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Mafia In The Morning

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: F/F, M/M
Fandom: Nijisanji (Virtual Streamers)
Relationship: Ike Eveland/Luca Kaneshiro, Ike Eveland & Luca Kaneshiro, Vox
Akuma/Ike Eveland, Fulgur Ovid/Uki Violeta, Enna Alouette/Millie
Character: Ike Eveland, Luca Kaneshiro, Lucy Kaneshiro | Female Luca Kaneshiro,
Alban Knox, Sonny Brisko, Vox Akuma, Enna Alouette, Millie Parfait,
Fulgur Ovid, Uki Violeta, Elira Pendora, Mysta Rias, Mika Melatika, Aia
Amare, Aster Arcadia
Additional Tags: Out of Character, How Do I Tag, Other Additional Tags to Be Added,
Don't Like Don't Read, Not Beta Read, Help, Nijisanji EN 4th
Generation | Luxiem, Nijisanji EN 5th Generation | Noctyx, Nijisanji EN
3rd Generation | Ethyria, Nijisanji EN 1st Generation | Lazulight,
Nijisanji EN 2nd Generation | Obsydia, Nijisanji EN 6th Generation |
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-09-21 Updated: 2022-09-29 Chapters: 3/? Words:

Mafia In The Morning

by valyamini


"Hope you're ready

who knows what could happen
in the night~"

Ike was supposed to be like any other university student. He was supposed to be the top of
the class, a good second year role model with good grades. So how did he end up being the
target of a mafia gang?

After the death of his family, Ike Eveland vowed to get his revenge back. With the help of
a former friend, Ike starts to live a double life.
A student in the morning.
A mafia assistant at night.
But he finds balancing his school work and keeping his work a secret harder than he had
thought it was going to be.
Especially when a close friend of his starts getting suspicious after showing up to school
with one too many wounds and left over blood marks...

Hi idk what I'm doing i wrote this at night while im tired but have this stuck in my head

Please enjoy i guess?? this is my first writing :D

prologue (?)

Ike remembered when he had someone to go to.

He remembers….

Two kids, on their last day of primary school. The two of them, best friends; making a promise
together: to be together no matter what, and to always be there for one another. The blonde friend
was smiling as he and the silver haired boy linked pinkies together.

And then he also remembers…

The same two friends, now teenagers, starting their first year of high school together. The silver
haired friend, now with faded blue dye in his hair, had just joined the student council, while the
blonde friend became part of the school’s football team. Though in two different social groups, the
two kept their promise, always finding time to be with each other.

But soon those times grew smaller…

And smaller…

And smaller…

Until the only times they were able to see one another was when they passed each other in the

And then…the blonde friend was gone. Never to be seen again. A promise made long ago, broken.

And now, Ike finally collapses down on his knees, crying and sobbing out in anger and pain. The
tears that fell from his eyes mixed in with the blood smeared on the floor, and the bodies of his
family and siblings were scattered around the room.


Nande, nande, nande?!

Who could have done such a thing to him?

W hy, why, why?

He had no one left. No one to go to now.

And then he wonders…

‘Oh Luca…’

‘Where are you when I need you the most?’

~ transition ~
Chapter Notes

a little short transition please enjoy i guess wwww

See the end of the chapter for more notes

< ikeywikey private messages >


uwuki: Hey Ike, everyone is talking about you at school. You alright?

uwuki: sensei said you can take the day off if you need...


myystaa_: Ike I heard the news, i'm so you need anything?


mikamelatika: it's on the school newspaper argh!

mikamelatika: do you want me to go find the person who wrote it? I can report him and have him
remove the story :(


fulgurovid: hey ike, uki told me something happened with you

fulgurovid: do you want me to tell vox about it?


voxakuma: hey ike, do you want me to come over?

ikeywikey: im guessing fulgur told you?

voxakuma: that and the fact everyone else was talking about you so i got worried...

voxakuma: do you want me to bring you anything?

ikeywikey: no thanks, i just need comfort right now

voxakuma: Mika had the person who wrote the story reported to the director already, do you don't
have to worry about it anymore

ikeywikey: well...tell her i said thanks, but it's really no use anymore now that everyone knows

voxakuma: i'm so sorry ike...

ikeywikey: what are you being sorry for?

ikeywikey: don't apologize for something you didn't do. just hurry and come please.

Chapter End Notes

i might be putting 'text'-like transitions after the end of some chapters because i like it
that way >:)
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

so im like

bad at making up chapter names

yeah you're stuck with boring ones until i figure out smth LOL

anyways enjoy yay?

Ike watches emotionlessly as the police and medical services roll his family’s lifeless bodies away.

First went his parents. Then his sister. Then brother.

There should have been one more coming with them. But that body was still alive, watching
everything unfold. He watches how the police come up to him and bow in respect, apologizing for
his loss before going into the house to investigate the mess. Ike couldn't do anything but watch. He
was frozen in place, too numb to move or even bow back to them.

“Ike?” He heard a familiar deep voice call for him. Turning around, he sees Vox standing a few
feet away from him. The older one frowns as he sees a tear fall down Ike’s cheek. “Oh Ike…I’m so
sorry…” Ike runs over to Vox, who puts his arms around him, holding him close to his chest as Ike
starts to break down again.

"I was so worried about you," He says quietly. "Everyone at school kept talking about you. But
you're alright, right?" Ike shakes his head.

“I don’t understand Vox, what did they do to deserve this?” He asks. Vox soothes him, patting his
back gently. “Why did this happen?”

“It’s alright Ike…” Vox says quietly. "Cry as long as you need, it's okay...I'll be right here." And
Ike lets himself cry the second time that night.

Normally, Ike wouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him. But he was hurting and
frustrated. It pained him to know that his whole family was now gone; especially his younger sister
that he promised to protect with the help of his twin brother. Sure Ivy was strong and independent,
but being the older brothers they were, Ike, along with Eki, always promised to protect her.

So how could he let this happen?

After what felt like forever, Ike finally rubs his eyes tiredly as he pulls away from Vox’s hug. “You
feeling better now, big guy?” Ike nods slightly.

“Tired but…I’ll be fine, hopefully,” Ike replies. Then he looks up at Vox, realizing he had cried
into his chest, the tears staining the black shirt he wore. "Oh Vox, I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry about it," Vox smiles slightly. “Want me to drive you back to your dorms?”

“Actually…I was hoping if I could stay over with you tonight?” Vox looks at him, slightly

“Really now?” He asks. “Normally you’d have me come over to stay the night with you, not the
other way around.”

“Are you going to let me come over or not?” Ike simply asks him. Vox smiles slightly and nods,
taking Ike’s hand.

“Of course,” he says as he leads Ike to his car. “Comfort cuddles?”

“That would be perfect.”


Ike felt paranoid the next day at school.

His cheeks flushed red as he walked down the hallway, feeling the eyes and stares of his
classmates. It was weird how the news got out around school. Weirdly enough, it was also a story
in the school newspaper, but Mika was able to get the person in charge to take it down. It was no
help though, word had gotten out already to everybody. Everyone whispered about him to one
another as he passed by. It was starting to make him anxious.

“Hey!” He heard a voice snap. Ike stopped in his tracks and looked down the hall, seeing his friend
Uki, along with Fulgur, walking towards him. “Shut up will you? It’s none of your business,” Uki
scolds the two students as he and Fulgur pass by them. The purple haired male looked up at Ike
and smiled at him. “Hey Ike.”

Fulgur also smiles at him, “How are you feeling?” Ike shrugs.

“I could be better…” Ike replies. Uki tilts his head slightly, and he could tell by the dark circles
under Ike’s eyes that the older male didn’t have enough sleep.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine for your classes today? He asks. “I know you take a lot of advanced
classes…they can put extra stress and pressure on you especially when you’re not feeling well
already, you know…” Ike nods.

“I know, but besides,” He starts. “It’ll help me take it off my mind for a little…”

Of course it wouldn’t though, he knew that. It was hard not to think about it, especially when it
hurt him so much. He was grieving and frustrated, angry even. He still couldn’t understand…why?
He wanted an answer. And ‘soon’ wasn’t enough for him.

He wanted it now.

Suddenly the bell rings, cutting through his thoughts. He looked back up at Uki who smiled.

“If you say so then,” He says, waving to Ike as he takes Fulgur’s hand. “We’ll head off to class
now. Take care Ike!” Fulgur waves at Ike too as the two first years walked off to their class down
the hall. Ike sighs as he walks into his classroom, calmly ignoring the stares and whispers of his
name again.

‘Is this just going to be a daily thing now?’ He thinks as he goes over to his desk by the window
near his two friends, Enna and Mysta. He smiles at them as he sits down.

“Ike!” Mysta says, smiling as he turns around in his chair to face Ike. “I’m glad you’re here!”

“Hey Mysta…and Enna.” He says as he looks over at Enna. She smirks slightly.

“So…you and Vox,” She starts. Ike tilts his head.

“What do you mean?” He asks. She goes on her phone, scrolling down until she finds what she
wanted, showing it to Ike. A picture of Vox’s social media story, showing Ike peacefully sleeping
on Vox’s chest. Ike blushes.

“Oh what a dork,” He says. “I can’t believe he did that! He was supposed to comfort me, not
embarrass me like that!” Mysta and Enna laugh at his reaction.

“Well I thought it was disgustingly cute,” Enna says, putting her phone away.

“What was disgustingly cute?” Ike heard someone say. The three second years look up to see Vox.
Enna smiles.

“The picture on your story of Ike,” She replies. Vox laughs lightly, looking over at Ike who
playfully glares at him.

“Oops,” he says. “Sorry Ike.” Ike shakes his head. “How are you feeling though?”

“You know, that question is starting to get annoying,” Ike replies half jokingly. He sits back from
his desk and sighs. “But I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Vox pats his back gently.

“We’ll talk more about it later at lunch, yeah?” He says. Ike nods as he watches Vox walk away to
the back of the classroom to his desk. He hums quietly. Mysta smiles at Ike.

“We’re here for you when you need us, Ike,” He says as he turns around at his desk. Ike smiles
slightly and looks out the window at the blue sky.

‘It's a bit cliché to think…’ Ike thinks to himself as he watches a few clouds slowly pass over the
sun. ‘But looking out the window makes me feel like some sort of main character of a story…’

He smiles to himself.

And finally for once, Ike Eveland was finally able to think about something else besides his
family’s deaths.

That is, until the hunger for revenge came gobbling him up again.

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