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Hi janice, wira, how are you guys today?

Hi! Im fine!

Hi guys! I felt pretty good these days

Farrel: well, i glad to hear that. So, we have been stress about the school test and others at
the end of this year, so i think We really need a short holiday!

Janice: yes! Ugh i think we really need a a vacation!

wira:Yes me too, but i dont really have a clue where we going to

Farrel: jen, how bout you search for it?

Janice: Okay, let me check on the internet real quick. Here I’ve found that there are 3
choices of vacation spots with beautiful views and many recommendations from tourists
who have been there.

Wira: okay what are those place?

Janice: The first one is called iguazu falls, the second one is colca canyon, and the last is
galapagos island

Farrel: okay so what makes the place unique

Janice: Well, if we go to Iguazu falls, we can see the largest view of the waterfall in the
world, and lots of beautiful scenery, if we go to Colca Canyon, we can see the Andean
condor, it is the largest bird in the world. And the last one is Galapagos Island, here we can
see penguins, sea birds. We can also see the beautiful sunset

wira :Actually, those places are really incredible for me! But i really interest about the
galapagos islands because i’ve never seen penguins before, so i want to see that

Farrel: yes i agree, and if we go there we also able to see the most cute tortoises and sea

Janice: noo, i think we have to go to iguazu falls! So personally i really love water, and
guyss.. Look at the scenery its more beautiful and duh its the largest waterfall in the world.

Wirra: i dont like waters..

Farrel: yeah, and apart from that, we need hiking to see the waterfalls and I couldn't go
hiking because my leg was injured.
wira: yup 2 versus 1

Janice: ugh okay okay, we go to the galapagos islands, but for your information this trip cost
a lot of money

Wira: i dont think this is a problem, because im rich duh

Farrel: yeah me too, i see no problem here

Janice: u guys silly. Okay.

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