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Name: _____________________________ Section ___________ Date: ___________

Activity Sheet 4.1

Explain the following lines briefly, yet substantially (with at least 50-words).
General Format:
Times New Roman (12), (1.5) spacing, paginated (footer, right corner), short-size bond
paper, one inch margin (all sides)

1. ‘A teacher needs to be able to formulate, construct, arrange, modify and

make sense of information so that it understood as knowledge.’

2. ‘It’s interesting the race-game of performance. It’s always an issue for

teacher education and for education overall, but you have to ask the
question: what is the race for?’

3. ‘If we use standards in that way, I think we’ll progress in this learning space,
which is ever-changing. But if we’re still positioning it only as ‘okay you’ve
met it’ then there’s no space of the standards being just themselves a toolkit
of practice.’

4. ‘We are determining practices that are fundamentally within a paradigm that
was constructed in the Industrial Revolution. Students are coming into or
engaging in a learning space that is actually not constructed by teachers or
educators at all.’

5. It’s working towards not a product but an actual kind of engagement of

knowledge. That’s the kind of learning space we’re moving into, rather than
Worksheet in Issues, Trends, and Culture of Teaching
Prepared by : Darrel M. Ocampo, Ph.D. (Instructor)

understanding or compartmentalising knowledge in very specific ways that

don’t necessarily relate to another space.’

6. ‘Will there no longer be classrooms? Will there be schools? Will there be

virtual schools or travelling schools or will students actually have learning
passports that they move around with and make choices and will families be
the ones that make those choices?’
7. “Digital innovation is pushing the boundaries of the 19 th century paradigm,
and teachers and teacher educators ‘can’t be doing things the same way

Worksheet in Issues, Trends, and Culture of Teaching
Prepared by : Darrel M. Ocampo, Ph.D. (Instructor)

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