A Highly Efficient Aeroelastic Optimization Method Based On A Surrogate Model

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Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 17(4), 491–500 (2016)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5139/IJASS.2016.17.4.491

A Highly Efficient Aeroelastic Optimization Method Based on a

Surrogate Model
Wan Zhiqiang*, Wang Xiaozhe** and Yang Chao***
School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China

This paper presents a highly efficient aeroelastic optimization method based on a surrogate model; the model is verified
by considering the case of a high-aspect-ratio composite wing. Optimization frameworks using the Kriging model and
genetic algorithm (GA), the Kriging model and improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO), and the back propagation
neural network model (BP) and IPSO are presented. The feasibility of the method is verified, as the model can improve the
optimization efficiency while also satisfying the engineering requirements. Moreover, the effects of the number of design
variables and number of constraints on the optimization efficiency and objective function are analysed in detail. The accuracy
of two surrogate models in aeroelastic optimization is also compared. The Kriging model is constructed more conveniently,
and its predictive accuracy of the aeroelastic responses also satisfies the engineering requirements. According to the case of a
high-aspect-ratio composite wing, the GA is better at global optimization.

Key words: Kriging, back propagation neural networks, genetic algorithms, improved particle swarm optimization

1. Introduction tailoring of a forward-swept composite wing and a high-

aspect-ratio composite wing using a genetic/gradient-based
Requirements regarding weight reduction and the hybrid algorithm; furthermore, the relationship between the
application of composites are increasing rapidly in modern objective function and design variables was studied [4].
aircraft design, resulting in more flexible structures and a These studies indicate that in aeroelastic optimization,
notable aeroelastic effect. Aeroelastic optimization must many constraints, including flutter, divergence, natural
be performed to reduce unfavourable impacts and take frequency, deformation, aileron efficiency, strength and flight
advantage of aeroelastic effects, thereby increasing the loads, are considered simultaneously, and the aeroelastic
overall performance of an aircraft. In the preliminary phase of responses typically have to be computed repeatedly to search
aircraft design, aeroelastic optimization can be used as a tool for the optimum objective function. The structural model
to reduce weight and increase aeroelastic performance. The becomes more complex with the development of aircraft
design efficiency is enhanced, which is particularly notable in design, and the quantities of design variables and constraints
composite structures [1]. are increasing rapidly. All of these factors will lead to an
In the past several years, many aeroelastic optimization increased computational burden and decreased efficiency
methods have been suggested and applied to practical [5]. In aeroelastic optimization, excessive computational
aircraft design. Livne et al. suggested the active control of a consumption affects the optimization efficiency directly.
composite wing that combined aerodynamic, structure and Therefore, aeroelastic optimization with a proper surrogate
control in aeroelastic tailoring [2]. Guo studied the aeroelastic model is crucial to reducing the computational burden. Many
tailoring design of a composite back-swept wing using a surrogate models have been developed in recent years. The
genetic algorithm (GA) [3]. Wan studied the aeroelastic Kriging model and back propagation neural network model

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com- * Professor
mons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- ** Ph. D Candidate
nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduc- *** Professor, Corresponding author: yangchao@buaa.edu.cn
tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: April 27, 2016 Revised: November 17, 2016 Accepted: November 21, 2016
Copyright ⓒ The Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences 491 http://ijass.org pISSN: 2093-274x eISSN: 2093-2480

(491~500)16-067.indd 491 2017-01-02 오전 5:13:25

2.2 Equation for Flutter Analysis
The equation of the p  k flutter analysis method, which is applicable f
2.2 Equation for Flutter Analysis
The equation of the p  k
The equation of the p  k flutter analysis method, which isapplicable
flutter analysis 2.2
method, Equation
which isfor Flutter Analysis
applicable for
forthe theoptimization,
Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 17(4), 491–500 (2016) stated as [10]:
The equation of the p  k flutter analysis method, which is applicable for the optimiz
stated The equation of the p  k flutter analysis method, which is applicable for the optimiz
statedasas[10]: [10]:
stated as [10]:  V  22 22 V 1 22  p II  
(BP) are widely applied because
VV 2 2
of their high computational stated as [10]:
applicable for   p
theoptimization, M  p B K
isstated  as V [10]:  Q RR
 Q  u  0
11 2 2 RR pp I I
VV 
  b b 2  k  

speed and high predictive  accuracy.pp M M ppBBKK VV QQ  QQ uu  0022 (2)

The Kriging model
and bb
BP model are constructed based
22  kk  V  2
 V  pp 2 M  V pB  K  11 V 22  Q RR  pp Q II  u 
M  p B  K
bb V is the 22flow speed,   V Q  Q u  (2)
 bb  where  kkb isthe
  length of the reference chord, p is
on the given samples, and then, the values of unknown
where VV isisthe
where theflow speed, bb isisthe
flowspeed, thelength
lengthofofthe thereferencereferencechord, chord, pp isisthe eigenvalue,  isis
individuals can be predicted rapidly based on the models. whereV Vis the
where V the
where is the
is the flow flow
flow speed, of air,b b
speed, bkis is is the
the the
length of the the reference
of frequency,
of the reference
referenceu chord,
pp is
is the vector the
of eigenvalue
is the the gener
The Kriging model and BP model are currently k being applied
model are currently inbeing applied thethe density
in aircraft optimization of
of air,
air, k isis
design. Shinkyu the
the reduced
reduced frequency,
et al. developed athe uu
chord, is is
the p vector
is the of of thethe
eigenvalue, generalized
generalized k is structural
the density degree
degreeof air, u is the
aircraft areoptimization
currently beingdesign. appliedShinkyu in aircraftetoptimization
al. developed design. Shinkyu density of
et al. developed air, k is
of freedom, aisand
method M is the
the reduced matrix of
frequency, u generalized
is the vectorunsteady aerodynamic
of the generalized force
the density
reduced of air, k u
frequency, the
is reduced
the vector frequency,of theu generalized is the vector of the generalized structura
a method that combinedof of freedom,
the and
that combined the Kriging model and GA in the aerodynamic optimization of a two-dimensional M M modelisisthe
the matrix
GA of
in generalized
the unsteady
unsteady aerodynamic
aerodynamic forces.
forces. The The superscripts
superscripts R R
that combined the Kriging model and GA in the aerodynamic optimization of freedom,
of freedom, ofdegree
and IM
a two-dimensional
Mof isfreedom,
represent the matrix
is the matrix the real of generalized
and andMimaginary
of generalized
is the unsteadyparts,aerodynamic
unsteady respectively.
forces. The superscr
The commercial
forces. The superscr
aerodynamic optimization of a two-dimensional airfoil
airfoil profile [6]. Mashio et al. studied andand I
multi-objectI represent
represent the
optimization real
real and
of imaginary
a imaginary
multistage parts,
crevasse The
The commercial
unsteady commercial software
aerodynamicsoftware MSC.
forces. Nastran
The superscripts
airfoil[6]. Mashio
profile [6]. etMashioal. studied et al. multi-object
studied multi-object optimizationoptimization ofand I represent
a multistage the real
is utilized for andflutter
the imaginary analysis. parts, respectively. The commercial software MSC.
R and II represent
represent the real
the realand andimaginary imaginary parts,
respectively. The commercial software MSC.
of a multistage profile is is crevasse
utilized forfor theusing
the flutter
flutter the Kriging model
using the Kriging model [7]. Rai et al. studied the robust optimization design of an aerodynamic The is shape
commercial for the flutter analysis.
[7].usingRai theet Kriging
al. studiedmodelthe [7]. robust
Rai et al.optimizationstudied the robust design optimization
of design
is utilized the software
of anforaerodynamic flutter analysis. MSC. Nastran is utilized for the
flutter analysis.
using the BP model an[8]. aerodynamic
Hass et al. analysed shape helicopter rotor loads using[8].the BP et model [9].
using the BP model [8]. using
Hass etthe al. BPanalysedmodel helicopter Hass rotoral.loads using the BP model [9].
2.3 Aeroelastic Optimization
analysed helicopter 2.3 rotor
2.3 loads using
Aeroelastic the BP model [9].
In this study, a highly efficient optimization method based on a surrogate model is proposed 2.3Aeroelastic to
Aeroelastic Optimization
InIn thisthis study,
study, a highly
a highly efficient
efficient optimizationmethod
optimization methodbased based on a2.3 surrogate
2.3 Aeroelastic model isOptimization
Aeroelastic proposed
Optimization to
optimization is a typical optimization problem involving the sea
Aeroelastic optimization
optimization isisa atypical
typical optimization
optimization problem
problem involving
Aeroelastic optimization thethe search
is a typical ofof design
design variables
variablesproblem involving the search of design v
solve the excessiveoncomputational
a surrogate model burden is in proposed
solve the excessive computational burden in aeroelastic response Aeroelastic
solve the analysis.
excessive Many optimization Aeroelastic
analysis. Many
in optimization
the optimization
ndvdv -dimensionalis a typical is a optimization typical
space to minimizeoptimization
problem involving
the objective the search of design
function whilv
computational burden in aeroelastic response analysis. Many problem involving the search of design variables in the n -
methods are studied, and frameworks using inin the the nndvdv-dimensional
theKriging -dimensional
model and GA, space
spacethetoto minimize
Kriging model the
the inobjective
and objective
the ndv -dimensional
IPSO function
function while while space satisfying
to minimize the nthe
the nconcon objective function while satisfying th
methods are methods
optimization studied, and areframeworks
studied, andusingframeworks
the Kriging using model and GA, inthe theKrigingndv -dimensional
model to and space to minimize the
IPSO objective function while satisfying th
dimensional constraints
space [11]:
minimize the objective function while
and the BP model and theIPSO Kriging are model
presented. and GA,
constraints ofthe
these Kriging
[11]: methods model are and
verifiedIPSO by and
considering the
satisfying case the [11]:n constraints [11]:
and the BP model and IPSO are presented. All of these methods are verified by considering
constraints min F (vthe
[11]: ) case
the BP model and IPSO are presented. All of these methods
of a high-aspect-ratio
areofcomposite bywing, and theFthe
F(optimum ofobjective function and efficiency areF (v )
a high-aspect-ratio
verified minmincomposite
considering v(v))case wing, aand the optimum objectivemin
high-aspect-ratio min function F (vs.t ) . efficiency
and c lower
jj  gare jj (v )  c jj
j 1, 2,..., ncon con
lower upper
composite wing, s.t
and lower
s.t. . theccj optimization
optimum ggj (j v(v))objectiveupper
ccj j
j 2,...,
2,..., s.t
nnconcon s.tmodel .. c lower  g
c jj  g jj (vv)lower ( v )  c upper
 c jj v  vj upper j 
 1, 2,...,
1, 2,..., nconn (3)
(3) (3)
compared. The results indicate that the aeroelastic j based a surrogate lower upper
i 1, 2,..., ndvdv
compared. The results indicate that the aeroelastic optimization method based on a surrogate ii model ii ii con
and efficiency are compared. vvilower The
vresults upperindicate ithat
vi ivvi iupper i the n
2,..., ndvdv
vvilower   vvii 
 vviiupper ii  1,
1, 2,...,
2,..., nndv
has engineering practicability,
aeroelastic and the optimization
optimization method
based can on beaimproved
surrogate while maintaining i dv
has engineering practicability, and the optimization efficiency can be improvedwhere while F maintaining
(v ) is the objective function (structural mass in this study), gii
where F(v)(v is ))this isthe theobjective function (structural (structural mass in study), g (v ) are the co
mass F
model has engineering practicability,
FF(v(v) ) isis the and the optimization where objective
ggi (i v(v))function mass in this
accuracy. where
where the objective
objective function
function (structural
(structuralwhere mass inin(vthis
F is study),
the objective are
are the
function constraintmass in this study), gii (v ) are the co
the (structural
efficiency can be improved while maintaining accuracy. this study), g (v) are the constraint functions
functions (such as the deformation of the wing tip, internal stress, aileron
i (such as the
functions (such as wing
the deformation internalof the wing tip, efficiency,
internal stress, aileron efficiency, and
functions (such (such asas the the deformation
deformation ofof the wingdeformation
the wing functions
tip, internal(such
internal of
stress, the
stress, as aileron
aileron tip,efficiency,
efficiency, ofstress,
andandwing aileron
flutter), tip, internal stress, aileron efficiency, and
lower upper
andlower flutter), cupper and c jj are
and arethe the lower lower and andupper upperbounds bounds of constraints, anduppervilower
2. Methodology 2. Methodology lower upper cc lower and
upper are
and v
lower and viupper are th
are th
2. Methodology c lower
cj j and cj j
and c upper
are the lower and upper bounds
are the lower and upper boundsofofconstraints, of j
and vi i
j and v lower
and v
and vi i are
are the
arethe lower
lower and upper
i i

bounds of the and upper

design bounds of the design variables [12], respectively, including th
2.1 Equation for Aeroelastic response Analysis and upper bounds of variables
the design[12], variables respectively,
[12], respectively,including including the skin thickne
Equation for forAeroelastic
andand upper response response
bounds Analysis
ofof thetheAnalysis
design variables
variables [12], and upper bounds of thethe design skinvariables [12], webrespectively, including the skin thickne
upper bounds therespectively,
[12], respectively,
skin thickness, including
web thickness, the skin thickness,
and flangeweb
thickness, section area.
thickness, thickness,
and flange and flange
section area. section area.
The basic equation for the aeroelastic response analysis is [10]: thickness,
The penalty and flange function sectionisarea. a common method for the
The The basic
basic equation
equation for
for aeroelastic
and andflange
aeroelastic flange response
response analysis
area. is [10]:
is [10]:
calculation The penalty The
of constraint penalty
function is afitness, function
commonand ismethod
a common
the for function
the method can
calculationfor be
of calculation of constraint
constraint fitness, and the ff
 K aa  qQaa  ua  M aa uKa  qqQQax ux u Pa M The u  q
penalty Q u 
function P is a common method
(1) for the
The penalty function is a common method for the calculation of constraint fitness, and the
calculation(1) of constraint fitness, and the function
aaThe a penalty ax xfunction is a common method forexpressed the calculation of constraint fitness, and the function
 as [13]:
aa aa a a
can beasexpressed (1)
as [13]:
can be expressed [13]:
can be expressed as [13]:
where the subscript where means the structural can bebeexpressed
candisplacementexpressed asas[13]:
vector [13]: analysis freedom, K
set ofdisplacement is the   g j (Kv )  cislower 
the subscript a
the subscript a means
means the thestructural
structural displacement vector set ofaaanalysis freedom, j the 4 4
vector set of analysis freedom, Kaa is the matrix of structural exp  loweraa  g j (v )  clower 4
44   cj  1.0 

stiffness, q isisthe
matrix of structural stiffness, thedynamic
dynamic pressure, Qaa Q isaatheis matrix of aerodynamic influence  
matrix of structural stiffness, pressure, q is the dynamic the matrix
pressure, Qofaa is the matrix of aerodynamic  influence
aerodynamic influence coefficients, uaa is the vector  of R j (v ) 1.0 c lower
j  g j (v )  cupper j (4)
coefficients, ua is the vector ofdeformation,
structural deformation, M M is the matrix of structural mass, Q is 
coefficients, ua is the vector
structural aa is of structural deformation, M aa is the matrix of structural
the matrix aa of structural mass, ax
  gmass, j (v )  c j ax
Q is 

Qaa is the matrix of unit aerodynamic loads, ux is the vector exp  upper  cupper
 j  g j (v )
the matrix of unit aerodynamic loads, u is the vector of aerodynamic trim parameters (e.g., angle of   c  1.0 
of theaerodynamic
matrix of unittrim aerodynamic
x parameters loads,(e.g., ux is angle
the vector of attack,
of aerodynamic trim parameters  j
(e.g., angle of
elevator deflection), which is used to define the deflection
attack, elevator deflection), which is used to define the deflection of the aerodynamic control surface
where R j is(vthe ) iscontrol the fitness surfaceof the j th constraint. If g j (v ) satisfies the specific co
where Rj(v) fitness of the j th constraint. If gi(v) satisfies
of attack, elevator deflection),
the aerodynamic controlwhich surface is used andtothe define the deflection
overall rigid of the aerodynamic
the specific constraint, the value of Rj(v) is 1.0, otherwise it
and the overall rigidmotion
motionof ofthethe aircraft,
aircraft, and and PPa isisthe thevector
vectorofofapplied applied loads.
loads. The commercial
and the overall rigid motion aof the aircraft, and Pa is the vector ofbelongs value ofto
applied R
loads. j (vThe
(0.0, )1.0),
1.0, andotherwise
the farther it belongs form to the(0.0,1.0)bounds, , the and the farther form the bound
The commercial software MSC. Nastran is utilized for the
closer to 0.0. The penalty function combines the responses
software MSC. Nastran is utilized
aeroelastic for the aeroelastic
response analysis. response analysis.
software MSC. Nastran is utilized for the aeroelastic response analysis. withto 0.0. the The penalty function
constraint bounds, combines which develops the responses with the constraint bounds, which
an effective
method for the constraint estimation. Fig.1 shows the fitness
2.2 Equation for Flutter Analysis 3 effective method for the constraint estimation. Fig.1 shows the fitness curve of a norm
3 curve of a normal constraint function with the bounds of
The equation of the p-k flutter analysis method, which is function
(-1.0, 1.0). with the bounds of ( 1.0,1.0) .

A variety of algorithms have been studied for aeroelastic optimization; this paper use

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5139/IJASS.2016.17.4.491 492 IPSO [14, 15].

2.4 Surrogate Model

Surrogate models are constructed by samples (including design variables and respons
(491~500)16-067.indd 492 2017-01-02 오전 5:13:26
value of R j (v ) is 1.0, otherwise it belongs to (0.0,1.0) , and the farther form k (v )
fthe is a polynomial
bounds, the closer expression that is typically divided into zero-order (con
order (linear) and second-order (quadratic polynomial) polynomials, βk is coefficient
order (linear) and second-order (quadratic polynomial) polynomials, βk is coefficient m
to 0.0. The penalty function combines the responses with the constraint order (linear) and develops
second-order (quadratic polynomial) polynomials, βk is coefficient
nr bounds,
is the responsewhich number an (usually including constraints and the objective function).
n is
effective method for the constraint estimation. Fig.1 shows the fitnessr ncurve the response
of a normal numbernumber
constraint (usually including constraints and the objective function). Z
r is the response
(usually including constraints and the objective function).
part, whose covariance matrix can be expressed as:
function with the bounds of ( 1.0,1.0) . nonparametric part, whose covariance matrix can be expressed as:
nonparametric part,
s whose 2 covariance sj matrix can be expressed as:
Wan Zhiqiang A Highly Efficient Aeroelastic
), z (v j )]   Method
Cov[ z (v sOptimization G (v si , vBased ) on a Surrogate Model
sj sj
Cov[ zthis
A variety of algorithms have been studied for aeroelastic optimization; si
(v paper ), z (v uses)]s  GA G[4]
, v )s
Cov[ z (v si ), z (vs j )]   2G (v si , v j )
where G (v si , v j ) is the correlation equation between two design variable vectors s
IPSO [14, 15]. s
A variety of algorithms have been studied for aeroelastic where G (v si , svi j )s j isis the
where the correlation
correlation equation equationbetween
between design variable vectors s
where G (v , v ) is the correlation equation between two design variable vectors i s
optimization; this paper uses GA [4] and IPSO [14, 15]. design variable vectors si and sj in space that determines Gauss correlation equati
space that determines the accuracy of the Kriging model. The
the that determines
accuracy the accuracy
of the Kriging model. of the Kriging
Gauss model. The Gauss correlation equation
appliedthat duedetermines
its preferable theperformance,
accuracy ofThe
and Kriging
it can bemodel. Theas:
expressed Gauss correlation equati
2.4 Surrogate Model
2.4 Surrogate Model equation is widely applied due its preferable performance,
applied due its preferable performance, and it can be expressed as:
it can due expressed
its preferable performance, and it can be expressed as:
Surrogate models are constructed by samples (including design variables andsberesponses) dv as:
 nthat have s 
Surrogate models are constructed by samples (including G(v si , v j )  exp ndv i visi  vi j 
 
s 
 indv1i in 
si vi j sj 
alreadyvariables and responses)
been computed that have
using the finite already
element methodbeen (FEM), and v si , v j )s j
G(then, exp utilized visi the
G(v si ,theyv ) are
exp 
 i 1 i i vi 
 v  (8)
computed using the finite element method (FEM), and then,  i 1 
aeroelastic analysis instead of the FEM. Because the ofKriging where  is the correlation parameter. In order to improve the accuracy of Kriging m
they are utilized in the aeroelastic analysis instead the model and BPi model are effective
where θi iis is
thethe correlationparameter.
correlation parameter.InInorder ordertotoimprove
the accuracy of Kriging mo
i is thecan correlation parameter. In order to improve the accuracy of Kriging m
FEM. Because methods,
approximate the Kriging
the model
complexand BP model
responses, areaseffective
such non-linear aeroelastic functions, be thereduced,
adjusted to minimized predictive error by an optimization method.
approximate methods, the complex responses, such as accuracy of Kriging model, θi is adjusted to minimized the
adjusted to minimized the predictive error by an optimization method.
and the efficiency
non-linear will functions,
aeroelastic be improved.can be reduced, and the adjusted to
predictive errorminimized the predictivemethod.
by an optimization error by an optimization method.
efficiency will be improved.
2.4.2 BP Model
2.4.2 BP Model
2.4.2 BP Model
2.4.1 KrigingModel
Model 2.4.2 BP Modelneural
artificial neural network
involvesthethe imitation
imitationof human
of cerebral operation and
The An
human artificial
cerebral neural network
operation involves
and the
consists imitation
of many of human
artificial cerebral operation and c
The Kriging modelhashas
Kriging model preferable
preferable flexibility
flexibility and
and predictive An artificial
many artificial neural network
thus overcoming
neurons theAninvolves
[17]. artificialthe imitation
neuron of human
is a form cerebral operation
of mathematical and
model that
predictive performance, thus overcoming the limitations of neurons [17]. An artificial neuron is a form of mathematical
many artificial neurons [17]. An artificial neuron is a form of mathematical model that ca
parameterisedof the parameterised model for high-dimensional
model for high-dimensional data. Thedata. The many
model artificial
that neurons
isa human
canofsimulate [17].
a method
the ofAn artificial
neuron, which of
operation neuron
a human is aneuron,
has form of mathematical
multiple model that
inputs. The weighted sum
Kriging model is a method of improved linear regression that the operation
which typically of ahashuman neuron,inputs.
multiple which The
typically has multiple
weighted sum ofinputs. The weighted sum o
improved linear regression that combines the linear regression part andvalues the operation
nonparametric of part
is calculated a human neuron,
by an whichfunction,
activation typically and
has multiple
then, theinputs.
outputThe weighted
value can besum
combines the linear regression part and nonparametric part the input values is calculated by an activation function,
values is calculated by an activation function, and then, the output value can be obta
via the random
(typically via the method)
method) [16]: andvalues
activation calculated
function by anbe
value activation
can function,
be obtained.
monotonically Theand then,
increasing, the output
continuous value can The
and derivable. be oB
activation should
function functionbe should be monotonically
monotonically increasing,
increasing, continuous and derivable. The BP
K (v )  f (v ) + z (v ) (5) activation
be expressed function
as [18]:should be(5)monotonically increasing, continuous and derivable. The B
and derivable. The BP model can be expressed as [18]:
be expressed as [18]:
f(v) is the linear regression part, and it can be expressed be expressed ndv as [18]:
f ( v ) is the linear regression part, and it can be 5expressed as: y k  n(
dv wki vi ) (9)
y   (ni w
Whereyk  yi k(1yykiskiw
Where is
the 
kithe ) predictivevalue
vipredictive valueofof thethek thk thresponse,
response,wkiwkiis is
k1 is the predictive value of the k th response, wki is the weight coefficient, a
weight coefficient, and
coefficient, a
f (v )  f k (v ) β k (6) Where yk is the predictive(6)value of the k th response, wki
i 

is theactivation
weight function.
activation function. and φ(v) is the activation6function.
k 1 the coefficient,
the activation
The error function that is generated in 6 the back
where fk(v)
where f k (vis) ais apolynomial
polynomial expression thatis istypically
expression that typicallydivided intoThezero-order
Theerrorerror function (constant),
function that
that is is first-
generated in in
back back 6
propagation can bebe
can expressed
expressed as:as:
propagation error function
can be that
expressed is generated
as: in the back propagation can be expressed as:
divided into zero-order (constant), first-order (linear) and
ns nsnr nr
order (linear) (quadratic polynomial)
and second-order (quadraticpolynomials, βk is
polynomial) polynomials, βk 1is11coefficient
ns nr
(d((ksddkssmatrix, and
coefficient matrix, and nk is the response number (usually
  EE E 2n22s nns  1s k1 
1k 1
 y ' ksy)''kss2 ) 22
k  yk) (10)
s s 1  k 1
nr is theconstraints
including response number (usually
and the including
objective constraints
function). Z(v)andis the objective function). Z (v ) is the
the nonparametric part, whose covariance matrix can be whered kd
where s s
disk is is
s the thethe expectation
expectation value,
value, and andy 'sky 's'skisisis
and the predictive
the values,
predictive values, andandns nsis isthethe
k is the expectation value, and y k is the predictive values, and ns is the samp
expressed as: part, whose covariance matrix can be expressed as: values, and n s is the sample number.
s s
Therefore, BP
BP BPmodel
BP modeltraining
model trainingisisis
training isequal
equal tothe theoptimization
the optimizationofof
optimization ofE (E
w. ))TheTheminimum
.. The minimum
Cov[ z (v si ), z (v j )]   2G (v si , v j ) (7) (7)
of E(w). The minimum E can be attained by adjusting the
weightw w
Figures attained byby adjusting thethe weight
weight w in by adjusting
practical the
weight winin practical
in practical
practical problems.
where G (v si , v j ) is the correlation equation between two design variable vectors si and s j in
space that determines the accuracy of the Kriging model. The Gauss 2.5 Optimization
correlation equation Flowchart
is widely
2.5 Optimization
Optimization Flowchart

applied due its preferable performance, and it can be expressed as: Surrogate models are combined with optimization
Constraint fitness

Surrogate modelsareare
models arecombined
combined withoptimization
with optimizationalgorithms
optimization algorithmstoto
algorithms toconstruct
construct thehighly
algorithms to construct the highly efficient aeroelastic
 ndv
s  aeroelastic
optimization optimization
optimization method; thethe
the flowchart flowchartof of
flowchart the thethe
of method
method is is
expressed in in
Fig. 2. 2.
 aeroelastic optimization method;
(8) the flowchart of the method is expressed in Fig. 2.
G(v si , v j ) 0.4 exp   i visi  vi j 
 i 1  expressed in Fig. 2.
(1) Sample selection and
selection andanalysis
Sampleselection and analysis
selection and analysis
where i is 0.0 the correlation parameter. In order to improve the accuracy of Kriging
Samples are model,byby
selected the is Latin-hypercube
Samples are selected
Samples are selected by the
are selected i theLatin-hypercube
Latin-hypercube method to to
method toensure
to thehomogeneous
homogeneous di
-10 -5 0 5 10 ensure the homogeneous distribution in variable space. The
adjusted to minimized the predictive
Normal error by an optimization method.variable
constraint function
is utilized
FEM is is
to analyse
is utilized
utilizedto to
the structural
structural mass,
mass, aeroelastic
aeroelastic responses
responses and
Fig. 1. Fitness of 1. FitnessConstraint
a Normal of a Normal Constraint Function
Function responses
fitness ofof
fitness and
each constraint
sample. fitness of each sample.
fitness of each sample.

2.4.2 BP Model (2)(2)

(2) model
Surrogate construction
model construction
The Kriging http://ijass.org
An artificial neural network involves the imitation of human The Krigingmodel
The oror
and orBPBP
model model
BP modelis is
ofmodel isconstructed
constructed withdesign
with designvariables,
design variables,structural
variables, structuralmass,
structural massa

many artificial neurons [17]. An artificial neuron is a form of mathematical and
responses andconstraint
responses fitness.
that fitness.If If
can simulate
constraint Ifthethe
model accuracyis is
accuracy isnotnot
acceptable, thenthethe
then thesampl

the operation of a human neuron, which typically has multiple inputs.updated

The to to
updated construct
updated to sum aofnew
construct aathe
values is calculated by an activation function, and then, the output Aeroelastic
(3) can beoptimization
Aeroelastic optimization
obtained. The
(491~500)16-067.indd 493 2017-01-02 오전 5:13:26
Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 17(4), 491–500 (2016)

(2) Surrogate model construction utilized for the construction of upper/lower skins, ribs
The Kriging model or BP model is constructed with and front/rear spar webs. Bar elements are utilized for the
design variables, structural mass, aeroelastic responses and construction of upper/lower stringers, stiffened frames
constraint fitness. If the model accuracy is not acceptable, and front/rear spar flanges. The engine is reduced to bar
then the samples will be updated to construct a new model. elements, and the concentrated mass at a point element
(3) Aeroelastic optimization is used to simulate the mass characteristics of engine and
GA: the optimization strategy and parameters are defined payloads. The subsonic doublet-lattice method is utilized
first; the parameters include the population size, coding for aerodynamic computations, and the wing aerodynamic
mode, convergence criterion, and probabilities of crossover surface is divided into 8 groups with 266 elements in total.
and mutation. Next, the initial population is generated, The structural and aerodynamic models are shown in Fig. 3.
and the objective function and fitness are calculated by the
surrogate model. The next population will be generated from 3.2 Optimization Constraints and Strategies
the current population by individual fitness, fitness scaling,
niche technology, reproduction, crossover, and mutation if Ten constraints are considered in aeroelastic optimization,
the termination criteria are not met. including structural deformation, ply failure of composite
IPSO: the optimization strategy and parameters are laminate, aileron efficiency and flutter. The specific
defined first; the parameters include the population size, constraints are divided into three groups according to the
convergence criterion, acceleration coefficient, learning flight parameters:
factor, and mutation probability. Next, the initial population (1) for the flight parameters at a 11,200 m height,
is generated, and the objective function and fitness are 0.78 Mach and 2.5 g pull-up maneuver, the maximum
calculated by the surrogate model. If the termination criteria displacement at the wing tip is less than 12% of the half
are not met, then the next population will be generated from
the current population by the individual fitness, acceleration
coefficient, and learning factor, and the concentration is
mutated appropriately.

3. Optimization based on the FEM

3.1 Baseline Model

The structural finite element model considered as

the optimization object is a typical composite wing-box
structure consisting of double spars, multi ribs and stiffened
skins, which is constructed by the commercial software MSC.
Patran. The model consists of 1286 nodes and 3371 elements
(207 point elements, 1768 bar elements and 1396 triangle/
Fig. 3. Structural Model (upper) and Aerodynamic Model (lower)
quadrangle elements). Triangle/quadrangle elements are Fig. 3. Structural Model (upper) and Aerodynamic Model (lower)

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the Aeroelastic Optimization Algorithm based on a Surrogate Model

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the Aeroelastic Optimization Algorithm based on a Surrogate Model

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Wan Zhiqiang A Highly Efficient Aeroelastic Optimization Method Based on a Surrogate Model

span, and the maximum torsion is less than 4.5°, and each population size 500
ply of the composite laminates of skins and webs satisfies the learning factor 1.1
“Tsai-Wu” composite failure theory with the response values upper/lower limit of acceleration coefficient 0.9/0.3
belonging to (-1.0, 1.0); concentration mutation probability 0.8
(2) for the flight parameters at a 11,200 m height, 0.78 termination criterion maximum generation (70)
Mach, 0° angle of attack and 10° deflection of the aileron, the
aileron efficiency is greater than 60%; and 3.3 Optimization Results
(3) the flutter speed at sea level is greater than 320 m/s;
The characteristics of the high-aspect-ratio composite The baseline model is optimized using the GA according
wing and the composite failure theory are considered in to the optimization strategies, and the individual that has
the aeroelastic optimization strategies, which specifically the best fitness is regarded as the optimum individual. Fig.
require the following: 4 shows the deformation of the optimized model. Fig. 5 and
(1) the structural laminate is symmetrical, where the 0° Fig. 6 show the g-V curves and F-V curves of the optimized
fibre direction refers to the direction of the rear spar flange. model, respectively, and Table 1 shows the natural frequency
The ply thickness of 0°, ±45° and 90° fibre directions accounts and mode of the optimized model. The typical bend/twist
for 50%, 40% and 10% of the composite laminate of the skins, coupling flutter is taken into consideration (ignoring Mode
respectively, and the ply thickness of ±45° fibre directions 6 of the winglet). Table 2 compares the baseline model and
of front/rear spar webs is equal. The front/rear spar flanges optimized model.
and stringers are constructed with equivalent isotropic rods The results indicate that the weight of the composite wing
which are converted from the composite laminate. can be reduced with the satisfaction of all constraints. A more
(2) the upper/lower skins, front/rear spar webs and front/ appropriate stiffness distribution and reduced structural
rear spar flanges are divided into twelve regions, and the mass can be attained through the aeroelastic structural
laminate thickness and the sectional area of flanges increase optimization.
from the wing tip to the wing kink, whereas it decreases
from the wing kink to the wing root. Therefore, the structural
4. Optimization based on Surrogate Models
model can be described by 72 design variables.
(3) the genetic parameters are composed of:
Surrogate model construction and its accuracy validation
population size 500
are based on the FEM analysis. The efficient aeroelastic
crossover probability 0.7
optimization methods are analysed using the Kriging model
mutation probability 0.4
termination criterion maximum generation (15)
and the parameters of IPSO are composed of:

Tables Table 1. Natural Mode Information of the Optimum Model

Table 1. Natural Mode Information of the Optimum Model
Order Mode Description F(Hz)

1 1st vertical bend 2.92

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Deformation ofDeformation of the
the Optimized Optimized Model
2 Engine swing 3.25

3 Engine pitching 4.06

4 1st horizontal bend 6.96

5 2nd vertical bend 8.53

6 1st winglet bend 12.83

7 3rd vertical bend 18.25

8 1st twist 21.56

9 4th vertical bend 24.31

10 Aileron twist 28.79

Fig. 5. g-V curves Fig. 5. g-V curves

495 http://ijass.org

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uniform distribution, are utilized for the construction of surrogate models. The structural mass,

composite failure of the skin plies with 90°, 0°, +45° and -45° fibre directions, composite failure of

the web plies with +45° and -45° fibre directions, aileron efficiency and flutter, 11 responses in total,

are computed as the database according to the selected samples.

Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 17(4), 491–500 (2016)

The BP model cannot satisfy all of the samples in the model construction, and the predictive
and GA, the Kriging model and IPSO, and the BP model by these five hundred samples is shown in Fig. 7. The
accuracy validated by these five hundred samples is shown in Fig. 7. The Kriging model can satisfy
and IPSO. The efficiencies of the different methods are also Kriging model can satisfy all of the samples in the model
studied. all of the samples inconstruction;
the model construction; therefore,
therefore, the modelthe model is constructed
is constructed with four with four hundred
hundred samples and verified by the others. The predictive
samples and verified by the others. The predictive accuracy is shown in Fig. 8.
4.1 Model Construction and Accuracy Analysis accuracy is shown in Fig. 8.
The relative error isThe therelative
differenceerror is the the
between difference between of
actual responses theFEMactual
and the predictive
The fitted responses of the surrogate model mainly contain responses of FEM and the predictive responses of Kriging,
an objective function and constraints, and theresponses
appropriateof Kriging, andititisisdefined erel rFEM  rKrig / rFEM . The predictive
as: 
defined as:
and predictiveaccuracy of these
response types are fitted for different constraints. The
accuracy of these two surrogate models is practicable, except
objective function (structural mass) and constraints, such models is practicable, except for some particular individuals, and they are applicable for
two surrogate for some particular individuals, and they are applicable for
as the deformation of the wing tip and aileron efficiency,
aeroelastic optimization. The relative errors of the composite
can be fitted directly, whereas the other constraints, suchoptimization. The relative errors of the composite failure constraint of the skin with +45°
failure constraint of the skin with +45° fibre direction ply and
as the composite laminate failure, and flutter, are fitted
fibre with ply and the flutter constraint are slightly larger, but they still satisfy the engineering
direction the flutter constraint are slightly larger, but they still satisfy
the constraint fitness. In order to improve the accuracy of
the engineering requirement. The mean predictive errors of
surrogate models, only the objective function is fitted directly,The mean predictive errors of the objective function and the constraint fitness values for
the objective function and the constraint fitness values for
and the other responses are fitted with the constraint fitness.
these two surrogate models
these twoare surrogate
shown in Table
models3. are shown in Table 3.
Five hundred samples, whose variables are selected
The mean predictive errors of these two surrogate models
using the Latin-hypercube method to ensure the The mean predictive errors of these two surrogate models are approximately 1%. If the response
are approximately 1%. If the response satisfies the constraint
distribution, are utilized for the construction of surrogate
satisfies the constraintcompletely,
completely, thenthen
the the
predictivevalues of constraint
values of constraintfitness
fitness will be one.
models. The structural mass, composite failure of the skin
will be one. Therefore, the errors of some responses (such as
plies with 90°, 0°, +45° and -45° fibre directions, composite
Therefore, the errorsdisplacement
of some responses and (such as angle)
torsion displacement
may beand torsion
zero. The angle)
BP modelmay be zero. The BP
failure of the web plies with +45° and -45° fibre directions,
model has are has higher
higher predictive predictive
accuracy accuracy
compared with thecompared with the
Kriging model. TheKriging
computational burden is
aileron efficiency and flutter, 11 responses in total,
model. The computational burden is analysed, and the
computed as the database according to the selected samples.
analysed, and the comparison is shown in Table 4. 4.
comparison is shown in Table
The BP model cannot satisfy all of the samples in the
model construction, and the predictive accuracyThe BP model is more efficient in model construction and individual prediction. The Kriging model
is a method with multiple inputs and a single output, that is, one Kriging model can only predict one

response value, whereas the BP model is a method with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, and thus,

one model can predict several response values. However, the BP model is a static function with simple

matrix operations, whereas the Kriging model is a dynamic interpolation method that requires the

construction of a new function by calculating the spatial position relationship between the predictive

individual and other samples to obtain the response value. Therefore, the BP model has a lower

Fig. 7. Relative Errors of the BP Model

Fig. 7. Relative Errors of the BP Model
Fig. 6. F-V curves Fig. 6. F-V curves

Table 3. Mean Relative Errors of Kriging and BP

Table 2. Comparison between the Baseline Model and Optimum Table 3. Mean Relative Errors of Kriging and BP
Table 2. Comparison between the Baseline Model and Optimum Model Response Kriging BP

Response Constraint Baseline Optimum Weight 0.535% 0.466%

Weight —— M 0.904M Displacement 0.000% 0.000%

Displacement <12% 7.82% 8.55% Torsion angle 0.000% 0.000%

Torsion (degree) <4.5 2.33 2.39 Aileron Efficiency 0.068% 0.034%

Aileron efficiency >60% 64.5% 61.7% Failure Constraints 0.108% 0.097%

Flutter speed (m/s) >320 364 356 Flutter 1.546% 0.964%

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5139/IJASS.2016.17.4.491 496

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Wan Zhiqiang A Highly Efficient Aeroelastic Optimization Method Based on a Surrogate Model

The BP model is more efficient in model construction The optimum results based on the FEM and GA are used
and individual prediction. The Kriging model is a method as the reference to verify the optimization of the surrogate
with multiple inputs and a single output, that is, one Kriging models. The Kriging model is mainly optimized with the GA;
model can only predict one response value, whereas the the fitness convergence curves are compared in Fig. 9.
BP model is a method with multiple inputs and multiple The Kriging method can converge rapidly, whereas the
outputs, and thus, one model can predict several response optimum objective function of the FEM is superior to that of
values. However, the BP model is a static function with simple the Kriging method. The consumption comparison is shown
matrix operations, whereas the Kriging model is a dynamic in Fig. 10.
interpolation method that requires the construction of a The FEM has the highest consumption in the initial
new function by calculating the spatial position relationship generation, and the responses of repetitive individuals can
between the predictive individual and other samples to be adopted directly without analysis; thus, the computational
obtain the response value. Therefore, the BP model has a burden declines in subsequent generations. The Kriging
lower computational burden. method has the highest consumption in the initial generation
The Kriging model has an advantage over the BP model because it consists of the sample calculation and model
in practical engineering applications. The BP model is construction. The individual is analysed by the Kriging
constructed by repeatedly adjusting the network structure
and activation function until the optimum model is attained.
These parameters, which depend largely on experience,
have an important impact on the predictive accuracy; thus,
the BP model construction is highly uncertain. In contrast,
the Kriging model can be utilized without adjustment, and
its accuracy is practicable. Therefore, the Kriging model is
applied widely and is more advantageous than the BP model
in the aeroelastic optimization of the high-aspect-ratio
composite wing.

Aeroelastic Optimization based on the Surro- Fig.
Fig. 9.  9. Convergence
Convergence Curves
Curves of GA:
(blue)(blue) and Kriging
and Kriging (red)(red)
gate Model

Table 4. Comparison of Computational Burdens

Table 4. Comparison of Computational Burdens
Type FEM Kriging BP
Response 1050 s 5.23 s 0.013 s
Computation / 500 individuals / 500 individuals / 500 individuals
Model 20 s 18 s
Construction (Existing samples) (Existing samples)

Comparisonof the
of Computational Burdens:
the Computational FEM (blue)
Burdens: FEMand Kriging
(blue) and (red)
Kriging (red)

Table 5. Comparison of the Optimum Results

Table 5. Comparison of the Optimum Results
Response Constraint FEM Kriging Validation

Weight ─ M 1.020 M 1.023 M

Displacement <12% 8.55% 8.74% 8.66%

Torsion (degree) <4.5 2.39 2.54 2.52

Aileron efficiency >60% 61.7% 61.6% 61.4%

Fig. 8. Relative Errors of the Kriging Model Flutter speed (m/s) >320 356 358 358
Fig. 8. Relative Errors of the Kriging Model

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Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 17(4), 491–500 (2016)

model in the following generations; thus, the computational based on a surrogate model, and the design efficiency can
burden can be substantially reduced. The model optimized also be increased considerably. Because the surrogate
by the Kriging model and GA is validated by the FEM to models are random due to the randomness of the sample
attain the actual responses. The optimum results of these two selection and model parameters, the responses may be
methods are shown in Table 5. different in each optimization. The method based on the
The responses of these two methods satisfy all of the BP model and IPSO has the best optimum result, and the
constraints, although the objective value of the Kriging global optimization efficiency of the GA is better than that
method results in a slightly heavier wing. The Kriging model of IPSO according to the convergence curve. The results for
and BP model are optimized with IPSO, and the fitness the optimization algorithm efficiency and applicability of
convergence curves are shown in Fig. 11. surrogate models illustrate that the aeroelastic optimization
The Kriging method can converge more rapidly, but the method based on the Kriging model and GA has the highest
optimum objective function of the BP model is better. The efficiency.
weight and computational burden of these methods are
shown in Table 6. 4.3 Analysis of the Optimization Results
The computational burden can be reduced considerably
To study the applicability of the surrogate model in
using the highly efficient aeroelastic optimization method
optimization, the effects of the number of design variables
and constraints on the optimization efficiency and the
objective function of the surrogate models are analysed in
detail, and the optimization method based on GA and FEM
is performed as the reference. Considering the efficiency,
the optimization method based on GA and Kriging model is
The baseline model is optimized with different design
variables. The skin thickness described by 24 variables, the
web and skin thickness describe by 48 variables, and the
entire model described by the same 72 variables mentioned
above are optimized by these two methods with the same
Fig. 11. 11. Convergence
Convergence Curves
Curves of IPSO:
of IPSO: Kriging
Kriging (blue)(blue) and(red)
and BP BP (red)
constraints, respectively, and the comparison is shown in
Table 7.
Table 6. Comparison of the Weight and Computational Burden
Table 6. Comparison of the Weight and Computational Burden The computational burden of FEM is not sensitive to the
Method Weight Amount Time increment of variables, while the consumption of the Kriging
method increases obviously because of the expansion of the
500 individuals
GA+FEM M 9.3 h sample space. The optimum objective function of the Kriging
15 generations
model yields a slightly heavier result, and it is not sensitive to
500 individuals
GA+Kriging 1.023 M 1.3 h changes in the number of variables.
15 generations
The two optimizations containing the same 72 design
500 individuals variables are also performed considering different
IPSO+Kriging 0.977 M 1.7 h
70 generations
constraints. Except for the basic case with the same 10
500 individuals constraints mentioned above, the case ignoring 2 constraints
IPSO+BP 0.936 M 1.5 h
70 generations
of the composite failure of the webs (8 in total) and the case

Table 7. Comparison of the Optimum Results with Different Numbers of Design Variables
Table 7. Comparison of the Optimum Results with Different Numbers of Design Variables
Constraint number 12 12 12

Design variable number 24 48 72

Method FEM Kriging FEM Kriging FEM Kriging

Weight 1 1.0291 1 1.031 1 1.0231

Computation time (h) 9.0 0.98 9.0 1.11 9.3 1.3


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5139/IJASS.2016.17.4.491 498

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Wan Zhiqiang A Highly Efficient Aeroelastic Optimization Method Based on a Surrogate Model

Table 8. Comparison of the Optimum Results with Different Numbers of Constraints

Table 8. Comparison of the Optimum Results with Different Numbers of Constraints
Design variable number 72 72 72

Constraint number 8 10 12

Method FEM Kriging FEM Kriging FEM Kriging

Weight 1 1.015 1 1.019 1 1.023

Computation time (h) 8.1 1.24 8.5 1.24 9.3 1.3

supplementing another 2 constraints of the axial stress of the considerably.

flanges (12 in total) are computed, and the comparison is  
shown in Table 8.
The computational burden of the Kriging method is not Acknowledgement
sensitive to the increment of the constraints, whereas the
consumption of the FEM increases notably because of the This work was supported by the National Key Research
increase in the computational sub-cases. The optimum and Development Program (2016YFB0200703) and the
objective function of the Kriging model yields a slightly National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
heavier result, and the deviation increases with an increasing 11302011, 11672018).
number of constraints.

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