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Assignment #1 in Bio 355

Apple Jane S. Lima

1. Why study research?
As an educator, I truly think that there is always room for professional growth.
There are constantly new discoveries and changes in the world around us, making
learning a never-ending process. The major goals of research are to provide evidence
for theories, guide action, and advance knowledge in a particular field of study. In
having research, I am measuring my creativity and systematic work done to improve
the body of knowledge. Hence, understanding more is the most obvious justification for
conducting study. There is always more to learn, even if someone believe he/she knows
everything there is to know about a subject. I can build on whatever prior knowledge I
may have about the subject through research. New learning and development
possibilities are produced through the research process. It has brought about
numerous, unforeseen transformations for the benefit of humanity. New information is
often discovered through research. It has the power to uncover previously
undiscovered information and develop novel viewpoints that challenge conventional
Moreover, Urol (2014) stated that research is important and not a waste of time.
But writing publications that no one wants to read is a waste of time and resources for
researchers. With this notion, full commitment and dedication are of paramount
importance. Although it is a simple process in theory, in practice it is difficult, thus
complete focus and responsibility are of the utmost significance. The need to emphasize
the true goal of research is essential at this time, given that the financial crisis has a
significant impact on day-to-day practice. To improve comprehension, judgment, and
the ability to think critically and analytically, research is crucial. For a researcher to put
his or her gut instinct into practice to rationalize the work and lay a better foundation
for followers on the career field and allow them to make the best decision at the right
time without encountering obstacles, research produces novel ideas, increases
credibility, develops understanding, and sharpens analytical skills.

2. Why do research?
Scientific Knowledge
Scientific knowledge is the body of knowledge that can be independently verified
by a particular person because of the processes considered to be part of the scientific
method. That is, information gleaned from the careful, deliberate, and reliable
examination of natural phenomena. Scientific studies need to be well planned out before
being carried out. In my view, doing scientific knowledge research is significant as it will
allow someone to the compilation of up-to-date, trustworthy knowledge about the
world acquired through experimentation and data gathering. All the scientific
knowledge we have is a result of our own observations. Because humans are inherently
fascinated about many things in the physical world, we try to investigate them and
discover solutions. Without scientific knowledge research, the globe might not be able
to adapt to what we went through during the pandemic. The amazing vaccine discovery
is one specific concrete example.
Scientific information on mRNA and nanoparticles, enabled by cutting-edge
technologies, is the result of the amazing research and development of the Covid-19
vaccine to combat coronavirus. Clinical trials typically take 15 years to generate a
vaccine, but this extensive research has shown that it is possible to create vaccinations
that are both efficient and rapid. Another example is the biological properties of
penicillin, the first naturally occurring antibiotic medicine, have allowed humans to
treat conditions including bacterial infection, pneumonia, meningitis, gonorrhea, and
syphilis that were once serious and life-threatening. One of the most frequently used
antibiotics in the world today is penicillin. Lastly, we were able to make sense of our
experiences on Earth, including the occurrence of day and night, weather patterns,
natural disasters, and climate, thanks to the configuration of the planets and other
bodies in the Solar System. Because of the modifications made because of this
information, our survival rate increased. From the presented phenomenon, we can
better understand ourselves and the physical environment we live in. We can also use
technology to lessen dangers to our survival or improve many elements of our lives.
Science is developing in the world in which we were born. Following discovery is
Research and Development
Among the elements directly linked to the successful economic growth of the
emerging nations of the twenty-first century, the significance of research and
development is becoming more and more clear daily. In my point of view, innovations
are essential to improving an organization's internal processes as well as the goods and
services it provides. When a business or education decides to invest in R&D, it will give
the firm a greater foundation, understanding, and potential for the future. Research has
always been a crucial component of any organization, no matter how big or small. It is
not just important in the medical or scientific fields; many companies in the
pharmaceutical industry have a full-fledged R&D division with quality control to ensure
product quality and the development of new technologies and products. The different
fields where importance of R&D lies is education, industry, organizations, agriculture,
3. What is the status of research in the Philippines?
One area required for an industry or business to thrive and prosper is research
and development. This industry, whether it is new or has been there for a while, needs
attention. Innovation is the approach required for successful research and development,
and businesses and industries require innovative individuals. Innovation does not have
to be novel or fresh. Innovation, according to billionaire Bill Gates, is the act of "standing
on the shoulders of giants," or of those who first implemented an idea. The private
sector doesn't participate very well in the Philippines' current innovation system.
The government offers incentives through the board of investments, but few
people take use of them. There are several causes. The Philippine innovation system
must focus on the "catch-up kind" of invention, a study entitled "The Philippine
Innovation System: Structure and Characteristics." This entails the creation of
institutions for research and development that will keep track of and incorporate stock
knowledge, encourage domestic competitions, engage the private sector in the creation
of novel but important businesses, and involve the government in the startup process
by providing the initial infrastructure requirements, (Patalinghug,2003).
The system calls for cooperation from the university and any relevant businesses
connected to the school's academic offerings. According to Wayan (2018), insufficient
research is a result of a lack of information, competent testing facilities, skilled
employees, and inadequate guidance, among other things. He claimed that despite more
than a decade of inquiry and study, the circumstances remain the same. Therefore, he
recommended that the value of research and development be ingrained in all science
and technology courses starting in the Basic Education years. As a result, students who
will be the state's future workers will understand the value of innovation and engage in
certain research and development operations.

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