English 031022

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Identify the sentence (a or b) that has the same meaning as the original sentence.

1. We must monitor this situation.

a. We have to observe this situation.
b. We must report on this situation.
2. Henrique lives in a rural district.
a. He lives in a big city.
b. He lives in the countryside.
3. Akiko is looking for a dependable car.
a. She wants a car that she can trust.
b. She wants a used car.
4. Is this your current address?
a. Is this where you live now?
b. Is this where you once lived?
5. Linda was thoroughly satisfied with the results of the experiment.
a. The results of the experiment were not very satisfying.
b. She was completely satisfied with the results.
6. Fatima decided to take the advanced course in calculus instead of the beginning class because she
wanted more of a challenge.
a. She thought that the beginning class would be too easy.
b. She thinks that the advanced class will be quite simple.

Changing the World with a Cell Phone

Ken Banks does not run health care programs in Africa. He also does not provide information to
farmers in El Salvador. However, his computer software is helping people do those things—and more.

Simple Solutions for Big Problems

Banks was working in South Africa in 2003 and 2004. He saw that there were many organizations in
Africa that were trying to help people. They were doing good work, but it was difficult for them to
communicate over great distances. They didn’t have much money, and many didn’t have Internet
access. But they did have cell phones.

Banks had an idea. He created some computer software called FrontlineSMS. “I wrote the software in
five weeks at a kitchen table,” Banks says. The software allows users to send information from
computers without using the Internet. It can work with any kind of computer. Users install the software
on a computer. Then they connect a cell phone to the computer. To send information, users select the
people they want to send it to and hit “send.” The cell phone sends the information as a text message
from the computer.

Solving Problems around the World

FrontlineSMS software is free. It can work with an inexpensive laptop. It works with old cell phones,
too. In fact, it can work almost anywhere in the world, even in places where electricity is not very
dependable. Today, people are using FrontlineSMS to send important information in more than 50

(A) For example, Nigerians used it to monitor their 2007 election. (B) In Malawi, a rural health care
program uses FrontlineSMS to contact patients. (C) As a result, workers no longer have to visit
patients’ homes to update medical records. (D) The program saves thousands of hours of doctor time
and thousands of dollars in fuel costs. In other parts of the world, such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Niger,
and El Salvador, farmers now receive the most current prices for their crops by cell phone. As a result,
the farmers can earn more money.
Making Ideas Reality
FrontlineSMS is an example of taking an idea and turning it into a successful reality. So, what should
you do if you have an idea for making the world a better place? Banks advises first researching your
idea thoroughly. Try to find out if your idea offers something that people really need. The best way to
do this kind of research is to go into the community and talk to people. Then take advantage of social
media tools such as blogs, he advises. They allow you to get your message out and connect with
people who have similar ideas.

Technology is not a solution by itself, but it’s a useful tool for solving many of the world’s great
challenges. Using today’s technology, Banks says, makes it faster and easier than ever to make the
world a better place.

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

7. The article implies that Ken Banks’s background is in _____.

a. agricultural science
b. medical research
c. software engineering
d. political science

8. The word “it” (underlined) in the 3rd paragraph refers to ____.

a. a computer
b. software
c. a cell phone
d. information

9. Which of these is NOT true about FrontlineSMS?

a. It took five weeks to develop.
b. It can be used with cell phones.
c. It is used with the Internet.
d. It is provided for free.

10. Where is the best place in the 5th paragraph (position A, B, C, or D) to add the following sentence?

Voters sent 10,000 texts to describe what was happening when they went to vote.

a. Position (A)
b. Position (B)
c. Position (C)
d. Position (D)

11. Which of these is NOT mentioned as a tip on how to research your ideas?

a. Approach banks for advice

b. Talk to people about what they need
c. Discuss with people in your community
d. Use social media such as blogs

Match the words with their definitions. One or more words will not be used.
a. imagine
b. remote
c. prosperity
d. transform
e. enrich
f. practical
g. empower
h. analyze
1. 19. to improve or make better; to add value – enrich
2. 20. to change; to alter - transform
3. 21. far away; distant; isolated - remote
4. 22. wealth; success - prosperity
5. 23. to give strength; to enable - empower
6. 24. to examine carefully - analyze

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