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Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy studies that which is ultimate

How was Philosophy coined? It asks the most radical question in any area
of research
1. Lover of pleasure
2. Lover of success Its questions go beyond the established areas
3. Lover of wisdom of research.

“philla” = love It probes underneath,

“sophia” = wisdom It unveils the assumptions to other

Greek (Pythagoras): men could be divided
into 3 types Philosophy
Universal Science: encompassing the totality
Endless Inquiries & of reality
Rejects: myth, hearsay and wishful thinking.
What do we create in the Makes conclusion using: empirical
absence of Science and
The mere knowledge that ice is cold and that
stone is hard, is not science.
We create Myths in guessing
what the is made of! But the knowledge why ice is cold and why
stone is hard is science.
It is knowing the reasons (causes of things)
Ancient Greeks: Greek Mythology for the fact!
Certitude and not merely probability!
What will happen to the world if no one will
ask a question?
The Object of Philosophy
Philosophy investigates the “Big
Etymology: Greek Word Questions.”
 Philo + Sophia This means that it is concerned with ultimate
 Love + Wisdom questions about the entire universe.
 Love for wisdom
Nevertheless, these questions can be viewed
Philosophy is the science of all things by from different perspectives and philosophy
their ultimate causes and principles known has developed several branches that
in the light of natural reason alone. approach the “Big Questions” differently.

Philosophy is the study of ultimate 3 Main Branches of Philosophy

Metaphysics Epistemology
It is the heart of philosophy. It investigates KNOWLEDGE.
It investigates the existence of the universe Questions:
and of ALL things in it.
What does it mean “to know”?
What can we know?
How did the universe come into
What is the difference between knowing
and believing?
What is existence and non-existence?
How do you know that you know?
What kinds of things exists in the
How much evidence does one need for a
belief to be considered knowledge?
Does God exist? Do souls exist?
Basic Questions on Epistemology:
Basic questions on Metaphysics:
What is knowledge?
What is the ultimate reality?
Is knowledge acquired exclusively through
Is reality one or may different things? the senses or by some other means?
Can reality be grasped by the senses or is How do we know that what we perceive
it transcendent? through our senses is correct?
We can see things made of matter, such as Is it possible to have reliable knowledge at
book or a chair, but we cannot see the all?
underlying matter itself --- the concept of
Does reason provide us with knowledge of
such matter that is conceived by our minds!
the world independent of experience?
Although we can experience in our mind’s
Does our knowledge represent reality as it
thoughts, ideas, desires and fantasies, we
really is?
cannot observe or experience the mind itself
which is having these thoughts, ideas, and Is it possible to have reliable knowledge at
desires. all?
Does reason provide us with knowledge of
the world independent of experience?
Focus on Surface Focus on Source
Texture, structure, waviness, Quality of image transfer
Does our knowledge represent reality as it
“orange peel” really is?

Appearance as real = result of conditioned


False Evidence Appearing Real

Ethics studies what actions are morally right
and wrong.
Is there a right and wrong?
Is right and wrong the same for
What makes an action morally right
and wrong?
How can we know what is morally
right or wrong in any given situation?

5 Keys to Remembering:
Basic Questions on Ethics:
What is morally right?
Are there any objective standards of right
and wrong?
Are moral values absolute or relative?
In making crucial decisions, should we
consider only our own good (egoism) or the
good of others (altruism)?
When is an act right or wrong?
What standards should determine the
morality of an act?
Moral Relativism or Subjectivism: Action is
good only on the eye of the beholder.
Moral Objectivism: Morality exists
independently of what anyone thinks is right
or wrong.

Other Branches of Philosophy:

Aesthetic Philosophy of
(Philosophy of Art of Knowledge” Religion
and Beauty)
Ethics Logic
Philosophy of
Philosophy of
Political Philosophy
Philosophy of
Philosophy of Mathematics
Philosophy of Law
Logic: Detecting Faulty (invalid) arguments
Valid & Sound: Agreement of knowledge
with reality
Mental Representations: Correspond with
the objective world

Detecting faulty arguments whether it is
valid or invalid in daily discourse.
Aristotle on truth: Empiricism
Agreement of knowledge with reality. All knowledge obtained through senses ---
not inherited
Truth exists when the mind’s mental
representations (ideas) correspond with Process of Induction (Assumption)
things in the objective world.
General Ideas are formed from the
Logic studies right reasoning and examination of particular facts
Perpetual knowing
Do all claims have a truth value?
 Inductive Reasoning
What is an argument?
Observation – The X corporation broke the
What is a good or a bad argument? law
Pattern of Observations – Y and Z
corporations broke the law
Basic Questions on Logic:
Hypothesis of Premise – X, Y and Z
What makes an argument valid or invalid?
corporations are corrupt
What is a sound argument?
Conclusion – Corporations are often corrupt
What is the difference between truth and
The Rationalist Why aren’t natural objects works of art, or
are they?
(Who depends upon his own reason and
thoughts) Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder, or in
the real object?
Real knowledge is based on general laws
that reason develops (deduction) Plato: Beauty is identical with the good
Gadamer: Beauty is relative (depending on
 Deductive Reasoning
one’s culture)
Hypothesis or Premise – Corporations are
Aristotle: Beauty is symmetry & proportion
often corrupt
(natural law)
Observation(s) and/or Experiment(s) – X, Y,
and Z corporations broke the law
Philosophy of God (Theology/Theodicy)
Conclusion – X and Y are corrupt
If God is omniscient, future.
Division of Logic
If He knows the future, unfold exactly to His
Simple Apprehension
foreknowledge. Otherwise, ignorant!
If it’s a necessity, freedom.
1. Intellect grasps the essence of
2. Apprehension (capture):
- Thing is held mentally.
3. Simple:
- without any affirmation or denial
about it.
Mental operation that pronounces: the
identity or non-identity between two ideas.
A mental act that proceeds from the Natural Theology (Theodicy)
previously known truth to a new truth.
studies God not by faith but by reason alone
Revealed Theology
studies God by faith and not by reason
There are various orders of beauty, causing
men to make fools of themselves in various
Basic Questions on the Philosophy of God Philosophical Reflection from a Holistic
(Theodicy) Perspective (live conference)
Does God exist? What is to Philosophize
What are the proofs for God’s existence? Generally, to philosophize means to
theoretically consider all things in a study or
What is the problem of evil?
How do we reconcile the existence of a
It is to speculate and having theories about
benevolent God and the unmerited misery in
fundamental or serious issues, especially in a
the world?
tedious or punctilious way. You explain or
you argue a point of idea in terms of one’s
philosophical theory.
Primary Features of Philosophy
Early attempts to write a universal definition
Articulation: putting your ideas in clear, of philosophy failed because mankind never
concise, readily understandable language. shared a common idea of what it is, which is
Argument: supporting your ideas with why philosophy is broad.
reasons from other ideas, principles, and Is it valid to define philosophy as the science
observations to establish your conclusions of beings, of their ultimate causes or
and overcome objections. principles as known by the light of natural
Analysis: understanding an idea by reason? Perhaps so, but then, what would
distinguishing and clarifying its various happen to Existentialism (We are
components. responsible for creating meaning and
purpose in our lives. Our individual meaning
Synthesis: gathering together different ideas is not given to us by God, the government,
into a single, unified vision. teachers nor other authorities. They are not
basically interested in the problem of the
ultimate principle) or Indian philosophy
Importance of Studying Philosophy (They are also not concerned in the problem
Philosophy provides us with the motivation of the ultimate principle. But rather,
and the intellectual abilities required to basically concerned with the truth arrived at
explore life’s most challenging issues. the light of the natural reason. They also
have different beliefs from different
Studying philosophy in a serious and perspectives. This philosophy is focused on
reflective way will change you as a person. the ultimate goal of liberation of individual
Studying philosophy will help you develop from Dutta and Satischandra through diverse
the understanding and insight you will need range of spiritual practices)?
to make intelligent choices and fulfill your We have these theories, definition, and
potential as an individual. explanation of what philosophy is.
Existentialism and Indian Philosophy have
their own philosophy. Whatever explanation
that they have when it comes to how they
philosophize; it will depend on their philosophize because of his uncertainties,
philosophy. which manifests themselves as doubts.
Therefore, we may say that philosophy
Existentialism is not interested in the
begins and ends with man. We see in the
problem of the ultimate principles; neither is
history of ideas, how a man tried to
Indian philosophy concerned with the truth
construct philosophical ideas, and how
arrived at by the light of natural reason.
others tried to destroy them. One system of
Shall we then define philosophy as the thought is raised and another system refutes
individual’s quest for authentic existence, or it.
as the search for the Ultimate Being by the
Generally, to philosophize means to
use of one’s intuitive faculty? But what
theoretically consider all things in a study or
would happen to Chinese philosophy whose
reflection. But philosophizing is a complex
main interest is to know how man can live in
process of thought. The history of humanity
harmony, unity, peace, prosperity, if indeed,
has shown how man struggled to come up
perpetuity! Should philosophy then be
with a genuine, indigenous worldview.
defined as a way of life? But then it could
Through the different periods of history, he
easily be rejected by those who believe that
has used his natural powers to pursue
it is a way of thought!
various philosophical ends. I see generally
It seems that behind the many definitions, three ends, namely: The Knowledge of the
whatever degree of validity each one has, Absolute Truth; the Knowledge of the
rests a more fundamental question: What is Reasoned Truth; and the Knowledge of
to philosophize? Practical Truth or what is also known as the
Knowledge of the Art of Living.
Man is a universal phenomenon. He
cogitates, contemplates, and interprets the
same world and yet he comes up with varied
To philosophize means:
opinions regarding it. History has indeed
shown us that the diversity of human A methodic exercise of the faculty of
experiences has created diversified cultures intuition for the transcendental grasp of the
which have brought about distinct Absolute Truth
interpretations of the world.
A methodic exercise of the faculty of reason
The complex enterprise of philosophizing with the use of a logical paradigm for the
has been a monopoly of man ab initio. God, attainment of ontological or epistemic truths
being omniscient, has no need for either
A methodic exercise of practical reason
reason or intuition in order to know. He is
based on man’s experience for the practical
the Repository of truth and the Fountainhead
ability of man to live in dignity as a moral
of wisdom. The angels possess a natural
knowledge of God and know other things by
merely contemplating their angelic essence.
The brutes do not philosophize for their
sentient level simply cannot allow them to Partial vs Holistic View
do so. Only man can and needs to Partial – Existing only in part; incomplete
Holistic – relating to or concerned with Acceptance Exploring options,
complete systems rather than with individual new plan in place,
parts moving on

“Happiness can only exist in acceptance.” -
Philosophy is, first of all, reflection. George Orwell
It is stepping back, listening to yourself and What is Reflection?
other people and trying to understand and
evaluate what it is that you hear, and what it Reflection (Merriam-Webster)
is that you believe. It is consideration of some subject matter,
“Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and idea, or purpose.
philosophy begins in wonder” It is a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a
- SOCRATES remark made as a result of meditation.
Reflection (Philosophy)

Break Human self-reflection is the capacity of

humans to exercise introspection and the
It is a discontinuity, or a jarring disturbance, willingness to learn more about their
in our everyday life. fundamental nature, purpose and essence.
Life is not consistent. 39:42

If we do not face challenges, what is there to

Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle

(Five Stages of Grief)

Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle
(Five Stages of Grief)
Denial Avoidance,
confusion, elation,
shock, fear
Anger Frustration,
irritation, anxiety
Bargaining Struggling to find
meaning, reaching
out to other, telling
one’s story
Depression Overwhelmed,
hostility, flight
Opinion and Common Fallacies This arises when one infers that something is
true of the whole from the fact that it is true
of some part of the whole.
a statement of judgment of a person about
"This tire is made of rubber, therefore the
something in the world.
vehicle to which it is a part is also made of
a statement of judgment that is in need of rubber."
further justification.

This is an error in logic that occurs when
It is a group of statements that serve to one reasons that something that is true for a
support a conclusion. whole or a class must also be true of all or
some of its parts.
It is made up of a claim (the conclusion of
an argument) and premises (the reasons used "The Twelfth Grade in in General De Jesus
to support the conclusion). College eats a lot of ice cream. Carlos is a
12th grader in General De Jesus College.
Not all arguments are good arguments. Therefore, Carlos eats a lot of ice cream."

Fallacies Ad Hominem
We call fake arguments “fallacies”. (Attack the Person)
Fallacies are groups of statements that This occurs when an author attacks his
appear to be arguments, but fail to support opponent instead of his opponent’s
the conclusion. argument.
"Trina thinks guns should be outlawed but
Common Fallacies Trina doesn’t go to church, so we shouldn’t
listen to her."
Ad Baculum
(Appeal to Fear)
This occurs when one appeals to force or the
threat of force to bring about the acceptance
of a conclusion. Ad Populum
Threat =/= Argument (Bandwagon)
It attempts to prove an argument as correct This fallacy rests on the assumption that
simply because many people believe it to be there are only two possible solutions.
"The teacher gives too many 90’s and
"80% of people are for the death penalty, therefore must be fired because grade
therefore, the death penalty is moral." inflation is unfair to other students."

Ad Verecundiam Hasty Generalization

(Appeal to Authority) It occurs when the proponent uses too small
of a sample size to support a sweeping
The author claims his argument is right
because someone famous or powerful
supports it. "Sally couldn’t find any cute clothes at the
boutique and neither could Maura, so the
"We should change the drinking age because
boutique doesn’t have any cute clothes."
Einstein believed that 18 was the proper
drinking age."
Post Hoc
Petitio Principii (X follows Y. X is caused by Y.)
(Begging the Question) This fallacy assumes that correlation equals
This happens when the author’s premise and
conclusion say the same thing. "The chess team gets better grades than the
basketball team, therefore playing chess
"Fashion magazines don’t hurt women’s
makes you smarter than playing basketball."
self-esteem because women’s confidence is
intact after reading the magazine."

Spotlight Fallacy
It occurs when the author assumes that the Ignoratio Elenchi/Non Sequitur
cases that receive the most publicity are the
(Missing the Point)
most common cases.
It occurs when the premise of the argument
"90% of news reports talk about negative
supports a specific conclusion but not the
events. Therefore, it follows that 90% of
one the author draws.
events that occur in the real world are
negative." "Antidepressants are overly prescribed
which is dangerous, so they should clearly
be made illegal."
Fake/False Dichotomy
Straw Man Reductio ad absurdum
The author puts forth one of his opponent’s (Slippery Slope)
weaker, less central arguments forward and
In this fallacy, a party asserts that a
destroys it, while acting like this argument is
relatively small first step leads to a chain of
the crux of the issue.
related events culminating in some
"My opponent wants to increase teachers’ significant effect.
pay but studies have shown that professors
"If I loan you a peso today then you will
with tenure don’t work as hard at their job to
eventually ask me for one hundred pesos and
improve themselves."
then one million pesos. I do not want that to
happen, so I cannot give you the one-peso
Tu Quoque
(You Too)
Discussion technique that intends to
discredit the opponent's argument by
attacking the opponent's own personal
behavior and actions as being inconsistent
with their argument, therefore accusing
Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam (Appeal to
"Gee, Mom and Dad, how can you tell me Ignorance)
not to do drugs when you both smoke
cigarettes and drink alcohol?" Concluding that something is true since you
can't prove it is false.
Argumentum Ad Passiones
"God must exist, since no one can
(Appeal to Emotion) demonstrate that she does not exist."
This is characterized by the manipulation of
the recipient's emotions in order to win an
argument, especially in the absence of Ad Misericordiam
factual evidence. (Appeal to Pity)
"Power lines cause cancer. I met a little boy
with cancer who lived just 20 miles from a
power line who looked into my eyes and a fallacy in which someone tries to win
said, in his weak voice, “Please do whatever support for an argument or idea by
you can so that other kids won’t have to go exploiting one's opponent's feelings of pity
through what I am going through." or guilt. It is a specific kind of appeal to
Therefore, we must tear down all power emotion.
“Oh, come on, I've been sick. That's why I
missed the deadline.”

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