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Preparation Material for

Credibility Interview

1 Personal Questions (Day 1)

Tell me your Student ID no.

Introduce yourself:
Talk about your studies, your work, your goals, your hobbies,
strengths and weaknesses and your family.

When are you Planning to arrive in UK?

I am Planning to arrive in UK by ____

Who’s going to accompany/travel/go along with you to UK?

I will be travelling alone!

2 Financial Questions (Day 1)

Who’s going to Finance your Education?
Who’s going to sponsor you, how much money they have saved
for your education?

What will happen to your studies in case your sponsor faces any
financial crisis during your education in UK?
Talk about your Savings/Asset and other backup plans you’ve for
your education, assurance towards your finances.

Does your family have any other responsibilities apart from

sponsoring your abroad studies?
If you have elder siblings then elaborate about their completion of
studies and current occupation.
If you have younger siblings then explain that they are in school
currently which will not create any burden towards your sponsor.

How much is your Tuition fees and how much you’ve paid till
Talk about your tuition fees and payment you’ve done till date.

When are you planning to pay rest of your tuition fees?

Soon after getting positive result of this interview, I’ll be paying rest
of my course fees.

How much is the living expenses in Leicester?

Leicester is outside London therefor living expenses would be 1023
pounds/month and 9207 pounds/year

3 Questions Related to Course

(Day 2)
Which course have you applied for to study in the DMU?

Why have you selected this course and how will it assist you to
follow your vision? (1 Minute)
Motivation to study the course
Course modules
How it will help you to shape your career

What course have you studied previously and when?

How does the course relate to your previous study? (1 Minute)

Link your previous qualification with your current studies or if it is
related to your work experience then talk about that. If a different
course, then specify why you want to get into that course.

How will this course help you in the future?

Talk about your future aspirations, Industry updates, top industries,
job profiles, designations aspired, salary packages.

Why do you want to pursue your masters again? (If Applicable)

Strong reason behind opting dual masters, kinds of struggles
you’ve faced even after holding a masters, Motivation to study at
the same level but with fresh aspirations and talk about your
bright future after completion of second masters.

Why are you returning to the studies now? (1 Minute)

Start with a quote related to education, Explain the reason of your
absence and the motivation to study.

4 Additional Questions (Day 2)

Have you ever been Interviewed by DMU before this?
If yes, then mention for which intake, and what was the outcome.
If no, then answer “No, I’ve never been interviewed by DMU Before!

Has Someone assisted you to train for this Interview?

No one has assisted me; I’ve prepared by myself with the resourc-
es available on different study portals as well as from DMU’s web-

How much is the permitted job duration for international stu-

dents in UK?
I know that being an international student I am allowed to work for
20 hours/week during studies and 40 hours/week during holi-

What kind of jobs you’ll do in Leicester?

I haven’t researched about any jobs but if opportunity will be
placed before me then definitely, I would like to do any kind of jobs
to gain an international exposure and to earn some pocket

Tell Me something about the current situation in your country

concerning the pandemic?
Mention few positive points such as: -
India is now in green list, Cases are reducing, Government is taking
initiatives towards spreading awareness amongst the civilians to
fight with this pandemic effectively.

Tell me something about the city you’re residing in?

Talk about the eye-catching spots in your city, Famous dishes,
Culture etc.

What can you bring to this university?

Talk about your extracurricular interests – If you haven’t yet had
an opportunity to share your extracurricular interests and hobbies,
then now is the time to do so. If you’re a keen athlete, now is the
time to share how you are interested in playing for the university’s
sports teams.
It doesn’t have to be a hobby or talent – Even if your extracurricu-
lar activities aren’t something you can physically get involved in,
you may be able to contribute in other ways. For example, if you
are a keen organizer, then you could get involved planning events
for a society or subject department – everyone’s skills can con-
tribute to the wider community.
You can also talk about class time – Aside from extracurricular
activities, you can
also use this question to talk about how you will be able to con-
tribute to your learning sessions. For example, if you are part of
your school
debating team, you can talk about how you will feel confident at
contributing to class discussions. Likewise, if you enjoy giving pres-
entations at school,
then you will be a valued team member when it comes to collab-
orating on group projects.

How is the course assessed and how many hours of study a day?
(The course is assessed through examination and project work
and 2 hours of study a day.)

What is duration of your stay in the UK?

(The duration of my stay in the UK would be of ____ months.
(Equal to course duration)

Do you have other personal commitments that would make

studying in the UK difficult such as a family at home?
(Give assurance towards your determination to pursue your stud-
ies and your family is also supporting your thought to study

Do you know what level your course is?

If bachelor’s: RQF Level – 6
If master’s: RQF Level - 7

Are you planning to stay in the UK to pursue your further studies

after completing your current course?
(No, I am planning to return to my home country after the comple-
tion of my course.)

If the costs of pursuing your course of study are higher in the UK

than in your home country, why have you decided to incur the
extra costs involved with studying in the UK?
(Compare the education system of India and UK and assure that
you are financially sound to afford overseas education)

5 Questions Related to the

University (Day 3)
Why have you decided to study in the UK? (1 Minute)
Compare other countries
Quality Education
Teaching Excellence
Affordable fees
Shorter duration of the courses

Why have you chosen to study in the DMU? (1 Minute)

USP’s of the University.

Where is the DMU located and where will you stay? (1 Minute)
The Gateway Leicester, Post Code: LE1 9BH. Research on the ac-
commodation, memorize 2/3 accommodations, the cost, the
facilities provided and explain which hall of residence you plan to
book and why?
You can also talk about private accommodation situated near
DMU; facilities provided by those accommodation. (Note: Talk
about the residents which is nearby DMU within the walking dis-

How will you travel to the college and how much will it cost?
I have decided to book a university accommodation/Private Ac-
commodation and all the halls of residence are within the walking
distance and therefore I’ll either walk to the university or cycle to
the university.

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