Alc GR&VC Booklet New Bks 10,11,12,13 Final

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Grammar &

Book 10

DLI American Language Course

Book 11
Book 12
Book 13
Name: _________________________ Number: __________
Teacher: ____________________

Vocabulary Book 10 2
Grammar Book 10 7
Vocabulary Book 11 12
Grammar Book 11 18
Vocabulary Book 12 24
Grammar Book 12 29
Vocabulary Book 13 34
Grammar Book 13 39
Additional vocabulary 43


Tips on using this booklet ‫نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب‬
Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what ‫ هذا‬.‫استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما تعلمته مع معلمك‬
you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. .‫الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب االساسي‬

Remember – to really learn the grammar and words

here, you must practice using them with your
‫ عليك ان تمارس استخدامهم مع‬,‫تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا‬
teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know
‫ عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام‬,ALCPT ‫ في‬60 ‫ حتى تحصل على‬.‫معلمك‬
how words are used in sentences, and do this very
‫ مجرد حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و‬.‫ و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة‬,‫الكلمات في الجمل‬
fast. Memorising a list and translations will not get
. ALCPT ‫ في اختبار‬60 ‫ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال‬
you a 60 in the ALCPT.

Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling,

example sentence, similar meaning, opposite or ,‫ وضعها في جمل‬,‫اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة الكلمات‬

example for a word. .‫ عكسها او مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة‬,‫مرادفاتها‬

Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you

need more words than are in this booklet. Write in ‫تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلمات‬ALCPT ‫ في‬60 ‫حتى تتأكد من الحصول على‬
more words you learn in the Additional Vocabulary ‫ اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها في قسم‬.‫عن ما هو متوفر في هذا الكتيب‬
Notes section. Additional Vocabulary Notes

adjective clause ‫جملة صفة‬ modal verb ‫االفعال الناقصة‬

adverb ‫حال‬ negative ‫نفي‬

clause ‫شبة جملة‬ past participle ‫التصريف الثالث للفعل‬

certainty ‫التأكيد‬ phrasal verb ‫االفعال المركبة‬

command ‫أمر‬ positive ‫إثبات‬

comparative ‫مقارنة‬ possibility ‫اإلحتمالية‬

compound noun ‫اسم مركب‬ purpose ‫الغرض‬

conditional ‫شرط‬ present perfect ‫المضارع التام‬

present perfect
details ‫تفاصيل‬ ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬
example ‫مثال‬ preposition ‫حرف الجر‬

express ‫تعبير‬ reported speech ‫الكالم المنقول‬

gerund ‫الجواب‬ requests ‫طلب‬

‫مجرد‬ separable ‫قابلة للفصل‬
indefinite pronouns ‫الضمائر المجهولة‬ superlative ‫المقارنة القصوى‬


Book 10 Vocabulary
Lesson 1 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites
1 button/ push button (n)‫ مكبس‬/ ‫زر‬ Tom pushed the button to turn the computer on. push + a button
2 candy bar (n) ‫قطعة حلوى‬ John likes eating a candy bar after lunch.
3 chewing gum/gum (n) You can buy‫علكة‬
chewing gum in the vending machine.
4 chip (food) (n) ‫رقائق بطاطس‬ Bill opened a bag of potato chips.
5 coin return (n) ‫ارجاع عملة‬ Tom got his change in the coin return.
6 cream (n) ‫كريمة‬ Rob asked for cream for his coffee. = milk
7 detergent (n) ‫مسحوق غسيل‬ Frank washed his uniform with detergent. = soap
8 diet drink (n) ‫مشروب للحمية‬ Diet drinks have no sugar.
9 drink (s) (n) ‫مشروب‬ Some vending machines sell drinks like soda.
This is a machine for
10 dryer (n) ‫ نشافة‬/ ‫مجفف‬ Tom put his uniform in the dryer after he washed it.
drying clothes.
11 knob (n) ‫مقبض‬ George turned the knob on the radio. turn + a knob
12 lever (n) ‫عتلة‬ Ron pulled the lever to stop the machine. pull + a lever
E.g. photocopier,
13 machine ((n) ‫آلة‬ Computers and ACs are different kinds of machines.
dishwasher, AC
14 nut (n) ‫مكسرات‬ Peanuts and cashews are kinds of nuts.
15 opening (n) ‫فُتحة‬ Put your money into the opening in the machine. = a small hole
16 selection (n) ‫اختيار‬ Bob made his selection. He chose coffee with milk. = choice
17 soda / soda pop (n) ‫مشروب غازي‬ Sodas are sugary drinks. Don’t drink a lot of them.
18 time (occasion) (n) ‫مرة‬ John is sad because he failed the test two times. = occasion
19 tray (n) ‫ صحن لوضع المشتريات‬/ ‫صينية‬ Frank put paper into the tray in the copy machine.
20 vending machine (n) ‫آلة بيع طعام‬ Tom bought a soda from the vending machine.
This is a machine for
21 washing machine (n) ‫غسالة‬ You wash clothes in a washing machine.
washing clothes.
be (past = was) supposed to + = should
22 Cadets are supposed to salute officers.
verb (v) ‫عليه ان‬ be supposed to + V1
23 drop (v) ‫يُسقِط‬ Frank dropped his coins on the floor.
24 dispense (v) ‫ يصر‬/ ‫يعطي‬ That machine dispenses soda and candy bars. = give out

find out (past = found out) (v) Mike found out he passed the test. He's very happy. = discover
‫ عرف‬/ ‫اكتشف‬
26 get back (past = got back) (v) ‫يعود‬ Sam left home at 7am. He got back in the evening. = returned
27 insert (v) ‫يُد ِخل‬ Will inserted his credit card in the ATM. = put into
28 lift (v) ‫رفع‬ I can’t lift this box. It’s very heavy!
29 operate (v) ‫يشغل‬ It’s easy to operate a dryer. Just push the button. = use
30 stick (past = stuck) (v) ‫يعلق‬/‫ينشب‬ I can’t take the key out. It’s sticking in the lock.
31 teach (past = taught) (v)‫ُدرس‬ ِ ‫ ي‬/ ‫يُعلِم‬ Mr Jones taught his daughter to drive.
32 work (v) ‫ يشتغل‬/ ‫يعمل‬ This machine isn’t working. Can you fix it?
33 another (adj) ‫آخر‬ Tim had a car but he bought another one. = one more
34 exact (adj) ‫مضبوط‬ Please make sure you have exact change. = same
= precisely
35 exactly (adv) ‫ تماما‬/ ‫بالضبط‬ The meal cost exactly $13.68.
≠ approximately
36 favorite (adj) ‫مفضل‬ Pizza is my favorite food. I like it very much. =the one I like the best
37 finally (adv) ‫أخيرا‬ First, insert $1, ../ Then, … / Finally, take your drink. = lastly
38 last (adj) ‫االخير‬ My last lesson today is math. Then, I’ll go home. = final ≠ first


Book 10 Vocabulary
39 lastly (adv) ‫ ختاما‬/ ‫اخيرا‬ Lastly, Ted brushes his teeth before he goes to bed. = finally ≠ firstly
40 popular (adj) ‫ محبوب‬/ ‫ذا شعبية‬ Avatar is a very popular movie. Many people like it. = well liked
41 stuck (adj) ‫مغرز‬/‫عالق‬ John’s car got stuck in the sand. He can’t get it out. = unable to move
Other words and phrases
42 after ‫بعد‬ The cadets eat lunch after class. ≠ before
43 before ‫قبل‬ Rob brushed his teeth before shaving. ≠ after
44 everywhere ‫كل مكان‬ There are hundreds of hotels. They are everywhere. ≠ nowhere
45 no ‫ال يوجد‬ There was no soda, so Ron had some tea. = out of/none
46 out of ‫ خلص‬/ ‫شيء نفذ‬ The store was out of milk so I bought some juice. = no more left
47 out of order ‫متعطل‬ I couldn’t get any cash - the ATM was out of order. = not working
48 until ‫حتى‬ Please stay in the class until the bell rings.
49 when ‫ عندما‬/ ‫متى‬ The students sat down when the teacher arrived.
50 while ‫ اثناء‬/ ‫بينما‬ Bud worked in the garden while his wife cooked.

Lesson 2 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 adult (n) ‫بالغ‬ Tim is 21 years old. He is an adult. = grown up ≠ child
2 cafeteria (n) ‫كافتيريا‬ Bill has his breakfast in the cafeteria.
3 clothing store (n) ‫متجر مالبس‬ Hank went to the clothing store to buy a suit.
4 department store (n)‫متجر متعدد االقسام‬ Rose bought many things at the department store
= a shop with cheap
5 discount store (n) ‫متجر تخفيضات‬ Prices are low in a discount store.
6 elevator (n) ‫مصعد‬ Tom took the elevator to the 92nd floor. = lift
7 escalator(n) ‫درج كهربائي‬ Stan took the escalator to the 3rd floor. = moving staircase
8 floor (n) ‫طابق‬ Phil’s office was on the 13th floor of the building. =story
e.g. ‘This is …’ , ‘Let
9 introduction (n) ‫ عرض‬/ ‫مقدمة‬ We use introductions when we meet new people.
me introduce ’
10 mall (n) ‫مركز تسوق‬ There are many shops in the mall. = shopping center
11 neighbor(n) ‫جار‬ Hank lived next to me. He was my neighbor.
= the area in a city
12 neighborhood (n) ‫حي‬ Sam likes his neighborhood. It’s safe and quiet.
near your house
13 parking lot (n) ‫موقف سيارة‬ Mike parked his car in the parking lot. = car park
14 rule (n) ‫قانون‬ Students must come on time. That’s the rule.
15 shop (n) ‫محل‬ Cindy bought bread in a shop next to the bank. = store
16 shopping center (n) ‫مركز تسوق‬ Most cities have many shopping centers. = mall
17 stairs (n) ‫درج‬ The escalator isn’t working. Use the stairs.
18 supermarket (n) ‫ بقالة‬/ ‫متجر‬ Monica bought some food at the supermarket. = a large grocery
19 supper (n) ‫وجبة في الليل‬ John had some soup for supper. = a late dinner
20 variety (n) ‫ تشكيلة‬/ ‫تنوع‬ The store had a large variety of fruit. = different kinds
21 decide (v) ‫يقرر‬. George decided to have to fish for supper.
22 introduce (v) ‫يعرف‬ ‘Let me introduce you to my cousin. Fred, this is ...’
23 let (past =let) (v) ‫يسمح‬ Mrs Smith lets her children play in the street. = allow
24 mind (v) ‫يمانع‬ I don’t mind hot weather but I mind hot food! = it bothers me
25 receive (v) ‫يستقبل‬ I sent you an email last week. Did you receive it? = get
26 shook (past= shake) (v) ‫يصافح‬ People in America shake hands when they meet.
27 shop (v) ‫يتسوق‬ Many people shop on the weekends. = go shopping
28 write down (past=wrote down) (v) ‫ كتب‬/ ‫دون‬ Call me later. Write down my phone number.
Book 10 Vocabulary
Other words and phrases
29 afraid of ‫خائف من‬ The little boy is afraid of the dark. = scared of
30 alone ‫وحيد‬ Bob went to Boston alone. No-one went with him. = by himself
31 down ‫اسفل‬ It’s easier to walk down a hill than up a hill. ≠ up
32 downstairs ‫الطابق السفلي‬ Josh went downstairs to the basement. ≠ upstairs
33 everybody / everyone ‫الجميع‬ / ‫شخص‬
My family ‫ كل‬to the beach. Everybody swam.
went ≠ no-one/no body
34 go shopping ‫الذهاب للتسوق‬ Mrs. Jones likes to go shopping. = shop
35 polite (adj) ‫مؤدب‬ Floyd is always polite when he talks to his boss. = respectful ≠ rude
36 politely (adv) ‫بشكل مؤدب‬ Always speak politely to your teacher. ≠ rudely
37 up ‫اعلى‬ Look up - there’s a big plane in the sky. ≠ down
38 upstairs ‫الطابق العلوي‬ Tess went upstairs to her bedroom. ≠ downstairs
39 It’s a pleasure to meet you. ‫سررت للقائك‬
40 It’s nice/good to meet you. ‫سررت للقائك‬

Lesson 3 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 air (n) ‫هواء‬ Jim put some air in his tires.
2 cover (n) ‫غطاء‬ A cover goes over something, for example a spare tire.
A hubcap covers a
3 hubcab (n) ‫غطاء اطار السيارة‬ Judy removed the hubcab from the wheel.
A key is for locking a
4 key (n) ‫مفتاح‬ John used a key to open his front door.
5 lug (nut) (n) ‫صامولة الكفر‬ Henry loosened the lug nuts to change the tire.
6 nut (n) ‫صامولة‬ Bill tightened the nuts on the wheel. He used a wrench.
7 tire (n) ‫اطار السيارة‬ Tires are black. We put them on wheels. = tyre
We put luggage and the
8 trunk (n) ‫شنطة السيارة‬ Ron put his groceries in the trunk of the car.
spare wheel in the trunk.
9 wheel (n) ‫عجله‬. A motorcycle has one wheel but a car has four.
10 wrench (n) ‫مفتاح العجل‬ Dave used the wrench to loosen the nuts. = spanner
11 can (v) ‫يقدر‬ Can I use your car tomorrow please?
12 could (v) ‫قدر‬ Could you please help me?
13 cover (v) ‫يغطي‬ Mrs Smith covered her children with a blanket.
14 hand out (v) ‫ يمرر‬/ ‫يسلم‬ It was hot so Sgt Smith handed out bottles of water. = distribute, give out
15 hurry / hurry up (v) ‫ يسرع‬we’re going to the BX.
Hurry up Harry,
16 inflate (v) ‫ينفخ بالهواء‬ The tire was flat so Tom inflated it. = put air in
17 jack up (v) )‫يرفع ( بالرافعة‬ Sam jacked up the car. Then, he changed the tire.
18 keep (past = kept) (v) ‫يحتفظ‬
Bob keeps all his old tires. / My coat keeps me warm.
19 loosen (v) ‫ يحرر‬/ ‫يفكك‬ Tom loosened the nut. Then, he took it off. ≠ tighten
20 lower (v) ‫يُ ْن ِزل‬ After you put the new tire on, lower the car. ≠ raise
21 mind (v) ‫يمانع‬ I don’t mind working at the weekend. = It bothers me.
22 pass out (v) ‫ يوزع‬/ ‫يمرر‬ The teacher passed out the quiz to the students. = give out, distribute
23 raise (v) ‫يرفع‬ Sgt Jones used the jack to raise the car off the ground. = lift up ≠ lower
24 remove (v) ‫ي ُْخ ِرج‬ Bill removed some money from his wallet. = took off/ took out
25 replace (v) ‫يستبدل‬ Suzie lost her friend’s book so she replaced it. = change
26 tighten (v) ‫ يربط‬/ ‫يشد‬ Lee put the new wheel on and tightened the nuts. ≠ loosen
27 will (v) ‫سوف‬ 'Will you lend me five dollars, please?' 'Of course.'
28 would (v) ‫هل لك ان‬ 'Would you help change my tire?' 'Sure.'
Book 10 Vocabulary
Other words and phrases
29 certainly ‫بالتأكيد‬ ‘Can you give me a ride to work?’ ‘Certainly.’ = of course, sure
30 common (adj) ‫شائع‬ A hammer is a common tool. Many people have one. ≠ uncommon
31 enough (adj) ‫كافي‬ Did you have enough time to finish your quiz? = sufficient ≠insufficient
32 extra (adj) ‫زيادة‬ I was hungry so I ate an extra hamburger. = more, another
33 flat (adj) ‫فارغ من الهواء‬ My tire is flat - I need to inflate it. = deflated ≠ inflated
34 in a hurry (adj) ‫بسرعة‬ John was in a hurry because he was late for work. = hurry
35 loose (adj) ‫ غير مشدود‬/‫محلول‬ John’s pants are loose. He needs a smaller size. ≠ tight
36 of course ‫بالتأكيد‬ ‘Can I turn off the AC please?’ ‘Of course! No problem.’ = certainly, sure
37 quick (adj) ‫بشكل سريع‬ Bill’s journey home was quick – it only took 30 minutes. = fast ≠ slow
39 quickly (adv) ‫بسرعة‬ Tom was late for work so he walked quickly. = fast ≠ slowly
40 spare (adj) ‫ احتياط‬/ ‫اضافي‬ John lost his glasses so used his spare ones. = extra
41 the back (of) ‫خلفية الـ‬ The trunk is at the back of my car. ≠ front
42 the front (of) ‫مقدمة الـ‬ The front of Tom’s car hit a wall. The lights are broken. ≠ back
43 tight (adj) ‫مشدود‬ My uniform is tight – I need a bigger one. ≠ loose

Lesson 4 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 article (n) ‫مقال‬ Sam read an interesting article in today's newspaper.
2 aunt (n) ‫ عمه‬/ ‫خاله‬ My mother's sister is my aunt.
3 baby (n) ‫طفل‬ My brother’s wife had a baby girl. Her name is Kate.
4 boss (n) ‫رئيس‬ Mr Hill is the boss. He gives instructions to the workers. = manager
5 business (n) ‫أعمال‬ Tom's father has a small business - a computer shop.
6 businessman / businesswoman (n) ‫رجل أعمال‬/ ‫ امرأة اعمال‬Most businessmen wear a suit to work.
7 cashier (n) ‫ كاشير‬/ ‫محاسب‬ A cashier takes your money is a supermarket.
8 collection (n) ‫مجموعة‬ Mike has a large collection of stamps.
9 company (n) ‫شركة‬ My uncle works for a large company which makes cars. = business
10 cousin (n) ‫ابن عم او خال‬ My uncle has three children. They are my cousins.
11 dentist (n) ‫دكتور اسنا‬ My tooth hurts. I need to go to a dentist.
12 driver (n) ‫سائق‬ Sara doesn't drive. So a driver takes her to work.
13 folks (n) ‫الوالدين‬ My folks live in Texas. I visit them every month. = parents
14 grandfather (n) ‫جد‬ My grandfather’s name is Dick.
15 grandmother (n) ‫جده‬ My grandmother is 89 years old.
= grandfather and
16 grandparent (n) ‫الجدان‬ My grandparents live in a big house near our house.
17 magazine (n) ‫مجلة‬ George likes reading football magazines.
18 marriage (n) ‫زواج‬ John and Sue had their marriage in the summer. = wedding
19 nephew (n) ‫ابن االخ او االخت‬ My brother has a son called Sam. He is my nephew.
20 news (n) ‫اخبار‬ Did you heard the news? Real Madrid won the game!
21 newspaper (n) ‫جريدة‬ My father likes reading the newspaper in the morning.
22 niece (n) ‫ابنة االخ او االخت‬ My brother has a daughter. She's my niece.
23 occupation (n) ‫وظيفة‬ 'What's his occupation?' 'He's a dentist.' = job
=mother and father,
24 parent (n) ‫والدان‬ Bob’s parents are nice. His father is very kind.
Examples: mother,
25 relative (n) ‫اقارب‬ Bob borrows money from relatives – but not friends.
sister, uncle, cousin


Book 10 Vocabulary
salesman / saleswoman / sales
26 The salesman tried to sell Tom a new car.
person (n) ‫بائع بائعة بائع‬
27 secretary (n) ‫سكرتير‬ Mrs Brown is a secretary for a boss in a big company.
28 uncle (n) ‫ خال‬/ ‫عم‬ My mom’s brother is my uncle Mike.
29 work (n) ‫عمل‬ My uncle is a dentist. He loves his work.
30 writer (n) ‫كاتب‬ Stephen is a writer. He writes articles and books.
be able to (past = was able to ) I was able to run 10 miles when I was young.
(v) ‫كان قادراً على‬
32 collect (v) ‫يجمع‬ Dan collects old mobile phones. He has 250!
33 marry (v) ‫يتزوج‬ Sam loved Sarah. He married her last year.
34 own (v) ‫يملك‬ My dad owns two cars. He bought them 10 years ago.
1. ‫ يأخذ‬Taxi drivers take people from place to place. (1) = bring
35 take (past =took) (v)
2. ‫'يستغرق‬How long did the journey take?' 'It took 4hours’ (2) = It lasted 4 hours.
36 type (v) )‫يكتب ( على لوحة مفاتيح‬ Secretaries type letters and reports.
37 work on (v) ‫يعمل على‬ My dad likes to work on his car at the weekend.
Other words and phrases
= approximately
38 about (prep) ‫ عن‬/ ‫بخصوص‬ The distance from Houston to Dallas is about 250 miles.
≠ exactly, precisely
39 famous (adj) ‫مشهور‬ Messi is a famous footballer. Everyone knows him. = well-known
= a long way
40 far (adj) ‫بعيد‬ France is far from the USA but Canada is near.
≠ near, close
41 from (place/position) ‫من‬
Today I walked from the school to the bank.
42 get married ‫يتزوج‬ Peter got married after he finished college. ≠ get divorced
'How's the weather in Paris?' 'Nice and sunny.'
43 how ‫كيف‬
'How's the family?' 'They're all fine, thanks.'
44 it ‫لإلشارة الى شيء غير محدد‬ 'How far is it to Abha?' 'It takes 1 hour to get there.'
45 married (adj) ‫متزوج‬ Sally is married but her sister is still single. ≠ single
46 pleasant (adj) ‫ معتدل‬/ ‫رائع‬ The weather was pleasant - not too hot and not too cold. = nice ≠ unpleasant
47 single (adj) ‫اعزب‬ He wasn’t married. He was single. ≠ married


Book 10 Grammar
1. How + to-infinitive (Verb 1) (L1 pg.12)
[ to-infinitive = to + Verb 1 (to march, to learn, to drive) ]
.)‫ هنا ليس للسؤال لذلك ال يوجد عالمة استفهام‬How ‫استخدم هذه الصيغة لتوضح للطرف االخر كيف يقوم بفعل معين ( الحظ استخدام‬

Today, I want to teach Yesterday, he showed us

you how to march. how to salute.



Sue showed me how to make a cake.

taught Kevin

2. BE supposed + to-infinitive (L1 pg.18)

Be supposed to means the same as must, have to, or should.

Be not supposed to means the same as must not, may not, or should not.

 Remember: ‘be’ = am/is/are in the present

‘be’ = was/were in the past
 You’re supposed to help your mother today.
 He’s not supposed to smoke in here.
 They weren’t supposed to park there.

3. Clauses of time (before/after/when/while/until) (L1 pg.24)

 Use these words at the start of a sentence or between clauses. When you use them at the start of a
sentence, always use a comma between clauses.
.‫ دائما ضع فاصلة بين العبارتين‬,‫ عندما ت ستخدمها في بداية الجملة‬.‫استخدم هذه الكلمات في بداية الجملة او بين عبارتين‬
 Tina went to the shop before she met her friend.
 After my father finished his dinner , he fell asleep.
clause 1 comma clause 2

 Tom washed his hair while Alison brushed her teeth.

 Until he does his homework, he’s not going out.


Book 10 Grammar
4. Adjective + to-infinitive (L2 pg. 39)
 After the adjectives sorry, upset, happy, pleased, glad, ready, and afraid, use to-infinitive (to-Verb1).

Tim afraid to walk home alone.

Karen pleased to see him.

Are you glad to be here?

 I am sorry to hear that.
adjective infinitive
 He was upset to see his family leave.
 We are happy to help you.
 Ted wasn’t ready to go home.

5. Verb + gerund (Verb-ing) (L2 pg. 48)

 After the verbs begin, enjoy, like, mind, start, finish, and stop, use a gerund (Verb-ing).
.ing ‫بعد هذه االفعال ضع فعال اخر مضافا له‬

Paul walking in the park.
doesn’t enjoy

Mary writing her book.
didn’t start

Does Steve mind taking me to work?

6. Prepositions of location (L2 pg.54)

‫بجانب‬ ‫امام‬
The telephone is by the window. The car park is across from the barracks.

His shoes are under the bed.
(One thing is under another thing)

‫اسفل من‬
They live on the floor below us.
(One thing is in a lower position than another.)r
Other examples thing)
 The stairs are in back of the building. ‫خلف‬
 The escalator is in front of the shoe store. ‫امام‬


Book 10 Grammar
7. Would and could for polite requests ‫للطلب بشكل مهذب‬ (L3 pg.70)
Would you…? and Could I / you …? are more polite than will and can.
can ‫ و‬will ‫ تعتبر اكثر لباقة من‬Could I / you …? ‫ و‬Would you…?

Excuse me, would

you help me, Certainly. I’d
please? be glad to.

Requests Answers
Sure, you can. Here it is.
Can I borrow your pen?
No, you can’t. I need it.
Of course, I will.
Will you open the door please?
Sorry, I can’t. My hands are full.
Certainly. I’d be glad to.
Could you drive me to the bank?
Sorry, I can’t today. I’m busy.
Yes, I’ll be happy to help you.
Would you help me with these bags?
I’d like to but I can’t right now.

8. Reported speech (using said and asked) (L3. pg.78)

We use reported speech to describe what someone else commands or requests.
‫نستخدم صيغة الكالم المنقول للتعبير عن طلبات او اوامر شخص اخر‬
A. Positive commands ‫االوامر التأكيدية‬
Officer: Remember cadets - study hard.
Cadet 1: What did he say?
Cadet 2: He said to study hard.
Study hard.

He said to study hard.

add ‘say’ in the past change verb to to-infinitive

B. Negative commands. ‫النهي‬

Officer: Don’t walk on the grass.
Cadet 1: What did he say?
Cadet 2: He said not to walk on the grass.

Don’t walk on the grass.

He said not to walk on the grass.

add ‘say’ in the past change don’t to not to


Book 10 Grammar

C. Requests ‫الطلب‬
Officer: Will you stop talking, please?
Cadet 1: What did he ask you?
Cadet 2: He asked me to stop talking.

Could you stop talking, please?

He asked me to stop talking.

add ‘ask’ in the past changes to to-infinitive

change pronoun you me

9. Present simple tense to talk about the future (L3 pg.84)

Use the present simple tense and future time phrases to talk about a future action, which is planned or scheduled.
.‫استخدم زمن المضارع البسيط مع عبارات تشير للمستقبل للتعبير عن احداث مستقبلية مخطط لها او مجدوله سلفا‬

Present simple to talk about the future

will finish
The class at 10.55.
is going to finish
is finishing

These all mean the same – future plans and schedules

‫جميع ما ذكر يعني نفس الشي – خطط مستقبلية و مجدولة‬

 The bus will arrive at 10.00am

 The bus arrives at 10.00am.

 The General is having dinner at 7pm tonight

 The General has dinner at 7pm tonight.

10. It as the subject of a sentence (L4 pg.97)

It can be used as the subject of a sentence about time, weather, temperature, and distance.
.‫ درجة الحرارة او المسافة‬,‫الجو‬, ‫ قد تستخدم كفاعل في الجملة بديال عن الوقت‬It

 What time is it?  It’s 10.30.

 What day is it?  It’s Monday.
 What’s the date today?  It’s April 23rd.
 What’s the weather like today?  It’s hot and sunny.
 How far is Dammam to Riyadh?  It’s about 500kms.
 How long does it take to drive to Jeddah?  It takes 12 hours by car.


Book 10 Grammar
11. BE able to (L4 pg.106)
Be able to means can, but it’s more formal.
‫ و لكنها اكثر رسمية‬,can ‫ تعني‬be able to

He was able to lift 50kgs.

He wasn’t able to lift 60kgs.

The boys are able to swim in the river.

The boys aren’t able to ride a horse.

I will be able to pass the test next month.

I won’t be able to visit my uncle next week.

 I can do 50 sit-ups. I’m able to do 50 sit-ups.
 Babies can’t talk. Babies aren’t able to talk.
 Can you hear us? Are you able to hear us?


Book 11 Vocabulary
Lesson 1 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites
1 ache (n) ‫ آلم‬/ ‫وجع‬ William has an ache in his arm. = pain
= a time to visit
2 appointment (n) ‫موعد‬ Tom made an appointment to see a doctor.
3 back (n) ‫ظهـر‬ Joe put his heavy pack on his back and left the room.
4 backache (n) ‫آلم بالظهر‬ Steven stopped playing tennis because of backache. = pain in your back
5 checkup (n) ‫فحص طبي‬ Sara saw her doctor for a checkup two weeks later. = a visit to a doctor
6 chest (n) ‫صدر‬ Ben had a bad cough so Dr Smith checked his chest.
7 cold (n) ‫نزلة برد‬ Ali is sick. He has a cold.
8 cough (n) ‫ كحة‬/ ‫سعال‬ When you have a bad cough, you should stay in bed.
9 dot (n) ‫نقطة‬ There is a dot above an “i” and a “j”.
10 earache (n) ‫التهاب في األذن‬ My earache is very painful! I can't hear anything. = pain in the ear
11 emergency (n) ‫حالة طارئة‬ I need to see a doctor right away – it’s an emergency.
12 examination / exam (n) ‫ فحص‬Cadets need a medical exam before they join RSAF. = test
13 fever (n) ‫ارتفاع حرارة الجسم‬/ ‫ حمى‬He has a fever so he did not go to school today. = high body temperature
14 headache (n) ‫صداع‬ Bill can't study or read because he has a headache. = a pain in your head
15 inch / inches (n) ‫بوصة‬ The table is 35 inches high. 1 inch = 2.54cm.
16 middle (n) ‫منتصف‬ Please cut the cake from the middle. = center
17 nurse (n) ‫ممرضة‬ My friend is a nurse at the City Hospital. Nurses help doctors.
18 pain (n) ‫آلم‬ Pam fell down yesterday and has a pain in her leg. = ache
= a sick person visiting a
19 patient(n) ‫مريض‬ Rachael is a new patient of Doctor Welby.
doctor or hospital
= when a doctor checks
20 physical (n) ‫فحص بدني‬ The doctor does physicals on Tuesday and Thursday.
your body
21 problem (n) ‫مشكلة‬ Jack asked his friend to help him with his problem. = something is wrong
22 sneezing (n) ‫عطسة‬ Lots of sneezing can make other people sick.
Your food goes into
23 stomach (n) ‫معدة‬ After eating the chicken, Hamza’s stomach was full.
your stomach.
stomach ache(n) ‫ ألم في‬/‫مغص‬ Paula ate five bananas and then got stomach ache. = pain in the stomach
25 symptom (n) ‫اعراض المرض‬ John is sick. His symptoms are a fever and sneezing.

temperature (n) ‫ارتفاع درجة‬ Her daughter has a very high temperature today. = how hot your body is
27 ache (v) ‫ يؤلم‬/ ‫يوجع‬ The cadets’ legs ached after the 10km run. = hurt
1. He caught a cold. Now he is sick. ‫يُصاب‬
28 catch (past = caught) (v)
2. He caught the ball in one hand. ‫يلتقط‬
29 come in (past = came in (v) ‫يحضر الى‬ The general came in to our classroom today. = enter, arrive
30 connect (v) ‫يوصل‬ Your neck connects your head with your body. = join, put together
31 cough (v) ‫كحة‬ Tom coughs a lot because he smokes.
get there (past = got there) (v) ‫ يصل الى هناك‬We got there at noon, before the cafeteria
32 = arrive
= arrive on time
33 make it (past = made it (v)‫ تمكن من‬/ ‫ فعلها‬We weren’t late – we made it to class on time.
≠ be late
34 run (past = ran) (v) ‫يركض‬ He runs in the park every morning, before work. = go very quickly

run a temperature (past = ran) (v) ‫ سخونة‬Please call Dr Jones – Fred is running a = to have a high body
temperature. temperature
36 see (past = saw) (v) ‫يرى‬ The classroom is dark. I can't see the board.
37 sneeze (v) ‫يعطس‬ Cover your nose when you sneeze.
Book 11 Vocabulary
annual (adj) ‫سنوي‬
38 Brandon’s annual vacation is in August. = once every year

horizontal (adj) ‫افقي‬
Serena's notebook has many horizontal lines.

parallel (adj) ‫ متماثل‬/ ‫موازي‬
The paper had two parallel lines.
perpendicular (adj) ‫متعامدان‬ = going straight up at a
41 Joe added a perpendicular line.
90 degree angle
42 regular (adj) ‫ منتظم‬/ ‫معتاد‬ Bo’s regular cafeteria was closed so he ate at home. = usual, normal
Zak has a runny nose and a fever. He has a bad = water coming from
43 runny (adj) ‫يسيل‬
cold. nose
vertical (adj) ‫عامودي‬
44 Melanie drew a vertical line in her notebook = going straight up
Other words and phrases
= from sometime in the
45 still ‫ال يزال‬ Marian isn't at home. She's still at school.
past, until now
= any more
46 any longer ‫بعد االن‬ He isn’t living with his parents any longer
(this time is finished)
= any longer
47 anymore ‫بعد االن‬ I am not working in Dallas anymore.
(this time is finished)
= Do you want to…? / Let's
48 How about…? ‫ماذا عن‬ How about going for a coffee on Thursday evening?
... / What about ...?
49 in ‫في‬ 'Hello. Is Dave in?' 'Sorry, he's not. He's still at work.' ≠ out
50 out ‫بالخارج‬ General Jackson is out visiting a different base today. ≠ in
= from a time in the past
51 since ‫منذ‬ He has been an air force cadet since October.
to now
52 sometime ‫بعض االحيان‬ Maybe I will travel to Italy sometime.
53 then ‫ثم‬ Your appointment is at 3pm – we will see you then. = at that time

Lesson 2 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 caution (n) ‫حذر‬ Use caution when you drive at night. = care
= where pedestrians
2 crossing (n) ‫ تقاطع‬/ ‫معبر‬ Children should always use a pedestrian crossing.
cross the street
3 instructor (n) ‫ معلم‬/ ‫مدرب‬ My instructor taught me how to drive carefully. = teacher

intersection (n) ‫تقاطع طرق‬
At the intersection, look in all directions. = where two roads cross

5 lane (n) ‫مسار‬ Always drive in the correct lane.

6 mind (n) ‫ ذهنك‬/ ‫تركيزك‬ Concentrate – keep your mind on your driving!
= a person walking in
7 pedestrian (n) ‫مشاة‬ Pedestrians should always use the sidewalk.
the street
railroad crossing (n) ‫تقاطع سكة حديد‬ = where a road crosses
8 Wait at the railroad crossing until the train left.
a railroad
right-of-way (n) ‫ حق العبور‬/ ‫حق المرور‬ = we can go; other
9 If you have right-of-way, don’t stop.
drivers must wait
10 sidewalk (n) ‫رصيف مشاة‬ Walk on the sidewalk, not the road.
= gives information or
11 sign (n) ‫لوحة مرورية‬ That sign means stop. That sign means turn left.
Examples: hand signals,
12 signal (n) ‫اشارة‬ John used a signal to tell his friends to stop.
light signals
13 speed (n) ‫سرعة‬ Be careful of your speed in the city. = how fast something is
Book 11 Vocabulary
The speed limit in towns is lower than highways. = the fastest you may
14 speed limit (n) ‫السرعة المحددة‬
15 steering wheel (n) ‫عجلة القيادة‬ To change direction, turn the steering wheel.
16 stop sign (n) ‫عالمة قف‬ We waited at the stop sign and then turned right.
Examples: a left turn, a
17 turn (n) ‫لفه‬ For the cinema, take the next turn on the right.
right turn
18 way (n) ‫طريق‬ Look both ways at the crossing before you cross. = directions
19 become (past = became) (v) ‫يصبح‬to become a teacher.
Tracy wants = be in the future
= not understand what
20 confuse (v) ‫ يربك‬/ ‫يحير‬ Too much traffic confuses me when I drive.
to do
= not do something that
21 fail (to) (v) ‫يفشل‬ I failed to call my sister – I completely forgot!
you should
22 flash (v) ‫ وميض‬/ ‫نور مفاجئ‬ The angry driver flashed his lights at me. = to shine light quickly
23 follow (v) ‫يتبع‬ I followed him because I didn’t know the way. = go after
24 get (past = got) (v) ‫يحصل‬ Harry got three speeding tickets in one week! = receive
25 mean (v) ‫يعني‬ ‘What does this word mean’? ‘Sorry, I don’t know.’
=move in front of
26 pass (v) ‫يتجاوز‬ I passed many trucks on the way to New Jersey.
27 pull over (v) ‫يوقف جانبا‬ The police told me to pull over to check my ID. = stop at side of road
= show they will go left
28 signal (v) ‫يؤشر‬ In some countries, drivers never signal.
or right
29 slow down (v) ‫يخفف السرعة‬ George slowed down at the big intersection. = go more slowly

speed up (past = sped up) (v) ‫يزيد‬ It is dangerous to speed near a school. = go faster, go too fast
Drivers on small roads have to yield to drivers on = let other drivers go
31 yield (v) ‫يسمح للغير‬
more important roads. first
Adjectives and adverbs
32 cautious (adj) ‫ احتراس‬/ ‫حذر‬ Always be cautious when you cross the road. = careful
33 cautiously ‫بحذر‬ Jonathan crossed the highway cautiously. = carefully
= not know where you
34 lost (adj) ‫ يضيع عن الوجهه‬/‫يتوه‬ I got lost when I first visited London.
= anxious
35 nervous (adj) ‫معصب‬ Dave was very nervous before his test.
≠ relaxed
= calm
36 relaxed (adj) ‫مسترخي‬ Ben felt relaxed after his exam was finished.
≠ nervous, anxious
= traffic goes in only
37 one-way (adj) ‫اتجاه واحد‬ You can only turn left – the street is one-way.
one direction
= traffic goes in both
38 two-way (adj) ‫ مسارين‬/ ‫اتجاهين‬ Most modern streets are two-way.
Other words
39 ahead (adj) ‫ المقدمة‬/ ‫في االمام‬ ‘Where’s Tom?’ ‘ He’s about 100m ahead – look.’ = in front ≠ behind
40 ahead of ‫امام الـ‬ He walked fast – he went ahead of his friends. = in front of ≠ behind
41 anybody ‫أي احد‬ Anybody could have an accident. = any person
42 in advance ً ‫مقدما‬ You must pay for the hotel in advance. = before ≠ later
miles per hour (m.p.h.) / miles
43 Remember, the speed limit here is 70m.p.h! = how fast you can go
an hour ‫ميل بالساعة‬
44 no one ‫ال احد‬ No one was absent yesterday. = no person
45 nobody ‫ال احد‬ Nobody failed the test last week. They all passed! = no person
Book 11 Vocabulary
46 somebody ‫شخص ما‬ Somebody had an accident in my town last night. = a person
47 that ‫ذلك‬ People want jobs that are interesting.
48 which )‫من ( لـ غير العاقل‬ This is the key which opens my apartment door.
49 who ‫من‬ A nurse is a person who helps doctors.

Lesson 3 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 brake (n) ‫ مكابح السيارة‬/‫فرامل‬ Use your brake to help you slow down or stop. = makes the car stop
2 bug (n) ‫حشرة‬ Dan found a bug in his salad. He didn’t eat it. = insect
3 charge (n) ‫يكلف‬ ‘What is the charge for a haircut, please?’ ‘Only $11.’ = cost, price
4 credit (n) ‫ رصيد في الحساب‬/‫ائتمان‬ Lucy bought her car on credit from the company. = money we can pay later
5 engine (n) ‫محرك‬ Smoke is coming from the engine of our car. = motor
6 fly (n) ‫ذبابة‬ There are many flies on farms = bug, insect
7 grease (n) ‫زيت تشيحم‬ Tim put some grease on the bicycle brakes.
8 guarantee (n) ‫مضمون‬ The work on this car has a 90-day guarantee. = promise it will be ok
9 hose (n) ‫خرطوم مياه‬ I use my hose to clean my car and water my plants.
10 leak (n) ‫تسرب‬ This hose has a leak. We must replace it. = a hole with water coming out
11 motor (n) ‫محرك‬ This can go very fast – it has a big motor. = engine
12 noise (n) ‫ازعاج‬ These cadets are making too much noise. = lots of sound
13 oil (n) ‫زيت‬ You should change the oil in your car every 6 months.
14 part (n) ‫ قسم‬/ ‫جزء‬ Katherine bought some new parts for her bicycle. = piece
15 refund (n) ‫استرجاع المبلغ‬ His new phone broke so he got a refund. = money given back
= paper showing you
16 sales slip (n) ‫فاتورة الشراء‬ ‘Here is your sales slip’, said the shop assistant.
paid for something
17 satisfaction (n ‫الرضى‬ Jim likes his job. He gets a lot of satisfaction from it. = feeling happy
= a mechanic will check
18 service (n) ‫خدمه‬ Your car needs a full service every six months.
the car
19 tune-up (n) ‫ يعدل‬/ ‫يصلح‬ I’m taking my car to the garage – it needs a tune-up. = a good service
20 charge (v) ‫تكلفة‬ The barber charged me $10 to cut my hair. = ask someone to pay
credit (v) ‫يودع في البطاقة‬ = add money to an
21 The company credited $500 to Susan’s account.
= change for a different
22 exchange (v) ‫تبديل‬ The jacket is too small, so I will exchange it.
23 give back (past = gave back) (v) ‫يرجع‬ Don’t forget to give back the tools that you borrowed. = return
24 grease (v) ‫ يُشحم‬/ ‫يزيت‬ You should grease the brakes every three months.
25 guarantee (v) ‫يضمن‬ Our company guarantees these tires for 12 months. = promise that it will be ok
26 leak (v) ‫يسرب‬ This bottle is leaking– the floor is all wet! = water coming out
27 oil (v) ‫زيت‬ You should oil your bicycle wheels every month.
28 refund (v) ‫يرجع المبلغ‬ The company will refund you if you are not satisfied. = give money back
29 satisfy (v) ‫يرضى‬ We give excellent service to satisfy our customers. = make happy
30 stall (v) ‫يتعطل‬ My engine stalled six times on my way to work today. = stops working
31 tune up (v) ‫تصليح‬ My mechanic will tune-up my car next Saturday.
32 warm up (v) ‫ يحضر‬/ ‫يسخن‬ Warm up your engine in winter before you drive.
33 dissatisfied (adj) ‫غير راضي‬ Mr Jackson was dissatisfied with the bed at his hotel. = not happy
34 greasy (adj) ‫دهني‬ The greasy food in the cafeteria gave me stomachache. = oily
35 leaky (adj) ‫يتسرب‬ The roof of my house is leaky. I must repair it. = letting water in
Book 11 Vocabulary
36 noisy (adj) ‫مزعج‬ The class was very noisy so the teacher was angry. = being loud
37 oily (adj) ‫ مزيت‬/ ‫زيتي‬ I don’t like oily food – it’s not healthy.
38 satisfied (adj) ‫راضي‬ Pam was very satisfied with her new clothes. = happy
39 unhappy (adj) ‫غير سعيد‬ Mia was unhappy when her son failed a school exam. = sad
Other words
40 on sale ‫تخفيضات‬ New bicycles are on sale today – I’ll buy two! = with a lower price
41 too ‫جدا‬ I didn’t sleep last night. I am too tired to study. = more than is good
43 sharpen (v) ‫ يحد‬/ ‫ يسنن‬/ ‫يبري‬ Use a pencil sharpener to sharpen your pencil.
44 stop (v) ‫يقف‬ Can you stop at the store? We need some eggs
45 turn (v) ‫ لف‬/ ‫أدار‬ Turn the doorknob to open the door.
46 turn off (v) ‫يطفيء‬ I turned off all the lights before I left the house. = switch on ≠turn on
47 turn on (v) ‫يشغل الجهاز‬ Bob turned on the TV to watch the football game. = switch off ≠ turn off
48 will (v) ‫سوف‬ I will meet you at the airport tomorrow. ≠ will not/ won’t
49 won’t / will not (v) ‫لن‬ Jim is sick. He won’t be at work today. ≠ will
Other words and phrases
50 first (adj) ‫االول‬ January is the first month of the year. ≠ last
51 from (adj) ‫من‬ Diana wants to fly from San Antonio to Chicago.
in (10 minutes/ an hour/ a = (an hour) from now;
52 Fred is a student. He’ll finish school in two years.
year) (adv) ‫في‬ after (an hour)
53 next to (adj) ‫بعد‬ There is a towel next to the sink. = beside
54 off ‫مقفل‬ ‘Is the radio on?’ ‘No, it’s off.’ ≠ on
(1) I will see you on Monday. ‫في‬
55 on (2) The TV is not on. It is off. ‫يعمل‬ ≠ off
(3) Bob talked to his mother on the phone. ‫على‬
56 one-way (adj) ‫اتجاه واحد‬ Bill bought a one-way ticket. He won’t come back. ≠ round-trip
57 push-button ‫اضغط الزر‬ There is a push-button telephone in the hotel room.
58 round-trip (adj) ‫رحلة ذهاب وإياب‬ I need a round-trip ticket from Chicago to New York. ≠ one-way
59 together ‫سويا‬ My family and I will eat together this weekend. ≠ alone, by yourself
60 tonight ‫الليلة‬ I will see you after 9 pm tonight.

Lesson 4 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 cards (n) ‫ ورق لعب‬/ ‫بطاقات‬ The boys like playing cards before they go to bed.
2 channel (n) ‫قناة‬ Mr Jones watches the movie channels on TV.
3 commercial (n) ‫اعالن تجاري‬ There are many TV commercial between programs. = advertisement, ad
4 dish (n) ‫طبق‬ John’s favourite dish is pasta with fish. = kind of food
Examples: going to
5 entertainment (n ) ‫ترفيه‬ My favourite kind of entertainment is to see a movie.
cinema, watching TV
= a strong feeling of
6 love (n) ‫حب‬ Jamila’s love for her husband was very strong.
liking somebody
= something we decide
7 plan (n) ‫خطة‬ My plan is to save money and buy a nice house.
to do
8 program (n) ‫برنامج‬ Karen enjoys TV programs about cooking and travel. = a show on TV
9 variety (n) ‫متنوع‬ This restaurant has a large variety of meat dishes. = many different things
10 could (v) ‫من الممكن‬ I could not understand English last year but now I can. = past tense of can
= invite people to your
11 entertain (v) ‫يُمتع‬ On Fridays, we often entertain friends at our house.
12 feel (past = felt) (v) ‫يشعر‬ broke‫شعر‬
Bill(‫بشيء‬ the
) kitchen window. His mom felt very angry.
Book 11 Vocabulary
13 frighten (v) ‫يخوف‬ Our neighbor’s dogs sometimes frighten our children. = make someone feel afraid
14 intend (v) ‫ينوي‬ Sally intends to study a lot before her exams. = plan, want to
15 laugh (v) ‫يضحك‬ I laughed when John told a funny story.
16 love (v) ‫يحب‬ I love my children very much. = like very much
17 plan (v) ‫يخطط‬ Robert plans to visit his sick mother this weekend. = intend
18 recommend (v) ‫يوصي بـ‬ I recommend going to France – it’s very beautiful.
19 serve (v) ‫يخدم‬ Hayley serves in the US Navy, as a mechanic. = work for

spend (past = spent) (v) ‫ يقضي‬David spends a lot of time taking his children out. = use time or money
‫ يصرف‬/ (‫ صرف‬/ ‫) قضى‬
Adjectives & Adverbs
21 boring (adj) ‫ممل‬ I hate waiting a long time for someone. It’s so boring! ≠ interesting
= have lots to do
22 busy (adj) ‫مشغول‬ Sorry, but I’m very busy. I don’t have time to cook.
≠ have nothing to do
23 dull (adj) ‫ممل‬ The program was so dull that James fell asleep. = boring ≠interesting
24 entertaining (adj) ‫ممتع‬ My uncle is very entertaining. He’s very funny. = interesting, funny
25 frightening (adj) ‫مخيف‬ The movie was very frightening, so I left the cinema. = scary
26 funny (adj) ‫مضحك‬ My English teacher told us some very funny stories. = entertaining
27 great (adj) ‫عظيم‬ My sister is a great doctor, and a great mother, too. = wonderful
28 impolite (adj) ‫غير مهذب‬ It is impolite to put your feet on the chair. = rude ≠ interesting
29 impolitely (adv) ‫بشكل غير مهذب‬ Mr Hill was angry because the student spoke impolitely. = in a rude way
30 loud (adj) ‫عالي‬ The people watching the sports match were very loud. = makes a lot of noise
31 loudly (adv) ‫مرتفع‬ The football team manager shouted loudly.
32 prompt (adj) ‫عاجل‬ Gary is always prompt when he meets his friends. = on time ≠ late
33 promptly (adv) ‫بشكل عاجل‬ Tim arrived promptly for the meeting – he wasn’t late. = on time ≠ late
34 reasonable (adj) ‫معقول‬ Let’s eat in this café – the prices are reasonable. = not too much, not too little
35 reasonably (adv) ‫معقول‬ Bill didn’t win the game but he played reasonably well. = quite, to do okay
36 rude (adj) ‫ حقير‬/ ‫سيء‬ We don’t like that café. The waiters are very rude. ≠ polite
37 rudely (adv) ‫بشكل سيئ‬ The young man shouted rudely and then ran away. ≠ politely
38 sharp (adj) ‫حاد‬ The knife was so sharp that I cut my hand. ≠ blunt
39 terrible (adj) ‫ فظيع‬/ ‫غير جيد‬ I’m going to bed. I have a terrible headache. = very bad
40 terribly ‫بشكل فظيع‬ This movie is terribly boring. Let’s stop watching. = very
41 wonderful (adj) ‫رائع‬ Alex went to bed and had a wonderful sleep. = very good, excellent
= often
42 frequently (adv) ‫بشكل متكرر‬ Sam frequently visits his mother – every week, in fact.
≠ rarely, occasionally
Other words and phrases
43 as a matter of fact ‘Do you like‫الحقيقة‬
the ‫في‬army?’ ‘Yes, as a matter of fact I do’. = in fact
= I think… / In my
44 if you ask me ‫إذا سألتني‬ If you ask me, Rob shouldn’t spend so much on a car.
45 in fact ‫في الواقع‬ Joe is quite rich – in fact, he has a million dollars.
= from a certain time in
46 since ‫منذ‬ My brother has worked in China since 2010.
the past, until now


Book 11 Grammar
1. Present perfect = have/has + past participle (Verb 3) (L1. Pg.10)
‫ التصريف الثالث للفعل‬+ have/has = ‫المضارع التام‬

We use Present perfect to talk about something that happened in the past but is connected to now, or
something that started in the past and is still there now.
‫نستخدم المضارع التام للتحدث عن شيء حدث في الماضي ولكن اليزال مستمرا الى هذه اللحظة أو حدث بدأ في الماضي وال يزال مستمر حتى االن‬



since + a specific time

since + ‫وقت محدد‬
… since 1pm
… since last Tuesday
… since 2008
Subject + have / has + detail
participle (V3)
I / You have
We / They (haven’t) been here since 1pm.

He / She has had this car for 3 years.

It (hasn’t)

for + a period of time

John has lived in Chicago since 2006. for + ‫مدة من الوقت‬
… for 2 years
The children have been in the garden for an hour.
… for 10 minutes/ hours

2. Present perfect questions (L1. Pg.15)

have / has + subject + + detail
participle (V3)
Have I / you here since 7pm?
(Haven’t) we / they been

Has he / she that car for 3

(Hasn’t) it years?

3. Asking about time using How long (L1. Pg.16)

Use how long to ask about duration – how much time.
‫ للسؤال عن المدة ـــ كم يستغرق من الوقت‬how long ‫استخدم‬
You can use different verb
How long will you go on vacation for? tenses with How long …?
How long has Ahmad had that car? ‫يمكنك استخدام عدة أزمنة‬
How long…..? ‫مختلفة للفعل مع‬
Answer How long questions with for or since.

I’ll go on vacation for two weeks.

Ahmad has had that car since 2015.


Book 11 Grammar

4. Present perfect progressive (L1. Pg.22)

= have/has + been + Verb-ing
Use the present perfect progressive to talk about an action that began in the past and is continuing into the
present. ‫استخدم المضارع التام المستمر للتحدث عن حدث بدأ في الماضي وال يزال يستمر الى الوقت الحاضر‬


Subject + have / has + been + Verb-ing + detail
Sentence I / You have
here for 10 years.
We / They (haven’t) living
He / She has studying
English since 2009.
It (hasn’t)

Question Subject + have / has + been + Verb-ing + detail

you / he / living
What has / have been here for 10 years.
she / it studying

5. Using get and become (L1. Pg.6)

Use an adjective after get .‫ استخدم الصفة بعد الفعل‬get

I/ We/ They/ You better.
He / She / It healthier. 6.
the manager.

Use an adjective or a noun after become.

become ‫استخدم صفه أو اسم بعد الفعل‬

6. Using indefinite pronouns (L2. Pg.49)

someone a person, but we + Someone broke the window.

somebody don’t know who ? Did someone bring the books?

no one + No one broke the window.

no person
nobody + Nobody came to the party.

+ Anyone can come to the party.

anyone any person, but
we don’t know ? Did anyone hear the window break?
anybody who
- He didn’t see anybody break the window.


Book 11 Grammar

7. Using adjective clauses (L2. Pg.54)

Adjective clauses begin with that, who or which. They give essential information to identify what is being
talked about.
‫ فهي تعطي معلومات أساسية للتعريف‬.which ‫ أو‬who ‫ أو‬that ‫ بـ‬Adjective clause ‫تبداء‬
.‫عن الشيء المتحدث عنه‬

 that refers to people or things.  that ‫تعود لألشخاص أو األشياء‬

 who refers to people.  who ‫تعود لألشخاص‬
 which refers to things.  which ‫تعود لألشياء‬

Pilots are people that fly planes.

A doctor is a person who helps sick people.

People want jobs which are well paid.

Note: adjective clauses can also go in the middle of a sentence.

‫ في منتصف الجملة‬Adjective clause ‫ نستطيع استخدام‬: ‫مالحظة‬

The flight which my brother is on is late.

8. Using too + adjective (L3. Pg.68)

Use too to describe something which is excessive (more )‫ لوصف شيء للمبالغة فيه ( أكثر من الالزم‬too ‫استخدم‬
than needed). Too often means that something is a problem. ‫ تعني غالبأ أن شيء ما قد يكون فيه ضرر‬Too

to is followed by verb 1
It’s very windy outside. It’s too windy to play tennis. ‫ بالتصريف االول للفعل‬to ‫يتبع‬
It’s 11:30pm. It’s too late for us to go out.
You can use for + noun.
‫ الضمير‬+ for ‫يمكنك استخدام‬
It’s 11:30pm. It’s too late for going out now.
Or, you can use for + Verb +ing
Verb +ing + for ‫أو تستطيع استخدام‬
9. Changing nouns to adjectives with -y (L3. Pg.78)
You can make adjectives by adding –y to some nouns.
‫ـــ لبعض االسماء‬y ‫تستطيع تكوين صفة بواسطة إضافة‬

Spelling changes Noun Adjective Example

leak leaky This car engine is leaky.

oil oily This Kabsa is very oily.
rain rainy Britain is a rainy country.
Nouns ending in a salt salty Those fries are too salty.
consonant add -y snow snowy It’s snowy in Canada.
soap soapy I like a soapy bath.
storm stormy We can’t fly – it’s stormy.
water watery The soup is too watery.

grease greasy These dishes are greasy.

Nouns ending in –e:
ice icy Be careful! It’s icy.
remove–e, add -y
noise noisy This disco is too noisy.

Nouns ending in –un: fun funny This movie is so funny.

double –n, add -y sun sunny I prefer it when it’s sunny.
Book 11 Grammar

10. Using to –infinitive (to-Verb1) to express purpose (L3. Pg.82)

Use to –infinitive to tell the reason why someone does something.
‫ للتصريح عن السبب لماذا شخص ما قام بفعل شيء ما‬to ‫ ــ‬infinitive ‫استخدم‬

Ahmed came to see his friend.

I borrowed the book to study at home.
They went to meet you.
He paid him to fix my car.

a verb + to –infinitive (to-Verb1) tells the reason for an action

‫ للتصريح عن السبب لحدث ما‬to –infinitive ‫استخدم‬

11. Reported speech with told (L4. Pg.94)

Use told to say what someone has said. ‫ للتصريح عن قول شخص ما‬told ‫استخدم‬

Your English is good.

He told him (that) his English was good

Write the person change the change the verb

after told subject to the past

After tell / told, always put the person who hears the message.
Mr Smith told Fahad that he passed his test.

After say / said, don’t use the person who hears the message. Use to ….
Mr Smith said to Fahad that he passed his test.

Mr Smith said He told me it But he told Bill

Always put a there
personisafter was
the verb
a test on Monday!
told that there was
tomorrow. no test!


Book 11 Grammar

12. Prepositions of time: before, after, since, for, in, at, on, until (L4. Pg.101)

before after


The doctor can’t see you before 2pm. The doctor can see you after 2pm.

since NOW /

PAST 8am 11a

I arrived at 8am. I have been here since

PAST 8am

I arrived at 8am. I have been here for 4 hours.

(I’m here) (I will leave)

NOW 2pm there
I will be here until 2pm. It’s 2pm.
quarter until/till 11.

Preposition Use Example

season It rains in winter.
year I was born in 1973.
in country He lives in Italy.
city He lives in Jeddah.
location I work in a bank.
street They live on 35 Street.
on date He arrived on 27/04/15.
day I play football on Sundays.
time See you at 5pm.
meals Let’s meet up at lunch time.
location She works at a café.
address I live at 55 James Street, Texas.


Book 11 Grammar

13. Expressing past ability with could (L4. Pg.111)

Use could to talk about things that you were be able to do in the past.
‫ للتحدث عن عن أشياء كنت قادر على القيام بها في الماضي‬could ‫استخدم‬

Past Present / Now

I can’t run very far now.

But I could run when I was younger.

Could you run far when you were young? After could, use Verb 1
‫ استخدم التصريف االول الفعل‬could ‫بعد‬


Book 12 Vocabulary
Lesson 1 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites
1 beach (n) ‫شاطئ‬ The beach is next to the sea. Children play there.
2 breeze (n) ‫نسمة هواء‬ It is nice to sit outside when a breeze is blowing. = light wind
The climate of Saudi Arabia is hot and dry. There is little
3 climate (n) ‫الطقس‬ = weather
= high temperature
4 heat (n) ‫حرارة‬ It is difficult to be outside in the summer heat.
≠ cold
5 humidity (n) ‫رطوبة‬ The windows are wet. This is because of the humidity. = water in the air
6 sea (n) ‫بحر‬ The water in the sea is salty. Fish live in the sea. ≠ land
7 thought (n) ‫ تفكير‬/ ‫ فكرة‬/ ‫فكر‬ I just had a thought. Let's go camping this weekend. = idea
8 wind (n) ‫رياح‬ The wind is strong today – look, the trees are moving. = moving air outdoors
9 be over (past = was, pp = been) (v) ‫ ينتهي‬We waited until the rain was over. Then we left. = finish, end
10 belong (to) (v) ‫ يخص‬/ ‫يعود ل‬ That house belongs to me.
11 blow (past = blew, pp = blown) (v)‫تطير شيء بقوة الهواء‬ The wind was strong. It blew the hat off my head.
= make something
12 clear up (v) ‫ فسر‬/ ‫وضح‬ I didn’t understand, but Tom cleared it up for me.
clear, explain
= would find useful,
13 could use (v) ‫يمكن استخدامها‬ I can’t do this homework. I could use some help.
would like
= think we will do
14 expect to (v) ‫يتوقع‬ We expect to see Mrs Smith again next month.
something, hope
15 last (v) ‫استمر‬ The lasted one hour – from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
16 remain (v) ‫يبقى‬ The cadets remained in the barracks all weekend. = stay ≠ go
17 slip (v) ‫انزلق‬ There’s some oil on the floor. Be careful - you might slip. = fall
1. ‫يقيم‬ Dave stayed in a hotel. 1. = sleep
18 stay (v) 2. ‫يبقى‬ Pam didn’t go - she stayed. 2. ≠ go
3. ‫ابقى‬ Stay calm – the police are coming. 3. = remain, keep
Adjectives & Adverbs
19 calm (adj) ‫هادئ‬ Joseph is a very calm person. He never gets angry. ≠ angry
1. ‫ واضح‬I don’t understand. The instructions aren’t clear. = we can understand
20 clear (adj)
2. ‫ صحو‬There are no clouds– the sky is clear. = no clouds
21 dangerous (adj) ‫خطير‬ Driving very fast can be dangerous. ≠ safe
22 deep (adj) ‫عميق‬ The sea is very deep. You can’t swim to the bottom. ≠ shallow
23 freezing (adj) ‫متجمد‬ There is a lot of snow on the ground. It is freezing. = very cold ≠ hot
24 frightened (adj) ‫ مرعوب‬/ ‫خائف‬ Small children are sometimes frightened of big dogs. = scared, afraid
25 humid (adj) ‫رطب‬ The weather is humid – there’s a lot of water in the air. ≠ dry
26 occasionally (adv) ‫بين الفينة والفينة‬ I don’t like meat much but I eat it occasionally. = rarely ≠ often
27 quiet (adj) ‫هادئ‬ Hassan is a very quiet man. He likes reading a lot. ≠ noisy
28 slippery (adj) ‫زلق‬ The sidewalk was slippery today because of the rain.
29 unpleasant (adj) ‫ غير سار‬/ ‫كريه‬ That man was very unpleasant to my brother. ≠ pleasant, nice
Other words & phrases
30 during ‫اثناء‬ During the movie, Tony ate a big bag of chips.
31 ever ‫سبق له ان‬ Has George ever been to New York City?
32 except ‫ما عدى‬ I know all the students in my class, except Tom. = not this one
33 if ‫إذا‬ If you have time, let’s go for a coffee.
= similar to
1. ‫مثل‬ Rodrigo is like his brothers.
34 like Ex: sounds like, feels
2. ‫يبدو مثل‬ He looks / sounds like my uncle.
like,, looks like.
35 no longer ‫ليس بعد‬ Mr Smith is no longer working for this company. = not any more
‘How many boys are playing outside?’
36 none ‫ال شيئ‬
‘None – it’s raining’.
Book 12 Vocabulary
Lesson 2 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites
1 associate degree (n) ‫درجة الزمالة‬ Christina got her associate degree last year.
2 bachelor’s degree (n)‫ درجة البكالوريوس‬Sue studied very hard to get a bachelor’s degree.
= working life,
3 career (n) ‫وظيفة‬ My father had a good career in the Air Force.
occupation, job
4 choice (n) ‫اختيار‬ Harvard University is a good choice for you. = decision
= place where you study
5 college (n) ‫كلية‬ After school, James studied mechanics at college.
a course
6 course (n) ‫دورة‬ Which course do you want to study at college? = subject(s)
make + a decision
7 decision (n) ‫قرار‬ It’s hard to make the right decision about your career.
= choice
8 degree (n) ‫درجة علمية‬ Jody has a degree in English and Arabic language.
9 diploma (n) ‫دبلوم‬ Mathew’s diploma helped him find a good job.
10 discussion (n) ‫مناقشة‬ I had a long discussion with Bill about sport. = talk (n)
11 education (n) ‫تعليم‬ You can get a good education in most countries.
12 educator (n) ‫ معلم‬/ ‫مربي‬ Charles is an educator at Miami College. = teacher
13 elementary school (n) ‫مدرسة ابتدائية‬ Her younger sister is 6. She’s at elementary school.
14 field (n) ‫ تخصص‬/ ‫مجال‬ ‘Which field is he studying at university?’ ‘Medicine’. = subject
15 future (n) ‫مستقبل‬ I’m studying now because I want a job in the future.
16 grade (n) ‫درجة‬ Julia got an excellent grade in her last exam. = score
17 high school (n) ‫مدرسة ثانوية‬ I met so many great friends at my high school.
18 master’s degree (n) ‫درجة الماجستير‬ Do your master’s degree after your bachelor’s.
19 middle school (n) ‫مدرسة متوسطة‬ After elementary school, children go to middle school
20 offer (n) ‫عرض‬ He got a good job offer at Aramco.
21 Ph.D. (n) ‫درجة الدكتوراه‬ It takes a long time to study for a Ph.D.
22 profession (n) ‫مهنة‬ “What’s your profession?” “I’m a doctor”. = job
23 professional (n) ‫محترف‬ She is a professional. She is a company manager.
24 refusal (n) ‫رفض‬ My refusal of the new job made my father angry. = to say no
= go with the army to a
25 tour/ tour of duty (n) ‫جولة‬ My grandfather did two tours of Vietnam.
different country
26 university (n) ‫جامعة‬ You can study medicine and physics at university.
27 accept (v) ‫يقبل‬ Travis liked the job offer so he accepted it. = say yes
28 change one’s mind (v) ‫تغيير رأي‬ I chose fish but I changed my mind and had meat. = change my decision
29 discuss (v) ‫يناقش‬ You should discuss this job offer with your family. = to talk about something
30 educate (v) ‫ يعلم‬/ ‫يثقف‬ That school educates children in this area. = teach
make (past = made) up one’s “Has he made up his mind about his College”? = decide, make a
mind (v) ‫يقرر‬ “Yes, he will study Business in Sacramento”. decision
32 offer (v) ‫يعرض‬ I offered to drive my brother to his house.
= say no to something
33 refuse (to) (v) ‫يرفض‬ Tim didn’t like the job offer so he refused to take it.
≠ accept
34 retire (v) ‫يتقاعد‬ What will you do when you retire from your job? = stop work at age 60
35 take (past = took, pp = taken) (v)‫ يقبل‬The salary was high so she took the job. = accept ≠ refuse
36 talk over (v) ‫ يجادل‬/ ‫يناقش‬ Andy talked over the job offer with his wife. = discuss
think over (past = thought, pp Choosing the right course is important – you must
37 = think about, decide
= thought) (v) ً ‫يفكر مليا‬ think it over carefully.
= refuse, say no
38 turn down (v) ‫ ينهي‬/ ‫يرفض‬ The salary was low so she turned down the job.
≠ accept
39 confused (adj) ‫ مرتبك‬/ ‫مشوش‬ There is so much information. I feel confused! = not sure what to do
40 confusing (adj) ‫مربك‬ He talks very fast. I think it is confusing. = difficult to understand
Book 12 Vocabulary
41 medical (adj) ‫طبي‬ She is sick – we need medical help!
42 professional (adj) ‫محترف‬ The company gave us very professional service.
43 technical (adj) ‫تقني‬ The mechanic gave my car lots of technical tests.
Other words & phrases
44 already ً ‫مسبقا‬ She was already 22 when she started at College.
45 instead ‫بالمقابل‬ I don’t like soda. Can I have orange juice instead?
46 instead of ‫ بدالً من‬/ ‫عوضا ً عن‬ Marco chose Texas to study, instead of Seattle.
47 just ‫فقط‬ Mr and Mrs Jones have just bought a new house. = short time ago
48 so ‫إذا‬ He drank lots of coffee so he couldn’t sleep.
49 yet ‫ بعد‬/ ‫حتى اآلن‬ I haven’t met our new captain yet.

Lesson 3 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 addition (n) ‫اضافة‬ We built an addition to our house. Now it’s bigger. = an extra part
= person who builds
2 builder (n) ‫ بناء‬/ ‫معماري‬ It is so difficult to find a good builder in Oklahoma.
3 cassette (n) ‫شريط‬ I still have hundreds of old music cassettes.
4 CD (n) ‫سي دي‬ Mark bought his mother three CDs for her birthday.
= room for relaxing
5 den (n) ‫غرفة للعب او للرياضة‬ Our new home will have a den for our kids to play in.
6 dining room (n) ‫غرفة الطعام‬ Their dining room is very large – for about 20 people. = room where people eat
7 fire (n) ‫نار‬ The Hill family made a big fire and cooked some meat.
= place in the house
8 fireplace (n) ‫ مشب‬/ ‫موقد‬ The children must not play near the fireplace.
where there is a fire
get-together (n) ‫اجتماع عائلي او‬ = when friends and
9 The Smiths had a get-together for about 50 people.
‫لألصدقاء‬ family members meet
= when you think of
10 idea (n) ‫فكرة‬ Spending all your money on a vacation is a bad idea.
= when people discuss
11 meeting (n) ‫اجتماع‬ Our business meeting was in a beautiful old hotel.
business or work
12 oven (n) ‫فرن‬ My mother uses our oven to make wonderful bread.
13 patio (n) ‫ ساحة‬/ ‫فناء‬ When the weather is nice, we sit on our patio.
Before you build a house, you need some good plans.
14 plan (n) ‫خطة‬ = technical drawings

Examples: cassette
15 player (n) ‫مشغل‬ Does your computer have a DVD player?
player, CD player
e.g. bedroom, living
16 room (n) ‫غرفة‬ John’s house has 8 rooms. There are 4 bedrooms.
room, kitchen
= small place used as a
17 shed (n) ‫مستودع صغير في الفناء‬ I keep all my tools in the shed, which is in the garden.
= the answer to a
18 solution (n) ‫حل‬ I can’t find the solution to my problem!
19 speaker (n) ‫سماعات‬ I can’t listen to any music - my speakers don’t work.
Dan has an expensive stereo – he likes listening to
20 stereo (n) ‫استريو‬
21 story (n) ‫دور‬ The doctor added a second story to his home. = level of a house, floor
= area of a city with houses
22 suburb (n) ‫ اطراف المدينة‬/ ‫الضواحي‬ Many families live in the suburbs, not the town center.
(not the center)
23 trouble (n) ‫مشكلة‬ James got into trouble with the Police. = (have) problem(s)
24 wood (n) ‫خشب‬ We bought some wood for our fire. = from trees. We can


Book 12 Vocabulary
burn it.
25 add on (v) ‫إضافة‬ We added on a new kitchen and patio to our house. = enlarge
= make water very hot,
26 boil (v) ‫يغ‬ Tim boiled water and made coffee for his brother.
for tea / coffee
build (past = built, pp = built) Betty and Hal built a new house when they married.
(v) ‫يبني‬
28 burn (v) ‫يحرق‬ Wood burns easily. / I will burn these old papers. = make a fire with
29 could (v) ‫يمكن‬ Don’t forget to call the doctor. It could be important. = might
30 enlarge (v) ‫يكبر‬ I built two extra rooms last year to enlarge my house. = make bigger
get together (past = got, pp =
31 Our families get together in Florida every year. = see each other
gotten) (v) ‫يجتمع‬
= make hotter
32 heat (v) ‫يسخن‬ In cold countries, people heat their homes in winter.
≠ cool
33 leave (past = left, pp = left) (v) He left the book on the table and went to bed. ‫يترك‬
34 play (v) ‫يشغل‬ I love playing music on my new stereo.
35 solve (v) ‫يحل‬ Have you solved the homework questions yet? = to find the answer
36 take place (past = took, pp = taken) (v) ‫ يحدث‬The 2018 football World Cup took place in Russia. = happen
Adjectives & Other Words
His brother isn’t interested in marriage yet.
37 interested in ‫مهتم بـ‬ interested in + V-ing
He’s interested in playing computer games.
38 near ‫قريب‬ Mohamed’s house is near to the big mosque.
‘Will we get there before 8pm?’ ‘I don’t know. = maybe, possibly
39 perhaps ‫ربما‬
Perhaps.’ ≠ certainly, for sure
40 then ‫ثم‬ If you like the food then you can have some more!
= makes you tired,
41 tiring (adj) ‫متعب‬ Driving for many hours is very tiring. I don’t like it.

Lesson 4 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 country (n) ‫ضاحية‬ Jackson goes to the country most weekends = outside towns or cities
2 deer (n) ‫غزال‬ In some US states, people often hunt deer. A deer is an animal.
3 duck (n) ‫بطة‬ I eat duck at a Chinese restaurant in the city. A duck is a bird.
4 fish (n) ‫سمك‬ Fish live in the sea. It’s healthy to eat fish.
5 fishing rod (n) ‫سنارة صيد‬ My grandfather catches fish with a fishing rod.
6 gun (n) ‫سالح‬ Use a gun to shoot an animal.
= small book with
7 instructions (n) ‫تعليمات‬ ‘How does this gun work?’ ‘Read the instructions.’
Examples: clothes line,
8 line (n) ) ‫خيط ( للسنارة‬ Put a long line onto the fishing rod.
telephone line
9 outdoors (n) ‫في الهواء الطلق‬ If the weather is nice, we like to sit outdoors. = outside
10 own (n) ‫يملك‬ ‘Do you want to borrow my car?’ ‘No, I have my own.’ = something that is yours
11 pistol (n) ‫مسدس‬ Police forces all over the world usually carry pistols. = a small hand gun
12 plenty (n) ‫ الكثير من‬/ ‫وفرة‬ Please have more food – there is plenty to eat. = lots of something
= a gun with a long
13 rifle (n) ‫بندقية‬ President Kennedy was killed with a rifle in 1963.
14 shot (n) ‫طلقة‬ Josephine needed two shots to kill the deer. = two tries with the gun
15 walk (n) ‫يمشي‬ Going for walks in the country is popular in the USA.
weapon (n) ‫(خفيف او ثقيل)سالح‬ Examples: guns, knives,
16 Soldiers know how to use many different weapons.
bombs, etc.
Book 12 Vocabulary

17 catch (past = caught, pp = caught) (v) ‫ يمسك‬I caught three large fish when I was on vacation.
18 fish (v) ‫يصيد‬ Do you fish at the river, or on the lake? = go to catch fish
19 go + V-ing (past = went, pp = gone) (v) ‫يذهب‬ Zak is healthy because he goes swimming every day.
20 hunt (v) ‫يصيد‬ Sometimes we hunt animals at the weekend. = shoot animals
21 kill (v) ‫يقتل‬ Last month, my son killed a young deer with his rifle.
22 practise (v) ‫يتدرب‬ Sue practised driving for 1 year, then passed her test.
23 prepare (v) ‫يجهز‬ My wife and her mother prepared food for 20 people. = make (ready)
24 shoot (past = shot, pp = shot) (v) ‫ يطلق‬He sometimes goes to shoot deer with his friends. = fire a gun, kill
(do something in the
25 used to (v) ‫اعتاد ان‬ I used to go to Florida a lot, but now I don’t have time.
(describes a past
26 would (v) ‫يود‬ Dave would always smoke a cigarette after eating.
Other Words & Phrases
= in many places /
27 all over ‫في جميع االنحاء‬ I looked for him all over town but I didn’t find him.
28 farther (or further) ‫بعيد‬ Robert drove farther today than he did yesterday. = a longer way
28 further (adj) ‫اضافي‬ The teacher gave the class further instructions. = more
30 hard (adv) ‫بجد‬ Sue works very hard. Her manager is happy with her.
31 high (adj) ‫مرتفع‬ Wilfred threw the ball high in the air. ≠ low
32 in the open ‫ مكان مفتوح‬/‫في الخارج‬ Rachael enjoyed reading on her patio, in the open. = outside, outdoors
= inside
33 indoors (adv) ‫ مغلق‬/ ‫داخلي‬ It started to rain heavily, so we moved indoors.
≠ outdoors
= near the ground
34 low (adj) ‫قليل‬ The plane flew low over the trees.
≠ high
35 more ‫اكثر‬ Shops with low prices give you more for your money. = extra
36 once ‫مرة واحدة فقط‬ I have only been to America once, in 2016. = one time
= outside
37 outdoors /out of doors (adv) I love spending
‫خارجيا‬time outdoors in summer.
≠ indoors
= outside
38 out-of-doors (adv)‫في الخارج‬ The children play out-of-doors when the weather is good.
≠ indoors
= something that is
39 own (adj) ‫يملك‬ I always use my own laptop, not other people’s.
40 several ‫العديد‬ Dan has more than one car – he has several. = some, a few
41 slow (adv) ‫بطئ‬ Alan’s car goes slow, but the bus goes even slower. ≠ fast, quickly
42 twice ‫مرتين‬ I will travel to Kansas twice next month. = two times
43 whole (adj) ‫الكل‬ Jarvis ate the whole cake because he was very hungry. = all of something


Book 12 2 Grammar
1. The Conditional: true in the present or future (L1. Pg.14)

A Use will / going to + Verb 1 in the main clause to talk about situations that are true in the future.
.‫ التصريف االول للفعل في الجملة الرئيسية للتحدث عن حاالت حقيقية في المستقبل‬+ will / going to ‫استخدم‬

Conditional (if clause) Result (main clause)

If the weather is nice, we go to the park.
are going to

Use present simple in the if clause Use will or going to in the main clause
if ‫استخدم المضارع البسيط مع جملة‬ ‫ مع الجملة الرئيسية‬will/ going to ‫استخدم‬

You can put the main clause before the if clause.

Result (main clause) Conditional (if clause)
We go to the park if the weather is nice.
are going to

B Use can / could / may / might / should + Verb 1 in the main clause to talk about suggestions
or situations that are possible in the future.
.‫ التصريف االول للفعل للتحدث عن مقترحات أو حاالت ممكن حدوثها في المستقبل‬+ can/ could/ may/ might/ should ‫استخدم‬

Conditional (if clause) Result (main clause)

can / could
If it rains tonight, the roads may / might become slippery.
Remember - use present simple in the
Use Verb 1 after these modal verbs
if clause
Modals ‫استخدم اتصريف االول بعد افعال‬
if ‫تذكرــ استخدم المضارع البسيط في جملة‬

If you run a red light, you might hit another car.
John will use my car if his car isn’t working.
If we pass the test, we are going to celebrate!

2. Present perfect: has / have + past participle (Verb 3) (L1. Pg.22/ L2. Pg.50)

Use the Present perfect to talk about something that happened in the past and is continuing now.
A .‫استخدم المضارع التام للتحدث عن شيء حدث في الماضي وال يزال مستمر حتى هذه اللحظة‬
(L1. Pg. 22.)
Note: Always use a comma ( , ) after the if clause is before the main clause.
Past simple Present perfect
John moved to New York in John has lived in New York since
April. April.


The action started and The action started in the past and
stopped in the past. continues now.


Book 12 Grammar
Subject have / has Verb 3 + detail
I / You have lived here for 2 months.
We / They (haven’t) waited since 7:30 pm.
has swam worked here since 2009.
He / She / It studied English for 10 years.

Have/Has + subject + Verb 3 + detail ?

I / you
we / they lived here for 2 months?
finished your homework?
Has he / she / it

You can also use the Present perfect to talk about something that happened sometime in the past
B (we don’t say when( and is important now. (L2. Pg. 50.)

.‫يمكنك أيضا ً استخدام المضارع التام للتحدث عن شيء حدث في وقت ما في الماضي ( ال نعلم متى) وهو حدث ذو أهمية اآلن‬

Past simple Present perfect

Sue visited Paris last year. Sue has visited Paris. She can tell
us about her trip.

The action started and stopped in the The action is important now,
past. We say when it happened. not when it happened.

Subject have / has Verb 3 + detail

I / You have visited Riyadh.
We / They (haven’t) passed the test.
has been to another country yet.
He / She / It met my father.

Have/Has + subject + Verb 3 + detail ?

I / you
we / they travelled to many places?
lost your wallet?
Has he / she / it


Book 12 Grammar

3. Adverbs of time (L2. Pg.40)

Adverb Example

Something happened + Ed already has a degree.

before now. ? Do they already have a car?
+ He’s still waiting for you.
Something is
still - We still don’t know.
? Do you still work here?
Something is not - Can I go? I haven’t been yet.
yet happening now but is
? Is dinner ready yet?
expected to happen.

Something has He no longer lives here.

no longer +
stopped or changed.

not anymore Something has He isn’t here anymore.

/ any longer stopped or changed. He doesn’t study English anymore.

already: use before a verb; don’t use in negatives

‫ قبل الفعل وال تستخدم في النفي‬already ‫تستخدم‬
yet: at the end of a sentence; use in questions and negatives
‫ وتستخدم في السؤال‬،‫ نهاية الجملة‬yet ‫تستخدم‬
‫ والنفي‬a verb
no longer: use before
‫ قبل الفعل‬no longer ‫تستخدم‬
any more /any longer: use at the end of a sentence; use only in negatives
‫ وتستخدم فقط في النفي‬،‫ في نهاية الجملة‬any more/ any longer ‫تستخدم‬

4. Using or and so to connect clauses (L2.Pg.56)

David can pay with cash, or he can use his credit card.

‫ للتحدث عن اختيارين‬or ‫ استخدام‬Use or to talk about two choices.

David didn’t have any money, so I paid for lunch.

‫ قبل التحدث عن النتيجة‬so ‫ استخدام‬Use so before you talk about the result.

5. Using could to express possibility (L2. Pg.72)

Use could if you are not 100% sure something will happen.
.‫ درجة الحرارة او المسافة‬,‫الجو‬, ‫قد تستخدم كفاعل في الجملة بديال عن الوقت‬

Subject Modal verb Verb

It be over there.
He play tennis.

These modal verbs mean the same – you Use the infinitive (V1) after all
are 50% sure. modal verbs.
‫ هذه تحمل نفس المعنى ـــ حيث تعنى‬Modal ‫أفعال‬ (‫استخدم الفعل المجرد ( التصريف االول‬
‫ من حدوث الشيء‬%50 ‫أنك متأكد‬ Modal ‫بعد أفعال‬


Book 12 Grammar
6. Using adjectives with –ed and –ing (L3. Pg.77)

The person that feels a feeling uses adjective with –ed.

‫ــ لوصف اإلحساس الذي يحس به‬ed ‫يستخدم الشخص الصفة مع إضافة‬
am bored.
is excited.
He / She
You / We / They are interested.

The thing that causes a feeling uses adjective with –ing.

‫ـ لها‬ing ‫اال شياء التي تسبب اإلحساس نستخدم الصفة مع إضافة‬

It / The book / boring.

is confusing.
The movie
They / The noise /
are interesting.
The people tiring.

7. Reported Speech (L3. Pg.82)

Use reported speech to say (report) what someone said in the past.
‫( لإلفصاح عن ماذا قال شخص ما في الماضي‬Reported speech) ‫نستخدم‬

Change the subject

(I to he)
I like the new
iPhone. What did he
say? He said that he
liked the new

Change present tense (like) to past tense (liked)

‫غير الفعل من الزمن المضارع الى الزمن الماضي‬

Aziz: I really want to Hamad: What did he say?

see that new movie.

Yasir: He said that he wanted

to see that new movie.


Book 12 Grammar
8. Comparative forms of adverbs with –er (L4. Pg.97)
Add –er to adverbs when you compare two things.
‫ــ للحال عندما تقارن بين إثنين‬er ‫أضف‬

Alex can run fast, but Sam can run faster than Alex.

Adverb Comparative
She lives near here, but I live nearer (than her).
Some plane fly low, but helicopters fly lower than planes.

Note: - the comparative of far is farther/further

- remember to use than after a comparative

9. Using used to to talk about the past (L4. Pg.104)

Used to describes a repeated action (it happened regularly), or something that existed in the past (a past condition),
but not anymore.
.‫ يعني شيء ما كان يحدث بشكل منتظم أو موجود في الماضي لكنه لم يعد كذلك‬used to ‫فعل‬
used to Verb1 + detail
Jim play golf.
Sue and Jill used to live in Boston.
The children play in the park.

Who used to play golf?

Did he use to play golf?

In questions, we use use to NOT used to

used to ‫ وال نستخدم‬use to ‫في السؤال نستخدم‬

Repeated action My uncle used to smoke, but he stopped last month.

‫فعل متكرر حدث‬
No, I used to live there.

Past condition
Did you use to live here?
‫حال حدث في الماضي‬

10. Using would to talk about the past (L4. Pg.107)

Use would to talk about past repeated actions (but not past conditions).
.)‫ للتحدث عن أحداث متكرره في الماضي ( لكن ال تستخدم لوصف حاالت في الماضي‬would ‫استخدم‬

When I was young, I would

Would you play play outside every day.
outside when you
were young?

Note: Before I started TSI, I would

Use Verb 1 after would stay in bed all day.
would ‫ استخدم تصريف الفعل االول بعد‬:‫مالحظة‬


Book 13 2Vocabulary
Lesson 1 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites
1 coach (n) ‫مدرب‬ The football team is good – they have a great coach. = teacher, trainer
2 doubt (n) ‫شك‬ I am sure we will win the match. There is no doubt.
1) The players ran out onto the football field. ‫ملعب‬ = area for sport
3 field (n)
2( Bill’s new job is in the field of business. ‫مجال‬ = subject, area
goal (n) 1) Messi scored 3 goals in the match. ‫هدف‬
4 (2) = plan, hope, aim
2( Bob’s goal is to be a doctor. ‫هدف‬
5 jump (n) ‫يقفز‬ Frank is very good at the high jump.
6 knot (n) ‫عقدة‬ If you wear a tie, you have to make a knot in it.
1) I enjoyed the football match yesterday. ‫مباراة‬ (1) = game
7 match (n)
2) Jim started a fire with a match. ‫كبريت‬
8 meaning (n) ‫معنى‬ “Big” and “large” have the same meaning.
9 meter (n) ‫متر‬ Mark can run 100 meters in 16 seconds.
10 player (n) ‫العب‬ Lionel Messi is a very good soccer player.
11 point (n) ‫نقطة‬ The score in the basketball game was 98 points to 72.
12 practice (n) ‫تمارين‬ If you want to play well, come to practice every day. = exercise
13 race (n) ‫سباق‬ Bill ran very fast and won the race.
14 reporter (n) ‫مراسل‬ A reporter works for newspapers, magazines or TV.
15 rope (n) ‫حبل‬ The man tied his dog to a tree with a rope.
16 score (n) ‫النتيجة‬ After the match, the score was 25 points to 23
17 shoelaces (n) ‫رباط الحذاء‬ Jim put on his shoes and started to tie his shoelaces.
18 stadium (n) ‫استاد رياضي‬ In some stadiums, 80,000 people can watch a game.
String is for tying
19 string (n) ‫خيط‬ Bill broke a shoelace so he used string to tie his boots.
things together.
20 tie (n) ‫ربطة عنق‬ My teacher is smart. He always wears a tie to school.
beat (past = beat; pp =
21 Germany beat Brazil 3 – 1 in a soccer game.
beaten) (v) ‫يهزم‬
22 believe (v) ‫يعتقد‬ I have studied hard and I believe I will pass the test. = think
23 coach (v) ‫يدرب‬ Bill coached the football team for five years. = teach, train
24 doubt (v) ‫شك‬ There is a lot of noise. I doubt anyone can sleep. = to be unsure about
25 imagine (v) ‫ يتصور‬/‫يتخيل‬ I imagine Sam will play football – he likes the sport. = think, assume
26 join (v) ‫ينضم‬ Tim was a civilian. He joined the military 2 years ago.
27 jump (v) ‫يقفز‬ Can you jump up and touch the ceiling?
28 kick (v) ‫يركل‬ Messi kicked the ball into the goal.
lose (past = lost; pp = lost) (v) 1) My team lost the game with a score of 3 to 1. ‫يخسر‬ ≠ win
2) I have lost my keys! I can’t find them! ‫يفقد‬ ≠ find
30 match (v) ‫ يوصل‬/‫يربط‬ Match the question with the correct answer.
31 race (v) ً‫ يعدو سريعا‬/‫يركض‬ Jack ran very fast. He raced down the football field. = run very fast
32 score (v) ‫يسجل هدف‬ To score in soccer, kick the ball into the goal.
= think, imagine,
33 suppose (v) ‫يعتقد‬ “Where is Jim?” “It’s 6pm. I suppose he left work.”
1) Bill scored a point and tied the game at 24 – 24. ‫يعادل نتيجة‬
34 tie / tie up (v)
2) Tie up your shoelaces before you fall over. ‫يربط‬
throw (past = threw; pp =
35 The basketball player threw the ball in the basket.
thrown) (v) ‫يرمي‬
36 win (past = won; pp = won) (v) ‫يفوز‬ My team won the game 4 - 0. ≠ lose


Book 13 Vocabulary
Other words and phrases
= sure; positive
37 certain (adj) ‫حتما‬ I am certain a Ferrari costs more than a Hyundai.
≠ uncertain
38 certainly (adv) ‫بكل تأكيد‬ Look at those black clouds! It will certainly rain soon. = without a doubt
39 farthest/ furthest (adj) The‫األبعد‬
furthest I have run is 20 kilometers. ≠ nearest
40 for sure ‫بالتأكيد‬ I’m free all day tomorrow. We can meet for sure. ≠ certainly
41 most ‫االكثر‬ Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. ≠ the least
= sure, certain
42 positive (adj) ‫متأكد‬ ‘Are you sure you locked the door?’ ‘Yes, I am positive’.
≠ not sure
43 quite ‫نوعا ما‬ This food is quite good – not very bad or very good.
1) Bob felt sick yesterday so he stayed at home. ‫لذلك‬
44 so (1) = therefore
2) Is Madrid in Spain? I think so. ‫ذلك‬
45 surely (adv) ‫بكل تأكيد‬ Jim is very sick. Surely he won’t be at work today. = certainly
46 toward / towards ‫باتجاه شيء ما‬ The young child ran towards his mother . ≠ away from
= not sure
47 uncertain (adj) ‫غير متأكد‬ I’ll meet you later, but I’m uncertain exactly when.
≠ sure, certain

Lesson 2 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 ashtray (n) ‫طفاية سجائر‬ Please put out your cigarette in the ashtray.
2 bracelet (n) ‫سوار‬ Sue is wearing a gold bracelet next to her watch. A bracelet is jewelry.
3 chain (n) ‫سلسال‬ Some men wear a chain around their necks. A chain is jewelry.
4 copper (n) ‫نحاس‬ Electrical wire is made of copper. Copper is a metal.
5 cotton (n) ‫قطن‬ Shirts and t-shirts are often made of cotton. Cotton is a material.
6 diamond (n) ‫ألماس‬ Many rings have diamonds. They are expensive.
Earrings are a type of
7 earrings (n) ‫الخرص‬/‫حلق االذن‬ Women wear earrings in their ears.
8 glass (n) ‫زجاج‬ Windows are made of glass. Glass is a material.
9 gold (n) ‫ذهب‬ Gold is a beautiful and expensive metal. Gold is a metal.
10 iron (n) ‫حديد‬ Iron is strong and hard. Machines are made of iron. Iron is a metal.
Examples: bracelet,
11 jewelry (n) ‫ مجوهرات‬/‫جواهر‬ Women wear beautiful jewelry at their wedding.
necklace, earrings
12 leather (n) ‫جلد‬ Leather is made from the skin of animals. Leather is a material.
13 leave (n) ‫إجازة‬ Sgt Jones is not here now. He is on leave. = vacation
Examples: paper, glass,
14 material (n) ‫مواد‬ Plastic and copper are examples of materials.
rubber, stone
Examples: gold, iron,
15 metal (n) ‫معدن‬ Knives, machines and guns are made of metal.
silver, copper
16 necklace (n) ‫ قالدة‬/‫عقد‬ Women wear necklaces around their necks. A necklace is jewelry
Nylon is a man-made
17 nylon (n) ‫نايلون‬ Nylon is not a natural material – it’s man-made.
Plastic is a man-made
18 plastic (n) ‫بالستك‬ Bottles are made of plastic because it is light and strong.
Polyester is a man-
19 polyester (n))‫بولستر(يستخدم كقماش‬ Pants which are made of polyester last longer.
made material.
20 ring (n) ‫خاتم‬ A lot of women wear rings on their fingers. A ring is jewelry.
21 rock (n) ‫صخرة‬ The tops of some mountains are made of rock. = stone
22 rubber (n) ‫مطاط‬ Car tires are usually made of rubber.
23 silk (n) ‫حرير‬ Silk is a thin, soft cloth.
24 silver (n) ‫فضي‬ Some jewelry and some coins are made of silver.
Book 13 Vocabulary
25 stone (n) ‫ حصى‬/ ‫حجر‬ A diamond is a very expensive stone.
26 wool (n) ‫صوف‬ My wool sweater keeps me warm in winter.
27 allow (v) ‫يسمح‬ The teacher did not allow his students to sleep. = let
28 appreciate (v) ‫ يمتن‬/‫يقدر‬ Thanks for your help. I appreciate it very much. = be thankful for
29 be made of / made up of (v) My‫من‬ ‫ يصنع‬are
shoes / ‫ من‬made
‫ يتكون‬of leather and rubber.
30 could (v) ‫استطاع‬ Yesterday Jim was sick. He couldn’t go to work. = past of can
do over (past = did; pp =
31 I made a mistake in my work so I did it over. = repeat, do again
done) (v) ‫ يكرر‬/ ‫يعيد‬
32 owe (v) ‫يُدين لشخص ما‬ I owe Jim 10 dollars. I’ll pay him back tomorrow.
pay back (past = paid; pp =
33 ‘Can I borrow $50? I’ll pay you back next week.’
paid) (v) ‫يعيد المال‬
34 put out (past = put; pp = put) (v) ‫يضع‬ Put out your recycling in front of your houses.
35 throw away (past = threw; pp = thrown) (v) ‫ يرمي‬I don’t need these old books. Throw them away. = throw out
36 wake up (past = woke; pp = woken) (v) ‫ يستيقظ‬When I woke up, the sun was shining.
Other words and phrases
37 away (adv) ‫بعيد‬ Bob isn’t here. He has gone away for the weekend.
38 fond (of) (adj) ‫مغرم بشيء ما‬ Bob is fond of animals. He likes them very much. = like
39 man-made (adj) ‫صناعي‬/‫ صنع االنسان‬Plastic and polyester are man-made materials. = artificial ≠ natural
40 natural (adj) ‫طبيعي‬ Cotton is a natural material. It comes from a plant. ≠ man-made, artificial
41 past (adv) ‫يتجاوز‬ John walked past the school. He didn’t stop there.

Lesson 3 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 amount (n) ‫كمية‬ Al spent a large amount of money to build his house. = quantity
2 bargain (n) ‫ سعر مخفض‬/ ‫مراعاة‬ We got a bargain on our new car. It cost only $1,000. = a cheap price
3 centimeter/ cm (n)‫سنتيميتر‬ A ruler is usually 30 cm long.
4 cloth (n) ‫قماش‬ Are the seats in your car made of cloth or leather?
5 deal (n) ‫صفقة‬ Bob got a good deal on his car –it was only $15,000.
6 discount (n) ‫تخفيض‬ I got a discount of 50% on a pair of shoes – half price! = money off
7 distance (n) ‫مسافة‬ The distance between my home and my work is 15km.
8 dressing room (n) ‫غرفة مالبس‬ The customer tried on the pants in the dressing room.
9 fabric (n) ‫النسيج‬ The fabric of this winter coat is 100% wool. e.g. wool, silk
10 fit (n) ‫مالئم‬ Your clothes are a good fit – they look good on you.
11 height (n) ‫ارتفاع‬ ‘How tall are you?’ ‘My height is 1m 80cm.’
12 hip (n) ‫ِورك‬ Your hip is between the top of your leg and your waist.
13 inch / in. (n) ‫بوصه‬ The tailor shortened Bob’s pants by 2 inches. 1 inch = 2.54 cm
14 item (n) ‫شيء‬ A shirt is an item of clothing. = thing, piece
15 jeans (n) ‫جينز‬ Bill is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt.
16 length (n) ‫الطول‬ The length of the hotel swimming pool is 15 meters.
17 measurement (n) ‫قياس‬ ‘What’s your waist measurement?’ ‘32 inches.’
18 pair (n) )‫زوج (اثنان من نفس النوع‬ I bought a pair of shoes and a pair of glasses. = two
Percent is only used
19 percent (%) (n) ‫في المئة‬ 50 percent of the students in the school are boys.
after a number.
Percentage is not used
20 percentage (n) ‫نسبة مئوية‬ A high percentage of people in the US can drive.
with a number.
A receipt shows you
21 receipt (n) ‫ايصال‬ Tim got a receipt after he paid for the camera.
have paid
Book 13 Vocabulary
22 sale (n) ‫تخفيضات‬ The shop has a sale - many items are half price.
23 size (n) ‫مقاس‬ ‘What size is your t-shirt?’ ‘It’s a medium.’
24 tax (n) ‫ضريبة‬ The government takes tax from people’s salaries.
= the middle part of
25 waist (n) ‫وسط‬/‫خصر‬ Jim is wearing a leather belt around his waist.
the body
26 amount to (v) ‫يساوي‬ $200 + $100 + 6% tax amounts to $318 in total. = equals
= discuss and try to
27 bargain (v) ‫ يساوم‬/ ‫يكاسر‬ If you bargain you might get a lower price.
get a lower price
≠ increase, go up
28 decrease (v) ‫ينقص‬ The temperature decreased from 42° to 38°.
= lower, reduce
29 discount (v) ‫يُخفض السعر‬ The store discounted many items - some were ½ price. = reduce the price
30 fit (past = fit; pp = fit) (v) ‫يناسب‬
I can’t wear this shirt. It doesn’t fit me. It’s too small. = be the right size
≠ decrease
31 increase (v) ‫يزداد‬ Bob’s salary increased from $2000 to $2200 a month.
= go up
32 measure (v) ‫يقيس‬ Police cameras can measure the speed of your car.
= decrease, go down ≠
33 reduce (v) ‫يُنقص‬ The store had a big sale and reduced their prices.
34 sew (past = sewed; pp = sewn) (v) ‫ يخيط‬A tailor can sew clothing to make it shorter or longer.
35 try on (v) ‫يجرب‬ You can try this shirt on in the dressing room.
Other words
= someone is selling
36 for sale ‫للبيع‬ Bob has bought a new car. His old car is for sale.
1( I didn’t pay for this glass of water. It was free.‫مجاني‬ = no charge
37 free (adj)
2) I will be free at 2 pm. I can see you then. ‫متفرغ‬ = not busy
= not of normal shape
38 irregular (adj) ‫غير منتظم‬ This coat is irregular. There’s something wrong with it.
or size
39 less ‫أقل‬ The shoes cost less than $50, not more. ≠ more
40 medium (adj) ‫وسط‬ What size shirt does he wear? Medium or large?
1) Hank is 50. Sue is 23. Hank is much older than Sue. = a lot
41 much (adv) ‫كثير‬
2( ‘How much is a cup of coffee?’ ‘$4.’ ‫بكم‬ = how much money
42 off ‫خصم‬ If you buy two belts, you’ll get 50% off the second one. = cheaper
= for sale at a reduced
43 on sale ‫ُمخفض‬ Tom buys clothes when they are on sale - he saves money.
45 sales tax ‫ضريبة مبيعات‬ When you buy something in the US, you pay a sales tax. = VAT
46 special (adj) ‫خاص‬ Bob has many friends but only a few special friends.

Lesson 4 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites

1 age (n) ‫عمر‬ Many young people go to college at the age of 19. = how old somebody is
2 centimeter / cm (n) ‫سنتيمتر‬
There are 100 centimeters in one meter.
3 depth (n) ‫عمق‬ ‘How deep is the pool?’ ‘The depth is about 2m.’
4 diet (n) ‫حمية غذائية‬ Fruit and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. = the food you eat
5 distance (n) ‫مسافة‬ The distance between the two doors is 6 feet.
6 foot (feet) / ft / (ˈ) (n) ‫قدم‬ This desk is about 3 feet wide. I am 6’ tall. 3 feet = 3’.
7 height (n) ‫ارتفاع‬ The plane was flying at a height of 10,000 meters.
8 inch / in. (“) (n) ‫بوصه‬ There are 12 inches in one foot. The pen is 8” long.
9 kilometer / km (n) ‫كيلومتر‬ It is 5 kilometers from my house to the bank. = 1000 meters
10 length (n) ‫طول‬ ‘How long is the pool?’ ‘The length is 50 m.’
11 meter / m (n) ‫متر‬ A football field is about 100 meters long. 1 m = 100 cm
12 mile / mi. (n) ‫ميل‬ He was driving at 70 miles an hour. 1 mile = 1.6 km
Book 13 Vocabulary
1 m = 1000 mm
13 millimeter/ mm (n) ‫مليمتر‬ The are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter.
1 cm = 10 mm
14 scale (n) ‫ميزان‬ Tom stood on the scale and checked his weight.
15 strength (n) ‫قوة‬ He can lift 100 kg. He has great strength.
16 weight (n) ‫وزن‬ ‘How much do you weigh?’ ‘My weight is 80 kg.’
17 width (n) ‫عرض‬ ‘What is the width of the desk?’ ‘It is 2 meters wide.’
18 yard/ yd. (n) ‫يارد‬ The length of a running track is 440 yards or 400 m. 1 yard = 36 inches
19 diet / go on a diet (v) If you want‫غذائية‬
to lose
‫ حمية‬weight, you should diet.
20 gain (v) ‫ يزيد‬/‫يكسب‬ Jim has gained weight – he was 75kg but he’s now 83kg.
21 measure (v) ‫يقيس‬ I measured the line with a ruler. It was 6 cm long.
22 weigh (v) ‫يزن‬ I weighed my suitcase on the scale. It was 20 kg.
Other words & phrases
(with count nouns)
23 a few )‫قليل(للمعدود‬ Tom doesn’t have many eggs in his kitchen – just a few.
≠ a lot, many
(with noncount
24 a little )‫قليل(لغير المعدود‬ ‘Is there any sugar?’ ‘Yes, but not much. Just a little.’
nouns) ≠ a lot
(with count + non-
25 a lot ‫كثير‬ ‘Can I have some of your coffee?’ ‘Sure, I have a lot.’
count nouns)
94ft by 50ft
26 by / (x) )‫ضرب (عملية حسابية‬ A basketball court measures 94 ft. by 50 ft.
= 94ft x 50ft
27 fat (adj) ‫سمين‬ Jim is 6ft. tall and weighs 250 pounds. He is very fat. ≠ thin
28 many )‫كثير(للمعدود‬ ‘How many apples are there?’ ‘Only 2 or 3. Not many.’ (with count nouns)
29 much )‫كثير(لغير المعدود‬ ‘Do you have a lot of work to do?’ ‘ No, not much.’ (with noncount nouns)
30 thick (adj) ‫سميك‬ There are thick white lines in the middle of the road. ≠ thin
≠ fat (person(, thick
31 thin (adj) ‫نحيف‬ Bob is very tall but he weighs only 55kg. He is very thin.
32 ” The pen is 6” long. = inches
33 ˈ Tom is 6’ tall. = feet
34 x The pool is 8m x 25m. = by; times


Book 13 2 Grammar
1. Using adjective + THAT-clause (L1. Pg.19)
Use this to express positive and negative certainty.
‫ للتعبير عن تأكيد مثبت أو منفي‬that ‫استخدم الصفة مع عبارة‬
Subject Adjective THAT-clause
I’m certain I locked the door.
You’re (not) sure (that) you finished your work.
She’s positive she will be on time.

Note: you can use that or remove it.

‫ أو حذفها‬that ‫ تستطيع استخدام كلمة‬:‫مالحظة‬
Subject Adjective THAT - clause
certain they locked the door?
Are you / they
sure (that) you finished your work?
Is he / she / it
positive she will be on time?

2. Using superlative adverbs (L1. Pg. 25)

Use the –est superlative form of adverbs when comparing 3 or more people or things.
‫ في جملة الحال عند المقارنة بين ثالثة أو أكثر سوأ كانوا أشخاص أو أشياء‬-est ‫استخدم التفضيل بإضافة‬

Subject Verb Adverb

Gary drives quickly.

Wendy drives quicker than Gary.

Jane drives the quickest. (of all.)

E.g. Ahmed walks slowly.

Bander walks slower than Ahmed.
Rakan walks the slowest.

3. Making compound nouns (L2. Pg.41)

Add two (or more) nouns together to make a compound noun.
compound noun ‫أضف إسميين أو أكثر مع بعض لتكوين‬

Hassan is an Officer in the RSAF. He is an RSAF Officer.

This is a book about grammar. It’s a grammar book. noun


Book 13 Grammar

4. Using could to politely ask permission (L2. Pg.48)

Use could to make polite requests. ‫ لطلب شيء ما بشكل مؤدب‬could ‫استخدم‬

Questions Answers

Yes answers No answers

Yes, you can.
Could I please see your ID? No, you can’t.
May I’m sorry. You can’t.
we get some water Of course.
Can Sure. Sorry, but…

Add please to make requests even

more polite.
‫ لجعل الطلب أكثر احتراما‬please ‫أضف كلمة‬

5. Modal Review (L2. Pg.52)

l‫مراجعة االفعال الناقصة‬

Modals Purpose Examples

talk about ability and
can 100% possibility I can swim for a mile.
be able to ‫للتحدث عن القدرة واالحتمالية‬ He’s able to speak French.
%100 ‫بنسبة‬
can ask for and give Can/May I use your phone?
may permission Yes, you can use it.
could ‫للسؤال عن أو إعطاء اإلذن‬ Could I borrow your umbrella?
may express 50% possibility I may go shopping after work.
might ‫للتعبير عن االحتمالية بنسبة‬ It might rain at the weekend.
could 50% Hurry - we could miss the train.

could talk about past ability He couldn’t take the last yesterday.
be able to ‫ للتعبير عن قدرات في الماضي‬He wasn’t able to go to work last week.

6. A person who teaches is a teacher (L3. Pg.66)

The suffix –er or –or means ‘a person who…’ or ‘something that...’
)‫ لإلشارة للفاعل بإشتقاق اسمه من الفعل (لعب = العب‬or ‫ أو‬er ‫استخدم اللواحق في نهاية الكلمة سوأ كانت‬

A person who drives a taxi is a taxi driver. People …

A person who sings is a singer. traveller, writer,
swimmer, gardener,
A person who reports news is a news reporter. manager, smoker,
dancer, collector
Add -er/-or to the verbs Things …
‫ لألفعال‬or ‫ أو‬er ‫أضف‬
recorder, shaver,
marker, hair dryer,
A machine that freezes things is a freezer.
timer, hanger, lighter,
A machine that washes dishes is a dishwasher. refrigerator
Something that heats a room is a heater.


Book 13 Grammar
7. Using modal verbs in reported speech (L3. Pg.70)
Use reported speech to tell someone what another person said.
‫استخدم الكالم المنقول إلخبار احدهم عن ما قاله شخص أخر‬

What did He said the

Are you going to
Ryan say? weather is bad,
drive to Riyadh,
Ryan? The weather is but he might
very bad now, so I drive later.
may drive later on.

‫ في الكالم المنقول يتم تغير شكل الفعل الناقص‬:‫مالحظة‬ we‫ و‬I ‫أيضا يتم تغير الضميرين‬
In reported speech, change the modal verb. Also, change I and we.
Direct Reported
Direct Speech Reported speech
Speech speech
may / might → might “I can swim.” → He
I → he / she said he could swim.
can / could → could
we → we / they
am/is/are able to → was/were able to “We’re able to help you.”
→ They said they were able to help us.
“She could be at home.” → He said she could be at home.
“They may speak English.” → He said they might speak English.
“I’m able to do the task.” → She said she was able to do the task.

8. Using separable phrasal verbs (L3. Pg.78)

A phrasal verb is a phrase made of a verb + preposition.
‫ حروف جر‬+ ‫االفعال المركبة هي عبارة عن أفعال‬
Examples: turn on, get off, get on, look up, take off.

With some phrasal verbs, …

a) you can put the object after the
preposition … or He turned on the radio.
‫تستطيع وضع المفعول به بعد حرف الجر‬
b( … you can put the object between the
verb and preposition. He turned the radio on.
‫تستطيع وضع المفعول به بين الفعل وحرف الجر‬
c) A pronoun object always goes between
the verb and preposition. He turned it on.
‫ضمير المفعول به دائما ً يكون بين الفعل وحرف الجر‬

Don’t wake up the baby. She took off her jacket.

Don’t wake the baby up. She took her jacket off.
Don’t wake her up. She took it off.


Book 13 Grammar
9. The conditional: General truths and commands ‫ الحقائق العامة و األوامر‬:‫الشرط‬ (L4. Pg.92)

If +Present Simple
If + ‫المضارع البسيط‬

if clause (condition) main clause

Something that is generally true: Present Simple
If you put ice in water, it melts. or, will / can + Verb 1
‫ التصريف االول للفعل‬+ will/ can/ ‫ نستخدم المضارع البسيط أو‬: ‫في الحقائق العامة‬
If people don’t sleep, they’ll feel tired.

If you want to pass the test, study every day! A command or advice: Verb 1
‫ نستخدم التصريف األول‬:‫لألمر أو النصيحة‬

The if clause can also go after the main clause.

You can hurt your eyes if you look at the sun.

10. Asking questions with How + adjective (L4. Pg.100)

There are two ways to ask about someone’s (or something’s( size, age, weight and temperature.
‫هناك طريقتين للسؤال عن عمر االشخاص وأوزانهم أو عن حجم الشيء ووزنه أو درجة حرارته‬
How + adjective What + noun
How hot / cold is the water? → What’s its temperature?

How deep is the lake? → What’s its depth?

How far is Abha from Tabuk? → What’s the distance?

How heavy is the box? → What’s the weight of the …?

*How high / tall is that hill? → What’s its height?

How long is this river? → What’s its length?

How old is this mosque? → What’s the age of the …?

How wide is a football field? → What’s its width?

Use tall to talk about people and narrow things (a tall tree).
Use high to talk about mountains and things above the ground.
Use both tall and high to talk about buildings.
if ‫تذكرــ استخدم المضارع البسيط في جملة‬
11. Using indefinite pronouns (L4. Pg.104)
(Countable and/uncountable)
a lot of / any some pens / milk? Count & non-count
a few / many children? nouns
(Countable Count nouns
Do you have
a little / much Non-count nouns
a lot.
many. a lot.
some. many.
I have a few. I don’t have much.
a little. a few.
none. any.


Additional words you learn


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