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Good food and nutrition during self-quarantine

Hallo guys, I hope you are always healthy
I'm Aisya, here I will present what foods and good nutrition are during self-quarantine
The Importance of The Role of Balanced Nutritional Intake in The Body's Immunity,
"Nutrients cannot directly prevent or treat infectious diseases, but a good nutritional
intake can improve the body's immunity and defenses to fight infection so as to speed up the
healing process."(Kesembuhan et al., n.d.)
Increase food sources of protein. The main function of proteins is to maintain and repair
damaged cells. Protein also plays a role in forming antibodies in white blood cells, so it can
increase the immune response and kill more viruses / bacteria that enter the body. Various
sources of protein are beef, chicken, fish, milk and its processed products, tempeh, tofu, nuts, and
others.(Kesembuhan et al., n.d.)
Multiply the micronutrients found naturally in vegetables and fruits. Micronutrients
consisting of vitamins and minerals have the ability to increase immunity and antioxidants to
prevent inflammation. Meet the needs of vitamins A, C, D, E, iron, selenium and zinc which are
also widely found in vegetables and fruits.(Kesembuhan et al., n.d.)

You may also be interested in 7 tips to keep healthy while in isolation or quarantine (COVID-19)
and Food and coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to know.

1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

2. Choose whole grains over refined grains
3. Replace saturated with unsaturated fat
4. Limit foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt
5. Control portion sizes
6. Choose both plant and animal-based proteins
7. Stay hydrated
8. Get your dose of vitamin D in isolation
9. Stay safe while food shopping

10. Don’t forget about food safety

well, that's enough that I can share, hopefully this content is useful for all of you

Pentingnya Peran Asupan Gizi Seimbang dalam Imunitas Tubuh
"Zat gizi tidak dapat secara langsung mencegah atau mengobati penyakit infeksi, tetapi
asupan gizi yang baik dapat meningkatkan imunitas dan pertahanan tubuh untuk melawan infeksi
sehingga dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhannya".
Perbanyak bahan pangan sumber protein. Fungsi utama protein adalah memelihara dan
memperbaiki sel-sel yang rusak. Protein juga berperan membentuk antibodi dalam sel darah
putih, sehingga dapat meningkatkan respon kekebalan tubuh dan membunuh lebih banyak
virus/bakteri yang masuk tubuh. Berbagai sumber protein adalah daging sapi, ayam, ikan, susu
dan hasil olahannya, tempe, tahu, kacang-kacangan, dan lain-lain.
Perbanyak zat gizi mikro yang terdapat alami pada sayur dan buah. Zat gizi mikro yang
terdiri dari vitamin dan mineral mempunyai kemampuan untuk meningkatkan imunitas serta
antioksidan untuk mencegah inflamasi/peradangan. Penuhi kebutuhan vitamin A, C, D, E, zat
besi, selenium serta zinc yang juga banyak terdapat di sayur dan buah.
Kesembuhan, U. M., Menghindari, D. A. N., & Yang, G. (n.d.). Gizi seimbang selama masa
isolasi mandiri.
1 kg kacang merah kecil / kacang es (bisa juga menggunakan adzuki bean) 3-4 lembar daun
pandan 150 ml minyak 1 sdt garam 50 gr tepung ketan 600 gr gula pasir (bila suka manis boleh pakai
700-800 gr)
Good food and nutrition during self-quarantine

The Importance of The Role of Balanced Nutritional Intake in The Body's Immunity

"Nutrients cannot directly prevent or treat infectious diseases, but a good nutritional intake can
improve the body's immunity and defenses to fight infection so as to speed up the healing
process." (Kesembuhan et al., n.d.). Increase food sources of protein. The main function of
proteins is to maintain and repair damaged cells. Protein also plays a role in forming antibodies
in white blood cells, so it can increase the immune response and kill more viruses / bacteria that
enter the body. Various sources of protein are beef, chicken, fish, milk and its processed
products, tempeh, tofu, nuts, and others. As for other suggestions that can be implemented is
multiply the micronutrients found naturally in vegetables and fruits. Micronutrients consisting of
vitamins and minerals have the ability to increase immunity and antioxidants to prevent
inflammation. Meet the needs of vitamins A, C, D, E, iron, selenium and zinc which are also
widely found in vegetables and fruits.

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