Project Proposal by Castor Rvee gr11-SJM

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Name: Rvee Lorraine D.

Castor Grade & Section:


Project Proposal

I. Project Title: “Barangay Sportsfest”

II. Project Proponents:

This project will be managed by the barangay council.

III. Project rationale:

Sports have always been a part of a child's development. The

primary purpose of sports is to develop in young people an

understanding of the positive impact an active lifestyle will have on their

lives. The developmentally appropriate program also provides a unique

learning environment where affective, psychomotor and cognitive skills

can be developed. In addition, good health practices, sportsmanship,

self-control, self-expression and the opportunity for positive social

interaction with peers are fostered. This project aims to encourage

children to engage in sports.

IV. Project objectives:

This project hopes to see more children getting better at

sports because this does not only boost self-esteem, but also a

sense of discipline and responsibility, which they can use as

students and as children to their parents. The goal is to:

 Gather people, especially kids who are interested in sports.

 Bring residents together to unite as a barangay

V. Project description:

       This event will run for 5 consecutive days and will include

basketball, volleyball, badminton, swimming, athletics, and dancing.

This project will be implemented in Purok Silangan Barangay Caloocan,

Koronadal City, and will provide exposure to the children and

entertainment to the residents. Players will have free sports attire and

snacks throughout the event. Volunteer coaches, referees, and medical

aid will also receive free snacks and a certificate. Barangay Sportsfest

will start by advertising our project and inviting others to participate, and

then holding an orientation for the volunteers and participants. The

collection of names of participants is followed by the sizing of the

sponsored sports attire. 

VI. Project Duration:

Time table


April 1, 2022 (Friday) Planning of project

April 2, 2022 (Saturday) Booking the venue

Advertising of our project in Social Medias and in

April 4, 2022 (Monday) the community

Listing out all of the moving parts this includes

April 6, (Wednesday) referees, sports uniforms, sporting equipment’s,
participants, volunteers, foods and etc. that are
needed for the Barangay Sportsfest
Orientation for the volunteers and participants
April 7, (Thursday)

Buying all that are needed for the “Barangay

April 8, 2022 (Friday) Sportsfest” and sizing of the sponsored sports

April 10 (Sunday) Finalizing before the day of the event

April 11 (Monday) The Start of the 5 Days “Barangay Sportsfest”

April 15 (Friday) The end of the “Barangay Sportsfest “and the

awarding ceremony

VII. Target Beneficiaries:

All the people who participated and made the event successful will

benefit from the said project. It will not only cater to the needs of those

within the barangay but also the surrounding barangays within the

municipality. Taking part in this project increases opportunities for

socialization, networking, and cultural identity. People who join this

project will work as individuals, in groups, and in teams, developing

concepts of fairness and personal and social responsibility. This

provides exposure to the children and entertainment to the residents.

They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership,

coaching, and officiating. This project will have a positive influence on

the community and society by promoting social interaction and

cohesion and also bringing residents together to unite as a barangay.

"Barangay Sportsfest" can also improve the participant’s health and

reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes,

cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

VIII.  Propose Budget:

To be deemed successful, this will need functional equipment, a venue,

and some additional incentives like free sports attire, free snacks, and

medals and certificates.

Categories for budgeting

 Personnel - volunteers as coaches and referees, which would be

given honorarium such as certificates.

 Equipment - such as the balls needed to enhance and motivate

the game play.

 Supplies - free food to help energize the participants.

 Participants support - free sports attire to further push and

motivate the participants to do well.

 Space - would be the rented venue for the event.

Budget Table

Category Budget
Personnel Php 9,500.00
Equipment Php 20,571

Supplies Php 110,000.00

Participants support Php 156,374.00

Space Php 18,750.00

Total: Php 315,195.00

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation:

 This project will be overall managed by the barangay council.

Assigned people, coaches, and volunteers for a certain day will assist

their participants with the activities. There will also be constant

monitoring of the event for evaluation and further assessment since this

ought to be done annually.

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