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Table of Contents

Sl No Name Page no
Table 1 Dataset header 3
Table 2 Dataset tail 3
Table 3 Missing value checking 4
Table 4 Duplicate data checking 4
Table 5 Data information 4
Table 6 Descriptive Summary of the data 5
Table 7 Descriptive statistics of Spending 6
Table 8 Descriptive statistics of advance payments 7
Table 9 Descriptive statistics of probability_of_full_payment 8
Table 10 Descriptive statistics of current_balance 9
Table 11 Descriptive statistics of credit_limit 10
Table 12 Descriptive statistics of min_payment_amt 11
Table 13 Descriptive statistics of max_spent_in_single_shopping 12
Table 14 correlation matrix 15
Table 15 Scaled data using Standard scaler method 17
Table 15.1 Scaled data using Zscore method 17
Table 16 Clusters created 19
Table 17 Clusters appended to original dataset 19
Table 18 Cluster Frequency 19
Table 19 Cluster Profile 19
Table 20 Clusters created 20
Table 21 Clusters appended to original dataset 20
Table 22 Cluster Frequency 20
Table 23 Cluster Profile 20
Table 24 WSS values 21
Table 25 Clusters Output for K=3 22
Table 26 Clusters appended to original dataset 23
Table 27 Cluster Frequency 23
Table 28 Cluster Profile 23
Table 29 Cluster Profile using Kmeans clustering 24
Table 30 Cluster Profile using hierarchical clustering 24
Table 31 Dataset header 26
Table 32 Dataset tail 26
Table 33 Missing value checking 27
Table 34 Duplicate data checking 27
Table 35 Data information 28
Table 36 Descriptive Summary of the data 28
Table 37 Correlation Table 33
Table 38 Categorical Variable 35
Table 39 Categorical Coversion 35
Table 40 Data Info 36
Table 41 Train and Test data shape 36
Table 42 Variable Feature Importance 36
Table 43 Variable Feature Importance(Regularized) 37
Table 44 Train and Test data shape 38
Table 45 RF grid parameters 38
Table 46 RF Feature importance 39
Table 47 Scaled Train Data 39
Table 48 Scaled Test Data 39
Table 49 Confusion matrix(Train data) 40
Table 50 Confusion Matrix(Test data) 40
Table 51 Classification Report of Training Data 41
Table 52 Classification Report of Test Data 41
Table 53 Confusion matrix(Train data) 41
Table 54 Confusion matrix(Test data) 41
Table 55 Classification Report of Training Data 42
Table 56 Classification Report of Test Data 42
Table 57 Confusion matrix(Train data) 43
Table 58 Confusion matrix(Test data) 43

Table 59 Classification Report of Training Data 44
Table 60 Classification Report of Test Data 44
Table 61 Comparison of the performance metrics from the 3 models 45

LIST of Figures
Sl No Figure Name Page no
Fig 1 Histogram of Spending 5
Fig 2 Boxplot of Spending 6
Fig 3 Histogram of advance_payments 6
Fig 4 Boxplot of advance_payments 7
Fig 5 Histogram of probability_of_full_payment 7
Fig 6 Boxplot of probability_of_full_payment 8
Fig 7 Histogram of Current Balance 9
Fig 8 Boxplot of current_balance 9
Fig 9 Histogram of credit_limit 9
Fig 10 Boxplot of credit_limit 10
Fig 11 Histogram of min_payment_amt 11
Fig 12 Boxplot of min_payment_amt 11
Fig 13 Histogram of max_spent_in_single_shopping 12
Fig 14 Boxplot of max_spent_in_single_shopping 12
Fig 15 Pairplot 13
Fig 16 Correlation Heat map 14
Fig 17 Boxplot of min_payment_amt 16
Fig 18 Boxplot of probability_of_full_payment 16
Fig 19 Dendrogram 17
Fig 20 Dendrogram with last 10 link 18
Fig 21 WSS Plot 21
Fig 22 Silhouette scores Plot 22
Fig 23 Histogram of Duration 29
Fig 24 Boxplot of Duration 29
Fig 25 Histogram of Sales Amount 30
Fig 26 Boxplot of Sales Amount 30
Fig 27 Histogram of Age 30
Fig 28 Boxplot of Age 31
Fig 29 Histogram of Commission 31
Fig 30 Boxplot of Commission 31
Fig 31 Agency_Code countplot 32
Fig 32 Type variable Barplot 32
Fig 33 Destination Barplot 32
Fig 34 Pairplot 33
Fig 35 Correlation Heat map 34
Fig 36 Unregularized Decision Tree 37
Fig 37 Regularized decision tree 37
Fig 38 Confusion matrix(Train data) 40
Fig 39 Confusion matrix(Test data) 40
Fig 40 ROC Curve (Train data) 40
Fig 41 ROC Curve (Test data) 40
Fig 42 Confusion matrix(Train data) 42
Fig 43 Confusion matrix(Test data) 42
Fig 44 ROC Curve (Train data) 42
Fig 45 ROC Curve (Test data) 42
Fig 46 Confusion matrix(Train data) 43
Fig 47 Confusion matrix(Test data) 43
Fig 48 ROC Curve (Train data) 44
Fig 49 ROC Curve (Test data) 44

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