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RSC Advances


A graphene titanium dioxide nanocomposite

(GTNC): one pot green synthesis and its application
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777
in a solid rocket propellant†
Abhijit Dey,*a Vinit Nangare,a Priyesh V. More,b Md Abdul Shafeeuulla Khan,a
Pawan K. Khanna,b Arun Kanti Sikder*a and Santanu Chattopadhyay*c

A green process was developed for a graphene–titanium dioxide nanocomposite (GTNC) synthesis by
dispersing titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles and graphene nano-sheets (GNSs) in ethanol via
ultrasonication followed by microwave irradiation. The synthesized GTNC was well characterized by
various tools: viz. XRD, HRTEM, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Also, Simultaneous Thermal Analysis
(STA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) techniques have been employed to study the
enhancement of the catalytic activity of the GTNC for the decomposition of Ammonium perchlroate
(AP). The GTNC with 5 wt% in AP was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the AP decomposition.
The decomposition temperature decreases from 412.87  C to 372.50  C and DH increases from 2053 to
3903 J g1. Furthermore, the GTNC was identified as an effective burn rate enhancer (i.e. combustion
catalyst) for an AP based composite propellant for solid rocket propellants as confirmed by STA, DSC,
Received 18th May 2015
Accepted 9th July 2015
activation energy calculations and burn rate measurements. The results show that the burn rate of the
propellant increases by 24% for the TiO2 nanoparticle based composition compared to the base
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra09295g
composition, whereas a significant increase of 50% is achieved in the presence of the GTNC. Hence, the performance is improved significantly for the solid rocket propellant.

electronics and as an advanced mechanical resonator.6,7 Gra-

Introduction phene has an exclusive ability of increasing the catalytic activity
Since the work of Nobel laureates Geim and Novoselov, many by placing the suitable metal oxide/metal nanoparticles on its
attempts have been made by different researchers in order to surface. As a result, the number of effective catalytic sites on the
dig useful properties out of graphene.1 Graphene attracts graphene surface increases. In nanotechnology, graphene also
attention due to its unique properties like high carrier mobility, has utility being used as a substrate.
room temperature quantum effect and ambipolar electric eld Although graphene has many applications, presently gra-
effect.2 Drastic reduction of such distinctive properties of gra- phene aerogel has been used as an energetic material in solid
phene is possible with an increase in the number of the gra- rocket propellants.8 Thus, we decided to explore the use of
phene layers until it reaches a 3D form,3,4 i.e. graphite, which is graphene and graphene based metal/metal oxide as a burn rate
a bulk form of graphene with a multilayered structure. Gra- enhancer as well as a combustion catalyst to decompose
phene, with ten or fewer such graphitic layers, reveals distinct ammonium perchlorate (AP), a well known oxidizer for
properties in comparison to the bulk form.5 These special composite propellants.9 AP is the major source of energy in
properties make graphene one of the most appealing materials space vehicles and missiles. The rate of decomposition and heat
for its applications in various areas, such as in composites, release of AP can be enhanced by the addition of different burn
rate modiers like ferric oxide (Fe2O3), copper oxide (CuO),
copper chromite (CuO, Cr2O3), nickel oxide (NiO), etc.10–14
High Energy Material Research Lab, Sutarwadi, Pune, India, 411021. E-mail:
According to the reported literature,15 TiO2 works as a catalyst
Defence Institute of Advance Technology (DIAT), Deemed University, Kadakwasla,
for the AP decomposition reaction. To increase the efficiency of
Pune, India titanium dioxide further, researchers have reduced the particle
Rubber Technology Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, size to nanometers. For titanium dioxide nanoparticles, higher
India catalytic activity has been observed due to enhancement of the
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of raw materials, surface to volume ratio. Concurrently, the viscosity of the
instrumentation, nano TiO2 synthesis, Raman spectra, additional FESEM images,
propellant mix. also increases abruptly, which was undesirable.
additional HRTEM images, detailed procedure of the thermoelectric properties
measurement and summary of the thermoelectric properties of the best
Thus, it would be interesting to observe the effect of a
composite of inorganic and organic materials. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra09295g

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777–63785 | 63777
RSC Advances Paper

nanocomposite comprising TiO2 and graphene, i.e. GTNC, on (b) Synthesis of the graphene from graphite akes. The gra-
the burn rate of propellants. phene was prepared in three steps as reported in the litera-
In the present article, we have demonstrated the simple ture.14,40 In the rst step, graphite oxide was prepared from
preparation method of the GTNC and its application as a graphitic akes by a Hummers method. In the second step,
combustion catalyst for the AP decomposition and as a burn thermally expanded graphene oxide (TEGO) was prepared by a
rate enhancer of the composite propellant. The application of thermal expansion/exfoliation at 1050  C (Ar, 30 s). Finally, the
the GTNC in propellant compositions was studied using graphene nano-sheets (GNSs)17–19 were obtained by hydrogen
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Simultaneous Thermal reduction of TEGO at 400  C for 2 hours.
Analysis (STA) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). The (c) Preparation of the graphene–TiO2 nanocomposite (GTNC).
structure, composition and morphology of the as-prepared The GNTC was prepared by dispersing 50 mg of graphene nano-
GTNC have been characterized by Raman spectroscopy, Four- sheets in ethanol through ultrasonication and then adding pre-
ier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Field Emission dispersed titanium dioxide nanoparticles to the graphene
Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), High Resolution dispersion. The so-developed dispersed mixture was further
Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), and X-ray ultrasonicated for 2 h followed by drying at ambient condition
diffraction (XRD). to remove the solvent. Aer drying, the GTNC was deposited on
a Petri dish and subjected to microwave irradiation for 2 min to
give better exfoliation. The overall process of synthesis of the
Experimental details GTNC is depicted in Scheme 1.
Characterization of the GTNC. X-Ray diffraction scans were
recorded for the samples to conrm the presence of the anatase
Graphitic akes (Reinste nano ventures, India), ethanol (abso- TiO2 nanoparticles and the graphene in the GTNC (see Fig. 1a).
lute, AR, Merck), graphite powder, H2SO4, NaNO3, NaOH, H2O2 The TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by a sol–gel method showed
(30%), K3Fe(CN)6, KMnO4, TiCl4 were purchased from Sigma- a slightly crystalline nature with 2q peaks lying at 25.25 (101),
Aldrich (USA). All the chemicals were of analytical reagent 37.8 (004), 47.9 (200), 53.59 (105) and 62.36 (204). The broad
grades and used as received, without further purications. The peak at 2q ¼ 25.8 in the GTNC indicates a random packing of
aqueous solutions were prepared in Milli-Q water (18 MU graphene sheets and corresponds to the (002) plane of graphite.
cm1). Myristic acid (absolute, AR, Merck) and titanium tetra- The FT-IR spectrum of the GTNC did not reveal any information
chloride (absolute, AR, Merck) were used without further puri- regarding the presence of organics in the product. However, it
cation. Sonication was conducted by using an ultrasonication was conrmed that pure graphene is present in the sample as
bath (35 kHz, Kudos). Microwave irradiation was carried out by peaks for graphene oxide were absent (see Fig. 1b).
a microwave reactor (make: Raga). FESEM was carried out with The Raman spectroscopy was used to analyse the quality of
Quanta 200, FEI. High resolution transmission microscopy the graphene sheet before and aer nanocomposite formation
(HRTEM images) characterization was carried out by TACHNAI by the above mentioned techniques. Fig. 1(c) represents the
F-30, FEI with a 300 kV eld emission gun (FEG). Nano TiO2, Raman traces of the graphene, the nano TiO2 and the GTNC.
graphene and GTNC were dispersed in methanol with ultra- The most pronounced Raman traces are the D band at 1310
sonication. The dispersion was placed on a TEM grid. The cm1 which corresponds to a defect and the G band at 1575
solvent was evaporated by oven drying. Fourier Transform cm1 which corresponds to the in plane vibration of the sp2
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) data were collected by Nicolet
5700, (make: Thermoscientic). Raman traces were measured
by Invia reex micro Raman, Renishaw. X-Ray Diffraction traces
were collected by an X-Ray Diffractometer D8 advance, Bruker,
with a Cu Ka source at a measurement angle range of 2q ¼ 2–90
with a scan rate of 2 min1. Differential Scanning Calorimetry
(DSC) curves were collected by DSC-7, Perkin Elmer. Thermo
gravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed by Mettler Toledo,

Synthesis and Characterization

(a) Synthesis of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles. Anatase-TiO2
nanoparticles have been synthesized by using myristic acid and
titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4). The detailed synthesis method
for TiO2 nanoparticles is based on the literature method pub-
lished by Khanna et al.16 where the obtained TiO2 powder was
calcined at 500  C to increase its crystalline anatase-TiO2 (see Scheme 1 Schematic representation of the synthesis and application
also S1 in ESI†). of the graphene–titanium dioxide nanocomposite (GTNC).

63778 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777–63785 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
Paper RSC Advances

Fig. 1 (a) XRD profiles of the TiO2 nanoparticles and the graphene–titanium dioxide nanocomposite (GTNC) and (b) FTIR spectrum of the
graphene–titanium dioxide nanocomposite (GTNC). (c) Raman traces of graphene, TiO2 and GTNC. (d) Raman traces of GTNC.

nanocomposite preparation. Fig. 1(c) and (d) show character-

istic Raman signatures of the composites.
High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
of the GTNC was used to inspect the presence of the TiO2
nanoparticles in the graphene (see Fig. 2a and b). The results
conrmed the size of the TiO2 nanoparticles, and the graphene
in the nanometer arrangement, where the observed size of the
TiO2 nanoparticles was below 20 nm. Thin graphene layers were
clearly visible in the images which acted as a substrate for the
TiO2 nanoparticles. Additional HR-TEM images of the graphene
alone are provided in the electronic supporting information
(ESI: Fig. S2†). Similarly, Field emission scanning electron
microscopy (FESEM) images (Fig. 2c and d) depict uniform
dispersion of the TiO2 nanoparticles over the graphene layers. It
was clearly observed that the TiO2 nanoparticles are present in
an aggregated form in the GTNC. The exfoliated structure of the
Fig. 2 HR-TEM images of (a) the graphene–titanium dioxide nano- graphene layers along with the nano-sized spherical shape of
composite (GTNC) and (b) the TiO2 nanoparticles. FE-SEM images (c) the TiO2 will ensure an enormous availability of the surface of
of the graphene–titanium dioxide nanocomposite (GTNC) and (d) the the GTNC nanocomposite. The high surface area of the GTNC
TiO2 nanoparticles. The images reveal that the spherical shaped TiO2 can be vital for its catalytic behaviour.
nanoparticles are nicely dispersed in the layers of the graphene.
Formulation evaluation of AP decomposition. A total of three
formulations containing 1–5 wt% of graphene, GTNC and TiO2
nanoparticles along with AP have been made by simple mixing
carbon. The 2D band at 2727.4 cm1, which is generated due to
with mortar and pestle. Aer proper mixing, each formulation
a two phonon double resonance process, has also been
was subjected to thermal analysis to study the decomposition
observed. The lower intensity D band indicates the presence of a
behavior of the AP in the presence of the catalyst.
small amount of defects on the graphene akes. The I(D)/I(G) of
Composite propellant
the graphene–titanium dioxide composite increased by 1.5
Raw materials and formulation. To evaluate the burn rate
times (0.7) with respect to the pure graphene (0.497). Several
enhancing capability of the GTNC with respect to a known burn
defects with an sp2 domain were formed during the
rate enhancer for the composite propellant, three separate

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777–63785 | 63779
RSC Advances Paper

Table 1 Propellant formulation

Sr. No. Ingredients CP-1 (wt%) CP-2 (wt%) CP-3 (wt%)

1. Hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) 10.06 10.06 10.06

2. Dioctyl adipate (DOA) 3.0 3.0 3.0
3. Adduct: n-butane diol : tri methylolpropane (2 : 1) 0.12 0.12 0.12
4. Toluene diisocuane (TDI) 0.72 0.72 0.72
5. Ammonium perchlorate (AP), 300 m 52.5 52.5 52.5
6. Ammonium perchlorate (AP), 50 m 15.6 15.6 15.6
7. Aluminum (Al) 18.0 18.0 18.0
8. Graphene–TiO2 nanocomposite 0.0 0.0 1.0 part over the batch
9. TiO2 nanoparticles 0.0 1.0 part over the batch 0.0

formulations have been processed. The composite propellant metal fuel. The propellant formulation coded as CP-1 did not
consists of two parts, i.e. the binder and the solid ingredient. contain any burn rate modier i.e. GTNC or TiO2 nanoparticles.
The binder, consisting of hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene, Whereas, CP-2 contained 1 part (over the batch) of TiO2 nano-
(HTPB: OH value 40–50 mg g1, moisture 0.15%, from Orion particles alone as modiers, and CP-3 consisted of 1 part (over
Chemicals), was cured with toluene di-isocyanate (TDI: purity the batch) of GTNC alone as modier. The details of ingredients
99%, RI 1.565–1.567 at 30  C; from Bayers, India). Dioctyl adi- of propellant formulation are presented in Table 1.
pate (DOA: saponication value 303  3, moisture 0.5%, from Propellant processing owchart. The AP based composite
Subhas Chemicals) was used as a plasticizer to increase the propellant has been made by following Scheme 2. Before going
processability. The previously made GTNC, titanium dioxide for processing, raw material characterization is one of the
nanoparticles and graphene were used to enhance the burning important steps. As isocyanate curing is moisture sensitive,
rate. The 1 : 2 mixture of trimethylolpropane (OH value 1220, moisture content of the ingredients should be below 0.05%.
moisture 0.5%, purchased from Celenese) and butane-1,4-diol Otherwise, it forms voids in the propellant. Aer weighing,
(OH value 1220, RI 1.444  0.002 at 30  C, moisture 0.5%, ingredients were transferred into a vertical planetary mixer.
purchased from BIAF, India) was used as an adduct in the Mixing was carried out by following a predened mixing cycle
composition. We have used two different sizes of ammonium with a proper addition sequence. To get a better quality of the
perchlorate in the propellant formulations. The rst one is mix., vacuum was applied. Aer mixing, casting was carried out
research grade ammonium perchlorate (purity 99%, density by a vacuum casting method. This cast propellant was cured at
1.95, from Tamilnadu chlorates, India) with an average particle 50–60 . Aer curing, propellant strands were prepared and
size of 300 mm. The second one was made by grinding ammo- subjected to the test.
nium perchlorate (>99% pure) in a uid energy mill to an Propellant characterization. Initially, we calculated some of
average particle size of 50 mm. Aluminum metal powder (from the important ballistic properties like characteristic velocity
MEPCO, India) of average particle size 15 mm was used as a (C*), ame temperature (Tf) and specic impulse (Isp) using the

Scheme 2 Schematic representation of propellant processing and the variation of propellant strand after burning.

63780 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777–63785 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
Paper RSC Advances

(a) Decomposition mechanism of the AP in the presence of the GTNC, (b) comparative bar diagram of the decomposition temperature, (c)
Fig. 3
comparative bar diagram of the TGA final temperature and (d) DH with different filler concentrations (1, 3, and 5 wt%).

Fig. 4 DSC curves of the AP and the AP with different fillers (1 wt%).
Scheme 3 Decomposition of the propellant in the presence of the
viscosity of the propellant mix was characterized by Brookeld
viscometer (T-type, HBT model) at 40  C. These measurements
NASA CEC-71 soware. Several important properties have been were carried out at a one hour interval up to 4–5 h during pro-
evaluated during the course of propellant processing in order to cessing. The strand burning rate of the propellants was deter-
study the effect of the GTNC in the AP based composite mined in the pressure range of 5–9 MPa by employing an
propellant. Since viscosity is one of the important parameters; acoustic emission technique aer completion of the curing

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777–63785 | 63781
RSC Advances Paper

Table 2 Thermal analysis results with different burn rate enhancers in the propellant composition

DSC DTA@20  C min1 TGA@20  C min1

Peak temp. ( C)@10 Act. energy Initial temp. Max. temp. Final temp. Weight loss
Sr. No. Composition 
C min1 DH (J g1) (kJ M1) (Tinitial,  C) (Tmax,  C) (Tmax,  C) Temp. ( C) (%)

1. CP-1 403.5 1680.3 260.4 242.4 298.4 375.4 249.5–420.4 65.4

2. CP-2 (nano TiO2) 375.2 1635.2 210.4 242.5 308.2 359.2 249.8–392.5 66.8
3. CP-3 (Gr–TiO2) 368.2 1630.4 196.2 242.8 307.3 354.4 249.2–410.2 68.2

reaction.20,21 This process involved the combustion of the strand corresponds to the intermediate formation of NH3 and HClO4
which was ignited by means of a nichrome wire in the nitrogen by dissociation and sublimation. The high temperature
pressurized steel bomb. The generation of the acoustic signal decomposition started on the AP surface at 360  C and
and calculation of the burn rates for each sample was carried continued to completion at 450  C (detailed mechanism is
out by the methodology adopted in our previous report.14 A given in Fig. 3a). To study the efficiency of the catalytic behavior
Mettler density kit has been used for the determination of the of the GTNC for the AP decomposition, three different compo-
densities of the propellant compositions (density 1.432 g cm3, sitions with the different catalysts of graphene, nano titanium
heat of formation 565.8 kJ mol1) where toluene was used as a dioxide and GTNC with 1–5 wt% were made and characterized
liquid. The sensitivity to the impact stimuli of the propellant by means of DSC and STA. Fig. 3 shows comparative bar charts
compositions was determined with a fall hammer apparatus (2 of peak temperature (Fig. 3b), nal temperature of the TGA
kg drop weight) using the Bruceton staircase method22 and the analysis (Fig. 3c) and DH of the ammonium perchlorate (AP)
results were given in terms of the statistically obtained 50% (Fig. 3d) in the presence of 1–5 wt% of graphene, graphene–TiO2
probability of explosion (H50). The friction sensitivity was and TiO2 nanoparticles [see also Fig. S3†]. DSC traces like DH
measured with a Julius Peter apparatus by incrementally increased and decomposition temperature decreased with an
increasing the load from 0.2 to 36 kg, until there was an increase in the GTNC concentration. Decrease in decomposi-
ignition/explosion in ve consecutive test samples. tion temperature and increase in the DH value indicates effi-
The prepared sample was heated homogeneously at a cient catalytic behaviour of the GTNC for AP decomposition. In
constant rate (5  C min1) in a Woods metal bath, until it TGA, the nal decomposition temperature was found to
exploded or ignited at the ignition temperature. The ignition decrease with an increase in the GTNC concentration [1–5 wt%].
temperature was measured by a Julius Peters apparatus. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed for the thermal
Thermal analysis of the propellants was carried out by STA (Q- decomposition of AP;23–28 whereas two of them attracted the
600, USA), Perkin Elmer Pyris Diamond DSC apparatus at a attention of researchers and they are still debatable, the
heating rate of 20  C min1 under an N2 atmosphere (sample majority are electron transfer and proton transfer mechanisms
mass 10 mg). The mechanical properties were obtained with which we have well described in our previous work.14 The
an Instron device (Model TIC-1185, UK). The operating instru- present experimental ndings suggest that the GTNC acceler-
mental parameters were always maintained constant; gauge ates both the LTD and the HTD (Fig. 3a). In the simultaneous
length 25 mm and crosshead speed 50 mm min1. The stress process of gas and solid phase reactions of the LTD, dissocia-
and strain properties were determined using a dumbbell- tion as well as sublimation take place.29–31 The controlling step
shaped specimen as per specication of the ASTM-D-638. for the LTD is transfer of the electron from ClO4 to NH4+
whereas transformation from oxygen (O2) to superoxide (O2)
should be the controlling step for the HTD. Since graphene
Results and Discussion exhibits several unique properties like good conductivity,
Catalytic effect on the AP decomposition distinct electric eld effect with a charge concentration as high
Three steps were involved in the AP decomposition. In the 1st as 1013 cm3 and mobility32 as high as 1.5  104 cm2 V1 s1,
step the endothermic phase transition, i.e. orthorhombic to the movement of electrons in graphene is much faster than that
cubic, occurs at 242  C. An exothermic process was observed at of metal atoms. Therefore, it is possible to attain an effective
304  C; named as low temperature decomposition (LTD) of AP it speed which is 300 times slower compared to the speed of light

Table 3 Physico-chemical properties with different burn rate enhancers in the propellant composition

Mechanical properties

Sr. No. Composition Initial viscosity at 40  C UTS, kgf cm2 % elongation E-modulus, kgf cm2

1. CP-1 7000–8000 5.5 40.0 34.0

2. CP-2 (nano TiO2) 10 000–12 000 6.2 44.5 36.4
3. CP-3 (Gr–TiO2) 4000–5000 8.28 52 54

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Paper RSC Advances

Fig. 5 Variation of the burn rate with pressure for different propellant compositions.

in a vacuum and travel large distance without any deection.33 As a result of the LTD, accumulation of the reaction product and
In this way, the synthesized GTNC may accelerate the electrons formation of new active centres took place with the conse-
to speed up the above mentioned controlling steps. Then, quence of decomposition of the orthorhombic modication.
HClO4 generates O2 which subsequently forms superoxide (O2) Kaidymov and Gavazova38,39 formulated that the process takes
more rapidly and decomposes NH3 which results in the place at the surface of the crystal due to adsorption and
complete decomposition of the AP. desorption of ammonia and chloric acid. The addition of the
As bare titanium oxide nanoparticles do not posses any dopant changes the concentration of the protons in the lattice
supporting substrate, they are more likely to form aggregates at the time of decomposition. It suggests that the catalytic
and render less active sites to adsorb NH3 and HClO4 in order to activity of the orthorhombic modication with respect to
accelerate the reaction. However, when decorated on graphene, perchloric acid decomposition is an important stage through
which is the best catalyst substrate with a theoretical surface which thermal decomposition proceeds and is quite high
area of 2600 m2 g1,34 the decorated nanoparticles are able to compared to the cubic modication. The following Scheme 3
unfold on the graphene substrate to generate more active sites represents that nano TiO2 exists in agglomer form, hence the
and react with NH3 and HClO4, which accelerates the catalysis effective surface area for catalytic activity is lower. By employing
process. However, it should be noted that a signicant differ- graphene, the TiO2 nanoparticle has been decorated over the
ence was observed for the catalytic performance of 3% and 5% graphene substrate and is intact in its nano form. Hence, the
of the GTNC. In addition to the AP decomposition reaction, we effective surface area increases abruptly, which reects its high
have studied the propellant burn rate enhancing ability of the catalytic activity towards the AP decomposition. Fig. 4 repre-
GTNC. The enhancement was found to be much higher when sents the DSC traces of the AP and the AP with different llers.
compared to the base composition i.e. CP-1 and nano TiO2 Furthermore, the effect of the GTNC as a burn rate enhancer
based composition i.e. CP-2 etc. During combustion of the for the composite propellant has been studied. DSC, DTA-TGA,
propellant, AP decomposes along with the combustion of the density, viscosity, calorimetric value (cal-val), sensitivity and
propellant binder (HTPB, DOA, curative etc.) at a faster rate due mechanical properties were used to evaluate these propellant
to the rapid electron ow from the graphene substrate to the formulations. The detailed assignments are given in Tables 2
combustion step which results in a higher burn rate of the and 3 and S5 and S6 in ESI.† The decrease in properties, like
propellant (see Tables S4–S6†). Thermal decomposition of the peak temperature (Table 2), activation energy (Table 2) and nal
AP by a proton transfer mechanism has been proposed by temperature of the DTA (Table 2) were observed and this
Jacobs et al.35,36,37 and the same has been discussed in previous decrease is drastic for the GTNC (CP-3). The nal temperature
studies in detail.14 According to this mechanism, perchloric obtained from the TGA was relatively less affected for CP-3
acid gets desorbed more rapidly than ammonia36,37 which cau- compared to CP-2 (Table 2). The GTNC based composition
ses incomplete oxidation of ammonia and results in a saturated shows more stability compared to the TiO2 based composition.
atmosphere of ammonia.36,37 The HTD decelerates and Since, the stability is directly proportional to the propellant
undergoes incomplete transformation. During the HTD, de- safety, it would be one of the important parameters for the
acceleration and incomplete transformation takes place propellant eld. According to Table 3, viscosity of the propellant
producing NO, O2, Cl2, and H2O products in gas phase reaction. mix decreases by addition of the GTNC whereas propellant

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63777–63785 | 63783
RSC Advances Paper

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