DLL - Ucsp Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City



School Year 2022-2023 G12- PACIOLI 1:15 – 2:00
Teacher RICHEE G. CLET G12- MAYO 2:45 – 3:30
Grade Level 12 G12- CROSBY 3:40 – 4:25
Learning Area UCSP G12 - GREGOR 4:25 - 5:10
Semester FIRST
Teaching Date SEPTEMBER 12 - 16, 2022


1. Appreciate the nature of culture and 1. Appreciate the nature of culture and 1. Appreciate the nature of culture and 1. Appreciate the nature of culture and
I. OBJECTIVES society from the perspectives of society from the perspectives of society from the perspectives of society from the perspectives of
anthropology and sociology anthropology and sociology anthropology and sociology anthropology and sociology
2. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of 2. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of 2. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of 2. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of
culture and society culture and society culture and society culture and society
3. Values cultural heritage and express 3. Values cultural heritage and express 3. Values cultural heritage and express 3. Values cultural heritage and express
pride of place without being ethnocentric. pride of place without being ethnocentric. pride of place without being ethnocentric. pride of place without being ethnocentric.
1. Culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts
A. Content Standards
2. Perspectives in/approaches to the study of culture and society (i.e., comparative, historical, structural functional, interpretive, critical)
B. Performance Standards Values cultural heritage and express pride of place without being ethnocentric
C. Most Essential Learning Explain the importance of cultural Explain the importance of cultural Explain the importance of cultural Explain the importance of cultural
relativism in attaining cultural
Competencies (MELCs) relativism in attaining cultural relativism in attaining cultural relativism in attaining cultural
understanding. understanding.
understanding. understanding.

D. Enabling Competencies N/A N/A N/A N/A

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200
T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide pages
Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture,
b. Learner’s Material pages Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13 Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13 Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13 Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13

c. Textbook pages N/A N/A N/A N/A

d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) N/A N/A N/A N/A
B. List of Learning Resources
Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture,
for Developmental and
Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13 Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13 Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13 Society and Politics Module pp. 1 to 13
Engagement Activities
Pre- Test Pre- Test Pre- Test Pre- Test
For numbers 1-5, classify the following For numbers 1-5, classify the following For numbers 1-5, classify the following For numbers 1-5, classify the following
statement as true or false. Write letter A if statement as true or false. Write letter A if statement as true or false. Write letter A if statement as true or false. Write letter A if
it is TRUE, and letter B if it is FALSE. it is TRUE, and letter B if it is FALSE. it is TRUE, and letter B if it is FALSE. it is TRUE, and letter B if it is FALSE.
1. At some point of our lives, we tend to 1. At some point of our lives, we tend to 1. At some point of our lives, we tend to 1. At some point of our lives, we tend to
become an ethnocentric in a given become an ethnocentric in a given become an ethnocentric in a given become an ethnocentric in a given
situation. situation. situation. situation.
2. Cultural relativism promotes greater 2. Cultural relativism promotes greater 2. Cultural relativism promotes greater 2. Cultural relativism promotes greater
appreciation of cultures that an appreciation of cultures that an appreciation of cultures that an appreciation of cultures that an
A. Introduction individual might encounter along the way. individual might encounter along the way. individual might encounter along the way. individual might encounter along the way.
3. Ethnocentrism refers to the evaluation of 3. Ethnocentrism refers to the evaluation of 3. Ethnocentrism refers to the evaluation of 3. Ethnocentrism refers to the evaluation of
other people’s culture from one’s own point other people’s culture from one’s own point other people’s culture from one’s own point other people’s culture from one’s own point
of view and describing them in one’s own of view and describing them in one’s own of view and describing them in one’s own of view and describing them in one’s own
terms. terms. terms. terms.
4. Hate crimes and terrorism can usually 4. Hate crimes and terrorism can usually 4. Hate crimes and terrorism can usually 4. Hate crimes and terrorism can usually
traced back to religious conflict and traced back to religious conflict and traced back to religious conflict and traced back to religious conflict and
misunderstanding. misunderstanding. misunderstanding. misunderstanding.
5. When we laugh at someone because of 5. When we laugh at someone because of 5. When we laugh at someone because of 5. When we laugh at someone because of
his wrong dictions of the dialect we his wrong dictions of the dialect we his wrong dictions of the dialect we his wrong dictions of the dialect we
Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200
T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

speak. This is an example of cultural speak. This is an example of cultural speak. This is an example of cultural speak. This is an example of cultural
relativism. relativism. relativism. relativism.
B. Development What is Ethnocentrism? What is Ethnocentrism? What is Ethnocentrism? What is Ethnocentrism?
Ethnocentrism is a belief that one’s own Ethnocentrism is a belief that one’s own Ethnocentrism is a belief that one’s own Ethnocentrism is a belief that one’s own
culture is better than others. They culture is better than others. They culture is better than others. They culture is better than others. They
tend to compare, evaluate, and even judge tend to compare, evaluate, and even judge tend to compare, evaluate, and even tend to compare, evaluate, and even judge
other people’s ways based on the values other people’s ways based on the values judge other people’s ways based on the other people’s ways based on the values
and standards set in one’s own culture. and standards set in one’s own culture. values and standards set in one’s own and standards set in one’s own culture.
Their worldview is based on the beliefs, Their worldview is based on the beliefs, culture. Their worldview is based on the Their worldview is based on the beliefs,
assumptions, expectations, and values assumptions, expectations, and values beliefs, assumptions, expectations, and assumptions, expectations, and values
shaped by one’s language, behavior, shaped by one’s language, behavior, values shaped by one’s language, shaped by one’s language, behavior,
customs, values, religions and other customs, behavior, customs, customs,
aspects. Due to ethnocentric beliefs, many values, religions and other aspects. values, religions and other aspects. values, religions and other aspects.
people are blinded from seeing things in Due to ethnocentric beliefs, many people Due to ethnocentric beliefs, many people Due to ethnocentric beliefs, many people
another perspective. ethnocentric people are blinded from seeing things in another are blinded from seeing things in another are blinded from seeing things in another
tend to dislike or make false judgment on perspective. ethnocentric people tend to perspective. ethnocentric people tend to perspective. ethnocentric people tend to
other cultures. They tend becoming biased dislike or make false judgment on other dislike or make false judgment on other dislike or make false judgment on other
and judge another culture as bad and cultures. They tend becoming biased and cultures. They tend becoming biased and cultures. They tend becoming biased and
wrong. judge another culture as bad and wrong. judge another culture as bad and wrong. judge another culture as bad and wrong.
Even though we deny it, most of us are Even though we deny it, most of us are Even though we deny it, most of us are Even though we deny it, most of us are
ethnocentric at some point in our lives. ethnocentric at some point in our lives. ethnocentric at some point in our lives. ethnocentric at some point in our lives.
Some do not even realize that they are Some do not even realize that they are Some do not even realize that they are Some do not even realize that they are
being ethnocentric at that moment. Below being ethnocentric at that moment. Below being ethnocentric at that moment. Below being ethnocentric at that moment. Below
are are are are
some of the examples of ethnocentrism: some of the examples of ethnocentrism: some of the examples of ethnocentrism: some of the examples of ethnocentrism:
a. The American society sees themselves as a. The American society sees themselves a. The American society sees themselves a. The American society sees themselves
a world leader. As a result, they as a world leader. As a result, they as a world leader. As a result, they as a world leader. As a result, they
interfere in the political affairs of other interfere in the political affairs of other interfere in the political affairs of other interfere in the political affairs of other
countries and try to control them, countries and try to control them, countries and try to control them, countries and try to control them,
leading to misunderstanding and leading to misunderstanding and leading to misunderstanding and leading to misunderstanding and
miscommunication amongst nations miscommunication amongst nations miscommunication amongst nations miscommunication amongst nations
which sometimes result to war. which sometimes result to war. which sometimes result to war. which sometimes result to war.
Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200
T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

b. During the time of Adolf Hitler,

Germans believed that they are a superior b. During the time of Adolf Hitler, b. During the time of Adolf Hitler, b. During the time of Adolf Hitler,
race. This led to the death of 6 million Jews Germans believed that they are a superior Germans believed that they are a superior Germans believed that they are a superior
whom they considered as an race. This led to the death of 6 million race. This led to the death of 6 million race. This led to the death of 6 million
inferior race. Jews whom they considered as an Jews whom they considered as an Jews whom they considered as an
inferior race. inferior race. inferior race.
c. European countries go beyond their
ethnocentric biases and saw non- c. European countries go beyond their c. European countries go beyond their c. European countries go beyond their
European cultures as uncivilized and ethnocentric biases and saw non- ethnocentric biases and saw non- ethnocentric biases and saw non-
underdeveloped countries of savages European cultures as uncivilized and European cultures as uncivilized and European cultures as uncivilized and
and barbarians. They used this perspective underdeveloped countries of savages underdeveloped countries of savages underdeveloped countries of savages
to justify colonialism and and barbarians. They used this perspective and barbarians. They used this perspective and barbarians. They used this
imperialism. to justify colonialism and to justify colonialism and perspective to justify colonialism and
d. Cases of hate crimes and terrorism imperialism. imperialism. imperialism.
violence can usually be traced back to d. Cases of hate crimes and terrorism d. Cases of hate crimes and terrorism d. Cases of hate crimes and terrorism
religious conflicts and misunderstandings. violence can usually be traced back to violence can usually be traced back to violence can usually be traced back to
Cultural Relativism as the Opposite View religious conflicts and religious conflicts and religious conflicts and
Cultural relativism is a belief that cultures misunderstandings. misunderstandings. misunderstandings.
are equally complex. There is no such thing Cultural Relativism as the Opposite View Cultural Relativism as the Opposite Cultural Relativism as the Opposite View
as superior or inferior culture. Cultural Cultural relativism is a belief that View Cultural relativism is a belief that Cultural relativism is a belief that
relativism is very important in studying the cultures are equally complex. There is no cultures are equally complex. There is no cultures are equally complex. There is no
culture of other people. It is a way of such thing as superior or inferior culture. such thing as superior or inferior culture. such thing as superior or inferior culture.
viewing the beliefs, values, and practices of Cultural relativism is very important in Cultural relativism is very important in Cultural relativism is very important in
a culture from its own view point. Another studying the culture of other people. It is studying the culture of other people. It is studying the culture of other people. It is
way to say this is that others should a way of viewing the beliefs, values, and a way of viewing the beliefs, values, and a way of viewing the beliefs, values, and
understand an individual’s practices of a culture from its practices of a culture from its practices of a culture from its
beliefs and activities in terms of that ownviewpoint. Another way to say this is ownviewpoint. Another way to say this is ownviewpoint. Another way to say this is
person’s own culture. that others should understand an that others should understand an that others should understand an
• Cultural relativism promotes greater individual’s individual’s individual’s
appreciation of the cultures that an beliefs and activities in terms of that beliefs and activities in terms of that beliefs and activities in terms of that
individual might encounter along the way. person’s own culture. person’s own culture. person’s own culture.
• Cultural relativism is a good way to • Cultural relativism promotes greater • Cultural relativism promotes greater • Cultural relativism promotes greater

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

appreciation of the cultures that an

appreciation of the cultures that an
appreciation of the cultures that an individual might encounter along the
individual might encounter along the way.
individual might encounter along the way. way.
rehearse the norms and values of a • Cultural relativism is a good way to
• Cultural relativism is a good way to • Cultural relativism is a good way to
society–-- a requirement that one must rehearse the norms and values of a
rehearse the norms and values of a rehearse the norms and values of a
subscribe to, regardless of his/her cultural society–-- a requirement that one must
society–-- a requirement that one must society–-- a requirement that one must
origin. subscribe to, regardless of his/her cultural
subscribe to, regardless of his/her cultural subscribe to, regardless of his/her cultural
• It means that the function and meaning of origin.
origin. origin.
a trait are relative to its cultural setting. • It means that the function and meaning
• It means that the function and meaning of • It means that the function and meaning
of a trait are relative to its cultural
a trait are relative to its cultural setting. of a trait are relative to its cultural

Activity: Slogan Activity: Slogan Activity: Slogan Activity: Slogan

Create a slogan that promotes respect and Create a slogan that promotes respect and Create a slogan that promotes respect and Create a slogan that promotes respect and
tolerance towards other cultures all over he tolerance towards other cultures all over he tolerance towards other cultures all over he tolerance towards other cultures all over
world. A slogan that will make people world. A slogan that will make people world. A slogan that will make people he world. A slogan that will make people
C. Engagement
aware of the ill effects of ethnocentrism aware of the ill effects of ethnocentrism aware of the ill effects of ethnocentrism aware of the ill effects of ethnocentrism
such as cultural misrepresentation, such as cultural misrepresentation, such as cultural misrepresentation, such as cultural misrepresentation,
perception bias, bullying, discrimination, perception bias, bullying, discrimination, perception bias, bullying, discrimination, perception bias, bullying, discrimination,
intolerance, war, genocide, and others intolerance, war, genocide, and others intolerance, war, genocide, and others intolerance, war, genocide, and others.

D. Assimilation State your reason why you beg to disagree State your reason why you beg to disagree State your reason why you beg to disagree State your reason why you beg to disagree
to the given statements below. You have to to the given statements below. You have to to the given statements below. You have to to the given statements below. You have to
remember that you are a CULTURAL remember that you are a CULTURAL remember that you are a CULTURAL remember that you are a CULTURAL
RELATIVIST; you have to place yourself RELATIVIST; you have to place yourself RELATIVIST; you have to place yourself RELATIVIST; you have to place yourself
in the shoes of these people in order to in the shoes of these people in order to in the shoes of these people in order to in the shoes of these people in order to
understand them better. Culture is not good understand them better. Culture is not good understand them better. Culture is not good understand them better. Culture is not good
or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but
instead it is relative. instead it is relative. instead it is relative. instead it is relative.
1. One society can call another society as 1. One society can call another society as 1. One society can call another society as 1. One society can call another society as
evil such as those nations where evil such as those nations where evil such as those nations where terrorist evil such as those nations where
terrorist live. These places are also terrorist live. These places are also live. These places are also called an “axis terrorist live. These places are also

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

of evil”. called an “axis of evil”.

called an “axis of evil”.
called an “axis of evil”. 2. Western culture is superior and 2. Western culture is superior and
2. Western culture is superior and
2. Western culture is superior and opposite of non-Western culture. opposite of non-Western culture.
opposite of non-Western culture.
opposite of non-Western culture. 3. When you don’t say “po” at 3. When you don’t say “po” at
3. When you don’t say “po” at “opo,”
3. When you don’t say “po” at “opo,” “opo,” you are impolite. “opo,” you are impolite.
you are impolite.
you are impolite. 4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are 4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are
4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are
4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are backwards people because they backwards people because they
backwards people because they are
backwards people because they are are uneducated. are uneducated.
uneducated. 5. We have to avoid going to places 5. We have to avoid going to places
5. We have to avoid going to places like
5. We have to avoid going to places like like Siquijor and Capiz because like Siquijor and Capiz because
Siquijor and Capiz because monsters
Siquijor and Capiz because monsters monsters called Aswang infest monsters called Aswang infest
called Aswang infest these places.
called Aswang infest these places. these places. these places.

Activity: #i-speak Activity: #i-speak Activity: #i-speak Activity: #i-speak

You are invited as a guest speaker for a You are invited as a guest speaker for a You are invited as a guest speaker for a You are invited as a guest speaker for a
certain event where the participants certain event where the participants certain event where the participants certain event where the participants
come from different places of different come from different places of different come from different places of different come from different places of different
cultures. The topic assigned to you is cultures. The topic assigned to you is cultures. The topic assigned to you is cultures. The topic assigned to you is
religious beliefs and practices. Your task religious beliefs and practices. Your task religious beliefs and practices. Your task religious beliefs and practices. Your task
is to make a speech which you are going is to make a speech which you are going is to make a speech which you are going is to make a speech which you are going
to deliver on the said affair. It should be to deliver on the said affair. It should be to deliver on the said affair. It should be to deliver on the said affair. It should be
composed of at least 3-4 paragraphs, composed of at least 3-4 paragraphs, composed of at least 3-4 paragraphs, composed of at least 3-4 paragraphs,
whereas you are comparing your whereas you are comparing your religious whereas you are comparing your whereas you are comparing your religious
religious beliefs and practices with the beliefs and practices with the participants’ religious beliefs and practices with the beliefs and practices with the participants’
participants’ own without being biased. own without being biased. participants’ own without being biased. own without being biased.
Prepared by: Checked by:
____________________________ ____________________________ Noted:
RICHEE G. CLET BLESSIE D. ARABE ____________________________
Teacher I Subject Group Head ARNOLD D. DIONA
Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200
T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City

Date Date

Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”

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