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AIMAK, or EIMAK (Mongolian for ``clan,'' or section of a

guineas a year; Addison accepted the munificent offer, saying,

king was compelled to assent to his removal from court. In

Zealand, but only locally, especially the former.

and people, and, by the advice of Jesuits and other wicked

such churches in favour of persons who have contributed to

started on his way to Arabia. It is said that a man of Asad,

censured the Review; and when in 1864, after Dollinger's

half-dreamlike gazing on the mere look of things unconcerned

the slopes of the mountains up to 3800 ft. above the sea the

minds. It is, therefore, perfectly natural that human thought,

after his appointment. He received a pension of L. 1500 a year.

conceded. By this convention the complete success of the

In the middle ages Aire belonged to the counts of Flanders,

seal into the Thames, fled to France in 1688, he did not

Uomos of Attica and Boeotia, of which it forms an eparchy.

205). In Rome an altar erected in front of a statue of a

Dutch, French, Danish and other adventurers. Much of Senegambia

its peritoneal relations are the same as those of the ascending

which culminate in Sljeme (3396 ft.); 187 m. by rail S. of

town and of a Roman bridge, and the subterranean channel of

to the south and west of Abyssinia; and negotiations were

the actions and distances covered by Alexander into such a

{ Vaal River and Waterberg }

and Austrian Alpine Club is publishing a very fine set of

Athens at once appealed to Sparta to punish this act of medism,

is to replace the old-fashioned system of guessing at the

complements for colour production. They carry only some

the Y from the Zuider Zee, was the construction of the North
agriculture excelled in Peloponnesus, where, by means of

seq.); Sozialpolitischer Briefwechsel (1894); Statuts de

in Alaska and north-western Canada yields nothing to the

of them with tortoise-shell marks, tamed by the Afghans

Mycenae, and brought him up as his own son. When he grew up

and 'Ierne. From the fact that there was a tribe called

comes the court of the kazi, the chief centre of justice,

of the Agenais and the Toulousain to combat the heretical

grave (`), apparently merely the indication that in particular

Islands. ``Ali Pasha,'' he wrote, ``is now busy building

attributed largely on the basis of the contents of the Latin

own poetry had, perhaps, never been neglected; but it was not

ALBANY, a city and the county-seat of Albany county, New

create disturbance of appetite, of digestion and of health.''

pear or fundus bulges upward and to the left, while

of his surroundings. Man would thus be enabled to obtain

Abbad, surnamed El Motaddid, his son and successor, is

by permission of Gustav Fischer; B, N, O, R, from

to stress heavily the first syllable bids fair ultimately

Isaac at Stagira in Macedonia, put out his eyes, and

(1898). A complete edition of Addison's works (based upon

Administration durante minore aetate, when the executor

acres in 1907), notably Washington (containing Calverley's

grand vizier's tent he was stabbed in the back; his head was

a great extension of railways in South Africa. Lines from

is eighteen for males and sixteen for females. In the United

Turks, and half Jews, Greeks, Bulgars, Armenians, &c. Adrianople

to the Alexandrian treatise, known as pseudo-Callisthenes)

view of removing these difficulties. The harmony between

survived this expedition, and was slain by his son in his

d'etat. Though warned of a plot against his life (August

of the latter stream. It runs through a continuous forest at

to electrolysis, both oxides are dissociated, and as silicon

the two brothers was published by Arnaud in 1868 under the

refused to sign the constitution of 1812, declaring himself

he later manifested his affection in a striking manner.

the Rio Negro, the banks are low, until approaching Manaos,

surrounding country is rich in mineral wealth. Arzeu (3085)

and for r. This form was adopted for d because @ had

as is supposed, by foreign cattle. It spread rapidly over

was pronounced balcony. Swift is the first author quoted

Poland, who sent a commission to Konigsberg. Scalich saved

direction and management of the business'' of the Academy

forms colourless crystals, melting at 90 deg. , and boiling at

north-west of the Altai. Farther north the Altai highlands

essentials. As regards the most suitable kinds of food--milk

centuries the word was used to designate any fine powder; its

British fleet in several of the actions he fought, constitute the

The haughtiest Abyssinian is not above begging, excusing himself

Italy. He held his archiepiscopal see from 850 till his

Pennine Alps, and the Benedictine monk of Disentis, Placidus

Alps, reserved in 1860 for reasons connected with hunting.

importance of this doctrine see article SCHOLASTICISM.

humility. From childhood she was favoured by ecstasies and

prose version (c. 1250) of the same, Alexanders Saga, by

flourishing commerce of Phoenicia.1 The material prosperity

(1) The Council of Government, a purely advisory body,

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