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Name: _____________________________ Section ___________ Date: ___________

Activity Sheet 5.1

Click the link below and read its article. After reading, answer the questions that follow.
Explain your answers briefly, yet substantially (with at least 50-words).

General Format:
Times New Roman (12), (1.5) spacing, paginated (footer, right corner), short-size bond
paper, one inch margin (all sides)

1. What were the findings of Programme for International Student Assessment

(Pisa) regarding the Filipinos’ literacy?

2. ‘Do you think its alarming? Explain your answer.


3. What do you think are the root causes of the problems identified in the article?

4. ‘Discuss some of the take-aways discuss by the author in his article. Do you think
such information may be considered as contributing factors to the current state of
low level of literacy? Prove your answer.

5. If you were to propose a solution or intervention to solve some of the issues

identified in the article, what will it be? Explain.

Worksheet in Issues, Trends, and Culture of Teaching

Prepared by : Darrel M. Ocampo, Ph.D. (Instructor)

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