Agglika G-Gymnasiou Glossario

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Το παρόν αναπτύχθηκε στο πλαίσιο του έργου

«Ψηφιακή Εκπαιδευτική Πλατφόρμα, Διαδραστικά Βιβλία και Αποθετήριο Μαθησιακών Αντικειμένων»,

του Ε.Π. «Εκπαίδευση και Δια Βίου Μάθηση»
του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων (ΥΠΑΙΘ),
το οποίο συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο) και το Ελληνικό Δημόσιο
στo πλαίσιo του ΕΣΠΑ και υλοποιείται από το
Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών & Εκδόσεων «Διόφαντος» (ΙΤΥΕ).

Γλωσσάριο (Εκτυπώσιμη Μορφή)

Ελένη Αργυρίου, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Κατελής Βίγκλας, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Γεωργία Γύφτουλα, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Κατερίνα Μακρή, Ειδικός Ηλεκτρονικής Μάθησης
Σούζαν Μουτσουρούφη, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Αντιγόνη Μπρατσόλη, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Σοφία Μυσιρλάκη, Εκπαιδευτικός Πληροφορικής
Ομάδα ανάπτυξης Κατερίνα Νικολάκη, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Χρυσάνθη Σωτηρίου, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Μαίρη Φρέντζου, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής
Βασίλης Χαρτζουλάκης, Εκπαιδευτικός Αγγλικής

Ψηφιοποίηση: Ιωάννης Μπήτρος, Ηλεκτρολόγος Μηχανικός και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών

Συντονίστρια: Βασιλική Μητσικοπούλου, Αναπλήρωτρια Καθηγήτρια ΕΚΠΑ

Έκδοση/Ημερομηνία 1.0 / Απρίλιος 2013

Το παρόν διατίθεται στο κοινό για ελεύθερη χρήση, αναπαραγωγή, διανομή, παρουσίαση και
αξιοποίηση. Απαιτείται αναφορά του δημιουργού ή του χορηγού της άδειας. Δεν μπορεί να
χρησιμοποιηθεί για εμπορικούς σκοπούς. Εάν τροποποιηθεί ή δημιουργηθεί κάτι νέο βασισμένο σε αυτό,
αυτό που θα προκύψει θα μπορεί να διανεμηθεί μόνο με την ίδια ή παρόμοια άδεια (Creative Commons 3.0/CC BY - NC -SA

Οι δημιουργοί έχουν παραχωρήσει στο ΙΤΥΕ και το ΥΠΑΙΘ το δικαίωμα ελεύθερης χρήσης, αξιοποίησης και διάθεσης του
υλικού με ηλεκτρονικά και έντυπα μέσα, στην Ελλάδα και στο Εξωτερικό και για απεριόριστο χρονικό διάστημα. Οι
δημιουργοί εγγυώνται ότι το παρόν δεν προσβάλλει δικαιώματα τρίτων και δεν χρησιμοποιεί μελέτες ή προϊόντα τρίτων
χωρίς νόμιμη άδεια αυτών.
Unit 1 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms


It was a cold day, so when

saying yes; affirming,
affirmative (adj) he asked if I needed a ride, I assertive negative affirmatively
gave an affirmative answer.
to join with other people At age ten, some girls don't
associate (v) as friends or partners, want to associate
συνδέομαι with boys.
a way of feeling or When her attitude
attitude (n) thinking about toward school improved, view
something, στάση/άποψη her grades got better.
A pair of words linked by
binomial phrase a conjunction (usually "Loud and clear" is a
(phr) and) or a preposition, binomial phrase.
σύνθετη λέξη/φράση
Why don't you take a walk?
asking a question,
interrogative (adj) is an example of an interrogatively
interrogative sentence.
saying or meaning "no", He gave a negative answer negatively,
negative (adj) positive
αρνητικός/ή to the question. negativity
to read or look at
something for a short I scanned the newspaper
scan (v) survey scannable
time, σαρώνω/διαβάζω for the weather report.
Lesson 1
She was absolutely
totally; Completely, completely
absolutely (adv) exhausted by the end of the
εντελώς totally
to have enough money
afford (v) for; be able to pay for, I can’t afford a new car. affordable
αντέχω οικονομικά
a light or gentle wind, A breeze feels nice on a hot
breeze (n) breezeless
αύρα summer day.
Many people would rather
energetic activity, hustle, quiet, bustling,
bustle (n) avoid the bustle of a big
φασαρία rush stillness bustlingly
an interesting or difficult English spelling is a
challenge (n) problem challenger
problem, πρόκληση challenge for anyone.
attention or thought A teacher should give some
consideration (n) given with care, consideration to the
θεώρηση/σκέψη problems of each student.
a part or quality of
The best feature of that part,
feature (n) something,
house is the large kitchen. quality
a sudden, strong flow of
water that covers land Our house was destroyed in
flood (n)
and causes damage, the flood.
having a coat of fur,
furry (adj) A bear is a furry animal.
a person whose job is to
watch out for danger or There were guards around
guard (n) defender
protect property, the president’s house.

Unit 1 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

(informal) to spend a lot
of time at a place with no The kids hang out on the
hang out (phr)
particular purpose, street corner.
περνάω ώρα
fast or busy activity, We felt lost in the hustle
hustle (n)
φασαρία and bustle of the market.
The people stood in line to
one by one; one at a
individually (adv) greet the Queen together
time, ατομικά
The inhabitants of this
someone who lives in a
inhabitant (n) island have little contact
place; resident, κάτοικος
with the rest of the world.
to have a plan in your
I intend to leave early in the
intend (v) mind to do something;
plan, σκοπεύω
The photograph justified his defend,
to show to be true or
Justify (v) claim that he had met the demonstrate justified
right; prove, δικαιολογώ
president. prove
to pass time idly, to have
Students like to laze away
laze (v) nothing to do, idle
the summer.
beautiful, powerful or
The Taj Mahal is a majestic mighty,
majestic (adj) causing great admiration modest majestically
building. noble,
and respect, φανταστικό
the way something is
The names are listed in
order (n) organized or arranged in position disorder
alphabetical order.
space or time, σειρά
a feature that makes a
Maria has many good feature,
quality (n) person or thing what it is,
qualities. point
to act or go fast; hurry, Don’t rush when you are
rush (v) hurry,
βιάζομαι driving a car.
something that a person We saw many beautiful
sight (n)
sees, θέα sights on our trip.
a specific point or
There are some similarities
similarity (n) instance of being similar, difference
between lions and tigers.
correct for the situation I want to buy them a suitably,
suitable (adj) or purpose; appropriate, suitable gift for their new suitability,
proper, right
κατάλληλος house. suitableness
the collecting of
They took a survey
information on a
of women over forty for
survey (n) particular subject from a
their opinions of the new
small part of the public,
a special suit of clothing People who work in that
uniform (n) worn by all members of a restaurant have to wear a
particular group, στολή uniform.
a stream of water that
The Niagara Falls is a fall, falls,
waterfall (n) falls from a higher place;
majestic waterfall. torrent
cascade, καταρράκτης
Lesson 2

to give something good She is blessed with musical blessed,

bless (v)
to someone, ευλογώ talent. blessing

Unit 1 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

It is a chilly day for chill, cold,
chilly (adj) cold, παγωμένος warm
swimming. cool, raw
The editor told the reporter
the act or process of
that the story needed
confirmation (n) confirming or proving,
confirmation before it
could be published.
a talk given in front of an The professor gave a
lecture (n) talk
audience, διάλεξη lecture to his class.
place or position, I marked the location of my
location (n) position,
τοποθεσία house on the map.
site, spot
having to do with The choir sings sacred sacredly,
sacred (adj) divine, holy
religion, ιερός music in church. sacredness
to move with very quick,
She began to shake
shake (v) small motions, shiver
because she was cold.
a thing that is made up of
different parts that are That new hotel is an
structure (n)
connected in a particular interesting structure.
way, κατασκευή
having little or no taste or appetizing, tastelessly,
tasteless (adj) She cooks tasteless meals. flavourless
3lavor, άγευστο tasty tastelessness
Most Greeks know only the
a section of a song or
verse (n) first verse of Solomos’
poem, στίχος
poem “Hymn to Liberty”.
a thing or event that
This huge, beautiful cave is
wonder (n) causes admiration or
a natural wonder.
surprise, θαύμα
Lesson 3
a sore redness of the skin
caused by staying in the I got sunburn because I fell
sunburn (n)
sun too long, έγκαυμα asleep on the beach.
από τον ήλιο
dark colour of the skin as
I got an excellent suntan
suntan (n) a result of being in the suntanned
during my holidays.
sun, μαύρισμα
a building or place where
The temple of Haghia
temple (n) gods and goddesses are
Sophia is really majestic.
worshiped, ναός
the beliefs and ways of
doing things that are Many people celebrate
tradition (n) passed down from holidays by carrying out old
parents to children, family traditions.


Sarah is a bit behind the

behind the times old-fashioned,
times. Her clothes are quite
(phr) παλιομοδίτικος
You can put that heavy box
for the time just for now; for a short
on the table for the time
being (phr) time only, προς το παρόν

Unit 1 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

Time and again I have had
time and again to remind my son to study
very often, συχνά repeatedly
(phr) before going out with his

Unit 2 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms


a thick piece of any She gave him a chunk of

chunk (n)
material, κομμάτι cheese to snack on.
to battle or struggle
He is fighting the champion
fight (v) against someone or battle
something, μάχη
in ancient Rome, a man
who fought another man,
“Gladiator” is a historical,
usually until one of them
gladiator (n) epic film starring Russell
died, for public
The team earned glory after
great honor, praise, or fame,
glory (n) winning the world
fame, δόξα honour
to make a guess based on I inferred from the books
infer (v) facts and observations; on his shelf that he enjoyed conclude
conclude, συμπεραίνω reading adventure stories.
Lesson 1
a performance that tests
the ability of an actor, The actor had an audition
audition (n)
musician, or dancer, for a part in the play.
opportunity; possibility, I would like the chance to
chance (n) opportunity
ευκαιρία travel someday.
a group of people who
live close together or who Education is important to
community (n)
have the same interests, the immigrant community.
My youngest child has
a general idea or thought, idea,
concept (n) difficulty learning new
αντίληψη/ιδέα thought
Asking him for money was
daft (adj) silly or foolish, χαζός mad, sensible
a fairly daft thing to do.
to try to get someone to
He dared me to jump into
dare (v) do something as a test of challenge
the river.
courage, τολμώ
We determined the date decide, set,
determine (v) to decide or set, ορίζω
for our wedding. settle
physical or mental
Let's make one more effort
activity needed to
effort (n) to finish this work before attempt
achieve something,
we go home.
the condition of being The exposure of pale skin to
exposure (n) open to weather or to a the sun can cause it to
substance, έκθεση burn.
being known by many He gained fame as an actor
fame (n) glory
people, φήμη after his last big movie.
to direct your attention She couldn't focus on her
focus (v) concentrate
to something, εστιάζω work with all the noise.
a large amount of money
She made her fortune treasure,
fortune (n) or wealth,
buying and selling land. wealth

Unit 2 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

The mayor spoke with
any strong feeling or
passion (n) passion about poverty in apathy
emotion, πάθος
the city.
to practice for a show,
Let's rehearse those dance
rehearse (v) play, concert, or other practise
steps one more time.
performance, προβάρω
to refuse to accept,
reject (v) approve, or believe, She rejected the job offer. refuse accept
showing admiration for "We're so pleased to meet
respectful (adj) someone or something; you," he said in a respectful disrespectful respectfully
being polite, σεβάσμιος tone of voice.
your mother's new
She loves her stepfather as
stepfather (n) husband, not your natural
if he were her real dad.
father, πατριός
to attach one thing to
I stuck the two pieces of attach,
stick (v) another with something
paper together with tape. fasten, glue
sticky, κολλάω
to help during a time of She supported me when I
support (v) comfort
trouble, στηρίζω was ill.
He is going to have surgery
an operation done by a
surgery (n) for the torn muscle in his operation
surgeon, εγχείρηση
to rearrange a scrambled
They hired a detective to
unscramble (v) message so that it can be
unscramble the mystery.
understood, ξεδιαλύνω
Lesson 2
having a strong desire to
Carlos is an ambitious
reach a goal or have
ambitious (adj) young man who plans to competitive ambition
success in general,
become a doctor.
Many businesses fail
the process of trying to
competition (n) because of too much
win, διαγωνισμός
to have to do with This matter is between your
concern (v) something; be connected father and me. It does not affect
with something, αφορώ concern you.

an ending or result, The conclusion of the book

conclusion (n) beginning
συμπέρασμα was a surprise.

having trust or faith; sure certain,

We are confident that our
confident (adj) that something will positive, confidently
team will win.
happen, έμπιστος sure
The store displayed cards
display (v) to show, επιδεικνύω exhibit
on a rack.
besides; in addition; Smoking is an expensive
furthermore (adv) moreover, περαιτέρω, habit; furthermore, it's bad
επι πλέον for you.
to give an opinion
without enough Can you guess how many
guess (v)
information to be certain, pennies are in this jar?
There is a stong link
anything that joins or bond,
link (n) between Greece and
connects, σύνδεσμος connection
Unit 2 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

the way the land looks in We enjoyed the scenery
scenery (n) view
a particular place, τοπίο around the lake.
He is so sociable that he is
comfortable and pleasant friendly,
the first person everyone
sociable (adj) in social situations, outgoing, antisocial
calls when they have a
κονωνικός pleasant,
My son is afraid of those
tough (adj) hard to control, σκληρός tough kids in the rough
to make less comfortable;
upset (v) Their complaints upset her. trouble
hurt, αναστατώνω

Lesson 3

a person whose job is to The editor made few

editor (n) read and correct pieces of changes to the author's
writing, συντάκτης new book.
an article in a newspaper,
or a statement on
The newspaper printed an
editorial (n) television, that gives a
editorial against the war.
personal opinion, άρθρο
a small group of people
chosen to publicly The dancers were judged
panel (n)
discuss their opinions, by a panel of experts.
to present for the
He performed a song that
perform (v) entertainment of an play performer
he wrote himself.
audience, εκτελώ
to cause someone to do
something through His wife persuaded him to
persuade (v) convince
reasoning or arguing, look for a better job.
to make something, Our company produces
produce (v)
παράγω parts for computers.
That factory began
making or producing,
production (n) production of automobiles
eighty years ago.
a subject of discussion, The teacher gave the
topic (n) conversation, or writing, students a choice of topics subject
θέμα to write about.

Unit 3 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

I will need additional
additional (adj) more; added, πρόσθετος furniture for the living additionally
the set of rules that The law is very
law (n) people in a society must complicated. Lawyers must constitution
follow, νόμος study for many years.
the material that has
Could you wipe up that
spill (n) flowed or fallen from a
spill, please?
container, λεκές
something that makes
you suddenly excited or It was a thrill to meet the
thrill (n) thrilling
happy, συγκίνηση, president.
Lesson 1
to make something go The driver accelerated the
accelerate (v) slow
faster, επιταχύνω car.
to come or move
advance (v) The car advanced ten feet. come, go
forward, προχωρώ
measure; quantity, He put a small amount of portion,
amount (n)
ποσότητα butter on his bread. quantity
knowing or being
I wasn't even aware that he
aware (adj) conscious, έχω την awareness
was ill.
to arrange for something
ahead of time so that it is I booked a table at your
book (v) reserve
saved for you, κάνω favourite restaurant.
a device used to slow or
You should have the brakes
stop the motion of a
brake (n) on your car inspected every
vehicle or machine,
to examine things in a
slow and casual way, I'm just browsing, not window
browse (v) browser
ψάχνω σε σύνολο shopping. shopping
the heavy bar on the
A bumper protects a
bumper (n) front and back of a
vehicle from damage.
vehicle, προφυλακτήρας
a thick, strong rope made Some bridges hang from line,
cable (n)
of steel, σύρμα heavy cables. rope
a merry-go-round, The carousel is my son's
carrousel (n)
αλογάκια του λούνα πάρκ favourite ride.
forced or moving
The centrifugal force threw
outward from a center
centrifugal (adj) him off his bicycle when
point or axis,
taking that turning.
having almost no way to The people in the burning
desperate (adj) escape or solve, building were in a critical
απεγνωσμένος desperate situation.
having a feeling of
spinning around and The ride at the amusement
dizzy (adj) faint dizziness
being about to fall, park made him dizzy.

Unit 3 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a ride at an amusement
park made of a very large The biggest Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel (n) wheel with seats hanging that I have seen is in
from the rim, τροχός του Austria.
λούνα πάρκ
writing that tells a story She enjoys reading about
fiction (n) from an author's facts, but I enjoy reading
imagination, μυθοπλασία fiction.
to move in a smooth,
flow (v) The river flows to the sea. run flowing
steady stream, ρέω
power, energy, or The force of the wind might,
force (n)
physical strength, δύναμη knocked down the trees. power,
the distance from the The height of that building
height (n) altitude
bottom to the top, ύψος is one hundred feet.
It's a good thing to book
in advance (adv) before or early, από πριν beforehand
rooms in advance.
to become larger or more Her salary increased last decrease,
increase (v) grow increasingly
in number, αυξάνω year. shrink
Due to the summer heat
lack of interest, not
and empoyee inertia, not
inertia (n) wanting to do anything,
much progress was made
on the building.
to respond to one It is interesing to observe
interact (v) another in a social how young children relate interactive
situation, αλληλεπιδρώ interact together.
Windmills are used to
kinetic (adj) motion, κινητικός harness the kinetic energy motive kinetically
of the wind.
a joint of a finger, The ring will not fit over his
knuckle (n)
άρθρωση δακτύλων knuckle.
the rounded shape made
when a piece of string or The end of the rope was
loop (n)
rope curves back and tied into a loop.
crosses itself, θηλειά
the act of moving or The motion of the boat
motion (n) motionless
changing places, κίνηση made me seasick.
a certain skill that may be He has the potential to be a aptitude,
potential (n)
developed, δυναμικό great dancer. capacity
to be carried by a vehicle We rode on donkeys as no
ride (v) or animal, βόλτα με cars were allowed on the
όχημα ή ζώο island.
an amusement park ride
The roller coaster in this
in which a train of open
park is so exciting that
roller coaster (n) cars rides up and down a
there is always a long
winding track, τρενάκι
queue for the ride.
του λούνα πάρκ
When you turn the fan on,
spin (v) to turn fast, γυρίζω roll
the blades start to spin.
The old house was in a bad
the condition of a person
state (n) state after the terrible condition
or thing, κατάσταση

Unit 3 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to move or cause to move
backward and forward
swing (v) He swung the door open.
around a point,
to be likely to feel or act
tend (v) He tends to be shy. incline tendency
in a certain way, τείνω
likely to feel or act in a Babies have a tendency to
tendency (n) inclination
certain way, τάση cry when they're hungry.
to move to a leaning She tipped the bowl to get
tip (v)
position, γέρνω the last drops of soup.
not firm but likely to fall
or change position He's been eating an
unbalanced (adj) balanced
suddenly, μη unbalanced diet.
being the only one of its Everyone's fingerprints are
unique (adj) uniqueness
type, μοναδικός unique.
We saw the film version of
a particular form of
version (n) the story after we read the
something, εκδοχή
straight up and down;
vertical (adj) His shirt has vertical stripes. upright horizontal vertically
upright, κάθετος
not being true or real, but
The world in computer
seeming to be, or having actual,
virtual (adj) games is a virtual world,
the same result as if true real
(Virtual reality).
or real, εικονικός
Lesson 2
an outdoor place with
The ride that I like most in
amusement park games, rides, and other
an amusement park is the
(n) forms of entertainment,
big wheel.
λούνα πάρκ
the quality of not feeling Firefighters often show courage,
Bravery (n)
fear; courage, ανδρεία great bravery. daring
He tries to coordinate the
to arrange to work well
coordinate (v) colours of his jeans and match coordinator
together, συντονίζω
Tina got a discount on the
a reduction in the usual
discount (n) dress because there was a
price, έκπτωση
mark on it.
to cause fear in someone;
The fierce dog frightened frightening,
Frighten (v) to make someone afraid, scare
the children. frighteningly
sincere; felt to be true, He gave me an honest
honest (adj) right dishonest
τίμιος answer to my question.
to find and kill animals for Uncle Dan likes to hunt hunter,
hunt (v)
food or sport, κυνηγώ deer. hunting
a block of soft material
Football players wear
Pad (n) used for protection or
shoulder pads.
comfort, μαξιλαράκι
I was scared stiff when I
extremely scared,
Scared stiff (phr) saw the shark so close to

Unit 3 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a piece of paper, metal,
or plastic on which there
All clothes in the shop have
tag (n) is information, fixed onto label
a price tag.
something larger,
expected to take care of
Don’t blame me. I am
particular things or to
responsible (adj) not responsible for taking irresponsible responsibly
perform certain duties,
care of the dog.
a drawing or painting that The artist made a sketch of
was done in a hurry or the same bull several times draft,
sketch (n)
without detail, to prepare for his greatest drawing
σκίτσο/πρόχειρο σχέδιο painting.
Self – Evaluation

increasing speed, This motorcycle has faster

acceleration (n)
επιτάχυνση acceleration than that one.
always doing something; My grandfather is very
active (adj) busy; full of energy, active even though he is actively
ενεργός/δραστήριος old.
having the same value,
The two sisters are of equal
equal (adj) measure, or amount as same different
something else, ίσος
grander or more special Come as you are to the
fancy (adj) than average, party; there’s no need to plain
εντυπωσιακός wear anything fancy.
The company allows
not formal in appearance
employees to wear
informal (adj) or language, casual formal informally
informal clothing to the
office on Fridays.
a body of matter that has He took a mass of clay and
mass (n)
no form, μάζα made it into a pot.
A record of our tax
a written account, journal,
record (n) payments is kept at city
εγγραφή log,

Unit 4 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

Lesson 1

The alert driver saw the

quick to notice and act,
alert (adj) child in the road and quick alertness
σε εγρήγορση
quickly stopped the car.
a movie, concert, or other The newspaper listed the
attraction (n) event that many people attractions coming to the
want to see, θέαμα theatre.
a graph that shows
rectangles with lengths
This bar chart shows which
that correspond to
computer games are the
bar chart (n) numbers as a visual way
most popular with
of comparing the
numbers, πίνακας με
a decision that you make
It was hard to make the
choice (n) about something you
right choice.
want, επιλογή
sticking together; closely
They have formed a
cohesive (adj) united; cohering,
cohesive team.
the exchange of Reading and writing are
communication conversation
messages, information, or important forms of
(n) expression
ideas, επικοινωνία communication.
involving or relating to
computers, especially the
A chat room is a place
Internet, κυβερνο- (για
cyber- (pref) where people get together
φανταστικό περιβάλλον
and talk in cyberspace.
σπό τον κόσμο των
a small tool or device
This gadget cuts vegetables
gadget (n) with a clever design or device
into fancy shapes.
unusual use, συσκευή
things to buy and sell, Factories produce goods,
goods (n) merchandise
προϊόντα and stores sell them.
to find out who someone
She identified him as the
identify (v) is or what something is,
a person whose work is He would like to work as a
journalist (n) journalism, journalist on a newspaper reporter
δημοσιογράφος or a TV channel.
the words written next to
a picture or map that I like reading the photo
legend (n) key
explain what it is about, legends in this magazine.
Sam mentioned that he was
to speak about something note, refer
mention (v) going away for the
in a few words, αναφέρω to
a system of people or He has a network of friends
network (n) things that are whom he has known since system
connected, δίκτυο he was young.
an activity that makes the
Drawing is my favourite
pastime (n) time pass in a pleasant hobby
way, χόμπυ
very quick or fast, The police made a rapid
rapid (adj) fast, quick slow rapidly
γρήγορος response to the emergency.

Unit 4 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a part that is different or
I like living in this section of district,
section (n) apart from the whole,
the city. part,
unwanted email, usually
When I checked my e-mail,
spam (n) I saw that it was mostly
Lesson 2
the amount of money you
How much money is in
account (n) have in a bank,
your bank account?
the typical actions of a
Crying a lot is normal
behaviour (n) person, animal, thing, or conduct
behaviour for babies.
group, συμπεριφορά
to heat a liquid until it You should boil the water
boil (v) starts to turn into a gas, before you pour it over the
βράζω tea leaves.
one of the main parts of a The last chapter of this
chapter (n)
book, κεφάλαιο novel is the most exciting.
I met my mother's
the person you work associate,
colleague (n) colleagues when she took
with, συνάδελφος co-worker
me to her office.
World geography is my
an area of knowledge,
domain (n) domain, but I do know area
interest, or activity, πεδίο
something about history.
the length of time that He planned a stay of two
duration (n) time
something lasts, διάρκεια months' duration.
to start a company or
organization that will He established a new
establish (v) create,
continue for a long time, business last year.
He is in the habit of
a regular action or
habit (n) washing the dishes right
activity, συνήθεια
after dinner.
about to arrive or having What are the main issues
incoming (adj) outgoing
just arrived, εισερχόμενος for the incoming president?
a piece of paper which
There are two girls handing
gives you information or
leaflet (n) out leaflets for the new
advertises something,
language school.
leaving a place, The outgoing flights were
outgoing (adj) departing
εξερχόμενος delayed by the storm.
a circle which is divided
from its centre into
several parts to show This pie chart clearly shows
pie chart (n) how a total amount is how many people can
divided up, είδος afford an expensive car.
στρογγυλού γραφήματος
(σαν πίτα)
related to what is being His comment about cooking
relevant (adj) discussed or is presently was not relevant to our irrelevant relevance
to the
important, σχετικός discussion about sports.
(informal) a person who
My brother is a wizard at
wizard (n) has amazing skill at
fixing cars.
something, μάγος
Unit 4 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

Lesson 3
a number or other
symbol in writing that is
The salary he gets every
not a letter of the
figure (n) month is a 5- figure
alphabet, Some examples
of figures are "3" and
"&," αριθμός
to show the meaning of
something using He illustrated the children's
illustrate (v) examples or pictures, book with pictures of illustration
παραδειγματίζω, dinosaurs.
the start or cause of Having too little money was cause,
source (n)
something, πηγή the source of his problem. origin
having a practical use or A dictionary is a useful convenient, usefully,
useful (adj) useless
purpose, χρήσιμος book. handy usefulness

Self - Evaluation
The company provides the
to give what is needed;
provide (v) workers with uniforms and give
supply, παρέχω
necessary tools.
to happen because of The accident resulted when
result (v) something, απορρέω, the driver fell asleep while
προκύπτω, επακολουθώ driving.

Unit 5 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to come from a particular
source; originate (usually The English word "virtue"
derive (v) originate
followed by "from"), derives from Latin.
Working in a supermarket is
being very intelligent,
intellectual (adj) not a very intellectually intelligent stupid intellect
stimulating job.
a story, person, or thing
Her story about seeing an
myth (n) that has been made up fiction
alien spacecraft is a myth.
and is not real, μύθος
having to do with church
spiritual (adj) He writes spiritual music. religious spirituality
or religion, πνευματικός
The value of that car is
the worth or importance
value (n) estimated at around five worth
of something, αξία
thousand dollars.

Lesson 1

moving or floating
After the storm the boat
adrift (adj) without being steered;
was adrift at sea for days.
drifting, περιφερόμενος
A chariot was pulled by
a vehicle with two wheels
horses and it was used in
chariot (n) used in ancient times,
wars, races, and other
public events.
to follow with the
The police chased the
chase (v) purpose of catching; run run after
person down the street.
after, κυνηγώ
the culture of a particular
The civilization along the
society that has reached
civilization (n) Nile River in Ancient Egypt culture
an advanced level,
is one of the world's oldest.
something that must Being a citizen is a
condition (n) happen before something condition for being able to necessity
else, συνθήκη vote.
Her stomach pain was a conclusion,
what follows; the result,
consequence (n) consequence of eating too effect,
much. result
You can see he is an egotist
a self-centered person; egocentric,
egotist (n) by the way he stresses the
egoist, εγωιστής egoist
word "I".
having very bad character The evil leader killed
evil (adj) good
or behavior, κακός thousands of his people.
a person's luck, or the
results of experiences I had my fortune told by an
fortune (n) fate
during a person's life, old gypsy.
a mammal with rough People keep goats for their
goat (n)
hair and horns, κατσίκα milk and meat.
Midas was a king so greedy
having a very strong
that he wished that
greedy (adj) desire for more money or greediness
everything he touched
things, άπληστος
would turn to gold.
a tool with a heavy metal A hammer is used to hit
hammer (n)
head on a handle, σφυρί things such as nails.

Unit 5 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a place that some people
believe exists, where He is such a good person
heaven (n) God or gods live, and that heaven's gates will be
where people go after open for him when he dies.
they die, παράδεισος
natural electricity
produced in clouds and Lightning usually occurs
lightning (n) appearing as a bright during summer
flash of light in the sky, thunderstorms.
a young woman or girl Maiden girls were made
maiden (n) who is not married, priestesses in ancient
ανύπαντρη κόρη temples.
not living forever; having
mortal (adj) All beings are mortal. immortal mortality
to die some day, θνητός
in ancient Greece, a
female priest who gave The oracle of Delphi is the
oracle (n) people wise but often most famous one in ancient
mysterious advice from a Greece.
god, μάντισσα
His ordinary way of doing normal,
usual or normal, peculiar,
ordinary (adj) things is to be slow and regular,
κοινότυπος special,
careful. usual
a tendency to become
temper (n) Try to control your temper.
angry fast, θυμός, νεύρα
the loud noise you
sometimes hear during a My children are afraid of
thunder (n)
violent rain storm, thunder and lightning.
a storm with thunder,
We ran for shelter during
thunderstorm (n) lightning, rain, and wind,
the thunderstorm.
καταιγίδα με αστραπές
to bring together for a The president united the
unite (v) divide
common purpose, ενώνω people.
a personal problem; Spending too much money flaw,
weakness (n)
defect, αδυναμία was his biggest weakness. shortcoming

Lesson 2
to ask for a certain
amount of money as the That restaurant charges a
charge (v)
price of something, dollar for a cup of coffee.
the system of basic laws Members of the new
constitution (n) that govern a nation, government wrote a new law
σύνταγμα constitution for the nation.
a raised, flat surface that
The boats are tied up at the
dock (n) is built out into the water,
a pipe, through which The drain in the kitchen
Drain (n) pipe, tube
water flows, αποχέτευση sink is blocked.
to give hope or courage
to someone; give His parents encouraged him
encourage (v)
confidence or support, to play sports.

Unit 5 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a bet on football games He won a lot of money on
Football pools (n)
results, προ-πο the football pools.
the head of an
The headmaster asked all
elementary or secondary
Headmaster (n) students to be on time for
school, διευθυντής
to put into position and
She had a new refrigerator
Install (v) make ready for use,
installed in the kitchen.
not able to be seen,
Invisible (adj) Air is invisible. visible
She does not have much
freedom from work; free
leisure (n) leisure since she started her work
time, ελεύθερος χρόνος
new job.
A mature oak tree is very
mature (adj) grown in full, ώριμος adult young
the head of government After the elections, we will
mayor (n) in a village, town, or city, have a new mayor in the
δήμαρχος city.
the office, authority,
Greece has 52 prefectures
territory, or official
prefecture (n) and Attica is the most
residence of a prefect,
populated one.
the chief minister and
The Prime Minister is the
head of a government in
Prime minister (n) head of the cabinet and he
is the leader of the country.
a piece of information or
a story passed from one
It is only a rumour that the hearsay,
rumour (n) person to another
store is closing. talk
without any proof that it
is true, φήμη
very hard, difficult, or
The prison had severe harsh,
severe (adj) strong, gentle severely
rules. strict
The city is looking for
an answer to a problem
solution (n) solutions to the problem of answer
or a way to fix it, λύση
to make known to many Please spread the news
spread (v)
people, εξαπλώνω about the meeting.
considered to have great
valuable (adj) worth or importance, She is a valuable friend. useless
Lesson 3
the place to which a After a five-hour flight, the
destination (n) person is going, tourists reached their
προορισμός destination.
gaze (v) to look steadily, ατενίζω He gazed into my eyes. stare
only as indicated; simply, He is merely an employee
merely (adv) just, purely
απλά and not the manager.
halfway between; in the The two boats met at the
midway (adj) middle
middle, στη μέση midway point of the river.

Unit 5 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

the things that people do
to relax or have fun when Taking a yoga class is her amusement recreational,
recreation (n)
they are not working, favorite form of recreation. play, playing recreationally
a place where people go
to relax and have fun My family went to a
resort (n)
while on vacation, tropical resort this winter.
a holy or sacred place, The service will take place
sanctuary (n) shrine
ιερό, ναό in the church sanctuary.

Self - Evaluation
a type of hat that covers
the ears and is tied under
She wears a bonnet on
bonnet (n) the chin, worn by babies
special occasions.
or, especially in the past,
by women, σκουφάκι
I try to do at least one good
deed (n) an act or action, πράξη action,
deed daily.
to move something The heavy suitcase was pick up,
lift (v) lower
upward; raise, σηκώνω hard to lift off the floor. raise
a long upright pole that
rises from the bottom of
The masts of old ships were
mast (n) a sailboat to support the
made of heavy tree trunks.
sails and lines,
a long, round post or stick
made of metal, wood, or The flag flew from the top
pole (n) rod
some other material, of the pole.
to say ahead of time that
The general predicted an
predict (v) something will happen, expect
easy victory.
any question, problem,
How our dog found us
person, or thing that is mystery,
riddle (n) hundreds of miles from
difficult to figure out, puzzle
home is a riddle.

Unit 6 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

Lesson 1
happening once every The state fair is an annual
annual (adj) annually
year, ετήσιος event.
a large fire built outside
Last summer, bonfires
for celebration or
bonfire (n) destroyed most of the
warmth, μεγάλη φωτιά
forests on this island.
a long handle with a People use brooms for
broom (n) brush on one end, sweeping dirt away from
σκούπα floors.
to form or write by She carves horses out of
carve (v)
cutting, σμιλεύω wood.
a long, loose, outer Zorro and Superman are
cloak (n) garment without sleeves, famous characters wearing cape
μανδύας/μπέρτα long cloaks.
strange or unnatural and Dracula is a creepy
making you feel character; no wonder so
creepy (adj)
frightened, many people are scared by
ανατριχιαστικός his appearance.
a way of acting that is
Shaking hands when you
usual or accepted for a
custom (n) meet someone is a
person or a social group,
common custom in Europe.
to give in order to help a
We donated cans of food to
donate (v) charity or other group, contribute donator
a charity for the homeless.
to involve yourself in
You should engage yourself
engage (v) something; to take part participate
in a worthwhile cause.
in, εμπλέκομαι
the entire group of
People of my
people who were born
generation (n) grandmother's generation
around the same time,
did not have television.
to make a long, loud, sad
The wolf howled at the
howl (v) sound like a wolf or dog, cry, wail
groups of people moving
We love to hear the music
down a public street
parade (n) and watch the marching
together to celebrate
bands in the parade.
something, παρέλαση
to behave as if something
My son pretended to be
is true when you know
pretend (v) sick to stay home from
that it is not,
a large, round, orange
In the USA they make
fruit that has a thick pulp
pumpkin (n) lanterns out of big pumkins
inside that can be eaten,
for Halloween.
a being that is not real
He believes that evil spirits
spirit (n) and not of this world, soul
live in that cave.
eerie and mysterious;
Children listen to spooky
spooky (adj) weirdly disturbing,
stories at Halloween.
anything considered as a
Chocolate is his favourite
treat (n) source of pleasure,

Unit 6 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to act toward someone or
The management treats the
treat (v) something in a particular
employees fairly.
way, μεταχειρίζομαι
not wanted or liked;
unattractive, This drug might have disagreeable
undesirable (adj) desirable, undesirably
unfavourable, undesirable side effects. unattractive
a woman who is believed Witches are more often
witch (n) to have magic powers, thought to do evil things
μάγισσα than good things.
Lesson 2
a vehicle with no engine Before cars were invented,
carriage (n) for carrying people, many people traveled in
άμαξα carriages pulled by horses.
People use cellars for
a room that is built under
cellar (n) storing things, especially
the ground, κελάρι
bottles and barrels of wine.
a model that represents a
An effigy of Guy Fawkes is
hated person which is
effigy (n) burnt every November 5th
hung or burnt in a public
all around the UK.
place, ομοίωμα
a mistake in thought or
I corrected the errors on
error (n) action; something that is mistake
my math test.
wrong, λάθος
containing facts; true, It turned out that the story
factual (adj) true fact
πραγματικός was not factual.
the root of a tropical
plant, used as a spice to Ginger is often used in
ginger (n)
flavor food, τζίτζερ, Asian cooking.
a black powder that
Gunpowder is used in firing
gunpowder (n) explodes when touched
by fire, μπαρούτι
People cook oatmeal with
a dried food made from
oatmeal (n) water and eat it for
oats, αλεύρι βρώμης
to tell someone to do
something in an
The police ordered demand,
order (v) authoritative way; give a
everyone to leave the area. tell
command to someone,
δίνω εντολή
a group of people who
The Greek parliament
parliament (n) make the laws for a congress
consists of 300 members.
country, κοινοβούλιο
a secret plan that has an
The robbers formed a plot
plot (n) illegal or dangerous
to steal the painting.
purpose, δολοπλοκία
a line or group of people
The wedding procession
or vehicles moving parade,
procession (n) made its way down the
forward in a formal, train
orderly way, πομπή
She likes to eat raw
raw (adj) not cooked, ωμό
to pay money to use We rent our apartment. We
rent (v)
something, νοικιάζω don't own it.

Unit 6 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to cause to flow or fall She spilled the coffee all
spill (v)
from a container, χύνω over her dress.
able to attach to
Glue, honey, and paste are
sticky (adj) something when adhesive
touched, κολλώδης
Straw is used to feed
dried stems of certain
straw (n) animals and to make things
grain plants, άχυρο
such as baskets.
the intentional causing of Some governments use
great physical or torture as a means to find
torture (n)
emotional pain to a out the secrets of their
person, βασανιστήριο enemies.
molasses, or a light-
colored blend of She licked the sticky treacle
treacle (n)
molasses, sugar, and corn off the spoon.
syrup, μελάσα
Wheat is used in making
the grain from which we
wheat (n) flour for bread and other
make bread, σιτάρι
Lesson 3
The children loved the
a showy ornament of
glittery baubles that their
bauble (n) little value, στολίδι
grandmother brought out
(μικρής αξίας)
at Christmas time.
having to do with trade or The commercial part of
commercial (adj)
business, εμπορικός town has many stores.
exceeding the bounds of
The lawyer charged an
what is reasonable, fair,
exhorbitant (adj) exorbitant fee for his excessive reasonable
or proper; immoderate,
amazing, almost He told us about the
fabulous (adj) impossible to believe, fabulous birds he had seen incredible
υπέροχος in South America.
including, involving, or
representing several
multi-racial (adj) This is a multi-racial school.
racial groups,
strips or sheets of foil or
other shiny material used The Christmas tree looks
tinsel (n) as a decoration, really beautiful with the
γυαλιστερές balls and tinsel.
Self - Evaluation
a large round container
with a flat top and
barrel (n) They store wine in barrels.
bottom that is used to
keep liquids, βαρέλι
a long seat, often made
Let's sit on this bench and
bench (n) of wood and without a
look at the lake.
back, παγκάκι
an amount of money or
property which a The bride's father offered a
dowry (n) woman's parents give to house and thousand dollars
the man she marries, as a dowry.
Unit 6 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a kind of lamp that is
made of a material
He uses a kerosene lantern
lantern (n) through which a light can light
when he is camping.
shine and be protected,
a narrow strip or band of
I wrapped the gift in pretty
material used as
ribbon (n) paper and tied a yellow
decoration for hair or
ribbon around the outside.
gifts, κορδέλα
He has always been a
one who supports a
royalist; so he believes that
royalist (n) monarchical form of
only a king can save the
government, βασιλικός
a dark, heavy, sticky
substance made from Tar is used to cover roads
tar (n) pitch
wood, coal, or peat, and protect roofs.

Unit 7 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms


a feeling of not being belief,

He has doubts about his
doubt (n) certain or sure, confidence,
ability to succeed.
αμφιβολία trust
the dark area caused
She sat in the shade of the
shade (n) when light is blocked,
I don't really like this shade
a colour slightly different
of red for a shirt. I am more
shade (n) from the one under
into this reddish-brown
consideration, απόχρωση
Lesson 1
good enough for I made some mistakes, but
acceptable (adj) someone to accept, the teacher said my work
αποδεκτός was acceptable.
having a light, delicate The thin curtains were light,
airy (adj)
look, ευάερος made from an airy material. sheer
to put in an order, Joe arranged his books by make,
arrange (v)
τακτοποιώ author. organize,
set up
stability produced when The dancer kept her
balance (n) weight is evenly balance while standing on
distributed ισορροπία her toes.
" Behold" is not a high observe,
behold (v) to see or observe, βλέπω beholder
frequency word in English. see
Because of the snowstorm,
held by ties, or feeling as confined,
bound (adj) we were bound to the
if tied, δεμένος tied
The United States became a
one hundred years,
century (n) country only a few
centuries ago.
My sister is always cheerful
full of happy or good down, sad, cheerfully,
cheerful (adj) when she returns from sunny
feelings, χαρούμενος unhappy cheerfulness
The words "better,"
the form of an adjective
"faster," and "more
comparative (n) that expresses the idea of comparatively
beautiful" are
comparison, συγκριτικός
warm and snug in a cosily, cozily,
I feel safe when I fall asleep comfortable,
cozy (adj) comfortable way, cosiness,
in my cozy bed. snug
οικείος/συμμαζεμένος coziness
able to do something new That creative inventor
creative (adj) or with imagination, designed a new kind of
δημιουργικός wheelchair.
a sad feeling that can last
a long time and cannot She is taking medicine for
depression (n)
always be explained, depression.
fine or rich in quality, They stayed in an elegant shabby,
elegant (adj) elegance
κομψός hotel. tasteless,

Unit 7 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a belief or hope
That teacher has high
concerning what is
expectation (n) expectations for her
possible in the future,
to make full use of and take
A country should exploit its
exploit (v) gain from, advantage exploitation
resources with care.
εκμεταλλεύομαι of
the process of becoming That town had a large
growth (n) bigger, older or mature, growth in population during production decrease
αύξηση the 1990s.
not fancy or special;
The hotel had a a nice
homely (adj) simple, homeliness
homely atmosphere.
a degree of lightness or
I want paint of a slightly shade, tint,
hue (n) darkness of a colour;
darker hue. tone
shade, απόχρωση, χροιά
a strong feeling or idea My impression of my
impression (n) that comes from teacher got better as the opinion
experience, εντύπωση year went on.
an action, thought,
Your poems have been a
person, or other motive,
inspiration (n) great inspiration for me to
influence that inspires, stimulus
start writing.
She has such long eyelashes
lash (n) an eyelash, βλεφαρίδα that they have asked her to
pose as a model.
to jump into the air either
The frog leaped from the hop, jump,
leap (v) straight up or across a
rock into the water. spring
distance, πηδάω
a person's general feeling
Too much work has put him state,
mood (n) of emotion at a certain
in a bad mood. temper
time, διάθεση
He was always surprised at
the belief that everything
her optimism considering despair,
optimism (n) will turn out well, hope
all the misfortune that she pessimism
had experienced in her life.
having a lot of She wore an ornate dress
ornate (adj) decoration; fancy, covered with lace and fancy austere
περίτεχνος pearls.
They were aware of their
daughter's piety, and yet it
devotion to God,
piety (n) surprised them when she impiety
θεοσέβεια, ευλάβια
announced that she would
become a nun.
a curved arch of light of The rainbow over the sea
rainbow (n) many colours across the showed that there was
sky, ουράνιο τόξο clear weather ahead.
happening in the very Unemployment has risen in
recent (adj) distant recently
near past, πρόσφατος recent years.
a band of colours that is The six colours of a
formed when light is spectrum are red, orange,
spectrum (n)
passed through a prism, yellow, green, blue, and
φάσμα purple.
to form a circle around The police surrounded the
surround (v)
something, περιβάλλω house.

Unit 7 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to adopt or adjust,
especially in order to
tune (v) He tuned his guitar.
bring into harmony,
a number of different
Variety is the spice of life' is
variety (n) things in a group or class, selection
an English saying.
the quality of being
The cat loves the warmth of
warmth (n) warm; heat, ζεστασιά, heat
the fire.
Lesson 2
mean and unfriendly; He has a hard time getting belligerent,
mild, aggressively,
aggressive (adj) ready to argue or start along with others because offensive,
peaceful aggression
fights, επιθετικός of his aggressive nature. tough
a very hard block of clay, People use bricks to make
brick (n)
τούβλο walls.
to set apart or mark as
The actor, John Wayne, had
distinctive (adj) distinct or unusual, special common distinction
a distinctive way of walking.
a substance that is used
They are using a special
to give colour to cloth,
dye (n) kind of red dye that looks colour
hair, or other materials,
bright under the sea.
giving equal treatment, They divided the money in just,
fair (adj) unfair fairness
δίκαιος a way that was fair. right
having to do with a "Jane" is a feminine name,
feminine (adj) woman or girl; of the and "John" is a masculine
female sex, θηλυκός name.
Sometimes children who go
longing for one's home,
homesick (adj) away to camp feel homesickness
to refuse to recognize or She ignored me at the recognize,
ignore (v) neglect
notice, αγνοώ dance. watch
the condition of being
Jesus lived in isolation for
alone, especially when
isolation (n) 40 days before he started
this makes you feel
unhappy, απομόνωση
to form an opinion about Don't judge a book by its
judge (v)
something, κρίνω cover.
The soldiers showed great
the condition of being allegiance,
loyalty (n) loyalty to their country
faithful, πίστη faithfulness
during the war.
correct or right for a Shorts and a T-shirt are not appropriate,
proper (adj) certain purpose, the proper clothing for a right,
κατάλληλος job interview. suitable
not mixed with anything
She's wearing a blouse
pure (adj) else; made of only one simple purity
made of pure silk.
substance, αγνός
a rule or law that controls When you build a house,
regulation (n) or directs people's you have to follow your
actions, κανονισμός city's rules and regulations.
to push back and forward
I rubbed the spot on the
rub (v) across something using
shirt with soap and water.
pressure, τρίβω

Unit 7 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a sea vessel that can Have you heard the song
submarine (n) travel under water, 'Yellow submarine' by the
υποβρύχιο Beatles?
feeling nervous and not Elena is tense when she calm,
tense (adj) nervous
able to relax, τεταμένος gets home from work. relaxed
to make sure of the truth
We verified his story by confirm,
verify (v) or correctness, verifiable
talking to his father. prove

Lesson 3

a number of companies The automobile industry

industry (n) that make a particular employs thousands of
product, βιομηχανία people.
natural behaviour that is Instinct makes birds fly
instinct (n)
not learned, ένστικτο south in winter.
The outlaw had a scheme device,
scheme (n) a plan or plot, σχέδιο to escape from jail and take intrigue,
revenge on the sheriff. plot

Unit 8 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

Lesson 1

to take in liquid through These towels don't absorb

absorb (v)
the surface, απορροφώ water well.
one of two or more Our two alternatives are
alternative (n) alternatively
choices, εναλλακτικός walking or taking a taxi.
to seem interesting or
Chocolate appeals to many
appeal (v) attractive to someone,
the seed of certain plants
that is eaten as a Bean soup is my favourite
bean (n)
vegetable, dish.
a stick made of metal or
She had to walk with a cane
cane (n) wood that helps someone
after she broke her hip.
walk, ραβδί
to crush food into smaller
pieces with the teeth so Chew food before you
chew (v)
that it can be swallowed, swallow it.
a part of something, One of the components of element,
component (n)
εξάρτημα/συστατικό the engine is missing. part
Frozen cocoa with sugar
a sweetened candy or
confection (n) can be eaten as a candy
fruit, γλύκισμα
belonging to the present old-
contemporary Many older people do not
time; current; modern, modern fashioned,
(adj) like contemporary music.
σύγχρονος out of date
what you put on your
There are a lot of cosmetics
face or body to improve
cosmetic (n) that are claimed to make cosmetically
its appearance,
wrinkles disappear.
to push out air and other People cough because of
substances from the illness or when they
cough (v)
lungs, making a noise in breathe in something such
the throat, βήχω as smoke or dust.
plants grown on a farm, Corn is an important crop
crop (n) harvest
σοδειά for this country.
to discuss the different We debated whether it was
debate (v) sides of a subject or issue, fair to make students take
συζητώ, αντιπαρατίθεμαι swimming lessons.
Truffles are a great delicacy
something delightful or
and one of the most
delicacy (n) rare, especially food,
expensive foods in the
On hearing the news, he
mentally ill; insane, insane,
deranged (adj) behaved like a deranged rational
σχιζοφρενής lunatic
to make a liquid stronger
by heating it until it
changes to a gas and then When you distill water,
distill (v)
cooling it so that it minerals are removed.
changes back into a
liquid, διυλίζω

Unit 8 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

This gel is for external use
of the outside or outer exterior, inner,
external (adj) only: it must not be externally
part, εξωτερικός outer internal
the condition of having
one's attention aroused The cat watched the
fascination (n) and held, as by charm, dangling string with
beauty, or extreme fascination.
interest, γοητεία
in a delicate, refined, or
excellent way, This is a piece of finely
finely (adv)
εξαιρετικά/με crafted porcelain.
having to do with
They enjoyed an evening of
folk (adj) traditional art forms,
folk music.
anything such as wood or
gasoline that is burned as A car cannot operate
fuel (n)
a source of energy, without fuel.
to crush into very small
He ground the coffee very
grind (v) pieces or a powder, crush
a sudden uncontrolled
taking in of breath that is The baby made a loud
hiccup (n)
also stopped very quickly, hiccup and we all laughed.
having a great amount of juicily,
juicy (adj) Watermelon is a juicy fruit. dry
juice, χυμώδης juiciness
either of a pair of circular
stones that grind The miller would open a
millstone (n) something, especially sack of grain and pour it
grain, in a mill, into the millstones.
He obtained his college
obtain (v) to get; gain, αποκτώ
degree in just three years.
a field planted with rice
Huge rice paddies can be
paddy (n) growing in water,
found in China.
a large farm, especially in There are large tobacco
a hot part of the world, plantations in central-
plantation (n)
on which a particular type western Greece where
of crop is grown, φυτεία tobacco is produced.
to move to a higher lift,
raise (v) I raised my hand. lower
position, υψώνω pick up
to let someone or
something go free; to They released the prisoners
release (v)
stop keeping prisoner, at the end of the war.
to continue in the same He asked her a question, last,
remain (v)
way, παραμένω but she remained quiet. persist
something used to take
My grandmother had a
remedy (n) away pain or cure an cure
good remedy for earache.
illness, γιατρικό
the main part of a plant
that supports the She likes to eat the broccoli
stem (n) stalk
branches, leaves, and flowers but not the stems.
other parts, βλαστός

Unit 8 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

As she became older and
unusual and strange in a
more isolated, she fanciful,
whimsical (adj) way that might be funny whimsically
developed many whimsical quaint
or annoying, εκκεντρικός

Lesson 2

The average person in this

usual or typical; ordinary,
average (adj) country does not exercise normal
μέσος όρος / τυπικός
a guard at the Tower of
The Beefeaters wear
London, or a yeoman in
colourful uniforms, similar
beefeater (n) the English royal guard,
to those worn in the
φρουρός στον Πύργο του
Elizabethan period.
the capability of This artist is famous for his
producing original or creativity; he has painted
creativity (n) ingenuity,
imaginative work, beautiful landscapes on the
δημιουργικότητα sides of many buildings.
Greek salad is made up of
a long vegetable with
tomato, cucumber, onion
cucumber (n) hard green skin and white
and olives, sprinkled with
flesh, αγγούρι
olive oil.
the desire to learn or He read his grandmother's
curiosity (n)
know, περιέργεια journal with great curiosity.
Flour, sugar, eggs, and
one of the parts of a
ingredient (n) cocoa are some ingredients
mixture, συστατικό
of chocolate cake.
The children learn the
of a particular geographic country's official dialect in
regional (adj) regionally
area, τοπικός school but use their
regional dialect at home.
an article in a newspaper
or magazine that gives an
That film got a good review
review (n) opinion about a new
in the newspaper.
book, film, or restaurant,
fashionable, elegant, John was smartly dressed fashionable smartly,
smart (adj)
κομψός for the interview. elegant smartness
a vegetable substance
Spices are used to flavour
spice (n) with a particular smell or
taste, καρύκευμα
the London Underground, We took the tube to get
tube (n)
το μετρό του Λονδίνου around London.

Lesson 3
a psychological disorder She is on a constant diet
marked by the inability to and I'm afraid she is now
anorexia (n) anorexic
eat; anorexia nervosa, actually suffering from
ανορεξία anorexia.
She is suffering from
abnormal hunger and
bulimia; she never let's
bulimia (n) continuous eating, bulimic
anyone see her when she's
an instance or example of There are four cases of the
case (n) instance
something, περίπτωση flu in our department.

Unit 8 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to teach skills or actions, He trained his dog to catch
train (v) coach
εκπαιδεύω, προπονούμαι a ball.

Self - Evaluation

farming, raising crops, Agriculture is a source of agricultural,

agriculture (n)
γεωργία income for Greece. agriculturally
made from milk or having
Milk, butter, cheese, and
dairy (adj) to do with milk products,
yogurt are dairy products.
able to be eaten as food, Those wild plants are
edible (adj) inedible
φαγώσιμος edible.
having to do with the
She has a mental illness and
mental (adj) mind and thinking, physical mentally
can't live alone.
διανοητικός, ψυχικός
to cook or bake with dry
We roasted a turkey for
roast (v) heat in an oven or over
Thanksgiving dinner.
an open fire, ψήνω
how hot or cold The temperature is higher
temperature (n) something is, in the afternoon than in the
θερμοκρασία evening.

Unit 9 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms


a long period with little or The crops were ruined by

drought (n)
no rain, ξηρασία drought.
The eruption of the
when a volcano explodes, Krakatoa volcano was one burst,
eruption (n)
έκρηξη of the most violent in global explosion
to change from a solid to
The wax melted as the
melt (v) a liquid through heat, freeze
candle burned.
characterized by, or There has been some
volcanic (adj) relating to a volcano, volcanic activity on the
ηφαιστιακός Santorini volcano recently.
Lesson 1
to forbid or have an
ban (v) official rule against; The law bans drunk driving. permit
prohibit, απαγορεύω
a ball of air or other gas
Bubbles form in water
bubble (n) inside another substance,
when it boils.
a hard black substance
People who mine coal have
coal (n) that is found in the earth,
a dangerous job.
Most automobiles have an
the act or process of engine which creates
combustion (n)
burning, καύση energy by the combustion
of gasoline.
to change into a different This sofa converts into a
convert (v)
form or state, μετατρέπω bed.
a wall built across a river
The dam was built to help
dam (n) or stream to stop the
control floods.
flow of water, φράγμα
the smoke or gas given The exhaust from the old
exhaust (n) off by an engine, car filled the garage with
καυσαέριο smoke.
the remains or trace of a
Fossils of fish in the rock
living animal or plant
fossil (n) showed that the area had
from a long time ago,
once been under water.
any carbon-containing
fuel formed from the Coal, petroleum, and
fossil fuel (n) remains of prehistoric natural gas are examples of
plants and animals, fossil fuel.
φυσικό καύσιμο
gas or smoke that is not
Breathing in paint fumes
fume (n) pleasant or healthy,
made him dizzy.
a very small rodent that
Gerbils live in burrows in
looks like a mouse with a
gerbil (n) the deserts of Africa and
furry tail, γεβρίλος (είδος

Unit 9 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a building or place that is
easily recognized, The large red house on the
landmark (n) especially one that is corner is the landmark for
used as a reference, our street.
to work or run, This new lamp operates on
operate (v) function,
λειτουργώ batteries.
run, work
a small body of still Ducks live in the pond near
pond (n)
water, λιμνούλα my house.
having to do with or
This house gets electricity
solar (adj) coming from the sun,
from solar energy.
Thermal currents in the air
using, resulting from, or
thermal (adj) lifted the hawk higher and thermally
producing heat, θερμικός
to speak softly and Please whisper while the
whisper (v) shout, yell
quietly, ψιθυρίζω baby is sleeping.
Lesson 2
a piece of equipment that
people use to help them All household appliances are
appliance (n)
do work at home, now on sale.
a decorative light which
hangs from the ceiling There's a beautiful
chandelier (n) and has several parts like chandelier hanging from
branches for holding the dome of the church.
bulbs, πολυέλαιος
an invention or machine The computer is a device
device (n) used for a specific that has changed the way
purpose, μηχάνημα people work.
a sudden event that
The earthquake was a
disaster (n) causes a lot of damage,
disaster for the town.
a panel of connected
They get all the electricity
photovoltaic cells,
solar panel (n) they need from solar
πίνακας ηλιακών
Self - Evaluation
a tall, hollow structure
that carries smoke up The chimney on my house
chimney (n)
through a building and to is made of brick.
the outside, καμινάδα
working or operating
We need someone really
quickly and effectively in
efficient (adj) efficient who can organize efficiently
an organized way,
the office.
the hot, bright gas that
Flames leaped from the
flame (n) you see when something
roof of the burning house.
burns, φλόγα
a thin beam of light, We enjoyed the warmth of
ray (n) light
ακτίνα the sun's rays.

Unit 9 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

a small house, usually
made from pieces of
wood, metal or She lived just off the beach
shanty (n) home
cardboard, in which poor in a crude shanty.
people live, especially on
the edge of a city, καλύβα
water in the form of a gas
that you can see in the air We used steam to cook the
steam (n)
when you boil or heat vegetables.
water, ατμός

Unit 10 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

Lesson 1
the soft grey powder that
The ash from her cigarette
ash (n) remains after something
fell onto the floor.
burns, στάχτη
If you ask someone
whether she is allowed to
something that is taken watch TV during dinner,
assumption (n)
for granted, υπόθεση you have made an
assumption that there is a
TV in her house.
The mouth of a volcano is
the round hole at the top
called a crater, and the
crater (n) of a volcano, or a hole
moon has many craters on
similar to this, κρατήρας
its surface.
to empty a building or a
The police ordered the
evacuation (n) country because of a
evacuation of the building.
danger, εκκένωση
something that gives
The police searched for
proof or a reason to
evidence (n) evidence at the scene of proof
believe something,
the crime.
Excavation is under way
digging to uncover
excavation (n) after an ancient statue was
something, εκσκαφή
about to appear or Everyone is looking forward
forthcoming (adj) new past
happen, επερχόμενος to his forthcoming novel.
a stream of water that is
forced up into the air
There is a water fountain in
fountain (n) through a small hole,
the hall.
especially for decorative
effect, συντριβάνι
a safe area of water
We saw several boats in the
harbour (n) where people can leave
their boats, λιμάνι
The fire turned the place
inferno (n) hell, κόλαση
into an inferno.
probably; possibly, It will most likely rain
likely (adv) probably unlikely likelihood
πιθανώς tomorrow.
the edges or outlying
His family has a farm on the
outskirts (n) areas of a city or town,
outskirts of the village.
of great worth or value, rare,
precious (adj) Gold is a precious metal. worthless
πολύτιμος valuable
very exciting to look at;
The fireworks were marvelous,
spectacular (adj) splendid; marvelous, spectacularly
spectacular. sensational
Lesson 2
to lose one's sense of
Try not to get disoriented in
disorient (v) direction, disorientation
the woods. You'll get lost.
to die under water
The child fell in the river
drown (v) because of lack of air,
and drowned.

Unit 10 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

to show something that We pulled up the carpet
expose (v) you usually cannot see, and exposed the wooden bare
εκθέτω floor.
The fatal accident left the
fatal (adj) causing death, μοιραίο deadly
boy without a father.
dim or dark, The sky looks gloomy black, brilliant,
gloomy (adj)
σκοτεινιασμένος today. dark cheerful
a sign or suggestion that If you give me a hint, I
hint (n) is not made in a direct might find the answer to clue
way, υπαινιγμός the riddle
Many soldiers died when
to fail to operate or
malfunction (v) their parachutes
function, δυσλειτουργία
If you are involved in
something that happens, another occurrence of
occurrence (n)
περίσταση bullying, you will be thrown
out of school.
to help someone out of a
The firefighters rescued
dangerous, harmful or free, help, rescuable,
rescue (v) three people from the
unpleasant situation, save rescuer
burning building.
hunt, hunt
to try to find; look for, In the Bible Jesus says 'Seek
seek (v) for, look
ψάχνω and you will find'.
to move to a new place
settle (v) They settled in Florida. settled
and live there, εγκαθιστώ
a place or structure that
gives protection against During the storm we took sheltered,
shelter (n) cover
weather or danger, shelter in the basement. shelterless
to fall slowly to a lower We watched the rock sink drop,
sink (v) sinkable
level, βουλιάζω in the pond. set
to stretch or reach over
span (v) The bridge spans the river.
or across, εκτείνομαι
absence of sound or There is a stillness that runs
stillness (n) motion, ακινησία, through the valley which is bustle
άπνοια, γαλήνη very calming.
one level of a building; Their new house has four
storey (n) floor
floor, επίπεδο/όροφος storeys including the attic.
to fight a difficult
He struggled with his maths
struggle (v) problem or situation, fight
homework all night.
to pull into the mouth by
I sucked the soda through a
suck (v) using the tongue and lips,
Marta withdrew all her
to take out or remove, deposit,
withdraw (v) money from her bank remove
αποσύρω, αποσύρομαι insert
Lesson 3
a long fish that looks like Eels live in fresh water or
eel (n)
a snake, χέλι salt water.
a bird which sings The singing of the lark woke
Lark (n)
beautifully, κορυδαλός me up.

Unit 10 Think Teen! Γ' Γυμνασίου

Word Definition Example Synonym Antonym Derived forms

an animal with a horse as
People use mules for riding
Mule (n) its mother and a donkey
or carrying heavy loads.
as its father, μουλάρι
one of a breed of large That box was so heavy that
Ox (n) cattle used on farms to he tied it to the ox to move
pull heavy loads, βόδι it.
a person who speaks or
U.S. citizens vote for
Representative acts for a group or
representatives in
(n) community,
a person who is cowardly,
dishonest, or sly;
That sneak broke a window
Sneak (n) someone who is not
and lied about it.
worthy of being trusted,
Self - Evaluation
The road crew finished
a group of people who staff,
crew (n) putting a new surface on
work together, πλήρωμα team
the highway.
not willing to accept
She is very stubborn and
stubborn (adj) change or help,
won't do what they tell her.


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