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Revit Warnings Glossary

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Revit Warnings ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2 General Warnings ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Revit Warnings Summary (General) ...................................................................................................... 5
3 Cross Discipline Warnings .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 General Warnings .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 There are identical instances in the same place................................................................................ 6
3.1.2 Line in Sketch is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies .......................................................... 6
3.1.3 Ref Plane is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies. ................................................................ 6
3.1.4 Design Option 'Main Model ' cannot reference Design Option ' XXXX : XXXX '. ............................... 6
3.1.5 The blend is too thin. ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.6 Highlighted lines overlap. Lines may not form closed loops. ............................................................. 7
3.1.7 One element is completely inside another. ........................................................................................ 7
3.1.8 This array contains multiple copies of some identical geometry. ....................................................... 7
3.2 Rooms and Area's ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2.1 Area is not in a properly enclosed region. ......................................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Room is not in a properly enclosed region. ....................................................................................... 7
3.2.3 Multiple Rooms are in the same enclosed region. ............................................................................. 7
3.2.4 Room Tag is outside of its Room. Enable Leader or move Room Tag within its Room. ................... 7
3.3 Annotation Warnings ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 Elements have duplicate 'Mark' values .............................................................................................. 7
3.3.2 Elements have duplicate 'Number' values. ........................................................................................ 8
3.3.3 Elements have duplicate 'Type Mark' values. .................................................................................... 8
3.3.4 Link 'XXXXX' and the current file use different keynote tables. ......................................................... 8
3.3.5 An elevation symbol references views on more than one sheet. ....................................................... 8
3.4 Join Errors ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4.1 Highlighted elements are joined but do not intersect. ........................................................................ 9
3.4.2 Two elements were not automatically joined because one or both is not editable. ........................... 9
3.5 Mass Errors ........................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5.1 Mass contains no solid geometry. Mass Floors, volume, and surface area, won't be computed. ...... 9
3.5.2 Mass contains only mesh geometry, which can't be used to compute Mass Floors, volume, or
surface area. .................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.5.3 This Mass has no solid geometry for its Void Forms to cut. ............................................................ 10
3.5.4 The geometry in this Mass instance is too complex. ....................................................................... 10
4 Architectural Warnings .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 Revit Warnings Summary (Architectural) ............................................................................................. 10
5 Architectural Warnings .............................................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Wall Warnings ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.1 Highlighted walls overlap. ................................................................................................................ 11
5.1.2 Conditions for wall embedding are no longer satisfied. ................................................................... 11
5.1.3 Highlighted walls are attached to, but miss, the highlighted targets ................................................ 11
5.1.4 Highlighted elements are joined but do not intersect. ...................................................................... 12
5.1.5 Curtain grid lines must have at least one segment. ......................................................................... 12
5.1.6 Insert conflicts with joined Wall........................................................................................................ 12

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5.1.7 Thickness of this Floor may be slightly inaccurate due to extreme Shape Editing. ......................... 13
5.2 Columns .............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2.1 The highlighted column can't maintain attachment to the target. It will be treated as unattached until
it can intersect. ............................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Stairs and railings ................................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.1 Top reference is below Bottom reference for one or more Balusters. These Balusters are not
created. 13
5.3.2 Notching applied, but no cut was made. Adjust Notching Distance or Extension parameters. ........ 14
5.3.3 A notch join can only be used when the run end tread is coplanar with the landing tread............... 15
5.3.4 The slope of this railing may not parallel the stairs at runs and landings. To get a parallel railing,
split the railing sketch at the ends of landings. ............................................................................................... 15
5.3.5 The rail is not continuous. Breaks in the rail usually occur at sharply-angled transitions. To fix the
problem, try: ................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3.6 The Actual Riser Height of stair is greater than the Maximum Riser Height specified in the stair
type. 18
5.3.7 Stair bottom end exceeds or cannot reach the base elevation of the stair. Add/remove risers at the
bottom end by control or change the stair run's 'Relative Base Height' parameter in the properties palette. . 19
5.3.8 Stair top end exceeds or cannot reach the top elevation of the stair. .............................................. 20
5.3.9 Stair components are not continuously connected. ......................................................................... 20
5.3.10 The multi-storey stair/ramp could not reach its top level with integral number of flights. ............. 21
5.3.11 Landing depth is less than run width. .......................................................................................... 22
6 MEP Warnings .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.1 Revit Warnings Summary (MEP) ......................................................................................................... 22
7 MEP Warnings ............................................................................................................................................ 23
System Warnings ..................................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.1 No loss defined................................................................................................................................ 23
7.1.2 {System name} is not "Well Connected". ......................................................................................... 23
7.1.3 It is not possible to calculate the flow since the flow directions mismatch. ...................................... 23
7.1.4 The default system "…" is now over 50 elements. .......................................................................... 23
7.1.5 Elements in XXX are not connected in a single physical network due to one or both of the following.
7.1.6 The flex duct length of {length} exceeds the maximum specified length of {max length}................. 24
7.2 Spaces................................................................................................................................................. 24
7.2.1 Space volume can't be computed. .................................................................................................. 24
7.2.2 Space is not in a properly enclosed region ...................................................................................... 24
8 Structural Warnings ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.1 Revit Warnings Summary (Structural) ................................................................................................. 25
9 Structural Warnings ................................................................................................................................... 25
9.1.1 Beam or Brace is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies....................................................... 25
9.1.2 Join failure caused by editability or design option related problem. ................................................ 25
9.1.3 Opening partially cuts its host. ........................................................................................................ 25
9.1.4 Some columns in Graphical Column Schedule exceed the segment's upper/lower bounds. .......... 26
9.2 Analytical Model Warnings .................................................................................................................. 26
9.2.1 Analytical Top Projection Plane is partially or completely below Analytical Bottom Projection Plane.
10 Performance Advisor Warnings ........................................................................................................... 27

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10.1 Revit Warnings Summary (Performance Advisor) ............................................................................... 27

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1 Introduction
1.1 Revit Warnings
Warnings/Errors within the Revit project place a considerable burden on the project, affecting the model
performance and potentially invalidating or even prohibiting another BIM use to take place. An excessive
Warnings list can indicate an "unhealthy" model not only impacting performance, but also a key indicator as to
what is, or is not, good model authoring practice.
Therefore, periodic review of the project warnings becomes a key component of the model authoring process, not
only for maintaining the project performance but also in respect of assessing the project model content (families)
and the current model development authoring skills. If this review is carried out regularly, the resolution of
problems is likely to be more efficient with issues will picked up in a timely manner. The ability to extract a
Warnings report to a separate file provides a convenient way of reviewing the current warnings in order to
determine the best solutions for the issues raised. The list of warnings can be generated from the Manage ribbon
using the Warnings tool.

The warnings tool will list out all warnings that are contained within the project file. This list may be expanded, to
indicate the elements and their unique element IDs which are causing the problem. The list may also be exported
to a .HTML file format for further review or analysis against previous reports.

Each warning carries a degree of severity for the project. These severities are not listed within the warnings
report. Many warnings such as 'duplicate Mark values' are relatively minor warnings and although these warnings
may have an impact on element identification they have a relatively low impact on the majority of BIM
deliverables. Warnings such as 'Identical instances in the same place' are serious warnings, which will invalidate
many BIM uses, such as 3D coordination and quantity take-off. Others, such as flow warnings, may be
considered of a medium impact in respect of a deliverable, unless system analysis is a requirement of the project
model. However, these warnings will impact the model performance as Revit analyzes the system construction.
Key Considerations

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• Where practically possible, models should be free from warnings. In the majority of cases, a warning-
free model is not a practical reality. The severity of the warning should be reviewed and a priority set for
resolution, to avoid detrimentally impacting the project. For example, warning errors in respect of MEP
flow direction, or calculation, will not only impact performance but also negate or restrict any analysis
and calculations that are to be carried out in the project.
• Some warnings, such as duplicate marks, can cause mistakes in other BIM uses, such as Facilities
Management, where the mark value is being used as an asset tag.
• Consider setting up a process to address by whom and how warnings are to be removed and rectified.


• Periodically, review the status and number of warnings being generated when modelling to maintain
performance and also to potentially highlight any issues with content.
• A BIM Manager or BIM Coordinator should regularly review the warnings. This is to ensure that
warnings get addressed and provides some insight as to whether any additional training may be
required for the project teams.
• Consider implementing a review schedule for warnings, i.e. on a weekly or monthly basis. Initially these
reviews may need to be scheduled on a more frequent basis, even potentially daily. As modelling
experience develops, and potentially issues with family content are resolved, the frequency of these
reviews could be reduced.
• Resolve high impact issues first, in other words, those that may disrupt or limit any other
processes, such as Flow warnings.

Further References

2 General Warnings
2.1 Revit Warnings Summary (General)
• Cross Discipline Warnings
o General Warnings
▪ There are identical instances in the same place.
▪ Line in Sketch is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies
▪ Ref Plane is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies.
▪ Design Option 'Main Model ' cannot reference Design Option ' XXXX : XXXX '.
▪ The blend is too thin.
▪ Highlighted lines overlap. Lines may not form closed loops.
▪ One element is completely inside another.
▪ This array contains multiple copies of some identical geometry.
o Rooms and Area's
▪ Area is not in a properly enclosed region.
▪ Room is not in a properly enclosed region.
▪ Multiple Rooms are in the same enclosed region.
▪ Room Tag is outside of its Room. Enable Leader or move Room Tag within its Room.
o Annotation Warnings
▪ Elements have duplicate 'Mark' values
▪ Elements have duplicate 'Number' values.

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▪ Elements have duplicate 'Type Mark' values.
▪ Link 'XXXXX' and the current file use different keynote tables.
▪ An elevation symbol references views on more than one sheet.
o Join Errors
▪ Highlighted elements are joined but do not intersect.
▪ Two elements were not automatically joined because one or both is not editable.
o Mass Errors
▪ Mass contains no solid geometry. Mass Floors, volume, and surface area, won't be
▪ Mass contains only mesh geometry, which can't be used to compute Mass Floors,
volume, or surface area.
▪ This Mass has no solid geometry for its Void Forms to cut.
▪ The geometry in this Mass instance is too complex.

3 Cross Discipline Warnings

3.1 General Warnings
3.1.1 There are identical instances in the same place.
Severity: Critical warning
An element was copied and placed in the exact same position. In the Review Warnings dialog, simply select and
check the secondary (and tertiary if applicable) entries and use the Delete Selected option. The only exception
would be if the first entry is not in the right workset or design option. Always differ to those settings first, then the
order of execution. This warning must be addressed if any schedules are to be used for quantity take-off to
record accurate values.

3.1.2 Line in Sketch is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies
Severity: Major warning
Typically caused tracing over AutoCAD/Microstation drawings with odd angles or drawing in non-orthogonal
views. This can also be a result of importing analytical structural models from other programs such as CSI's
ETABS. There is a chance that they can alter your dimensions slightly on larger systems. The best advice is to
stay away from behaviour that causes inaccuracies. Fixing them typically requires individual adjustments, which
can be very tedious. Usually dragging them by the end handle to an unconnected or referenced location will set
this to an orthogonal axis. Afterwards, trim them or drag them back.

3.1.3 Ref Plane is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies.
Severity: Major warning
See above! All the warnings about something being slightly off axis is about object being rotated away from the
orthogonal axis. The values at which this typically occurs is between 0 and 0.5 degrees.

3.1.4 Design Option 'Main Model ' cannot reference Design Option ' XXXX : XXXX '.
Severity: Medium warning
An element in a design option is trying to attach to an element or reference and element in the main model. Use
Show to find the element, make the design option editable. Detach or redraw the element in the design option.

3.1.5 The blend is too thin.

Severity: Medium warning
A transformation element (duct fitting) has problems creating the geometry as defined by the family constraints.

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3.1.6 Highlighted lines overlap. Lines may not form closed loops.
Severity: Major warning
Sketches need closed loops, and don't allow the user to finish without a closed system. However, through the
course of the changes in the file these sketches can stretch causing the element to fail, by disconnecting the join
(change of angle, or by getting a 0' distance). The best way to find these lines are to locate the object that they
form (floor, roof, edited profile wall, ceiling, mass, stair, etc.) and edit the sketch.

3.1.7 One element is completely inside another.

Severity: Critical warning
Find the element and evaluate if it needs to be there.

3.1.8 This array contains multiple copies of some identical geometry.

Severity: Major warning
Performance might be improved by using a nested family and arraying copies of its instances.

3.2 Rooms and Area's

3.2.1 Area is not in a properly enclosed region.
Severity: Medium warning
Area separation lines are not closing on an Area Analysis plan. Find the Area element on the Area plan and look
for gaps in the area separation lines.

3.2.2 Room is not in a properly enclosed region.

Severity: Medium warning
A room element exists where walls or room separation lines are not closing around it. Find the room element in a
plan view and look for gaps in the bounding walls or room separation lines. Common places to examine are at
connections of walls and columns, and intersections of curtain walls with walls or columns.

3.2.3 Multiple Rooms are in the same enclosed region.

Severity: Critical warning
The correct area and perimeter will be assigned to one Room and the others will display "Redundant Room." You
should separate the regions, delete the extra Rooms, or move them into different regions. This will also affect
gbXML export.

3.2.4 Room Tag is outside of its Room. Enable Leader or move Room Tag within its
Severity: Minor warning
This happens when either moving rooms or adjusting the boundaries of the room. Move them manually or let
Revit do it.

3.3 Annotation Warnings

3.3.1 Elements have duplicate 'Mark' values
Severity: Minor warning
Occasionally elements will inherit a duplicate 'mark' value, this may occur through copy & paste operations or
through a user manually editing the value. This could affect documentation if the tag or schedule is reading this
mark value.

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3.3.2 Elements have duplicate 'Number' values.
Severity: Minor warning
Will affect documents because of what the tag or schedule reads. You may need to adjust which parameters you
are using for the tags and schedules. For example, if you want all doors of the same type to display a type tag,
then a new parameter would need to be used in the tag family rather than giving these doors the same number.

3.3.3 Elements have duplicate 'Type Mark' values.

Severity: Minor warning
Will affect documents because of what the tag or schedule reads. You may need to adjust which parameters you
are using for the tags and schedules. For example, if you want all doors of the same type to display a type tag,
then a new parameter would need to be used in the tag family rather than giving these doors the same number

3.3.4 Link 'XXXXX' and the current file use different keynote tables.
Keynote values from the linked file will not be displayed.
Severity: Medium warning
Adjust either one of the files to use the correct file. Be aware that the path to the file must match exactly. No keynote
value is assigned to the keynoted element in the linked file 'XXXXX'. Open the linked file to assign a keynote value to
the element.

3.3.5 An elevation symbol references views on more than one sheet.

It will show a blank sheet reference. To show the correct references, use a separate elevation symbol for the views on
each sheet.
Severity: Medium warning
The elevation symbol on the right generates one view and shows on which sheet it is placed. On the left the elevation

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symbol generates two views but when these are placed on separate views it can no show both sheet names.

3.4 Join Errors

3.4.1 Highlighted elements are joined but do not intersect.
Severity: Minor warning
Elements have been joined using Join Geometry, but are not physically touching. Find the elements and use
Unjoin Geometry tool to remove the join. This warning can occur when a joined element is moved away from the
element it is joined to. Some cases the elements that do not intersect is intentional – two walls can be closely
parallel but not touch and be joined together so a door or window opening will cut through both.

3.4.2 Two elements were not automatically joined because one or both is not
Severity: Minor warning
Work set related message usually triggered by wall joins where one wall is owned by another user. This typically
resolves itself, however if the users continue to control the work sets and do not borrow, they can stay disjoined.
Set this work sets to public and edit both items together.

3.5 Mass Errors

3.5.1 Mass contains no solid geometry. Mass Floors, volume, and surface area,
won't be computed.
Severity: Minor warning
This typically happens when you are creating a mass and you have drawn profiles but you have not turned any of
these profiles into either mass or a mesh. If you finish editing the Mass you will get this warning.

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3.5.2 Mass contains only mesh geometry, which can't be used to compute Mass
Floors, volume, or surface area.
Severity: Minor warning
This typically happens when you are creating a mass and you have drawn profiles but you have not turned any of
these profiles into mass but you do have at least one mesh. If you finish editing the Mass you will get this warning.

3.5.3 This Mass has no solid geometry for its Void Forms to cut.
They must be deleted, or solid geometry added and cut.
Severity: Minor warning
Find the void delete it or make it cut what it's supposed to cut. Use the cut tool on the modify tab, geometry

3.5.4 The geometry in this Mass instance is too complex.

to take advantage of the capabilities a Mass provides.
Severity: Medium warning
Please break it down into multiple Mass and family instances that are less complex.

4 Revit Warnings Summary (Architectural)

• Architectural Warnings
o Wall Warnings
▪ Highlighted walls overlap.
▪ Conditions for wall embedding are no longer satisfied.
▪ Highlighted walls are attached to, but miss, the highlighted targets
▪ Highlighted elements are joined but do not intersect.
▪ Curtain grid lines must have at least one segment.
▪ Insert conflicts with joined Wall.
▪ Thickness of this Floor may be slightly inaccurate due to extreme Shape Editing.
o Columns
▪ The highlighted column can't maintain attachment to the target. It will be treated as
unattached until it can intersect.
o Stairs and railings

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▪ Top reference is below Bottom reference for one or more Balusters. These Balusters
are not created.
▪ Notching applied, but no cut was made. Adjust Notching Distance or Extension
▪ A notch join can only be used when the run end tread is coplanar with the landing
▪ The slope of this railing may not parallel the stairs at runs and landings. To get a
parallel railing, split the railing sketch at the ends of landings.
▪ The rail is not continuous. Breaks in the rail usually occur at sharply-angled
transitions. To fix the problem, try:
▪ The Actual Riser Height of stair is greater than the Maximum Riser Height specified in
the stair type.
▪ Stair bottom end exceeds or cannot reach the base elevation of the stair. Add/remove
risers at the bottom end by control or change the stair run's 'Relative Base Height'
parameter in the properties palette.
▪ Stair top end exceeds or cannot reach the top elevation of the stair.
▪ Stair components are not continuously connected.
▪ The multi-storey stair/ramp could not reach its top level with integral number of flights.
▪ Landing depth is less than run width.

5 Architectural Warnings
5.1 Wall Warnings
5.1.1 Highlighted walls overlap.
Severity: Critical warning
Colour fills, room tags and room areas may not behave correctly. Use Cut Geometry to embed one wall within the
other. Some of these are minor overlaps; others are walls totally enclosing other walls. The best method for
cleaning these is by isolating both walls in a 3D view using the Hide/Isolate Tool and adjusting the overlap by
deleting a wall, moving either or both positions (horizontally or vertically), joining geometry (not always
recommended for better performance), attaching one to the other (not always recommended for better
performance), or editing the profile of either or both walls. In 2008, you'll need to copy the number sequence from
the Review Warnings Dialog into Notepad or equivalent or manually to paste back into the Select by Id tool. In
2009, you can copy and paste ID numbers from an exported Revit Error Report. An alternative message says: or
tab-select one of the grouped overlapping walls and excludes it from the group instance. For this using the
exclusion would remove the wall from that one group instance, but not the group as a project entity.

5.1.2 Conditions for wall embedding are no longer satisfied.

Severity: Medium warning
Walls can be embedded into other walls using the Cut Geometry tool. Use the Don't Cut Geometry functionality
to release the wall. Highlight the host wall, and click to select it. Highlight the embedded wall, and click to select
it. It will then be treated as unattached. Depending on the condition, cutting and pasting the geometry to the same
place will also address this warning.

5.1.3 Highlighted walls are attached to, but miss, the highlighted targets
Severity: Medium warning
This tends to happen when at first the wall is attached to a floor but due to later edits they do not meet any more.

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The floor is not above the wall but stops to the side of it. We see more and more companies advising their
modellers not to use the attach function.

5.1.4 Highlighted elements are joined but do not intersect.

Severity: Medium warning
Elements have been joined using Join Geometry, but are not physically touching. Find the elements and use
Unjoin Geometry tool to remove the join. This warning can occur when a joined element is moved away from the
element it is joined to. Some cases the elements that do not intersect is intentional – two walls can be closely
parallel but not touch and be joined together so a door or window opening will cut through both.

5.1.5 Curtain grid lines must have at least one segment.

Severity: Medium warning
This warning appears when you remove all the segments of a grid line with the: "Add Remove Segments" command.
Delete the gridline or add a segment

5.1.6 Insert conflicts with joined Wall.

Severity: Major warning
This frequently occurs where a partition wall is joined at a window mullion or a door's opening is tightly positioned
at a wall join. If you disallow the Join for the partition wall (right-click on the Wall End) and the warning will
disappear. Drag the wall into the insert once the join has been disallowed. This may affect the room enclosure.
This disallow join tool is also useful for stubborn wall joins when used with the join geometry, though they should
be used sparingly.

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5.1.7 Thickness of this Floor may be slightly inaccurate due to extreme Shape
Severity: Medium warning
Dimensions to this element in sections and details may not accurately indicate the Thickness shown in Type
Properties. Due to the way the shape editor tool works it this warning may pop up. Think of the shape tool as follows:
take a rectangle and drag into a parallelogram. Notice how the thickness of the floor decreases.

5.2 Columns
5.2.1 The highlighted column can't maintain attachment to the target. It will be
treated as unattached until it can intersect.
Severity: Medium warning
This tends to happen when at first the column is attached to a floor or beam but due to later edits they do not
meet any more. The floor or beam is not above the column anymore but stops to the side of it. We see more and
more companies advising their modellers not to use the attach function.

5.3 Stairs and railings

5.3.1 Top reference is below Bottom reference for one or more Balusters. These
Balusters are not created.
Severity: Medium warning
At least one of the segments may have a negative offset value that is causing this error. Consider spitting the railing
up in multiple parts. In the picture below you see a sketch of a railing. The selected segment has a negative offset

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enough to cause this error.

5.3.2 Notching applied, but no cut was made. Adjust Notching Distance or
Extension parameters.
Severity: Medium warning
Edit the stairs select the run and adjust the instance parameters under construction of the run. The green arrow points

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at a run where the Begin and end with Riser have been turn off. The red one points at a run where they are turned on.

5.3.3 A notch join can only be used when the run end tread is coplanar with the
landing tread.
Severity: Medium warning
Clear the Begin with Riser or End with Riser instance property for the run to use the notch join.

5.3.4 The slope of this railing may not parallel the stairs at runs and landings. To
get a parallel railing, split the railing sketch at the ends of landings.
Severity: Medium warning
This can occur when editing the stairs or the path of the railing. In the image below you see the stairs from above
while editing the path of the railing. Two segments of the railing are selected. Notice the point at the red arrow. This
point should be located at where the blue arrow is pointing. The lengths of the segments do not match the lengths of
the landing and the stairs.

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5.3.5 The rail is not continuous. Breaks in the rail usually occur at sharply-angled
transitions. To fix the problem, try:
Severity: Medium warning

• Changing the transition style in the rail type properties, or Modifying the railing path at the transition.

One way of fixing is to modify the landing, create a U shape.

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5.3.6 The Actual Riser Height of stair is greater than the Maximum Riser Height
specified in the stair type.

Severity: Medium warning

In the type properties of a stair is defined what is the maximum Height of a riser. When modelling a stair it
uses the value of "Desired Stair Height" and divides this by the number of "Desired Number of Risers" See
image below 4000/23=173,9. This is higher than the set "Maximum Riser Height" in the type properties.
Increase "Desired Number of Risers" or adjust the "Maximum Riser Height".

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5.3.7 Stair bottom end exceeds or cannot reach the base elevation of the stair.
Add/remove risers at the bottom end by control or change the stair run's
'Relative Base Height' parameter in the properties palette.

Severity:Major warning
This tends to happen when dragging the wrong thing. In the image on the right notice the number two. The
triangle is the shape handle. By dragging this you move risers between the runs. For example if you have
two runs with both 10 risers than by dragging this triangle you may get one run of 11 risers and one run of 9

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By dragging the circle you effectively changes the "Relative Base Height" see image below.

5.3.8 Stair top end exceeds or cannot reach the top elevation of the stair.

Add/remove risers at the top end by control or or change the stair run's 'Relative Top Height' parameter
in the properties palette.
Severity:Major warning
This is the same error as the previous but then at the top of the stairs.

5.3.9 Stair components are not continuously connected.

This may cause incorrect representation and annotation.

Severity:Major warning
This error occurs if you split a stair in two runs and they are not connected with a landing component. The
landing in this image (blue arrow) is a regular floor and not a part of the "stair by component" tool. Either

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add a landing or create this stair as two stairs.

5.3.10 The multi-storey stair/ramp could not reach its top level with integral number
of flights.

Maximum number of flights below the top level is created.

Severity:Major warning
Multi-storey stairs rely on all levels to be spaced apart at the same distance.

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5.3.11 Landing depth is less than run width.

Severity:Medium warning
If the width of the landing is less than the width of the run you get this error. Make it equally wide or wider t
resolve this error.

6 Revit Warnings Summary (MEP)

• MEP Warnings
o System Warnings
▪ No loss defined.
▪ {System name} is not "Well Connected".
▪ It is not possible to calculate the flow since the flow directions mismatch.
▪ The default system "…" is now over 50 elements.

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▪ Elements in XXX are not connected in a single physical network due to one or both of
the following.
▪ The flex duct length of {length} exceeds the maximum specified length of {max length}
o Spaces
▪ Space volume can't be computed.
▪ Space is not in a properly enclosed region

7 MEP Warnings
• System Warnings
7.1.1 No loss defined.

Severity: Medium/Major warning

A warning that frequently occurs. This warning is typically exhibited on all duct/pipe fitting elements,
where the ASHRAE table for the fitting cannot be assigned or a specific loss has been defined across
the fitting. This warning is common on duct/pipe systems where a run (which includes the fitting) has
open ends as an ASHRAE table will not be assigned to the fitting in this state. Once fully connected, or
an end capped, this warning will be resolved. Will only affect projects where design calculations are
being utilized.

7.1.2 {System name} is not "Well Connected".

Severity: Major warning

A system is considered not well connected when elements in the system are not connected into a single
physical network. For example, a system with one or more air terminals not connected in a single
network of duct is not well connected. Will affect the model not only from an analytical perspective but
also will cause issues with and potential inconsistences with annotation.

7.1.3 It is not possible to calculate the flow since the flow directions mismatch.

Severity: Medium/Major warning

Please check flow direction on all equipment in the system. This is another warning message that
frequently occurs and is caused by components/elements in the system that have connectors with the
flow configuration or flow direction incorrectly set. Will only affect projects where design options are
being utilized.

7.1.4 The default system "…" is now over 50 elements.

Severity: Medium/Major warning

To improve performance Revit is no longer calculating the critical path pressure drop and more complex
duct sizing has been disabled. If you want to use these features, you must define logical systems
instead of using the default system. This warning occurs when an element with connector is just
connected to without defining a 'named' system based on the connector.

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7.1.5 Elements in XXX are not connected in a single physical network due to one or
both of the following.

Severity: Medium/Major warning

There are disconnects in the system's physical network. - Elements in the system are connected to
more than one physical network. Find the element by ID and fix accordingly

7.1.6 The flex duct length of {length} exceeds the maximum specified length of
{max length}

Severity: Low/Medium warning

The maximum length is specified in the mechanical settings at conversions. You get this warning if the
length of a flex duct exceeds this setting. Will potentially cause inaccuracies in quantity take-off and
noncompliance issues with building regulations.

7.2 Spaces
7.2.1 Space volume can't be computed.

Severity: Medium/Major warning

The bounding geometry (in 3D) can't be found for {space name}. {space name} will be ignored in the
energy analysis model. May potentially cause inconsistencies in scheduling and/or analysis.

7.2.2 Space is not in a properly enclosed region

Severity: Major warning

A space element exists where walls or space separation lines are not closing around it. Find the space
element in a plan view and look for gaps in the bounding walls or space separation lines. Common
places to examine are at connections of walls and columns, and intersections of curtain walls with walls
or columns. May potentially cause inconsistencies in scheduling and/or analysis. May potentially cause
inconsistencies in scheduling and/or analysis.

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8 Revit Warnings Summary (Structural)
• Structural Warnings
▪ Beam or Brace is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies.
▪ Join failure caused by editability or design option related problem.
▪ Opening partially cuts its host.
▪ Some columns in Graphical Column Schedule exceed the segment's upper/lower
o Analytical Model Warnings
▪ Analytical Top Projection Plane is partially or completely below Analytical Bottom
Projection Plane.

9 Structural Warnings
9.1.1 Beam or Brace is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies.
Severity: Medium/Major warning
Typically caused tracing over AutoCAD/Microstation drawings with odd angles or drawing in non-orthogonal
views. This can also be a result of importing analytical structural models from other programs such as CSI's
ETABS. There is a chance that they can alter your dimensions slightly on larger systems. The best advice is to
stay away from behaviour that causes inaccuracies. Fixing them typically requires individual adjustments, which
can be very tedious. Usually dragging them by the end handle to an unconnected or referenced location will set
this to an orthogonal axis. Afterwards, trim them or drag them back. Sometime using the wrong snappoints can
also generate this effect. Gridlines that have been traced over from a dwg or bad shared coordinates can also
have this effect.

9.1.2 Join failure caused by editability or design option related problem.

Severity: Major warning
Check that both elements are on the same workset. If not, are the worksets or elements checked out? Are any of
the elements on a secondary design sets?

9.1.3 Opening partially cuts its host.

Severity: Medium warning
The opening at the green error is good and will not generate a warning. The opening at the red error will generate an

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error. Use a family with a cutting void to accomplish this.

9.1.4 Some columns in Graphical Column Schedule exceed the segment's

upper/lower bounds.
Severity: Minor warning
You can add levels or adjust the view parameters.

9.2 Analytical Model Warnings

9.2.1 Analytical Top Projection Plane is partially or completely below Analytical
Bottom Projection Plane.
Severity: Medium warning
Please reset top and/or bottom planes to valid values.

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10 Performance Advisor Warnings
10.1 Revit Warnings Summary (Performance Advisor)
Most of warnings issued from the performance advisor are self-explanatory. Where some clarification is
considered beneficial, examples are provided.

10.1.1 Warning: Sketch of element contains multiple independent loops -

splitting it in few independent elements might improve performance.

Generally, a warning that is more common within architectural files, it is not limited to. It occurs in any element
made from multiple 'closed' sketch loops. In some instances this is an acceptable warning, avoidance possible
being the more complicated solution. However, it is worth consideration in the general improvement of modelling
techniques. The example below is an edited sketch of a 'floor' element and typifies the construction.

10.1.2 Warning: In-place family contains multiple disjoined solids. Consider

splitting in several in-place families.

Previously mentioned, In-Place families are to be avoided wherever possible, particularly if the same instance is
to be used more than once. The warning relates to having several solids not added or subtracted to combine into
one form, but separate in location forming the same element. See below.

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10.1.3 Warning: There are duplicate instances of the same family in the same
place. Delete duplicate instances to improve performance.
Recommendation: Install the 'Revit Model Review' subscription Add-In tools. This will allow greater flexibility
when searching for duplicates as it allows a tolerance factor to be added. Hence a slight discrepancy in location
for what is an identical component can be accommodated.

10.1.4 Warning: Family definition contains view-specific imports. Such imports

are inaccessible in the project - consider removal.
Family contains detailing components in some views, which cannot be accessed once loaded into a project.

10.1.5 Warning: Family occupies #### kilobytes of memory. Consider

simplification of the family.
Self-explanatory: Family is too large, includes over complicated geometry or contains unnecessary/unused

10.1.6 Warning: Family definition contains too many elements. Consider

simplification of the family.
Similar to the above warning, geometry is made up of too many individual components. Simplify family.

10.1.7 Warning: Family contains other families loaded into it but not used.
Consider purging family document from unused families and types.
Family contains nested, but unused additional families. This appears to be a particularly common warning when
dealing with families produced by some 3rd party applications, such as MagiCAD

10.1.8 Warning: Project contains unused families and/or types. Consider

purging them out.
As above.

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10.1.9 Warning: View has clipping disabled. It causes view to draw too many

A relatively common problem that affects elevation, section, and plan views. Particularly common with plan views,
since sections frequently have the back face or clip defined. It is best solved with the application of a view
template which has the clipping plane set.

10.1.10 Warning: Interior categories are enabled in a large view. Even

though these objects may be obscured and invisible, they still have negative
impact on performance.
A warning that is particularly relevant to 3D views. Within a 3D view having interior categories visible could cause
large numbers of elements to be drawn (regenerated) even though many will be obscured. Consider whether
interior categories are required to be visible within the view.

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