FA20-BCS-053, Lab Assignment-4, DB

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Database Systems

LAB Assignment 4

Submitted By:
Name: Muhammad Haseeb
Reg No: FA20-BCS-053
Course: Database Systems
Date of Submission: 26th June 2022

Submitted To:
Sir Qasim Malik
Department of Computer Science
Lab Assignment-4, Spring-2022
Using Non-Relational DBMS, MongoDB, for Data Storage and Retrieval

Course: Database Systems - I (CSC371) Class: BCS IV

Instructor: Qasim Malik Total Marks:

[CLO-C2, CLO-C3]

Part-I [CLO-C3]: For the problem you solved in your lab midterm, now let’s assume we want to reverse
engineer the data oriented non-relational database design for the following three social media platforms:

 Facebook
 Youtube  Twitter

Each of you will work on one of the above platforms. In order to determine the platform on which you will be
working, use the following formula:

Last_three_digits_of_your_registration_no modulus 3

where 0 refers to the Facebook, 1 to the Youtube, and 2 to the Twitter.

For the same set of requirements, you modeled in your Entity Relationship Diagram in lab midterm, now
transform it into MongoDB collection(s) and provide a sample document(s) of it in JSON format. [4]

Part-II [CLO-C2]: Insert a few meaningful documents in the collection. [2]

Answer Part-I + Part-ll:



"Bio": "Hello people!!",


"location":"Islamabad, Pakistan",

"DOB": "9-May-2000",


"phone": "+92231213321",

"name":"Muhammad Haseeb"











"Message":"How are you?"






"Message":"How are you?"





"Message":"Where are you now a day's?"






"Title":"Adaptive physical education"





"Title":"Q/A sessions and Podcast"





"tweet_text":"Which #altcoin are you buying this dip?",






"comment_text":"Waiting for this!!",





"tweet_text":"Anyone experiencing this? #instagramdown #login #issues",






"comment_text":"It's a bug!!",



















"tweets": "44K",




"tweets": "30K",




"tweets": "70K",





"Bio": "Hello people!!",


"location":"Lahore, Pakistan",
"DOB": "19-May-2000",


"phone": "+92231213321",


"name":"Muhammad Hassan"











"Message":"How are you?"






"Message":"How are you?"





"Message":"Where are you now a day's?"






"Title":"Adaptive physical education"





"Title":"Q/A sessions and Podcast"





"tweet_text":"Which #altcoin are you buying this dip?",





"comment_text":"Waiting for this!!",






"tweet_text":"Anyone experiencing this? #instagramdown #login #issues",






"comment_text":"It's a bug!!",



















"tweets": "44K",




"tweets": "30K",




"tweets": "70K",



Part-III [CLO-C2]: Now in this part, you are going to first create a meaningful query in English and then
provide the corresponding MongoDB API call for each of the following situations:

 Think of a need that requires issuing find API call involving the use of logical and comparison
operators. [2]
Query: Show user profile with followers greater than 500 and who lives in Islamabad, Pakistan.

 Think of a need that require issuing aggregate API call with at least five stages including the group
stage and the use of any aggregation operation. [2]

Query: Show a user profile with username _ali99 and his sum of tweets using aggregation.

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