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Becoming a Subtitler of Netflix


I. Introduction:
A. General Statements: Subtitler is someone who creates text in a video containing
everything in its audio.
B. Thesis statements: There are three reasons why I want to be a subtitler.
II. Body:
A. Topic sentence: We can have fun watching and still getting paid
1. The main reason is not only because I enjoy translating a subtitle.
2. When working on subtitle translation, especially when subtitling a movie, we
can not just translate it without knowing the context.
3. Therefore, subtitling a movie requires us to understand the whole plot.
4. That is what is fun about being a subtitler, we can have fun watching movie
and still getting paid.
B. Topic Sentence: We can also get a knowledge about foreign cultures
1. Other than that─as mentioned before, if you make subtitles, you also need to
know the context.
2. All we need to do first to understand the context is to know the culture of the
source language.
3. A lot of differences in language and its culture cause us to do this.
4. Because of that, we can also get a knowledge about foreign cultures.
C. Topic Sentence: Netflix has clear guidelines that suit me
1. The last reason I want to put is the reason why I choose Netflix instead of the
2. The reason is quite simple, Netflix has clear guidelines that suit me.
3. Other companies have different guidelines, and only Netflix is the best fit for
me since it is easy to be applied.
4. That makes it easier for me to work if the guidelines suit me.
III. Conclusion: In conclusion, the reason I have a future goal to be a subtitler of Netflix
is because I enjoy translating, watching its movie while do the subtitling and still get
paid, it can increase my knowledge about cultures, and Netflix has a clear guideline
that I enjoy so much.

Subtitler is someone who creates text in a video containing everything in its audio. To be a
subtitler is one of my dream jobs. Even though there are several occupations I want to pursue in
the future, subtitler is my favorite one which I have been interested in lately. There are three
reasons why I want to be a subtitler.

The main reason is not only because I enjoy translating a subtitle. When working on subtitle
translation, especially when subtitling a movie, we can not just translate it without knowing the
context. Therefore, subtitling a movie requires us to understand the whole plot. That is what is
fun about being a subtitler, we can have fun watching movie and still getting paid.

Other than that─as mentioned before─if you make subtitles, you also need to understand the
context. All we need to do first to understand the context is to know the culture of the source
language. A lot of differences in language and its culture cause us to do this. Because of that, we
can also get a knowledge about foreign cultures.

The last reason I want to put is the reason why it has to be Netflix that I choose Netflix instead of
the others. The reason is quite simple, Netflix has clear guidelines that suit me. Other companies
have different guidelines, and only Netflix is the best fit for me since it is easy to be applied.
That makes it easier for me to work if the guidelines suit me.

Sometimes, subtitling can be a burden when we are going to subtitling a movie that we do not
like, this is the drawback in being a subtitler. When this happens, the process of translating
subtitles will be hampered. Even so, we can still finish it by resting for a while, or maybe we can
find out something exciting about the movie that can make us interested. After all, for me, being
a subtitler is still fun though. In conclusion, the reason I have a future goal to be a subtitler of
Netflix is because I enjoy watching the movie while do the subtitling and still get paid, it can
increase my knowledge about cultures, and Netflix has a clear guideline that suit me so much.

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