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Class code:221_71ENG510053_40

Student’s name: LA NGUYEN MY QUYEN

Peer editor’s name:



The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant

 1st draft

The pie charts give information about the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in
The largest main reason for both is the definite job. The main reason for immigration is the
definite job is 1% higher than the main reason for emigration is the definite job. The formal
study is the second most popular the main reason for immigration. The main reason for
immigration is the formal study is 22% higher than the main reason for emigration is the
formal study. Looking for work is the second most popular the main reason for emigration.
The main reason for immigration is looking for work is 10% lower than the main reason for
emigration is looking for work. The smallest main reason for immigration is no reason
stated. The main reason for immigration is the no reason stated is 12% lower than the main
reason for emigration is the no reason stated.
The two remaining main reason for both are the accompany/join and the other. The main
reason for immigration is the accompany/join is 2% higher than the main reason for
emigration is the accompany/join. On the other hand, the main reason for immigration is
the other is 3% lower than the main reason for emigration is the other.

 Self-assessment (checklist)

 Peer assessment (checklist)

Content Y/N Feedback

Task Achievement
Is the report at least 150 words?    
Has the introduction paraphrased the question?    
Has the overview shown the most significant
features (the biggest/ smallest proportion,  
or differences/ similarities)?
Has the report covered the most significant features
(the biggest/ smallest proportion, or differences/  
Coherence & Cohesion
Is the information grouped into clear paragraphs?    
Is the information presented in a logical order?  
Are the sentences well linked together?    
Lexical Resource
Has the question been suitably paraphrased?    
Has consistent repetition of vocabulary been
Is there sufficient use of academic vocabulary?  
Does the text contain vocabulary specific to pie
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Is the grammar accurate?  
Is the punctuation accurate?    
Have the verb tenses and subject-verb agreement
been checked?
Was the task completed in less than 20 minutes?    

 Final version

 Rubric for grading

 Link Sharepoint/ Onedrive/ Google drive your collaboration space (optional)

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