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MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen p-ISSN: 2088 1231

Volume 12 Number 1 | February 2022 e-ISSN: 2460-5328

Recognizing How The Organizational Communication and Distributive Justice

Towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Interior Design Company –
Reasearch Background. Organizational citizenship behavior is a tangible manifestation of
good teamwork in an organization. Employees are very crucial assets in a company, because the
effectiveness and performance of a company is very dependent on the performance of human
resources in the company. Soelton et al (2020); Soelton and Nugrahati (2018). Based on construction
industry growth data in 2022, it is estimated at 7.2%, it can be seen that the construction and
infrastructure industry sector is one of the main engines of national economic growth. Coupled with
construction project financing channeled to infrastructure, building and residential projects. This
growth will continue to increase after the Covid-19 pandemic which will make a significant
contribution to national economic growth. Attitude Organizational citizenship behavior has a positive
attitude towards the efficiency and effectiveness of overall organizational performance, Organ, et al

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework


MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen p-ISSN: 2088 1231
Volume 12 Number 1 | Agustus 2022 e-ISSN: 2460-5328

Table 2. Hypothesis Testing Results

Standard Deviation T-Statistics P Values Description
OC  OCB 0.659 0.072 9.114 0.000 Positive – Significant
DJ  OCB 0.092 0.067 1.377 0.169 Not significant

OC  OCM 0.340 0.090 3.775 0.000 Positive – Significant

DJ  OCM 0.580 0.092 6.274 0.000 Positive – Significant

MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen p-ISSN: 2088 1231
Volume 12 Number 1 | February 2022 e-ISSN: 2460-5328

Standard Deviation T-Statistics P Values Description
OC  OCB 0.229 0.080 2.878 0.004 Positive – Significant
OC  OCM  OCB 0.078 0.037 2.094 0.037 Mediated
DJ  OCM  OCB 0.133 0.048 2.759 0.006 Mediated

Source: From Data Processing

Organizational communication has a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship
behavior. Good communication will also affect the positive behavior of employees as a reflection of
organizational citizenship behavior, so that employees can obtain, develop and complete the tasks
Distributive justice has no significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior.
Employees feel that they will continue to do their jobs well despite the unfair conditions in their
division of labor.
Organizational communication has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment.
Communication has an important influence, it can even affect employees to be dissatisfied and leave
the organization, namely their communication tends to decrease.
Distributive justice has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment. Employees
will feel obedient to fair treatment in the organization if the policies, procedures, and practices are
fair to all employees. Thus, employees will have confidence in the perceived fairness and be able to
increase employee commitment to the organization.
Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship
behavior. Employees who have a high commitment to the company or organization, the employee
will be happy to do anything that is believed to be able to develop the company because of the trust
in the company so that employee organizational citizenship behavior is formed.
Organizational citizenship behavior can mediate the effect of organizational communication on
organizational commitment. High employee commitment to the company will form positive
organizational citizenship behavior so that it can advance the company because of their belief in the
Organizational citizenship behavior can mediate the effect of distributive justice on
organizational commitment. Employees feel that with the creation of a fair work environment they
will continue to manifest their loyalty to the company so that the impact will increase organizational
citizenship behavior in these employees..

1. Organizational communication and Organizational commitment has a significant positive
effect on organizational citizenship behavior in Interior Design Company employees.
2. Distributive justice has no significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior in Interior
Design Company employees.
3. Organizational communication and Distributive justice and has a significant positive effect
on organizational commitment to Interior Design Company employees.
4. Organizational communication and Distributive justice has a significant positive effect on
organizational commitment through organizational citizenship behavior on Interior Design
Company employees. 3

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