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Sunday Tribune

2 TribuneReview 24/02/08


Youngest listed Incredibly, someone was reported
to have bought the floating site last
building June. There is no planning
permission to date, but perhaps the
new owner is designing a hover-
LAST week we revealed that house.
classroom bore Peig Sayers was an Meanwhile, as thin air was being
English Planter. This week we reveal turned into a potential home in one
Ireland’s youngest listed building. part of Sandycove, in another, a home
Before that, let’s return to school for a was being turned into potential thin
brief lesson in absurdity. air…
Five schools have been forced to
compensate property developers Most money paid to knock down a
after deciding to remove snack- house
vending machines from their
canteens. The schools were built as In July of the same year, the council
part of a Public/Private Partnership issued a warning over some
arrangement and the developers improvements taking place on a
were given the right to install the €5.3m Victorian seaside pad. When
machines and trouser the profits they checked on work at the house –
from them. When the schools decided which was shrouded in plastic
to encourage pupils to eat healthily, Bad week: Ian sheeting – most of it had been
the developers had to be paid off. Paisley knocked down. This contravened the
It’s all above board and legal, but suffered a planning permission which had
it’s insane. Developers earn huge blow when his allowed for only part of it to be
profits and already exert a son was demolished.
disproportionate amount of forced to The demolition of high-end
influence. Influencing what the resign. Main buildings is not new though.
nation’s children eat is a bit hard to picture: a ‘des In 1999, a developer was told to
swallow. res’ in Wicklow rebuild Dublin’s listed art deco
Another example of how Archer’s Garage. It had been
developers are interfering with our demolished over a bank-holiday
lives is the ‘Management Company’ Bath ever recorded. weekend.
phenomenon. Speaking of seafronts and homes, In 2006, another developer was
After paying a fortune for a home, here’s one that’s ripe for development told to rebuild a €3m house he all-but
many buyers must then fork out for – Ireland’s… demolished in Mount Merrion.
the upkeep of their estate – by the The latter may seem a bit extreme,
developer’s management company. Most expensive bijou beach but not when you consider the
A few months back, Liveline was developer who was prevented from
swamped with calls about these property razing a €7m house in Palmerston
companies’ rules. On one estate, How’s this sound: ‘sea on your Park the same year.
residents weren’t allowed to put up doorstep… unrivalled location… €7m? We wonder how much he
satellite dishes. If they did, the mature enclosed garden…’? would have paid to destroy Ireland’s
‘management’ could remove them Sounds pretty good, if you ignore dullest building before it became the
and charge for their return. the rest of the brochure: ‘chemical country’s…
Others complained of having only outdoor toilet… gas light and
one parking space. This wouldn’t be a cooking… mains water and electricity Youngest listed building
problem if new houses were still nearby…’?
being built with garages. They’re not Neptune Cottage in Kilcoole, Co As we’re typing this, we can see the
though, as the developers try to Wicklow, is a two-room, 200 sq ft, roof of the building in question. At the
screw every last inch of space from electricity-free, timber hut on one- venerable age of 30 years old – yes 30
the land. sixth of an acre. It backs onto the – the ugly Bank of Ireland building on
These new ‘landlords’ – who meanwhile, have approved a Dublin/Rosslare railway line, the Baggot Street is Dublin’s youngest
apparently owe the country’s banks developer’s plans for a 15-storey noise of which should take a building to be given protected status.
€100bn – were all over the news last tower in Ballsbridge. The locals are prospective owner’s mind off the It was listed in 2007 to stop further
week. dismayed, but perhaps they should howling sea storms during the winter development on the site. The bank
In the North, Ian Paisley Senior kick off their Manolos and put on months. was not pleased. In a remarkable
suffered a major blow when his their walking shoes like the following The asking price? A bargain at statement, they said the building
minister son was forced to resign people did… €120,000. “does not demonstrate suitable
after being connected to a property It’s still on the market if you fancy special architectural, historical,
developer. We bet Junior wishes he Longest queue for a bath it, unlike the following… archaeological, artistic, cultural,
lived in a united Ireland now. If he scientific, social or technical
was a member of the Dáil, he could On 18 September, 2005, Dun Airiest residence interest”. In other words, it’s a dog of
have stayed put. Our disgraced Laoghaire’s residents forced the town a building.
politicians NEVER resign. Leinster planners to shelve a €140m Space is at a premium in south It’s a pity it didn’t have the same
[House] says ‘No!’ etc. redevelopment of their much-loved Dublin, so €350,000 seems opinion in 1968 when it knocked down
In Dublin, our old school, Pres sea baths. The council had given the reasonable for a spot in pretty all those lovely old houses to make
Glasthule, came into the developers’ green light to developers to build an ‘Erindipity Rides Sandycove. Or it would, if the spot way for it.
sights after the council lost a bid to eight-storey apartment and shopping Again’ (Mentor, ¤15) didn’t just consist of… thin air. Coincidentally, our dad was renting
zone its playing fields for recreational complex on the site. is out now Last year, the owner of an access a flat in one of them when he married
use only. The Brothers could now 2,500 people marched along the road put the air above it up for sale. our mum.
stand to make €40m from a sale of famous seafront promenade and The 1,500sq ft ‘site’ runs between two Yours truly was born a few years
the four-acre site, which is the area’s formed a human chain in front of the houses and doesn’t include the road later.
last major green lung. baths. The line stretched for half-a- itself, which was bought for €20,000 And yes, they did have full family
Dublin’s City Councillors, mile and is the Longest Queue for a in 2005. planning permission.

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