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Grade 8 WEEK NO.

7: November 16-20, 2020



Hi there my dear student! Today, you and your classmates will begin a new week of distance learning. We are all physically away from each
other do not think that you are alone in this learning journey. There are other students learning with you too. And also I will closely guide and assist
you in your lessons. Please be guided of the following:

• This study guide will help you with the flow of the activity and the lesson.
• Answer the activities on a separate sheet of paper. (Please take care and do not write anything on your module
and other activity sheets.)
• If you see this icon you are free to reach me if you need my assistance. You can find my contact no. on your class
schedule. (You can also reach me out through social media platforms.)
• Expect to receive a phone call or a text message from me for the follow up.
• Compile all your answer sheets at the end of the week and wait for the announcement when to submit them.
What do you expect to learn in this topic?
At the end of the week you should be able to:
1. Differentiate the goals and purposes of research.
2. Classify research based on the objective of the study and the condition under which the
study is done.
3. Apply the guidelines/ criteria in the selection of research topic/ problem.
4. Write a research title that describes what a study is all about.


Introduction to Research Problem

One of the most difficult aspects of research is how to develop

the idea for the research project.
Research is a systematic process. The first step in research is identifying
a topic. Research topic broadly defines the area of research. They are not For a researcher to choose a good research topic, one must
the same as the title of the research study. understand first the basic concepts on the types of research
Conceptualizing research topic according to Moyer, (2011) that must be considered.
includes the following:
Finding your focus TYPES OF RESEARCH
✓ Which aspects of the subjects/fields interest you most? The types of research are determined by the aims of the
✓ What have you observed that you have questions about? researcher.
✓ What articles have you read that have raised questions in
your mind? A. When the research is conducted solely to come up with new
knowledge or to have a fuller understanding of a particular
subject for its own sake, then it is classified as basic research.
Where to start? Basic research advances fundamental knowledge about the
✓ Read and research on topics of your interest. human world. It focuses on refuting or supporting theories that
✓ Detailed literature searches explain how this world operates, what makes things happen, why
✓ Attend seminars, conferences and presentations social relations are a certain way and why society change.
✓ Listen and ask questions which are not clear to your Fundamental research answers the initial question of how
understanding things work. This fundamental knowledge is then used by applied
scientists and engineers, for example, to make improvements on
existing products, technologies and processes. Likewise, basic
researchers take advantage of improved technologies to answer
new fundamental questions. It is an important cycle for

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However, if the research is done to find an application of the knowledge whether new
or old, it is classified as applied research.
Applied research try to solve problems or help practitioners accomplish tasks. It is
frequently a descriptive research and its main strength is its immediate practical use.
Applied research is designed to answer specific questions aimed at solving practical
problems. New knowledge acquired from applied research has specific commercial
objectives in the form of products, procedures or services.
Sometimes classifying a research becomes difficult when it does not actually deal
with the application but only indicates how the generated information could lead to an
initial application.
Application of basic knowledge is popularly called technology. It is intended to
improve our quality of life although it may also have some harmful effects. For example,
trinitrotoluene (TNT) was produced initially to nitrate cellulose to improve fabric quality.
However, it is now used as an explosive.

Let’s Practice!

Learning Task 1: Fundamental vs. Applied Research

Directions: Analyse the following concepts and ideas. Tell whether 5. Blades are examples of simple machines.
they are under fundamental/basic research of applied research. Write 6. Fabrics can be made from silk and plant fibres.
your answer on a separate sheet. 7. Oil can lessen corrosion of metals.
1. How do gases behave? 8. Plants need enough sunlight, water and good soil.
2. Artificial fertilizers can be used to grow plants faster. 9. Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy.
3. Matter is made up of particles. 10. Traits of parents can be passed to offspring.
4. Oil can be removed by dishwashing liquid.

Things to Ponder!

Research Problem Categories Learning Task 2: Where do I belong?

 Life Science – involves the study of life and On a separate sheet of paper, group the following topics into which
organisms categories of research problem do they belong.
 Physical Science – includes astronomy, physics, • Drug development for Covid-19
• Fertilizers and influence on plants
chemistry, and the Earth sciences
• Molecular cloning
 Robotics - the branch of technology that deals with
• Designing solar powered disinfectant sprayer
the design, construction, operation, and application
• Natural product synthesis
of robots, as well as computer systems for their
• Nanotechnology
control, sensory feedback, and information • Pollution monitoring drone
processing. • Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes

Learning Task 3A: What’s your choice?

Molecular biology & Genetics Topics
➢ Can men's exercise positively or negatively affect the DNA
traits they pass on to their children?
A. Here are some suggested topics which may catch your ➢ Will researchers really be able to use genetics to help us live
interest. Choose three topics and write it down on your notebook. both longer and healthier?
COVID-19 Topics ➢ Can microbial factories be an answer to the shortage of raw
➢ Do lockdowns help reduce coronavirus transmission? metals?
➢ Why does hand washing prevent infections? Physics and Astronomy Research Ideas
➢ What are the steps for developing a COVID-19 ➢ Is it realistic that people can live on another planet?
vaccine? ➢ What is the future of commercial space flight?
➢ How can people best prepare their bodies to fight a ➢ Should humans really make the effort to find a way to live in
COVID-19 infection? space or on other planets?

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Learning Task 3B: What do you think?

It is always useful to refer to some criteria when one has to decide on what research to pursue. A checklist of guidelines is given in
Table 7.1 to assist you in selecting a topic for research.
Procedure: Copy and accomplish the table below. Put a check (/) across the criteria to which your response is yes and a cross (X)
opposite the criteria to which your response is no.
Note: One table per topic that you have chosen from the list.

Table 7.1 Checklist of Guidelines in Selecting a Research Topic

Criteria Yes/No
1. Is the problem interesting
2. Will the research contribute to the solution of socio-economically important problems?
3. Will the research generate new information?
4. Is the research novel?
5. Do I have the skills or knowledge necessary to conduct the research or can I learn
them within the time I have?
6. Is the research feasible in terms of:
a. Time required to finish the research?
b. Expense involved in conducting the research?
c. Availability of materials for experimentation?
d. Accessibility of materials for experimentation?
e. Risks and hazards involved in conducting the experiment?
7. Is the research reproducible?

Learning Task 4: What’s the decision?

Based on the criteria for selecting a research problem, which of the

5. High cost of fertilizer
following topics is/are feasible to be undertaken by a student
6. Lack of post – harvest facilities in a farm
researcher? Simply answer feasible or not feasible in each number.
7. Abundance of water lily in a river
1. Absence of an irrigation system in a farm
8. Old folks using certain herb to cure almost all ailments
2. Lack of farm –to – market roads in a farming community
9. Burning of farm wastes like rice straws
3. Proliferation of janitor fish in a river system
10. Fish dried under the sun are exposed to flies and other insects
4. Decrease of fisherfolks in a fishing village

Reflection Time!
Almeida, A. B., Gaerlan, A.A., and Manly N.E., (2016) Research
Fundamentals: From Concept to Output, A Guide for
Complete the statement below.
Researchers & Thesis Writers. Adriana Printing Co., Inc.
I learned that _____________________________________ Caintic, H. E. and Cruz, J. M., (2008). Scientific Research Manual.
I realized that _____________________________________ C&E Publishing Inc.
Zulueta, F.M. and Perez, J.R. (2010) Methods of Research,
Thesis Writing and Applied Statistics

You have reached the end of your learning journey for the week. Now, ask yourself.
“Do you need to review and go back to some tasks and concepts that you miss out?
Are you ready to move to the next learning journey?”

Prepared by: Thank you for joining us in this learning journey…

Raissa C. Volpane – Plaridel INHS May you have more great days ahead! BEST TO YOU! ☺
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