (Fergus, 1971). In studies in forest soils, drying out of the soil Declaration of competing interest
(Bastida et al., 2019) and increased pH (De Witte et al., 2017) caused a
higher abundance of the genus Peziza and lower abundance of many The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
saprophytes. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
Sporothrix schenckii mainly infects via trauma to the skin due to ence the work reported in this paper.
punctures from thorns, splinters, or cut or abraded skin. To avoid infec-
tions with the skin pathogen Sp. schenckii workers handling sphagnum Acknowledgements
moss are suggested to use long sleeves and puncture-resistant gloves;
for building topiary alternatives to sphagnum moss is suggested as e.g. Alicja Mortensen at NRCWE is greatly acknowledged for helping
plastic foam (Control, 1988; Hajjeh et al., 1997). with extracting information from papers in Polish. Petra Jackson is
To increase the sustainability of growing media different types of greatly acknowledged for helping with extracting information from pa-
biowastes are also tested for their use for growing media (Gruda, pers in Czech. Karen Bo Frydendall at NRCWE is highly acknowledged
2019), however in other occupational settings work with biowaste is as- for commenting on the manuscript.
sociated with bioaerosol exposure related health effects (Breum et al.,
1996; Heldal et al., 2003). With the present study we have highlighted References
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