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Graphene-iron oxide nanocomposite (GINC): an

efficient catalyst for ammonium perchlorate (AP)
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 1950
decomposition and burn rate enhancer for AP
based composite propellant†
Abhijit Dey,*a Javaid Athar,a Pankaj Varma,a Hima Prasant,a Arun K. Sikder*a
and Santanu Chattopadhyay*b

A facile and ecofriendly method for the synthesis of nano-sized iron oxide (Fe2O3) decorated graphene
(GINC) hybrid by ultrasonication via microwave irradiation has been developed. During this process,
nano-sized Fe2O3 particles with a size of approximately 20–30 nm were uniformly decorated over a
graphene sheet. The nanohybrid was characterized by XRD, HRTEM, Raman spectroscopy and Raman
mapping. To study the enhancement of catalytic activity of iron oxide by preparing GINC, several AP
based compositions containing 1–5 weight% GINC were made and characterized through simultaneous
thermal analysis (STA). Along with this, formulations with other catalysts with 1–5 weight%
concentrations were also prepared and evaluated. Experimental results showed that GINC with 5
weight% concentration was considerably more effective as compared to other compositions. To further
extend this application as a burn rate enhancer in composite propellants, several formulations of
composite propellants containing 1 part of different burn rate enhancers, such as Fe2O3, nano-sized
Fe2O3 and GINC, were prepared and evaluated using theoretical prediction, viscosity, ballistic properties,
sensitivity parameter and thermophysical properties. To quantify the burn rate enhancement in the
presence of GINC, burn rate measurement, STA, DSC and activation energy calculation were performed.
Received 19th September 2014
Accepted 14th November 2014
The results show that the burn rate of propellant increases from micron-sized Fe2O3 (30% increases) to
nano-sized Fe2O3 (37% increase). In the presence of GINC, a significant increase (52%) in burn rate is
DOI: 10.1039/c4ra10812d
achieved. In GINC, effective iron content is about 50% as compared to nano- and micron-sized Fe2O3. Hence, GINC was found to be an excellent burn rate modifier for an advanced AP based propellant system.

2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov. They obtained a

1. Introduction graphene sheet by splitting graphite crystals into increasingly
Graphene is a special type of carbon having a at sheet, which is thinner particles until individual atomic planes were obtained.
just one atom thick. It has attracted great attention in recent This remarkable contribution was felicitated by the Nobel Prize
years due to its unique features such as electrical, optical, in Physics in 2010 and led to a sudden increase in research
catalytic and mechanical properties. Graphene nanosheet interest on graphene.1,2
shows very high electrical conductivity at room temperature due Graphene is the mother form of all the graphitic forms. It is a
to the high mobility of electrons. Graphene was discovered in building unit for carbon nanostructures of all other dimen-
sionalities such as 0D Bucky balls, 1D nanotubes and 3D
graphite. It has a lot of similarities to carbon nanotube (CNT)
High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Sutarwadi, Pashan, Pune-411021, India.
E-mail:;; Fax: +91-20-25869316;
such as structure, properties with high aspect ratio (i.e. lateral
Tel: +91-20-25912225 size/thickness), a large surface area, good mechanical properties
Rubber Technology Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. E-mail: and rich electronic states. It has lots of scope in different areas; Fax: +91-3222-255303; Tel: +91-9932790504 where CNTs have already been exploited. Graphene is a better
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table S1: comparison of electrode material compared to CNTs. The 2D planar geometry
important properties of graphene with CNT, Table S2: thermal analysis results
of graphene sheet assists electron transport. Table S1 (see ESI†)
with different burn rate enhancer with AP, Table S3: approximate propellant
compositions, Table S4: physico-chemical properties with different burn rate
depicts some properties of graphene as compared with CNTs.
suppressant in propellant composition, Table S5: thermal analysis results with Due to excellent properties with large surface area, graphene
different burn rate suppressant in propellant composition, Table S6: nanosheets (GNSs) with a 2D geometry have been considered to
physico-chemical properties with different burn rate suppressant in propellant be a new class of promising materials for prospective
composition. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ra10812d

1950 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 1950–1960 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
Paper RSC Advances

applications in solar cells, actuators, sensors, eld-effect tran- Fe2O3) in new composite materials that impart unique features
sistors, eld-emission devices, batteries and super capacitors.1–9 for catalysis and nanotechnology.
In addition to this, the production cost of graphene is consid- To evaluate the effect of GINC in AP based composite
erably lower compared to CNTs10,11 and hence large scale propellants, several compositions were processed. Composite
production of graphene is feasible. Li et al.12 have mentioned a propellant mainly consists of two parts, i.e. HTPB based binder
facile approach to synthesize graphene materials. It opens up and oxidizer. AP is generally used as a potential oxidizer. Burn
tremendous opportunities for various technological applica- rate is one of the vital properties for a composite propellant. For
tions. Graphene is composed of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms strategic reasons, propellants with different burn rates were
and has a honeycomb structure.13–16 A thorough review by required to be processed for different missiles. From ultra low
Noorden17 on different carbon nanostructures concluded that burn rate (r # 3 mm s1 at 70 ksc) to very high burn rate,
research interests on fullerenes and carbon nanotubes become propellants (r $ 50 mm s1 at 70 ksc) were processed and used
saturated but increased research interest may be expected for in different missile systems. As shown in many studies, the
graphene in the next decade. reaction rate, activation energy and temperature of the thermal
Recently, graphene sheets have been successfully used as a decomposition of propellant are closely related to the burn rate
substrate that helps to stabilize and disperse nanoparticles of the composite propellants. The lower the decomposition
(CdS, CdSe, Fe3O4, TiO2, SnO2, Co3O4).18–24 This dispersion temperature, the higher will be the burning rate of the propel-
along with the stabilization of nanoparticles helps to enhance lant.31–33 The burn rate enhancement effects of some transition
catalytic activity; hence, it needs to be synthesized by facile and metal oxides in different composite propellants have been
environmentally benign techniques. widely used. The result shows that the nal decomposition
Metal/metal oxide particles have received considerable temperature of composite propellant directly depends on the
attention due to their distinctive optical, electronic and catalytic amount of burn rate catalyst added, as well as the particle size of
properties.25,26 Transition metal particles (Fe, Co and Ni) and the burn rate enhancer, both of which are important factors
metal oxides (such as Fe3O4, TiO2, SnO2, and Co3O4) have a that affect the decomposition temperature of the propellant. It
distinctive catalytic nature. They have been widely used to form is well proven that a nano-sized catalyst is more effective as
a new class of nanocomposites by decorating CNTs. Note that compared to a micron-sized catalyst.34,35 It is also known that
these nanocomposites show enhancement in catalytic behavior. nanoparticles are able to agglomerate due to their small size,
On the other hand, relatively less attention has been given to large surface area, and high surface activity, which greatly
metal/metal oxide nanoparticles supported on graphene affects their catalytic behavior. However, agglomeration causes
sheets.27–29 Iron oxide is a very good magnetic material that has an inhomogeneous dispersion of the nanocatalyst; hence,
been broadly used in magnetic storage, microwave absorbing reduced catalytic efficiency was observed, which leads to an
materials, catalysts and new devices. Raw iron oxide is a good increase in the practical cost of the catalyst. Graphene has a very
burn rate enhancer in ammonium perchlorate based composite large surface area of nanoparticle to disperse and distribute on;
propellant. When nano-sized iron oxide was used in the moreover, it has many more important properties such as low
composition, catalytic activity increased as per a previously mass density, good thermal stability, chemical inertness and
reported study.30 We hope that Fe2O3/graphene nanocomposite high electrical and thermal conductivity (see Table S1†).
(GINC) can have a possible synergistic effect or a combination of Herein, we have highlighted (see Scheme 1) a simple, facile
the properties of the two components (graphene sheet and method for the decoration of iron oxide nanoparticle over a

Scheme 1 Synthesis, processing and application of GINC as burn rate modifier in missile system.

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RSC Advances Paper

graphene substrate. Presently, the catalytic behavior of transi- ultrasonication, nano-sized iron oxide was added into the gra-
tion metal oxide decorated graphene nanocomposite in the phene dispersion and further ultrasonicated for 120 min. Aer
propellant burning rate, as well as thermal decomposition of ultrasonication, the dispersed composite solution was placed in
AP, have rarely been reported. Therefore, in this work, graphene ambient condition for drying. Aer the evaporation of ethanol,
and nano-sized iron oxide were separately prepared and char- the material was deposited on a Petri dish. The deposited
acterized. GINC was prepared by ultrasonication through material was placed into the microwave reactor for 2 min for
microwave irradiation and characterized. The comparative better exfoliation. Aer cooling, the sample was collected in a
study of GINC's catalytic effect within the AP decomposition sample vial (see Scheme 1).
reaction was investigated. Along with this, catalytic perfor- To study the efficiency of catalytic behavior of GINC for AP
mance with a variety of concentrations were also evaluated and decomposition, four different compositions with different
optimized. Several propellant compositions with different burn catalysts such as graphene, iron oxide (micron-sized and nano-
rate modiers (1 part), i.e. normal Fe2O3, nano-sized Fe2O3, sized) and GINC with 1 wt% concentration were prepared and
GINC and a blank sample were processed and evaluated by characterized.
strand burn rate data, simultaneous thermal analysis (STA), 2.1.1 Composite propellant processing. To evaluate the
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and activation energy burn rate enhancing capability of GINC with respect to other
calculation. burn rate enhancers for the composite propellant, several
formulations (4 nos) were processed. Composite propellant
2. Experimental section consists of two parts, i.e. binder and solid ingredient. The
binder, which consist of hydroxy terminated polybutadiene
2.1 Synthesis procedures (HTPB: OH value 40–50 mg g1, moisture 0.15%, from Orion
All the chemicals used were of analytical grade and used Chemicals), was cured with toluene di-isocyanate (TDI: purity
without further purication. Graphite akes used in this work 99%, RI 1.565-1.567 at 30  C; from Bayer). Dioctyl adipate (DOA:
were purchased from Reinste nano ventures, India. Graphene saponication value 303  3, moisture 0.5%, from Subhash
was prepared in three steps as reported in the literature.36 In the Chemicals) was used as a plasticizer to increase the process-
rst step, graphite oxide was prepared from graphitic akes by ability. Indigenously prepared GINC, nano-sized iron oxide,
the Hummers method.37 In the second step, thermally graphene and micron-sized iron oxide (from S. D. Fine Chem-
expanded graphene oxide (TEGO) was prepared by thermal icals) were used as a burning rate enhancer. The mixture (1 : 2)
expansion/exfoliation at 1050  C (Ar, 30 s). Finally, the graphene of trimethylolpropane (OH value 1220, moisture 0.5%,
nanosheet (GNS) was obtained by hydrogen reduction of TEGO purchased from Celanese) and butane-1,4-diol (OH value 1220,
at 400  C for 2 hours. RI 1.444  0.002 at 30  C, moisture 0.5%, purchased from Biaf)
The synthesis of nano-sized iron oxide consists of two steps: was used as an adduct in the composition. Two different sizes of
the preparation of polymeric gel citrate, followed by gel calci- ammonium perchlorate were used in the propellant formula-
nation. Gel preparation was carried out in a gel preparation unit tions. The rst consisted of pure, research grade ammonium
and calcination was carried out in a calcination unit, i.e. muffle perchlorate (purity 99%, density 1.95, from Tamil Nadu Chlo-
furnace. A typical batch operation was as follows: solid citric rates) with an average particle size of 300 mm. The other size of
acid and ferric nitrate nonahydrate were dissolved in ethylene ammonium perchlorate was prepared by grinding ammonium
glycol in the dissolution vessel to get a brown color solution. perchlorate (>99% pure) in a uid energy mill to an average
The solution was slowly heated to 90  C by circulating hot particle size of 60 mm. Aluminum metal powder (from MEPCO)
thermic uid (silicone oil) in the reactor jacket. Initial of an average particle size of 15 mm was used as a metal fuel. The
exothermicity was observed at a reaction temperature of propellant formulation is given in Table S3 (see ESI†). The
100  C with evolution of NOx fumes, which was controlled by propellant formulations were mixed in 10 kg batches using a
stopping the circulation of hot thermic uid in the reactor vertical planetary mixer of 15 L capacity. During mixing,
jacket. Exothermicity of the reaction subsides during the rest of vacuum (2–3 Torr) was applied at 55  C, in order to remove air
the reaction period. Then, the hot oil circulation was started in bubbles from the formulation prior to casting. The propellant
the reactor jacket and temperature of reaction mass was mixture was cast under vacuum by slurry cast techniques.38 The
increased from 100  C to 140  C. Water molecules evolved propellant was cured at 60  C for 10–12 days in a water-jacketed
during the reaction were condensed by a condenser using oven. The base composition, without burning rate enhancer,
chilling water circulation in the tubes, and uncondensed gases was also processed in the same manner. The propellant
were scrubbed by venturi scrubber. Aer the collection of 3.5 L formulations were subjected to various performance tests. The
condensate, the polymeric gel was prepared, and then, it was detailed process ow chart is given in Fig. 1.
placed in the muffle furnace. The gel was rst dried at 300  C for
2 h under oxygen rich atmosphere by purging compressed air.
Evolved gas was exhausted through a chimney by an ID fan. 2.2 Characterizations
Then, the dried gel was calcined at 600  C for 6 hours to obtain a 2.2.1 GINC characterizations. Sonication was conducted
pure nano-sized a-Fe2O3. using an ultrasonication bath (35 kHz, Kudos). Microwave
For preparing GINC, rst, 50 mg graphene was dispersed in irradiation was carried out by a microwave reactor (make: Raga).
absolute ethanol by ultrasonication for 40 min. Aer Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) was

1952 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 1950–1960 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
Paper RSC Advances

and the perturbations caused by the propellant deagration

were transmitted through the water medium to a piezoelectric
transducer (200 kHz) connected to an oscilloscope. The burning
rates were computed from the time that was recorded in the
trial conducted at each pressure for each sample. The standard
deviation was of the order of 0.2%.
Calorimetric values were obtained using a bomb calorimeter
(make: Parr instruments, Germany). The densities of propellant
compositions were determined by a Mettler density kit (density
1.432 g cm3, heat of formation 565.8 kJ mol1). Note that
toluene was used as a liquid.

Density ¼ (weight of the sample/weight of the sample in solvent)

 specific gravity of the solvent (toluene).

Fig. 1 Flow chart for the processing of composite propellant. The sensitivity to impact stimuli of the propellant composi-
tions was determined with a fall hammer apparatus (2 kg drop
weight) using the Bruceton Staircase method41 and the results
carried out with a Quanta 200, FEI. High resolution trans- are given in terms of the statically obtained 50% probability of
mission microscopy (HRTEM images, SAED pattern) charac- explosion (H50). The friction sensitivity was measured with a
terization was carried out by Tecnai F-30, FEI with a 300 kV eld Julius Peter apparatus by incrementally increasing the load
emission gun (FEG). Nano-sized Fe2O3, graphene and graphene- from 0.2 to 36 kg, until there was an ignition/explosion in ve
iron oxide nanocomposite were dispersed in methanol with consecutive test samples.
ultrasonication. The dispersion was placed on a TEM grid, and The ignition temperature was measured by a Julius Peters
the solvent was evaporated by oven drying. Fourier transform apparatus. The sample was uniformly heated at a constant rate
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed using a Nicolet (5  C min1) in a Wood's metal bath until it exploded or ignited
5700, Thermoscientic. Raman traces and mapping were at the ignition temperature.
measured by inVia reex micro Raman, Renishaw. X-ray Thermophysical properties were also evaluated by Flashline-
diffraction traces were collected by X-ray diffractometer D8 3000, Anter Corporation. Thermal analysis of the propellants
Avance, Bruker, with Cu Ka source in the measurement angle was carried out using STA (Q-600, USA), Perkin Elmer Pyris
range of 2q ¼ 2–90 with a scan rate of 2 min1. Diamond DSC apparatus at a heating rate of 20  C min1 under
To evaluate the catalytic effect of GINC on AP decomposition a N2 atmosphere (sample mass 10 mg). The activation energy
reaction, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential for propellant combustion was also determined with the help of
thermal analysis (DTA) were carried out by Mettler Toledo, DSC at different heating rates by following the Kissinger Ozawa
Model-TGA/SDTA851 at a heating rate of 20  C min1 in a static equation.
nitrogen atmosphere with alumina reference material. The mechanical properties were obtained with an Instron
Comparison with different burn rate enhancers, such as device (Model TIC-1185, UK). The operating instrumental
micron-sized iron oxide, nano-sized iron oxide and graphene parameters were always maintained constant: gauge length, 25
with concentration variation were also carried out. mm; crosshead speed, 50 mm min1. The stress and strain
2.2.2 Propellant characterization. Before making an actual properties were determined using a dumbbell-shaped specimen
composition, some important ballistic properties, such as as per the ASTM-D-638 specication.
characteristic velocity (C*), ame temperature (Tf) and specic
impulse (Isp), were calculated by NASA CEC-71 soware.
To study the effect of GINC in AP based composite propel-
3. Results and discussion
lant, several important properties have been evaluated during High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
the course of propellant processing. During processing, and a selected area electron diffraction (SAED) were carried out
viscosity is one of the important parameter, and viscosity of the to inspect the quality of nano-sized iron oxide decoration on the
propellant mixture was characterized by Brookeld viscometer graphene layer. Fig. 2 shows the HRTEM micrographs with an
at 40  C. These measurements were carried out for 4–5 h at an SAED pattern of graphene, nano-sized iron oxide and GINC. The
interval of one hour. results conrmed that the size of nano-sized iron oxide and
Aer the completion of curing reaction, the strand burning graphene are in the nano range. In fact, graphene sheets were
rate of the propellants was determined in the pressure range of clearly visible, and both nano-sized iron oxide and graphene
5–9 MPa by employing an acoustic emission technique.39,40 The were found to be crystalline in nature as conrmed by the SAED
methodology involved the combustion of the strand (ignited pattern. According to Fig. 2c, iron oxide nanoparticles were
using a Nichrome wire) of dimensions 100  6  6 mm in the placed over the graphene sheet to form a nanocomposite;
nitrogen pressurized steel bomb. The acoustic signal generated moreover, it nicely shows arranged lattice fringes in GINC.

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Fig. 2 HR-TEM image (I, II and III) and SAED pattern (IV) of (a) nano-
sized iron oxide, (b) graphene, (c) graphene-iron oxide nanocomposite

Fig. 3(a) shows the FTIR spectrum, which conrms the

absence of a functional group and presence of low defect on
the graphene surface. Along with this, the Raman traces of
Fe2O3 were observed. Raman spectroscopy was used to
Fig. 3 (a) shows FTIR traces, confirming the presence of low defect
examine the quality of the graphene sheet before and aer content in graphene. (b) shows a characteristic Raman signature. The
the formation of nanocomposite using the abovementioned decoration of nano-sized iron oxide over graphene substrate is
techniques. The most pronounced Raman traces were a D confirmed by Raman mapping.
band at 1310 cm1, corresponding to defects, and a G band at
1575 cm1, which corresponds to the in-plane vibration of
sp2 carbon. A 2D band at 2627 cm1, which is generated due compositions. Furthermore, the catalytic efficiencies of GINC,
to a two phonon double resonance process, has also been graphene, nano-sized iron oxide and normal iron oxide with
observed. According to Fig. 3b, the D band of graphite was concentration variation (from 1, 3, 5 wt%) were also studied.
weak, whereas graphene shows a small D band. The Fig. 4a–c depicts the typical XRD pattern of nano-sized iron
lower intensity D band indicates the presence of a lower oxide, graphene and GINC from 0 to 100 . All the peaks were
defect on graphene akes. Coleman and coworkers sug- assigned to crystallographic phases. The XRD pattern of GINC
gested42 that the defects are mainly present at the edges of (Fig. 4c) showed graphene peaks, as well as nano-sized Fe2O3
the akes, and the basal plane is found to be defect free. The peaks. It was revealed that during processing, the crystallo-
I(D)/I(G) of the GINC is increased by 2 times (0.993) with graphic phases of graphene and iron oxide remains intact.
respect to pure graphene (0.497). Several defects with sp2 According to the Scherrer equation, the calculated crystallite
domain were formed during the formation of nano- sizes of graphene nanosheet (GNS) and nano-sized Fe2O3 were
composite. Fig. 3(b) shows a characteristic Raman signature; 28 nm and 38 nm, respectively. The catalytic efficiencies of all
moreover, the decoration of nano-sized iron oxide over gra-
phene substrate was conrmed by Raman mapping (see
Fig. 3(b)).
Table S2 (see ESI†) depicts the thermal analysis results of
AP and AP with 1 wt% of different burn rate enhancers, i.e.
graphene, GINC, nano-sized Fe2O3, and micron-sized Fe2O3.
The results show that AP decomposes at lower temperature
and gives higher DH value in the presence of 1 weight% GINC
as compared to other burn rate enhancers. Hence, GINC was
found to be a more efficient catalyst for AP decomposition
reaction. This was also supported by thermogravimetric
analysis data in which 73.81% weight loss was observed in a
temperature range of 224.7–384.5  C. These temperature Fig. 4 XRD traces of (a) iron oxide, (b) graphene (c) graphene iron
regions were relatively low when compared to other oxide nanocomposite (GINC).

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Paper RSC Advances

Fig. 5 DTA traces of (a) AP; (b) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% graphene; (c) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% iron oxide; (d) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% nano-sized iron oxide; and
(e) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% graphene iron oxide nanocomposite (GINC). TGA traces of (f) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% graphene; (g) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% iron
oxide; (h) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% nano-sized iron oxide, and (i) AP with 1%, 3%, 5% graphene iron oxide nanocomposite (GINC). Comparative bar
diagrams of (j) HTD with different compositions in DSC analysis; (k) DH; and (l) final temperature of different compositions in DTA analysis.

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the burn rate enhancers were found to increase with increase in

concentration (see Fig. 5a–l).
The DTA results also support the DSC result. The nal
temperature, i.e. Tf, was found to be lowest in case of GINC (see
Fig. 5l).
To evaluate the efficiency of different burn rate enhancers
(iron oxide, nano-sized iron oxide, GINC), four different
propellant compositions based on AP/HTPB/Al were processed
(see Table S4 in ESI†). Burn rate enhancers were added at a
concentration level at 1 weight% over the batch in three
formulations. The theoretical performance of the formulations
containing graphene, iron oxide, nano-sized iron oxide and
GINC was computed using NASA CEC-71 (see Table S4 in ESI†).
From Table S4 (see ESI†), it was observed that the ame
temperature (Tf), C*, and specic impulse (Isp) were decreased
due to the incorporation of burn rate enhancers. The overall
percentage of inert material increased, which was reected by
the predicted theoretical data.
During processing, marginal increase in mixture viscosity of
CP-2 propellant composition (containing 1 wt% GINC over the
batch) was observed with respect to base composition. For
Fe2O3 and nano-sized Fe2O3, the viscosity of propellant mix
signicantly increases, which creates a processing problem (see
Fig. 6a).
The strand burning rate experiments were conducted in a
pressure range of 5–10 MPa, and the base composition
exhibited a burning rate of 6.7–9.5 mm s1 (see Table S6 in
ESI†). The addition of GINC leads to a 30–40% enhancement
in the burning rate of the propellant composition. Other
burn rate enhancers, such as micron size Fe2O3 and nano-
sized Fe2O3, also increased the burning rate. However, the
rate of increase with GINC was found to be maximum (52%
increase) compared to other compositions. Though the
burning rate of GINC containing composition was consider-
ably higher compared to other compositions, the pressure
exponent was found to be relatively low, which is the most
desirable43 condition for composite propellants (see Fig. 6d).
Indeed, for missiles, composite propellant burns at pressure
ranges of 5–10 MPa. At this pressure range, shiing of n value
was not observed. Beyond these pressure ranges, i.e. at 60–70
MPa, marginal variation in the pressure exponent can be
observed. Along with this, a propellant composition con-
taining soot-based iron oxide has been processed, and the
burn rate was measured at a pressure of 70 MPa. In this
experiment, we have maintained the moisture level less than
0.01%, and further enhancement of burn rate was not
observed due to the presence of soot. The results are also
supported by one of the works reported in contemporary
All of the propellant formulations containing different burn
rate modiers were marginally more sensitive to impact and Fig. 6 Comparative bar diagram of (a) viscosity, (b) UTS, (c) peak
temperature in DTA, and (d) burn rate of propellant.
friction as compared to the base composition (see Table S4 in
ESI†). The sensitiveness may be attributed to the presence of the
burning rate enhancer in contrast to AP. 3: binder (15%) + Al (17%) + AP (68%) + burn rate enhancer
CP-1: binder (15%) + Al (17%) + AP (68%) + burn rate (nano-sized Fe2O3)  1 wt% over the batch; and CP-4: binder
enhancer (Fe2O3)  Nil; CP-2: binder (15%) + Al (17%) + AP (15%) + Al (17%) + AP (68%) + burn rate enhancer (micron-sized
(68%) + burn rate enhancer (GINC)  1 wt% over the batch; CP- Fe2O3)  1 wt% over the batch.

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Paper RSC Advances

Table S5 (see ESI†) shows the DSC, STA results of four (1) In the rst step, the endothermic transformation
compositions containing burn rate enhancer. In the presence of happens from the orthorhombic phase (low temperature) to the
GINC, peak temperature decreases up to 44  C, which mainly cubic phase (high temperature).
governs the catalytic efficiency. For Fe2O3 and nano-sized Fe2O3, (2) In the second step, the exothermic low temperature
peak temperature decreases up to 34  C. Note that graphene as a decomposition process (LTD) of AP (300–330  C) takes place as
substrate increases the electron transfer process; hence, cata- follows:
lytically enhanced heat is released by two fold. In the presence
of graphene, catalytic activity of nano-sized Fe2O3 increases NH4ClO4 4 NH4+ + ClO4 4 NH3 (g) + HClO4 (g)
tremendously. 4 NH3 (s) + HClO4 (s)
These results are also supported by the activation energy
calculation through Kissinger Ozawa equation. DTA results also
agree with the above nding. TGA results showed that with the (3) In the third step, the exothermic high temperature
GINC based composition (CP-2), weight loss started at 230  C, decomposition process (HTD) of AP would take place (450–480

which was approximately 20  C lower compared to other C), and the heterogeneous decomposition of deprotonized
compositions (see Fig. 6c). TGA data were measured between HClO4 gas on the solid surface occurs.
50  C and 400  C. At this temperature range, 25% residual According to the above experimental ndings, it can be
materials were present. With increases in temperature, i.e. assumed that GINC accelerates both LTD and HTD. A probable
beyond 400  C, residual material also gets burnt and forms a mechanism has been shown in Scheme 2.
gaseous product. For LTD, the gas and solid phase reactions occur simulta-
Thermophysical properties were also highlighted in Table neously. During this process, dissociation and sublimation take
S5 (see ESI†). CP-2 showed the lowest thermal place52,53 as highlighted in the second step. For LTD, the
expansion coefficient (81.4  106/C at 30  C), indicating transfer of an electron from ClO4 to NH4+ should be the
better structural integrity of propellant grain with tempera- controlling step, while for HTD, the controlling step is the
ture. Thermal conductivity of CP-2 was found to be higher in transformation from oxygen (O2) to superoxide (O2). It is well
comparison to other compositions. Due to the presence of known that graphene exhibits several unique properties, such
GINC, thermal conductivity was increased with decrease in as good conductivity, distinct electric eld effect with a charge
curing time. concentration as high as 1013 cm3 and mobility54 as high as 1.5
The mechanical properties (see Table S4 in ESI†) were eval-  104 cm2 V1 s1. The movement of an electron in graphene is
uated for all the four compositions. Only marginal changes in considerably faster than in metal atoms and can reach an
the properties (TS, %E and E modulus) were observed between effective speed of 300 times less than the speed of light in
base composition (TS: 10.5 ksc, %E: 43%, E modulus: 45 ksc) vacuum and travel a large distance without deection.1 Hence,
and CP-2 (TS: 10.0 ksc, %E: 36.1%, E modulus: 52 ksc). In the the synthesized GINC used here helps to accelerate the elec-
case of GINC formulation (CP-2), elongation is reduced by 17% trons to speed up the abovementioned controlling steps. In
with respect to CP-4. If we look at two other mechanical other words, due to the accelerated electron ow provided by
parameters, i.e. tensile strength and modulus, it is found that graphene, NH4+ and ClO4 are transformed to NH3 and HClO4.
GINC formulation (CP-2) has higher TS and modulus compared Next, HClO4 generates O2, which subsequently forms super-
to CP-4. Elongation can be maintained in CP-2 with respect to oxide (O2) more rapidly with the help of graphene as a perfect
CP-4 by two ways: either by tailoring NCO/OH ratio with bed for accelerated electron ow. These superoxide ions help to
decrease in NCO/OH ratio or by increasing the quantity of chain decompose NH3 with other side products generated from HClO4
extender (n-butane diol). and ensure complete decomposition of AP.
For other two compositions (CP-3 and CP-4), mechanical In case of bare nano-sized iron oxide, no supporting
properties (TS and modulus) signicantly degraded. This was substrate is available; hence, it is more likely to form an
due to the addition of non-reinforcing ller, such as Fe2O3, aggregate and render less active sites to adsorb a gas molecule
which reduced the mechanical properties (see Fig. 6b). (NH3, HClO4) to accelerate the reaction. However, when
decorated on graphene, which is the best catalyst substrate
with the theoretical surface area10 of 2600 m2 g1, the deco-
3.1 Mechanism of thermal decomposition of AP rated particles are able to unfold on the graphene substrate to
A number of studies were carried out to realize the decom-
position mechanism of AP45–50 and they provide
good accounts of the probable decomposition mechanism of
AP; moreover, numerous mechanisms have been proposed,
but the decomposition mechanism of AP is still a debated
matter. Two probable mechanisms have been highlighted
3.1.1 Electron transfer mechanism. In this mechanism, AP
decomposition follows a three step mechanism as proposed by
Song and Zhang:51 Scheme 2 Decomposition mechanism of AP in the presence of GINC.

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RSC Advances Paper

generate more active sites and react with NH3 of HClO4, and reasons for the decomposition of the orthorhombic
hence accelerate the catalysis process. However, a marginal modication.
difference was observed for the catalytic performance of 3% The scenario changes when high temperature is employed.
and 5% GINC. At this stage, the process takes place at the surface of the crystal.
Similar to AP decomposition reaction, GINC also Adsorption and desorption of ammonia and chloric acid take
enhances the burn rate of propellant. The enhancement was place. Thus, the role of the primary process is connected with
found to be considerably higher when compared to the other proton transfer. By addition of dopant, changes the concen-
burn rate enhancers such as graphene, Fe2O3 (micron-sized), tration of the protons in the lattice during decomposition of the
and Fe2O3 (nano-sized). During the combustion of propel- cubic modication and stronger effect on ammonia. The
lant, AP decomposes as per the abovementioned mechanism. assumption formulated by Kaidymov and Gavazova58,59 is quite
Along with this, the combustion of propellant binder (HTPB relevant to mention.
based) also occurs at a faster rate due to rapid electron ow to It refers to the catalytic activity of the orthorhombic modi-
the combustion step from the graphene substrate. Hence, a cation with respect to perchloric acid decomposition, which is
higher burn rate of propellant was observed. an important stage through which thermal decomposition
3.1.2 Proton transfer mechanism. Jackobs et al. have proceeds. Note that thermal decomposition is quite high
proposed a scheme for the thermal decomposition of AP by compared to the cubic modication. Hence, despite the
proton transfer mechanism (Boldyrev;55 Jacobs and Russell- improvement in investigating the mechanism of AP decompo-
Jones56,57): sition, the primary mechanism is still uncertain.

NH4ClO44NH4+ (a) + ClO4 (a) 4NH3 (g) + HClO4 (g)

4. Conclusions
This mechanism also consists of a three step mechanism. Graphene and nano-sized iron oxide were separately
Step I involves pairs of ions in a perchlorate ammonium lattice. prepared and characterized. GINC was successfully synthe-
In Step II, the decomposition step starts with proton transfer sized by a one-pot, green synthesis method by using gra-
from the cation NH4+ to the anion ClO4 via a molecular phene and nano-sized iron oxide as raw materials. It showed
complex. This molecular complex decomposes into ammonia excellent catalytic activity on the thermal decomposition of
and perchloric acid in Step III. AP and signicantly increased the burn rate of propellant.
In this mechanism, NH3 and HClO4 molecules either react in The presence of nano-sized Fe2O3 reduces the
the absorbed layer over the surface of perchlorate or interact in activation energy of propellant combustion, and graphene
gas phase by desorption and sublimation. Several reactions helps to improve the ow of electrons, which can further
quickly occur in the gas phase between NH3 and HClO4, form- increase heterogeneous decomposition rate of deprotonized
ing O2, N2O, Cl2, NO, and H2O as side products at a low HClO4 gas on the outer surface of the catalyst particle.
temperature (<350  C). Lower catalyst concentration favours further decomposition
A crucial feature of the AP decomposition mechanism is that of AP. When GINC catalyst was used in lower concentration (1
it occurs in pores beneath the surface at a distance of a few weight%), the catalysis effect became cheaper.
microns. This is the basic difference between sublimation and These processes are convenient for further scale up. The
decomposition of AP. method of preparation of GINC highlighted in this paper can
In this mechanism, perchloric acid is desorbed more quickly be extended to other metal/graphene nanocomposites
compared to ammonia;56,57 hence, it causes incomplete oxida- used for AP and AP based composite propellant. Moreover, it
tion of ammonia, creating a saturated atmosphere56,57 of NH3. can be foreseen that graphene based metal/metal oxides
As a result, HTD decelerates and undergoes incomplete trans- will be potential catalysts for AP based composite
formation; moreover, during HTD, NO, O2, Cl2 and H2O prod- propellants.
ucts are produced in the gas phase reaction.
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