ICM Individual Report

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BANNER ID: 001170284








Team Member Role

Lumbani Makumbi Project Manager

Kingsley kanongwa Quality Assurance Manager

Brave Mkandawire Developer

Vinjeru Banda Developer

Matthews Bonda Developer

Group’s Repository URL:


Group Site’s URL:


Group’s presentation video URL:


Login Credentials
Username: lm2240d@gre.ac.uk
Password: 1O4jjxjM
Table of Contents
TEAM MEMBERS........................................................................................................................................2
Group’s Repository URL:...............................................................................................................................2
Group Site’s URL:..........................................................................................................................................2
Group’s presentation video URL:...................................................................................................................2
A REVIEW OF CONTENT MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................5
Introduction...............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. JOOMLA............................................................................................................................................6
Advantages of Joomla.............................................................................................................................6
Disadvantages of Joomla........................................................................................................................6
2. WORDPRESS....................................................................................................................................6
Advantages of WordPress.......................................................................................................................6
Disadvantage of WordPress....................................................................................................................7
3. DRUPAL............................................................................................................................................7
Advantages of Drupal.............................................................................................................................7
Disadvantage of Drupal..........................................................................................................................7
CHOICE OF CMS AND JUSTIFICATION...............................................................................................8
STAFF GUIDELINES AND LEGISLATION...............................................................................................9
1. Data protection....................................................................................................................................9
2. Copyright............................................................................................................................................9
3. Personal Identifiable information (PII)...............................................................................................9
4. Defamation.......................................................................................................................................10
5. Privacy..............................................................................................................................................10
EVALUATION OF PRODUCT AND PROCESS.......................................................................................11
Navigation Bar..........................................................................................................................................11
Home Page................................................................................................................................................11
Membership Page.....................................................................................................................................13
Career Options Page.................................................................................................................................14
Special Events Page..................................................................................................................................15
Offers Page...............................................................................................................................................15
Contact Us Page........................................................................................................................................16
Footer of all pages....................................................................................................................................17
List Rules..................................................................................................................................................18
Steps for future work................................................................................................................................19
Recommendations for continuing or changing the CMS...........................................................................19
EVALUATION OF TEAM..........................................................................................................................20
Criteria of Evaluation................................................................................................................................20
Score Model..............................................................................................................................................20
Commentary on each team member..........................................................................................................21
This individual report is reviewing three different content management systems, giving legal guidelines for
users on enterprise 2.0 systems, reviewing the a cinema site we created and finally evaluating the team
Content Management System (CMS) is a tool that aids in website development and it requires no
programming knowledge. The CMS also gives you the privilege of managing and modifying the website
you are working on (kinsta, 2021). There are a lot of CMSs today and they are powering several websites
online. This section will outline the benefits and drawbacks of three different CMSs.

Joomla is a content management system (CMS) that helps users to develop static and dynamic websites
without programming knowledge. Joomla gives different users a range of capabilities to manage content on
the website according to the user’s permission levels. (joomla.org, 2021)

Advantages of Joomla
 Joomla offers flexibility by enabling users to edit or come up with their own designs with a
little HTML knowledge. (Katsaniotis, 2017)
 Joomla has a lot of built-in features and it also offers a lot of plugins that help in implementing
some of the functionalities of the website being built. Some of these plugins are free.
(ZoomFactory, 2019)
 Joomla has a large community that assists users with problems that they encounter.
(ZoomFactory, 2019)

Disadvantages of Joomla
 The frequent updating of the CMS causes the incompatibility of plugins. (Ivankov, 2018)
 Although it is an open-source CMS, Users still have to pay for website hosting. .

WordPress is an open-source CMS that was mainly associated with personal blogs, and later became a
widely used website builder for a wide range of websites. WordPress enables users to create and maintain
website content without any technical knowledge. (Fernando, 2021)

Advantages of WordPress
 The User-friendliness of the CMS does not require one to have any programming knowledge. A
non-technical administrator can be able to add new content, edit pages and be able to go
through the back-end of the website. (Khan, 2020)
 WordPress does not limit users to develop a specific type of website, the flexibility offered by
WordPress enables users to develop any type of website they want to develop.
(wpbeginner, 2021)
 The design of WordPress makes it easy to implement Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), users
can be able to come up with SEO-friendly Universal Resource Locaters for the sites they are
creating and WordPress also offers a lot of SEO-plugins that aid in implementing more
features. (wpbeginner, 2021)

Disadvantage of WordPress
 Since it’s an open-source CMS it gives room for attackers to exploit the CMS either through
malicious plugins and themes, which means a user needs to be careful when adding plugins to
the CMS site. (Khan, 2020)
 Plugins might become incompatible due to frequent updates. (Khan, 2020)

Drupal Is a CMS that enables users to develop a variety of websites online. It enables the publishing editing
of web content online. (YourDictionary, 2020)
Advantages of Drupal
 Drupal offers a wide range of modules that help in implementing different sorts of
functionalities. These modules are the same as plugins in WordPress. (wpbeginner, 2021)
 Drupal has a built-in user management system that makes it easy to manage users of the site
that is being created. The user management gives the privilege of creating new users of the
system and giving them specific levels of permissions. (wpbeginner, 2021)
 Like other most used Content Management Systems like WordPress and Joomla, Drupal has a
large community whereby users can be able to get assistance. (Daniel, 2019)

Disadvantage of Drupal

 Purchasing themes when using Drupal is quite expensive because it contains highly customized
themes created by developers and due to the high customization, the prices tend to be high.
(Anyforsoft, 2018)
 Drupal is not a beginner-friendly content management system, because it is quite difficult to
make changes and additions to the site's outlook. (wpbeginner, 2021)
I would prefer using Joomla for the project development because it would have given us more control of the
functionality and the appearance of our cinema site. Joomla is also a user-friendly Content Management
System, its tools are self-descriptive and very easy to use, this could have speed up our project development
process. Joomla could have increased the speed of our site since Joomla gives the privilege of caching and
GZIP compression. Lastly, Joomla has a very large community that gives assistance and updated forums
and would have made the research of our project very smooth. (Rampton, 2020)
Enterprise 2.0 is an integration of different social platforms and collaborative technologies into a company’s
day-to-day business processes. (Techopedia, 2020)

1. Data protection
Data protection is a method of securing data that ensures that personal information is kept private and
individuals are kept in the control of the information. (Masse, 2018) .Data theft has become a very big issue
and most people are losing personal data online.

User Guidelines

Users need to be aware of the following: Use Rights Management Services (RMS) when sending
documents to control the privileges of the recipient. Set the expiry date/time of the documents that are being
sent through enterprise 2.0 systems to ensure that the recipients are not able to access the documents after
the expiration. Set passwords on documents to restrict document access. (Shinder, 2006)

2. Copyright
Copyright is an intellectual property law that grants ownership to individuals of the content they have
created. An individual can recreate the work or publicly broadcast the work they have created.
(PlagiarismToday, 2021). If copyright laws haven’t been followed appropriately, people can claim
ownership of something that they have not created themselves.

User Guidelines

An Enterprise 2.0 like Facebook strongly enforces copyright laws, in its Terms and Policies, it states that its
users can only upload information on Facebook that they have created. This is so, to avoid breaking
intellectual property laws and getting heavily fined. users should only post content that they have personally
created. users should also ask Facebook when posting certain types of information. (Facebook.com, 2021)

3. Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Personal identifiable information is any sensitive type of information that reveals the true identity of an
individual, this information might include national identification numbers. Attackers use different sorts of
methods to get this information.

User Guidelines

Users need to ensure that their data is protected whenever they use an Enterprise 2.0. like Google drive or
dropbox. Firstly, Users need to identify their Personal Identifiable Information (PII), locate this PII, and
then prioritize the data according to the security levels needed, lastly, the data should be encrypted and
backed up to ensure security.
4. Defamation
Defamation is the use of false statements to cause harm to another individual. The most common type of
defamation is online defamation. (David Goguen, 2021). A lot of cases of defamation occur on Facebook
and Twitter due to their huge community of users.

User Guidelines

When using an Enterprise 2.0 like Twitter, users need to make sure that all the information they are
publishing is accurate. They also need to make sure that the opinions they are expressing are not affecting
other people negatively. Users who get harmful information should report by documenting any sorts of
abuse they face and report to the local law enforcement authorities. Therefore, users need to make sure they
review data they are posting, to avoid breaking any laws (help.twitter.com, 2021)

5. Privacy
Privacy is the capability of having control over how your information is collected and used (iapp, 2021)
User Guidelines
Systems like Dropbox encourage users to remove third-party apps and log out on all the devices that have
accessed dropbox with their accounts. Users can also implement 2-way authentication on their accounts.
(Larsson, 2020)
SharePoint is the Content Management System that we used to develop the clone of cartege cinema website.
There were difficulties in implementing some of the pages to look exactly like the actual pages from the
original site, but with the knowledge and resources we had as a team, we managed to come up with this
partially identical site.

Navigation Bar

Figure 1.0: navigation bar

Navigation bar looks similar to the real website, however, the real site had social media links on the far-
right which we failed to implement because of SharePoint’s limited options of editing the navigation bar.

Home Page
The Home page of our teams site contains almost all the features of the real site’s homepage. It contains a
carousel that shows different movies that are being shown, the carousel has a book now button that takes the
users to a movie details page. However, on the showing now section of the page we failed to implement a
mini calendar that was showing different dates a movie will be shown.

Figure 1.1: The first section of the homepage

Figure 1.2: Movie details

Figure 1.2 shows the details of a movie after the “Book Now” button is clicked.

Figure 1.3: the trailer of a movie

A user can watch the trailer of the movie before booking for the movie.
Membership Page
This page was also developed by Matthews Bonda. The real site does not contain the membership page, we
included the membership page on our site as a coursework requirement. This page consists of a form that
allows users who want to be members to fill in their details. However, we had difficulties making the form
uniform with the site background. All the users that have subscribed to be members of cartege cinemas are
stored in an automated list.

Figure 1.4: Membership page

Figure 1.5: subscribed members

All the users who want to join cartege cinemas and become members are stored in one table. Figure 1.5
shows the membership table where these members are stored.
Career Options Page
main aim of the career options page is to showcase available job positions at cartege cinemas. Jobseekers
view the available pages and apply for a job. As for now if you click on the apply now button you will be
redirected to the “Under Development” page because this functionality has not been fully implemented.

Figure 1.6: Available jobs

Special Events Page.
This page was developed as a coursework requirement, it was given content that was fitting its description.
This page displays some of the special events that are available at cartege cinemas.

Figure 1.7: Special Events

Offers Page
This page consists of offers that are available for those members that use certain types of payment methods.
For instance, FamPay card users will get 30% off the transaction they are performing. This page is an
additional page, it is not available on the real site.

Figure 1.8: Offers Page

Contact Us Page
The first section of the page consists of a map that shows the exact location of cartege cinemas in Asaba for
new site visitors. It also displays the Cartege Cinema’s contact detail.

Figure 1.9: Contact Us Page

The bottom section contains a contact us form for contacting the admins. The contents of this form are
stored in a list where they can be easily accessed by the administrators of the site.

Figure 2.0: Contact Us Page

Figure 2.1 shows the list where information of users who have contacted the administrator is stored.
Figure 2.1: Contact Details storage

Footer of all pages

The footer of our site consists of three sections, the address, company, and the get in touch section and the
real site has four sections. We failed to implement the four sections since SharePoint gave us a limitation
and we of only adding three sections. These sections contain links that will allow users to navigate to other
pages of the site.

Figure 2.2: Footer of all the pages

Figure 2.4 shows the Contact Us workflow that was created to fulfill the task of users contacting the
administration of the site. The workflow starts from Microsoft forms where it is triggered by user data
submission. Then the data in the form is collected in the next step and lastly, the data is stored in a list.

Figure 2.3: Contact Us workflow 1

List Rules
The process continues to the lists that were storing data. These were given rules to send emails to site
owners once a record is inserted.

Figure 2.4 list rule

SharePoint is a Content Management System that is used for creating intranets, content management, and
document management (techopedia, 2020). SharePoint has quite a lot of benefits, and some of the benefits
of SharePoint include:

Multi-Purpose functionality: Serving mainly as an Intranet SharePoint gives a range of privileges like
sharing internal information and scheduling different organization tasks compared to the other CMS.
(Buchanan.com, 2018)

Document management and Collaboration: SharePoint allows an organization to store data in a very
organized manner. SharePoint gives the flexibility of publishing documents and exchanging information
which will improve decision-making within an organization. (Banks, 2018)

Integration with existing applications: SharePoint can be integrated with Microsoft Office Suite,
Microsoft Unified Communications, Microsoft Exchange Server, and other Microsoft products. SharePoint
is not limited to Microsoft browsers, it can also be accessed using other browsers like Google Chrome.
(Buchanan.com, 2018)

Enhanced security: The management of permission levels to list, documents, and the application, gives
assurance that not a single person outside the access permission can access the internal content unless the
person is granted permission. (Neu, 2012)

Steps for future work

Some of the improvements that can be made on the developed site include:

 adding a news page to show the cinema's current news to the users.
 a calendar to show the whole movie schedule for that whole month.
 Due to the pandemic, a page can be created to display the measures to be undertaken by the
customers when they visit the cinema.

Recommendations for continuing or changing the CMS

Changing would be a better option because SharePoint was mainly developed as an intranet while other
CMSs like Joomla are and WordPress was created for website building. Migrating to Joomla or WordPress
would be wise since these CMSs are user-friendly and implementing plugins for extending the functionality
of the system is quite simple.
Criteria of Evaluation
Criteria Description

Availability Evaluation according to availability in all the 5 meetings conducted

Time Management Evaluation according to the time taken to complete given tasks.

Productivity What a member has been able to contribute throughout the development process.

Communication How a member was able to collaborate with others.

Punctuality How punctual a member was coming to meetings

Score Model
Team Member Availability Time Productivity Communication Punctuality AVG
Management Score
Lumbani makumbi 8.4
10 7 9 8 8

Kingsley Kanongwa 10 7 9 7 7 8

Brave Mkandawire 8.6

10 8 8 7 10
Vinjeru Banda 8 7 8 10 7 8

Matthews Bonda 10 7 8 8 7 8


8 - 10 Excellent
5-7 Good
4 Acceptable
1-3 Poor
Group 6B
Availability Time Management Productivity Communication Punctuality


Lumbani makumbi Kingsley Kanongwa Brave Mkandawire Vinjeru Banda Matthews Bonda

Commentary on each team member

Kingsley Kanongwa

As the quality assurance manager, He managed to complete all the tasks given to him, He managed to
come up with a test plan on time and made sure all the functionalities were tested in time. However, he was
less of an interactive person during the meetings. He showed up a little late on two meetings but he
managed to bring brilliant ideas whenever he was contributing something to the team. He gave guidance to
the developers of the project and was helping me with some of my tasks whenever I had a lot of things to

Brave Mkandawire

He was one of the site developers, he showed very impressive technical skills and he managed to complete
all the site pages assigned to him in time thus setting a very good example to the other developers. Brave
was the first member to show up during all the meetings and he was committed to the project. However, he
failed to be open during meetings instead he came to me privately to talk about it. But he has been a very
productive team member.
Vinjeru Banda:

She was one of the developers, always asked for clarification and she was able to consult the other
developers whenever she had problems in completing tasks assigned to her. She managed to complete all
the site pages that were assigned to her. However, Vinjeru had a problem of keeping time she showed up a
little late on several meetings which gave her pressure to complete that specific meeting’s task. But
generally, she was able to communicate effectively with every team member.

Matthews Bonda

He was one of the site developers, he managed to complete all the tasks assigned to him and was able to
help the other developers wherever they had problems. He was able to collaborate with all the team
members and he was also able to bring brilliant ideas to the table, He did a lot of SharePoint research
alongside Vinjeru and Brave, this increased the speed of the project. However, Matthews was sometimes
lucking commitment but his overall performance was Excellent.

I as the group project manager I tried my very best to keep my team members in line, I made sure members
were given tasks they can be able to accomplish. I was tracking every individual's progress using a mobile
application called “Planner”. I made it a habit to show up early for meetings to hype up my team members
and set a good example. During meetings, I made sure every member was contributing an idea to make the
project process easy for every team member. However, Sometimes I got tired of the long meetings we had
especially the site design meeting and the functionality implementation meeting but as project manager, I
still had to be strong for the team.

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