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oe dfording tothe Tradition which “of vs. ° F CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE: Compofed in Latin, by the R. Father Petrvs CANistys, + of the Society of Insvs. With an Appendix of the fall of Man amb Tullifcation , according to theDo@ttine of the Councell of Trem: tranfatedinco Englifs. To which is adioyned the explication of certaing Qeapitions, not handled at large inthe Bookg, as shallappearein the Table Pa. Thee .6. We denounce vato yot, Brethren , it the name of our Eord cs Chr that you withdrawet oat flues from cucry brother waling noha x ie hey hae AS: oMERS ‘int for IOHN HEIGHAM, with Pecmilion of Supetiowy Anzio 6g 3 AGAINST THOSE WHICH ARE IGNORANT OF THINGES NECESSARY TO SALVATION, AVG. de grat.€ libsarb, cap. 3. © man muttrunne to the darckenes of ignorance, thacin them hee may eekeanexcut. For ene thing ici: not to haacknowne, and another thing to hace, refufed to knowe, For the willis reprehended Shires Suurmit i id, he wouldor nderhande tbat hemighe wel. Yea that very ignorance whichis not of tbofe fimply dee n Know, doth -xculene man,(othathe hallo! tae ye theeuetlafting fie if therefore hee did nor belecue bet aut heneuer heard what he might beleeue bucperhap- Pes that he may burne more colerably. For noe withere ‘Caule was it faid: Powre. ‘out thy anger vt the nations, [hc'haue noc knowen thee. And that which te Anos Gicth. When: fhall comein flume of fire. 0 Bille re Uengevpon thofe which kaow nor God Becaul¢ chow haft reieéted | knowledge: alto will reie& a ng Ole 4.6. cy (aid varo God : Depart from vs ,we will not haue Yheknowledge of thywaien oben noes Afany manknow nor, he hall not be kaowne, 1 Cor.ty 38. jp Beveenot made as the horfe and mule, in who there ‘ano vndertanding. Pal 31.9. jenttlenot my lonneto heare doctrine, neither bee thou ‘gnorantof che peaches of knowledge,” Prot, ray, We mutt noe thinke, thar ignorance will be a (uficient excufe : for there will come atime ,when euen fas our ignorance we fhall be punithed ,whca not fo much ay out ignorance hall pbraine pardon, Chty(olt, hom, 26, in ep.adRom, THE THE PREEACE TO THE READER. FERRY He glorioufe Apoftle Saint Peter 2, Pet.izé SECA 19. very fittely compareth theworde of God, EGHENG and the dodtrineof the holy-Ghoft, onto « Beai2O9 candell shining in adarke place, yatillihe dey datwne, and the day-flarre arife in our hartes.Fot althoagh Chrift our Saniour , the true light of the ‘World , bath by bis molt bitter Pafsion and pretioufe “Woundes given light vnto our darkenes syea, and of darkenss Which Twe were before, madevs a shining ighs:yet fo long as We remaine in the mit of this root talitie , and that it appeareth not What We shall bey Beare truely light in comparifon of Heretikesand In= Fidelis , but inrefpett of heauen , We are in she night, and continually conuerfein obfeuvity and darkenes.Alt bonowr thé chglory be(asit is worthy) yeelded vntobitly ‘Wholeaft we Walking indarkenes knowing not whi~ | ther t0 goe, bath prouded vs a Candell of bis bolyde” Brine euen in the middeSt of Egypt and fet it vpn Cdleffickgin the Catholicke Church : & where sbofe Which are out of this beufe of God line in palpable darkenes , tbechildren of this light may fafely expedts the nfing of chat fiarre,Which neuer shall ette, Which is the cleare vifion of Gods euerlafting glory.Tbis lighé although by diuer{e perfons Twho loue darkenes better than light it bath by fundry meanes bene afautted det bath shefe affaultes done nothing fe, but by en~ Ag reaping ae rr or 4 THE PREFACE ‘A CATALOGVE OF FATHERS AND " COVNCELLES, Which ate cited in this Booke according to the diuerfe ages in which they ined, HE Holy Bible, aThe firagebe- inning from che Sink ok chet. ‘The Apofties and their Canons, Philo Iudeus. : lis. S.Dionylius Areopagit Epic. ean ee '$ Clemens Pont. & Mart. S. Ignatius Epic. 8c Mare. S Anacletus Pont, & Mart, ‘Tertullianus, S. Calixtus Pont. & Mare; Origenes. 8, Vrbanus Pont & Mart. S Hippolit Epite & Mare. S.Fablanus Pont.f sare mnt, & Mare. "The Fourth Age Annoy Dom 300, ‘S.Mareell. Pont & Marte Tofephus Tudaus S:Eufeb Pone, & Mare. % The fecond Age Anno, Concilium Ancyranum, Dom. 100, S.Melchia Pont & Mare, ‘.Euarittys Mar. S.Alexand Pont & Mart, 8. Sixtus Pont & Mart, S.Telefph.Pont & Mart, 8. HiginusPone & Mart 5. lings Phltopbus_ Mare Enlebius Cetaientis, S$: Soter Pont & Mart Cone. Romani ab Siluelte S Trenaus Epife & Mart. Concilium Elibertinum Glemens Alexandrinis. — Concilid Arelarenfe 1. 8a, rent. "The Thirde Age Anag, Coacilium Gangrenfe. Dom. 200, Coneiim Cartaginen(e ‘Marcus Conciltum Neocafacien(e, Reticus Auguiodusentis. La@anrius Firmianus. S Siluctter Pontifex ‘The I. generall Councell of Nice. io S. MarcusPomtifer. S. Athanafius Epic. S-Tulivs 1, Ponifex. Eafebius Emifenus Epi. S. Hilaius Epite Concilium Antiochenum. S. Liberin:Pont. S. Felix. Mare. Toannes Climachut. Concilium Laodicenum, Touinianus Imperator. 8. Damafus Pont, ‘The Il. generill Councell ‘of Conttantinople. Concilium Valentinum. Optatas Mileuicanus, $.Pacianus Epife. S. CuuilasHicrofol Epite. $ AmbrofiusEpife, Prodentius S. Didymus Alexandrinus, $. Bailus Magnus Epite § Groor, Nin. Epi S. Epiphanius Epife, S. Siricius Pons. $ Effcem, $. Amphilochius Epite, §. Gregor Nufents Epic, Joh ‘Chrsfollomus Epife, Raffinas. : S. Hierooymus. Theoph. Alexandtin. Epife. Chromat, Aguilicat Epife, Conclium Carthag. 3.3 4, 5. Conciliu Tolctanum 3. Uiychius 2 The Fifthe Dom. goo, Age Anno, S$ AuguttinnsEpite, 8.Tnnoeen is Pon. Concilium Mileuicanum? S. Paulious Epi Seueras Sulpitis. Honoris & Theodofius Iu peracores 8. Sozimus Pone. Polfdenias, Epi ‘oncilium Telente. Maximas Epic. = Joannes Caffanus. Socrates & Sozomenns, Gpuils Alexands Epic Theodore-us Epife. TheT11 gen-rall Couns cll of Ephefos, Vincentius Lirinentis, Conciliam Agachenfe, $8 Leo Magnus Poat. Vidto: Africanus Epife. Conc Araufcanum 1. 82, Concilium Valente. 1. & 2, ‘Valeoinias &e Marian imperatores. ‘The TV.generall Councell of ‘Chalcedon. S. Profper. Epife. Coneilium Turonente § Hiarios Pon eras Chi ie $ Geet Pow 'S.Fulgeotius Epie. Concilium Epaunente, “The ixth Age Anno Dona 509. exci Aurtisnente, inianus Imperator. Caidocus, ‘The PH LV. generall Councell Haymo Epife. {THT SRcrinople, Rabanus Bp '— egnetiam Autelianente 3. Concilium Wormatiente, Concium Turonenfe. 2. Phocus Epi. Andreas Hierofol Epile. ‘The eight general Coun- call of Conftantinople. Toannes Diaconus Rom. Remigius Antifod. Epil. * ‘Theophilaétus Eplfe. Concilium Triburienfe. sGretentis. | Euagrius Epiphanenfis, S.Greg. magnus Pont. $. Greg. Turonente Epite. +The feuenth Age Anno Dom 600. Leontius Epite Sopbronius Epite. | S.ifidorus Hitpalen. Epite. Concilium Hifpalente 2. Concilium Toletanum 4. Georgius Alexandrinus Epif, thie forte. Concilium Braccarente. 2. Conciltum Toletanum 8, Gonciiumm Braccarente 3. The fixt generall Coun- cell of Conftantinople. synodus Trullana Conftan- tinopolitana, The eight Age Anno forte. ‘Dom 1000, Epilcopus. Concilium Salegunftad S. Petus Damianus Epi '§ Lanfiancus Epife 9. cont Perengat. eodem. Viore a Conciltum Rom. fab Nico Doin.700. lao. Yenersbilis Beda Guiemundus Epis _ 8. Toannes Damafeenus. —Algerus, The feuenth generall Councell of Nyce, “The ninth Age Anno. rengarium. Dom. 800, . Anfelmus Epife. Aleninus. Oceumenius. Paulus S.Tuo Carnoteniis Epife Concilium Mog Tonas Aurelianéat Epi Concilium Aquifgrancaf 2. ‘Dom. 1100. ‘Zonaras. Rupertus Tuitienfis. Gi Concilium Nannetent. hie * The eleventh Age Anno Burchardus Wormatientis, Concilium Rom. fub Leone Concitium Vercellenfe fie Concilium Turonenfe fab Coneilitim Rom. fub Gre- ‘gor 7- contr. eundem Be- The ewelfth Age Anno clomid = Gulielmus Abbas. S$. Bernardus, Hugo Vittoriaus, Gratin. Enthymius, Concilinm Lateran. fab A lexandro 3. ‘Lucius 3, Poot. Niceras, Innocentias 3. Pont, * Toe thirteenth Age Anoo Conc Lateran, mage onciii Lateran, magaum « fiblanaceas . Thom. Aquinas, onc Lagden, ub Gregor. 10. Gulielmus Dacandas Epic. opus, * The fourteenth age Anne Dom. 1300. Nicephorus Calixtus, Concitium Viennente fib ‘Clement. “The fifteenth Age Anno Dom. 1400, Concitium Conftantiente, Concilium Bafileente: Conciliam Florentinism, Beflarion Epife. he ftceath * The Gxteenth Age Anno Dot Age 1500, Concilium Tridentinum, A TABLE 4 A TABLE CONTAINING THE ORDER AND SYMME of the whole Catechifme, and Tultice, To wifedome, maic bee re Hriftian Dodtrine confifteth,inwifedome C=: thefe Chapters that followe in order. CHAPTER & (ey Faith and the Creede, where aa ee other thinges , tre handled thefe that fol- lowe. OF the author ofthe Apoftles Creede, q. Se Of the defcending of Chrift into Hell, q.t3. Of the Mathes of the Church 5 thatitis vifible, One. Holy. ct | Catholicke, CHAPTER Ih rey Hope, and our Lords Praier with the ‘Angelicall Salutation, as. OF Hope to be foined with Feare,q. 2. ‘Veneration: or the sxiong of our Bleffed Lady, gays Praile 16.17.18. 196 Cc. | 4 THE TABLEJ CHAPTER III oO Charity andthe Ten Commaundéments, Alfo, Whether the Ten Commaundementes. doe belong vnto Chriltians ,q.6, Whether they maybe kepet, q: 6. Invocation OF aati és Saintes, q. 84 Holy-Daies Chrift OF the Images of Qand the 64-9 ‘Saintes. Of the Preceptes of the Church, and namely. OF Traditions Apoftolicall and Ecclefafticall, 4. teand asfolloweth, Ofthe Church and heraurorin,a, 10.16. Of the Bifboppe of Rome, andthe Church of Rome q. 9. (Of Councelics qr Of theauthority of holy Fathers, Ibidem. Of the fue preceprs of the Church, q.14. Of the holy Scriprureand the interpretation thereof,q.16. CHAPTER Iv. ™ “YE theSacramntesin generally (@) Of Ceremonies,q.8 of 7 To THE TABLE % Of the Sacrament of Baptifine. ‘Of Concupifcence in the Regenerate, q. 35 | Of the Sacravsent of Confirmation, | OF Chrifme, qe | Of the Bliffed Sacrament. Ofthe Reall Prelence, qu 4x | OF Tranfubftantiation, q.5e Of the adoration thereof, g. 6 Of the facrifice ofthe Males q-7. Ofcommunicating vnder both kindes, 4.8 Of the Sacramens of Pehances Of Conttition ,q. 44 Of Confeffion, q. OF Satisfation, 4. 7.8, Of Purgatory and the faithfull departed, qugs Of the Sacrament of Extreame-Vnilion. Of she Sacrament of Orders. Whether all Chriftians be Prieftes, 4.2.8, Ot honour due vnto Prieftes, whesher they be good, or euill, q.6.7. Of the Sacrament of Matrimony. OF diuorcement, q. 3. Of Vowe breakers, 4.4. Of the Mariage of Mounks 8 Nunnes , Tbidem. Of the Lingle life of Prieftes, q. 4.5 OF Virginity , qus-and more at largein the queftion of the Euangelicall Councelles. | CHAR | “36” THE TABLE, CHAPTER OF Lnvitan tatices : The firft part of the Chapter. Of finnes in general. 2 Of the feauen deadely Gea, OF Alien finnes: that is, of finnes of other men by any defaulte of ours, doe touche vs, Of he ines agait the Hoy-Ghoft Soe al ing orexpiation of finne. Ot The fecond partof the Chapter, 8 Three kindes of good Workes ,vvhere aff 35 intreated, Of the fruite of good workes, q.%4 OfFafling,q, 4.andas olloweth. Of Praier,q.7. ands followeth, Of Almesand the workes af Merey , 4. 40. andasfolloweth, 2 The Cardinall vertags. 3. Thegifts and fruits of the Holy-Ghof. 4 The eight Beatitudes. 5. The Ewangelicall Counfels of the Gofpel, ‘Of Enangelicall Pouerty, Chaltity,8¢ Obedience, of tiactbes and Religious Orders, 4.5. 6 The foure aft shings of a Mam MaMa won To + | THE TABLE. y To comprehend she fumme of all Chrifian Dow rine tw one Worde, this fentence of Ecclefatti, cus is Worthy the notirig which faith + My Sonne, coueting Wifedome conferug Toft, and Ged will glue itynvo the. ) THE TABLE OF THE APPENDIX, x Of the fall ofthe firft Man. 2 Of the transtufing of Adams finné into all men, ‘Of theremedy of Origitall fiane, Of therelicks of Originall finin thofe which are baptifed. 5 Ofthe imbecility of nature,and of the law to iuftifie men. OF the difpenfation and miftery of the coma ming of Chrift. Who are [uftified by Chrift. : A defcription of the Tuftification of the wie ked man: and the manner thereof inthe flare of the Laweof Grace. : 9 OF thenecelfity of preparation to Tuftifcation, in thofe of full age, and whereof itrifeth 10 Themanner of preparation to Tuftification, 11 What isthe fuftifcation of awicked man, and what ate the caules thereof, 11, Howe it iso be vnderftoode, that awicked ‘Man is iuftified by Fash and freely. 33, Againft the vaine conficence of Heretikes. 14 OF the increafe of Iultification once receined. B 5 0! aw ae oN 2 THE TABLE. 45 Of obferuing che Commaundements,thene= ceffty and poffibility thereof, 16 That therafhe prefumption of Predeftination is to be auoided, 1 Of the git of petuerance, 38 Of thole which arefallen,and of theicrepars- tion, 19 That by euery mortall finne Grace isloft,but not Faith, 30 OF the frvites of Tuftfication , that is to fay of the Meriteof good workes ,and of the reafon ofthefame merive, A Table of the other Q wetions fallowsing. if Hallowed Creatures in the Church. ro Of Pilgrimage vntoholy placesy 3 OF Indulgences or Pasdonse THE SeMMMES THE FIRST CHAPTER OF FAITH; AND OF THE CREED. 1. Who is tobecalieda(a) Chriftian? #2) EE which dooth profefle theho= © lefome doftrine of Iefys Chii true God & man in his(b)Church, He therefore whichis a true Chri- B) ftian, doth viterly condemne and detelt, all other Religions and Sees , that are elfe-where to be found in any: Nation, or coustry, out of the doftrine and Church of Chrift, a5 the Iewithe, Heathenifhe, Torkithe, or hereticall Seéte, And doth firmely ftay himfelfe in the true DoGtrine of Chrift. (6),Pet.4.16.(b)Athanaf.cont.Attiatod, brat. 2.Cyprala.ep.26G de Mag ef. Aug trad 113.10 fers 8tde HEMPAChals Ench.cap ssTertibde prefeript Ba 2 In 20 OF FAITH ' 24 In What briefe femme may Chrifian DeBirine be comprehended? a Chriftian doknow and obferue thofe T ings which do belong both to («) wiles come and Iultice. Wifedome, as S. Auiten (b) Sbeweth , confifteth in the verrues Theological, ()Faith, Hope, and Charitie, which are both in- Oe by God, and beeing purely, and moft fer- uently praGifed in this life, they doe make men bleffed and divine, Tuftice tandeth in (4) .wo parts ,in declining from euill, and doing good: For hereenco bslongeth thet which che kingly Prophet faith. (¢)Turne from ewil and doe good. ‘Now oxt of thele fountaines, co wit, wifecome, and lultice, other things are ea(ily drawen and de duced , wharfoeuer do appertaine to Chriftian infitudtion, and cilcipline. (a) Eeclt. 3, (b) Libsas Retradt cap. 63.09 Enth.c 3 (Ot. Corzaig. (a) ref. fens 98. ex Auge (6) Pfale 33. 15 «36.27. BPele3-106 3 What isfift caught in Chriftian Dottrines ith, thatvery gate and entrance to our falua- dit thou bewbich none inchs life can finde, and call vpon, ferueand pleale almighty God. For ,be that conmeth to Ged muft beleue, (2) faith the Apolile: 4nd (b) he that beleeueth not, shall be condemned,and.s\¢)alveady ludged by the fen- tence of Chrift, Ro.ttet4eHebst16r. Ca laio | AND OF THE CREED, emp. 0) fermo verbst Apoll. cap.4u Leacetsacde nat.Downs(4)Heb,1 1:6.(b)Mar.16.16.(6)l0gu18, + What is vnderftoode by the name of Faith 2 A (oki of Gotsand ght wherewithman becing illuminated, doth frmely affentand leaue vnto thole things which are reuealed by God,and propofed vnro vs by the Church to be- leeued, Asare thefe that followe. That Godis(b) onein three perfons, that the world was (¢)crea~ tedof nothing ,that God was made man,and fuf- fered death for our fakes, that Mary (d)is both a Virgine, and the mother of God, that all the deade are to be raifed againe to life, thac man is borne againe of Water and che holie Gholt, that Chrift is wholly in the (¢) B. Sacrament, and gther fuch of likeforte, thacare the reuerend mie fteties of our religion : which being reuealed by »cannot be comprehended by mans(f) capa~ city, bur may be co onlie by faith. W here~ upon the Prophet faith: (¢) Vnleffeyee will beleewe, yee shall wot vaderftand. For faith tefpeéteth not the order of nature neither doth {heetruftto ex~ perience offenes, or relievpon the mightarrea- fonof man, but vpon the power andauthority af God, holding chis a8 a moft vadoubted verity, that the moftloueraigne &ceternall trueth,which is God, can neither deceiue, nor euer be de~ ceiued, : Whierfore, it isthe very condition and property B3 of faith OF FAITH of faith ,to! allynderftanding ino 8) cape ttitie , vnto the obedience of Chrift, with whom there is no (i) worde that is hard to bedone, minchleffe impoffible. This (k) faith isthe light of the foule , the dore or entrance to life, the foun~ ation of eternall faluation. (4) Epb.2.8-Hebrr.t. Basi ord dicen Berep.igd. Ang contrat fen e5(l .7.(€)Gem ilo ooh : ¥.(d)Cone.Eph. capo13. L5¢.1.35.1.Co?. 15.5 tol tienecebpent Fler Trid. ( f) Eccl.3.22.2.Core 40.5.(g)Ef4.7.9.fecundum 70.Bafilin Pfal.t1s.¢r im oral. REg.S,cap21. Cor.Hom¢.(b)2.CoF:10.5.(i)Leéot.37-Hier 32. 271(k) Enfeb.Emifsho.2. de fymb. Cyr. catech.s Ila “Chryf-fermade ide, (pe, & cbarit. Teas, 49.9 ps there sy bri ehenfion of Faith , and F cemenf ie toner teva : beleewe? T Here intar whichthorwelueApotles have delivered in their Creed, and which they have aptely diftinguifhed into twelue Seétions and Articles.A worke doubtleffe worthy of fuch («)authors, which next vnto Chrift our Lord, were the principall, and moft holy founders of the Chriftian faith. And this Creed {urely is as it ‘were a'plaine and evident marke , whereby Chri- flians areto be diftinguithed and difcernedfrom tole wicked pecfons ich doe pote eer | AND OF THE CREE 3 sponeatal, ornot the right faith of C! t(4) Clem. 6p-r.adfr.Do.Ambep Sie fermgt.Ang ferm8tde Semp Rafa fyra rer lib1s.2.G" Lgutg. Hisrothad. Pammach adutt[-errores Youn, Hierof. capig. Leo.fete ade pace Pule.cp fer.comt,Butyc.Maxi, frdetoadtone mb. - ee 6. Which bethe Articles of this creede? J Beleeue in God the Father Almighty, maker of Hear en and earths Andin Iefus Chridt his onely Sonne our Lordes 3 Which was conceived by the bolie Ghoft borne of the Virgine Mary. + Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate , Was crucified» dead, and buried, § He defcended into hell, the third day be vofe againe from the dead. 6 Hee afeended into Heawen , and firteth at the ight band of God the Father Almghty, 1 Frombence he shallcomeso indgethe quicke and the deade. . 8 Ibeleeuein the Holy-Gholt. } The boly Catholicke Church :the communion of Saints, 40 The forginenelfe offinnes. at The refurrettion of thefleshe. ta Andshe lifeenerlafiing, amen, The Creede is expounded by thefe Authors following, Cyrilin Catechaillum Chryf bom.t. ¢& 2.ia fym, Aug. its Laucent.C7 inlib.g. de {ymby ad Cateth.&r B4 ibdo Le 2 oF FAITH Tbsde fides fyb. cs 12g.125.tptsBiatgae 4gs. ee ee Shee en 2am fymb.chry- Pidecrstsy 60.61.62.Max.bontet de diserfis, 7» To what end {pecially are thefe Wordes of the Creede? 'O this end furely , that we may haue com- "T prchended in a briefe fumme, the true knowledge of God &of heauenly things, which knowledge truly is neceflary to every man that he ‘may lige well and happily. And in this Creed, the acknowledging and confeffing of the moft holy ‘Triniey, hath the irftand principall place , thatit may inno wile be doubted, but that God ,than whom nothing more mighty,(2)or better, or wi- can bee imagined, is one and fimple in effence, or dinine natore,butis diftinguithed into three(b) perfons, fo that before all chinges it bee-vn- doutedly beleeued that one is the (c) Father, ane other is the Sonne, another is the holy Ghoft. ‘The Father is he which begetteth his Sonne (d), from all eternity : the fountaine and framer of thinges, The Sonne being begotten of the fub- Rance of the Father, isthe Redeemer and Sauiour ‘of the world: The holy Ghoft which isalfo-cal- Ted the ()Paraclet,is the gouernor of the Church or of Chiilts faithful people. Now thefe(f) three are one: Thatistofay, One, True, Eternall, Infi- nite, and Incomprehenfible God. Therefore to this moft holy and indiuifible Trinity, thee: : Gi AND OF THE CREED, 35 ‘ipall partes of the Creed do very fitly anfwer. TO rhe wit, the firfxof Creation: the fecond ; of Redem= ption: the third of San8tification, sser.9.23, [oe 17.3616C07.2.2.1-Petst.8.Capoiz. 16(4) Ang dat conf 6ap.4s(b) Augslade fd. & [ymb. cap.9.(¢) Mat.28.196 Asbansin ym. (d) Pfal.109.3.Hebet 21.104 eiOet 4a (€)10.15 2666 16.76 1s 160264 (f)1.1005«7. 16T te 40170G bat fuHHien 32.175 8, What is theenfeand meaning of the ir ft Article of the Creede, I beleewe mmGod the Father? J 7 seth fir of alt hewe vsone God, andthe firftperfonin the godhead to bee the heauenly Father, eternall, & moft foueraigne in mighcand maiefty, to whom nothing isimpoffible, or hard. to be done, who hath all (4) power of life , and of death, ‘This God the Father, begot the Sonne(S)from all eternity, andin this time of grace hee made vs alfo his children by adoption, His power is fo great,chat with his only(c)word hee made afwell vifible, as inuifible things of nothing ane being fomade,doth from time to timeprelerue and go- uerne them, with moft high and fupreme good~ neffe and wifedome, from whom, andto whom areall things. Heeis the (4) Father of light, with whom there is nochange or alteration , the Fax ther of mercies, and God of ll confolation: fin Jy fuch a one and fo pniffane, that all chinges in eauen, in earch,and vnder theearth, do ee obay “hay arhis(y eke: who bing out guide ma obay athis(¢) becke : who being our prouaer 7 as preferued life ond hirmeleff euen in the greateft euilsand dangers. Deut. 6.40 Mat6.9.1.T 1627. Geter. Bfe.§3.1- 10.37.3230 Belg 11,Luest.37 Hier 32.17. (4)S4.16.1371-Reg.2. 6 (b)Pfalea.7.Heb.1.2-Rom&. 14. (¢) Pf.32.6.CoLt, 16.Mat.6.26.Heb.13.5016TiM4.10.€7 6,15.ROMRT 36. (d) latstat7.2,Cor-13.4itg. 14 (@) Léesi2.f0 Gen 17.2. Pfale 26.1.6 90.6 tafe de T0b, ftetabe Coy.10.13.Ec6lh 3316 9+ Whathathebeecond Article, beleeueis Tefus Chritt. T doth fhewe the fecond perfon in Deity Ter Visschnitvery God ana very man: called far ely by the name of Iefus ; thats tofay, the Sie wiour of his people: And Chrift; to witte, an nointed by the holy Ghof, and (4 all ofall gra ce and rrueth, our Meffias, King, and high Priet that holdeth the principallity and foueraigaty in all things, and in whom doth corporally inha- bite che whole fulnelfe of the Godheade. Furthermore it doth {hewe bim to (#) be the onely Sonne of God,borne of his Father, begot- tenbeforeall worldes, naturall, confub/tantiall, and alrogether equall vnto him according to the Godhead: Allo our Lord ,and Lord of allthofe that beleue in him, as hauing himfelfe of hie ‘owne accord delivered vs when we were (loft, feof the bondage and chaledome of Shen, ani AND OF THE CREED. and molt liberally redeemed vsbeing fi the yoke of finne and damnation, He alfo hath dominion ouer the wicked: For all things are made fubieét vnder his (d) feet, Buc then he will openly thewe himfelfe Lorde of (e) Lords, and king ofkings, both tothe wicked hd to the(f) whole world, when hé4hall bring in fubie€tion all & every his enemies whether they will or no,and fhall burne themas chaffein(g)vn- quéchable fre, This is that beloued Sonne, ih ‘our Emanuell, and mafter whom we mult heare: neitheris there any other name vnder heauen (b) given vnto men, wherin we multbefaued, 20,LM6s1.$2.6°2.10-Matli21E(s.9.6.67616 + Pf 448, Ge BB.21. A.4.27.oF 10.381. 16.15. (4) L011 APHIZ 1d 19.16, etv.2.25.Col 118.05 2.9.(B)Ephat Ms pele.10.26. Philz 6.(0 (aPfals. 22. Matt AB 4ut2. 1s1COT.6.20.1, Pete 0.14.9. (€)AP 19.16.06 17. 24 Cor.1g.24. Pfalsiog.1.(g)Lueg.17. s.20.13:Mat.17.5.8)a.7.14.(b) 10. What is fet beforavsto beleewe in the third Artitte, Conceined by the hely-Gooit? T doth teftife vnto vs, that the fame Lord that was begotten euen from all eternity of God the Father, without a Mother, for ourfakea defcended from heauen and toke vpon him the (qnature et wv OF FAITH (nature of man,in which hee was temporally Conceiuedin Nazareth, and in Bethlem vnder the Emperour Auguftus borne without a Father, of the molt pure and vndefiled Virgin , the power of the holy Ghoft thus working in her ,fothat (which exceedesh all admiration ) the woorde ‘was made 9 flethe, and God became man, and Mary was both the mother of God, anda (2) Virgin, ‘Fhistemporll conception ,and generation of the Sonne of God, doech containe the (4) ori nall of mans Saluation and Redemption, anditis the formeof our regeneration, whereby it cometh to pafle, that we the curfed children of Adam being(e) conceiued of an vnclean feede,and borne the children of wrath , are purified and made cleane: alfo that of carnall wee are made {piri- tual , andthe very fonnes af God in Chritt , to whom the eternall Father woulde hauethe ele~ &e to bee made conformable , That bee might be, faith (f)S. Paul , che inf borne im many breethren, Micb.§.2610b.1.1.6-18,28.E,453.8.10.6.:9.465 0 (4)Galoded, Rom.t.3.Matst-18.20°L4C. 1.26.0 2.10 «(B)Cone, Ep rcap.t3 (c) Hieron is Holts Ambvep 81. EZ ecb. h4e2. (d) Tobo3.5.4 Pet.2.t6 421 Htb.2.368 7 5. TH35.(e\10b.14 AoE pele 2.3Rom6.3 & 8.1,12.(f)Rom8.296 ax What AND OF THE CREED. » 11W hat doth the fourth Article containe, Suffered Yader Pontus Pilates T fheweththat Chrift, when hee had made an ‘A endeof his moft excellens teaching and wor icing of miracles, didarlalt accompli his cone fligte and agony for the Redemption of vs that were perifhed, Therefore although hee were 2 moft innocent and vnipotred Lambe, yea and God alfoimmoral yet ro thew his pafinggreat charivy towards vs , hee fuffered (4) willingly oF moft wicked perfonsall manner of extreameand bitcer torments : whereupon he neither efchued the moft vniuft iudgement of the wicked Iudge Pilate, nor yet the moft fhamefull and (+) oppro~ brious punifhment of the Croffe, vndertaking a moft cruell death for vs, and not refufingro bee buried in another mannes monument: to theine tent that both liuing and di jing , hee might ive and imploy himfelte wholly for thebeboofe of mortall men. W hich Paffion of Chrit (c)Bloude, Crofle, Wounds,and Death,doe continually yeeld comforre health, vertue, and life vnto finners, yet fothat wee obay, and(d)fuffer together with ‘our Head , that fo wee may alfo be glorified with him, For he being (¢) confumate , Wat made to alt that obay bom, canfe of eternall faluation. AB. 10. 37-Mat.27.50 Mate.15.244 6 CF §3.1elob.te 39, Heb.7.26.1. Petotaig. CF 2.22. Apst18.16Tim.6. 05-6, Leatet5.43+ (4) 10.18. OF EAEEACE Be Ihe e OF FAITH °_ T4oG 12.92.Mat.29.27.Mar.1§.16,L40.93.14.) 16 28.13.28 (1) Sep.a.t2.Heb.t2.3. Pbil2.8.Roms. 6 60.11.21 fa Gilet dr Bfa.§30 126(C).PER Ap-1.§.Epbat.7.(d) Rom.17.2.Cor.1 (6) Heb.s.9. 42- What v{e and profit is there,in that We frame she Crofeof Chrift With our fingers, and de © figne aur fore-bead there-Withall? His Ceremony farely both the piety of men Tor (s ) aocens time piled, and theconftant cuttomeof the Church,doth commende vnto vs; ‘And fir ofal we are hereby flirred vptoathake- full remembrance of the moft highe mifte and benefice, which was for our fakes aceomplif- hed vpon the Croffe, and raoft bountifully be- towed vpon vs. ethene ae prouoked to fixe and fettel the true & whole glory,and the Ancker of our falua- tion,in the Crofle of our Lord, Furthermore, thisis a eftimonie,that we have no communication withthe enemies of Chriftes Croffe, Tewes or Heathens , but doe freely pro- fefle againft all fuch, him whom Wwe ferue , our Lord lefus, and him crucified. By this figne alfo we are mouedto the tudie of Patience, that ifwe be defirous of eternall gory (ssfarely we oughrall to bee) we doe not thi mmuch to imbrace that Crofls which we honour, andthe way of thefame Croffe, (8) with Chrift ‘our Captajac, = Morce- AND OF THE CREED, Bid Moreouer, we fetch from hence vitotions are ‘moor (c)againft Satan, long fince fubduedby the vertue of the Croffe: yeaand fowe arefented a gainftall the aduerfaries of our welfare, _ Finally, that we may the more happily take any! iP) PP ‘hand, and finde more profperous fuccefle in all our aétions, we take vnto vs this noble and triumphant enfigne of the Croffe sand expedting in this figne co get («) the vidtory, we donot doubroften times co fay:1n the neme of the Father sand ofthe Sonne, and of the Holy Ghoit, (4)Tere.cor.mile.3.Bafadepr.fa.caa7.Augde Cam eth tdsta. 20.67 train 0.118, Nazorat.3-Hierons sad Buftoe de virg.ferep. 21.04.16 & ad Fabiol deveite facap. 128, & im Exech.g. Chryfoll. bom § Mate Hiftarp.6.6.1.Efrdevera.pan. cap 3. Ong bom. 8, in dinerf.Buang Ruffsb.2,bift.cap.2g. Niceph.lib.r8. $4p.-20.Cyril.Catechgn € 33,1llueme Shy in dow menft. quod Chriftus fit Deus. (b) Mat, 16.24. Lacige 1 AePe e476 2.19.(6)Atbacin vita Ant.Hieron, is Hilarion. Tgnataad Pbilip (4) Ambrof-feros.43.(c) Eufeb.tib.teGr aude vite Conftan, Nicel 8.03.6 | 7e 4766 490 43. W bas Boulde the fifth Article baue sta be- Veeues He defcended into Hell ,androfe againe? J T teatheth vs that Chrift after he was dead ‘ypon the Crofle, did penetrate in Soule euen downe to Hell, that he might both fhew him fe B OF FAITH felfe conquerour of death and of thedeuill, and alfoa deliuerer of the Fathersthat were detained in Limbo : bur according to his bodie, wherein hehud lien inthe Sepuleher, the thitd day after, when it pleafed him to returne triumphantly from Hell, he by his owne power, arofe againe vnto life being immortall and glorious, and the firlt bore of the dead. By which wonderfull worke ;he doth come fort ano inftr: &vs, tharthe Eleéte are deliuered out of the power of death, hell, andthe diuell,and he doth offer and commend vato all men, fuch ace and fauour of rifing againe,that thofe which elecue uly in Chilly rie tom (4) viceto vertue, from the death of finne, vnto thellife of grace, and finally inthe (4) end of the world,érom the death of the bowie toanimmortalllife. For he bewbich (6 rasfetb vp lefus, vill raifeyp vs alfo with Tefus. #f0§-10.Zach.9.11-1.Pet-3-19.Col.t.1§.Ectl the AS-A2.24. Ofeet rd. Iron §.6.31. AMg.69.99.87 $7 -qhelr.@ L.n0.cs.t.15.€5 fer.137. G4 ad Ep? Grim Ofer3. Tere Mate12.29-Hebtei4.Mar.i6.9. Ape, Col.1.18.1.Co 2 Cort he the What AND OF THE CREED. 3 Y4e What fignifieth the fixe Article ; He afcended ? into Heauen J T Sheweth that our Lord lefus; after that hee hadfinithed the worke of mans Redemption, ‘and appeared line againe vnto his Difciples, and confirmed with maity arguments the cruth of his Refurredtion, at the lafton the forty day after,af~ cended into heaven, that acearding to his hu- mane nature, he might bee exalted aboue all ~ thinges, and himfelfealone abone all others, re~ nowmedand honored of all men, Therefore our Lord lefirs; 4) fitteth in heaven onthe righthand ofthe power of God, exercifin equall power with the Father, gouerning al things and wholly {hining with diuine Maielty 5 which is in deede (6) to ficce at theright hande of his Father. Thisioyfull Afcenfion of Chrift,is the affurance of our faith and hope , fo that whither the heade hath gone before ( when once his ena- mies are vanquifhed) thither the members alfo, fo that (c)they obayand cleausto their tead,may hhaue great hope to attaine. (d) I goe ({aith he) 10 prepare you a place. P{al. 8.2.Mar.16.19. AB.1.1-Ephi4 8.0" 2.6.6" 120, Colg.tHebot3-te Pet.2.4t.l0,"4)P/s109. ABT $5.Lue. 32.69.1.Cor.15.25.Epb.1.20, Mat.2¥18.()) Angalibe de fic Cr fym.cap.7.\c)Hebs5.9-Rom8e17.2.TiMm atte o.15.6.(d) To. 14.2 35. Whar Py OF FAITH ss What doth she fenenth article infinnate, From thence be shall cometo ludge? J Tfereth before ou ciesthe later day of Tod ment, when Chrift fhall defeend in humane flethe from the higheft Heauen, and fhal fee in dreadful doome and iudgment ouer the whole worlde, and in the open face thereof, fhall render vnto euerie one according to his woockes. Thet- fore(4) in the feate and throne of his Maiefty he {ball iadge all without exception, good andbad, alvvellshole that fall be alue wien the dsiof iudgement {hall come, as thofe that were before departed out of the world. hereby we areadmonithed,toiue fo much more warelyandvprighlic, by hew mach more f certainlie we are perluaded, thatall the ations, (8) thoughts, and defigneménts of ourlife,areal- waies apparant before the prefence of almightie God, that feeth all thinges, and ind molt rightcouflie, For he is a righteo fearcher of (c) hearts, and reuenger of iniquities, before whole Tribunall we muft all be prelented, that euerie one may receiue athis had according- Jy as he hath behaued himfelfe in his body, best well, or euill. Who will neither(d) defraud any thing well done in ths life, of dewe reward ,not let any euill deeds efcape vnpunithed. Pf 6.208. 313.c> 66.13,105.22.26. Sophsttge Mag otoloelezots (4) M2536 G 24e HgLwe.21.256 AR 10, AND OF THECREED. if AB 10.426t.Thefedot6oCF Se2.1Coreag.gaThef Babe 2.Pet 33.(0) Matt. 36.5 apa 8, Ef.66,18,ECC121e Ro,2.14.,Apoc.20«t te Virg.lap.(c)Hies 9-Heb.4ut2.Gal,6.5u1.Thef4.6, Ectles12stgctsCoTe .(d)Mat.10,4.0.10b.24.126 16. What isthe fumme of the Articles of the Second perfonin Deity? His: that Chriftistrue Godand man, who began and brought o paife the wonderfull Worke ot mansRedemption, fo that, heis vnto vs the (4) Way, Trueth, and Life , by whomonly when we had all perithed, we were faued andre flored, andreconciled vnto God the Father. Of thebenefiteand true vfe of which Redem- prion, we finde thus written : (4) The grace of God tur Saniout bath appeared to all men inftruéting vs, that denying impiety and Worldly defirer, Wwe line om berly,ifBly and godly in this Wworld,expetting the blef= Sed bope and advent of the glory ofthe great God, and ‘ur Sauiour Tefus Chri, who gaue bimfelfe for 1s that he might redeeme vs from aliviquity, and might cleanfe to bimfelfe a people acceptable, a purfuer of 4 Workes, Thefe be the wordes of the Apoftle Paul: andin(¢)another place: We are the worke ed, ereatedin Cbrift Tefus i good Wworkes, Which God bash prepared that We should alke in them ANA againe (4) Chrift died forall: that theyalfo Thich line, may not noW live to themfelues , but 40 bimthat ied for them androfe agsine. Ca Where Py OF FAITH ‘Wherfore we muft take diligent heede of the erronious opinion of thofe, that doe confeffe Chrift not wholly and perteétly , but as it were, Tame & maimed, whileft they doe only acknow. ledge himas a(¢ ) Mediator and Redeemer ji whom we may tuft, but doe not withall aémit him for af) Lawe-maker, whofe commaunde- ments we mult obay sand a parterne ofall vertue, which we muftimitate ;anda iuft Iudge, who fu- rely is to repay the due reward , orpunifhmentro the (g) workes of euery one, o 1 Ag4e1oT0a.s.20.Eph.t.7.(a) Toa14, 6.Ree §.6.Apocoto§.1.Tim 2.5.Rém.3.244(6)Tit.ttto¢)Epbe 2i10,(d)2.Coragar5e(€)oTiM25.Ro3er4u(f)Efaes3s 225 LaGadpe Be 10.13-150g4-1e 10.2.601« Pebet.2t6(g)2 Tim.4.7-Rom.2.s.Sym.Conitan.Cr Conc.Fler.Geh-1, 2.Pf-103.3o.lab.24ut3s Mat.28,19.10,t.32-C 14.16. G 8.9 2.C07.3.17.1.C0reb.15. 3.16,P/.50.12,E a1 161.Gal.5.22.ROM. 17. What deth the eight Article teache vs, Ubeleens in the Holy- Ghoft ? ] T (pecifieth the Holy-Ghoft,, the thirde per- | fon in Deity; who proceeding from the Fa- ther‘and the Sonne, is true God,coeternall, coe gual, & confubstantiall ro both, and to be wor- Shipped with thefamefaith, and with equal ho- nont and adoration, Thisisthar paraclet andteacher of truth , that doch lighten, purife, and fandtify the hares ofbe- leeuers, AND OFTHE CREED. 3 Teeuers , with his grace and clics, and confirme them in ll holiness This is the («) pledge of out enheritance, who helpeth our inhrmity and di- wideth to eusry one according as he will, his di- uerfe gifts, (4) Eptet.13.Rom,8.26...C07.12,116 3B, What addeth the ninth Article, t beleeue the : oly Catbolicke Church? T doth fhew and declare vntovsthe Church, Tis is to fay, the (4) vifible congregation of Chriftes faithfull people, for which the Sonne of God raking vpon him the nature of man, did,and fulffered all hinge And fie itseacheth thatthe fame Church is(b) ‘one, and vniforme in faith, and in the DoGrine of faith , and adminiftration of Sacraments 5 which , vader one onlie head Chrift Ieliis, and gue vcegeren ()ypon earth the chiee Bitbop, is goucrned andkeptin vnity, Then, it giueth vs to vnderitand, that fhe is holy, (4) Beeanfe Chrift doth alwaies fangtify her by the Holy Gholt, fo that fhe is neuer és ficute or voide of holy men , and holy lawag. Neither can any man be artaker of anyholinefle and fan@ifcation , that is not of her fociety and congregation. Thitdly that fhe is(e) Catholike, thats to fay, vniuerfall, fo thac , {he being difperted through= ‘our the world, in her motherly bofome recez- C3 uth OF FAITH het, embracrh and fly Kepet el pefoe ofall times, places and nations ,fo that they be of fone minde and confent in the faith and dodtrine of Chrift. Fourthly, that there is in the fame Church a communion of Saintes, foe that thofe which liue (Pin the Church, as inthe houfe & family of AL- Imghty God , doe hold an vnfeparable focery ‘vnity amongftethemfelues, and as members fof one and the elf fame body, helpe and fit ‘one another, with mutual benefites,merites,and prayers. Amonglt them there is vnity of faith, onfente of doéfrine, conformable vie of Sacra ‘ments : and notwithftanding the diffentions and cercours, what (g) euer they be, that by meanes of fome fewe may fpring and growe vp,yetare they all wayes carefull, ro % keepe the vnicy of the fpirite in the bande of peace. And inthis Com- munion, vndoubtedly not only the Saintes of the Church militant, that doe traucile as pilgrimes | ‘vpon earth , but alfoall the bleffed Saintes ‘ofthe | Church moft happily triumphant with Chriftin heauen, (4) asalfo the fonles of the godly, which hauing departad this life, arenot ()) yer cometo thathappy eftateof the bleffed Saintes, are alto- gether, iointlie comprehended. Outof this communion of Saints ( like as out of the(k) Arke of Noe ) thereis certainly vndoub- teddeltruion, but no laluation for mortall men: not for the lewes or Heathens, that neuer recea ued the faith of the Church: not for Heretikes, that J) axporrnecus | OF THE CREED. 39 that haue forfaken the faith once receaued , or any way corrupted the fame : not for Schiffhas tiks,that haue deuided themfelues from the peace and vnity of the Church : finally, not for (1) Ex- communicate perfons,that for any greuous crime or caulé, haue deferuedto be cut off as hurtfull pernicious members , from the body of the ‘Church, And all and euery of thefe , becaufe they do hot appertaine vnto the Church and to herholy communion , they cannot be partakers of the grice of God and m) evernall faluation except they be firlt reconciled and reftored vnto the fame Church, from which, they through their owne defaulie haue once bene feparated For moftcer- taine is the Rule of (n) Sainte Cyprian, and (0) 9. Auguiftine : that he fhall not haue Godto be his Father, thae will not hauethe Church to be his Mother. (4) Mat. 5.15. Efa. 60.1. 2.24 Pfalei8.5. Auge epsloscy devnitsEce.t.16.€5 ms Pfa.30.Con, 2.Chryfaboogude Verb. Efaies| 1.524 10.16.06" 16.8 -16COY LOWY 12612625, Eph eff Je Cppredefimp prelat.Ire.l.1.c.gHierad Ageruchiep 1.Cor.(e)Cyprde im. eps. Sptrenslib-3.c.3. Dame] p57. 58. View. (4) Epb.s.27. Cant. 4.7.1, Pet Enchot,s6.€7 in P{ Vig. mor. 6.6.17, 3.6.40.(¢) AB1-8.Ge. 15.20.L46.24.47. Mat.28.19.0F 16.18, AUg.ep.t70% © 166.conteep fundco4u os bade Verrelac sratasy. C4 40 OF FAITH 3u{Sinpron.Vinc. Liter 6.¢, Cart (f)tph. Pa. 118.63.C0l.1o12,Phile tage 2.Cu7B.14otol0.t3, RoM.12-fe-COT.12 prin To.(g)Eufed.7.cep.s9. Aug.2.COn. Dose.b.G ep. 19.6" deverarelc.6.% Eph.ar3. (b) sep cap.13.Ench.c56.()Ang lib 20.ciune.o Gregale <ésduat.cap.3gu (k) Gev.7. 25.1.Pet3-20. Eft 60.126 ‘ug €p.50.€5 152.07 de vait.Ec.éots & 19.Ful.defid. ‘ad Bet.es7 38.39. Simpro.lreslqucod3. Greg.leiqamorsea.2. Chryf epuad Epb,Cont. Later. c.1sAlcimAuisog.cv19otelo2-19 10.6 66.18de 18,(0)1.Cor.5.4. Tim 1.20.Nam.t2.14 Mat. 18.17, le, 6.17.Euf-apud Damafe.|3.Paralicep.45.(m) Aug fer. 181. de temp.c.t2.c im Pfal 88.cone.2.&r eP-204.Cyp. p57 52.(n)de inp. Preo) Catesca13, 194 What doth thetenth Article ft beforeys? Emiffion of finnes, without the which,none ean beiuftor obtaine faluatia, And this molt ch treafure Chrift hath purchated (¢) forvs by jitter death and moft pretious bloode,that he whole worlde mighte be exempted from finne, and from the perpetuall punighmentes due vnto the fame, Of whichtreafure certes, they only are made partakers by the grace of Chriff , that doe vnite themielues by faith(b)8¢ Baptiimeto the Church of Chrift, and doc abidein the vnity and obedien ceof the fame, Then afterwarde, they alfo that have AND OF THE CREED. haue diligentliedone (c) penance fortheic Give committed after Baprifiie, and doe conuenienay wie thofe medicines and remedies againft finne, that Chuift hach ordained, to wit, the holy Sacra mentes of the Church, And hereunto belongeth the power of the (d)keies2s they call it, which Chrift forthe remiffion offinnes hach commited vnto the Minifters of the Church, andefpecially to the ApoftleS,(e) Peter, and his avwfull Succef- fors, asto the Supreame guides and rulers of the Church, (@) £fi.33-23. Matsn21.6'9.6. Lae.t4. 47 AG.10.4.2.Heb.g 1301610.1.7. Eph. 147.Cal.t. Hebst.g. (b) A&.2.38.G 8.12.36, Mar, i6.16, 10.35. Aug. Ench.¢ 65. 6 de¢.20.6 22.() 3.Corz 21.428 22,10.20.23.Apoe 25.(d)Hieraepat aad Hele €. 7. Aig, bom. 49.631 6°50. CaaC> §uiMter > Chry[-ogsde Sacerd. Cyprieps4oLuce 30.35.Mat.18. 18.f0. 20.22.(¢) Mat.10, Mat.Bernal.2ole confidee 8.Con, Flor.i9.10.216156 20. What hath the elenenth Article? ‘T declareth therefurredtion ofthe flefh,which at the latter day {halbe common to good and bad. For this fraile brickle body of ours that we beare about with vs,peftered with fo many dilae fes, arid fubieéte to fuch comttinuall griefesand mi- feries, that muft after our death become aprey far ‘wormes, {hall hen reuiue:when at chatlaft day, allthe deadeat the voice of Chrift the Tudge tal 0 S iedbohso teenddgernct raifedboth to life andiudgement, Allth thal appese in feb beforethe(e) ibang Chrift, that euery one without exception, accor- dingly as be hath behaued himfelfe in his body, which then fhalbe reftored vito him whole gain, fo may receive either good oreuill, and they that baue doone good thinges(b) shall come forth inte the RefurreBtion of life:but they that haue done euill, intothe RefurreBion of indgemente (c) and punsshe ment cuerlafting. __ Inthefaith andbeleefe hereof,agoodand pae tient man, doth take folace and comforte inthe sgreateft miferies that may befall, fo that atthe vee rylafte gafpe of life he will ay 4) 1 kobe shat myRedeemer doth live, and in thelafle day shall fe {from the earthe,and againe be compafed about With ty skinneand sm my flesbe I shall fee God.Wile there fore certesand molt wileare thole,that doe bin into the feruitude of luftice and (¢) vertue thele cacy dying membre anddoe prepare this bo- a8 a pure Veflell, for the happy it i a oo Ef4.26+19. lobot9. 254 EX¢cb.37. 1.Cor.15. 516% Theff 4.16. TaagO'$ajeManasap Do ae Bhasin eed Miner ALep.s52. & ep Gtvada. oq. Greg. lat4a mor.c.30, & feq.Aug. Ench.csb4och fog. br2, cis 6.1 aba Oned, §-10.Ror.14.104(b)Iob§-25.Matt13. 40:(6) Matt, 35.46.67 13.10.Athan,in fymb(d)Tob.1g.25.(e) Cel, BSotaPehegtB.t4Cor.9.27,R0W6,1241.Cora§-42- ate Wat AND OF THECREED, 45 2%. What is thé latte Arsicle? F life * enerlaftinge,which we may nothing Oécuse toremaine vnto theeledteaftertheir death, And this is the fruice and finall end of Faith, Hope, Patience,and Chrittianlikeexercife, Forthe obtayning of which life, toa true belee- uersno worke of pietie oughtto feeme diffculte : no labour painfull, no greifebicter, no timelony or tedious in well working or fufleringe. Andi this life notwithftandinge thatitis repleate with all manner of calamities be accoumpted a thing moft choifeand delightful : how muche moreis that life tobe had in greate price and eftimation which is () fo fareof from any feeling andere of ccuill, and is replenifhed on euery fide with heavenly and vnfpeakeable oyes, pleafures, and delights thatneterthallhauc endl Of whichlife Chirift faith thus :( b )Feare not litle flcke , for it hath pleafed your Father to giueyou a kingdome.And atthelateer day ofindgmenthe will lay vato the elegte: (¢) Come yee blefed cf my father, poffefe you the kingdome prepared for yon , from the fundaion of the Worlde. But vnto the wicked he will {peake in this manner: Geryee (d) adeay from meyou curfed int fire enerlafting , Which Was prepared for she dew sill and bis angels. Which fentence dothnotonly touch (¢) Heathen , Heretics, Schifmatickes, andpublicke finners3 but appertainethalforo all hole Chains, hated tiie in mortal inne. Lat | | 44. OF FAITH Laftofall this claufg(g) Amen ,isadded in the end, that it may plainly appeare,howw firmely and furely grounded , we ftandin the profeffion and ‘teftimony of this Chriftian Faith and Confeffion, 17.3. Mat.t9.12. 1017.23.29. 35-34-46-AP062.761017.2666 3011-21607 7.44 3426100236 22.1012. ROM 206 TIPE 2015. 25. 3.20t.Pet.t.3,R0M.6.22. 22.6029. $0.67 baat e.rltsey fer.b4ude Ver. Do.s.t.c feq. GLzude fymb, ad Catech.c.12-(b)Lnc.'2.32.(0)Mataas.34. (d)lbide 46.(e) fide ad Pet. 8.07 40( (jE zee18. 4G 338, Rom 6.235 Sapett6, y ad Marcela ep. 1374 22, Ist fufcient for a chriftian to beleewe shofe hinges onlytbat are contained in the Creede? Tftand fpecially, no doubr,thofethinges that Ficus vs inthe Creed of the Apoltles,are tobe belecued, and openly (4) profelled ofeuery ene, Which alfo are made more plaine , being conferred wich the Creed of the Fathers , and with that of Athanafius, Secondly ,a Chriftian mauft of neceffity be- Aeeue, whatfoeuer the ( 6) diuineand Canonicall Scripture doth containe, But the certaine and (2) legitimate books of Scripture, noman may cul seme by any other meanes, than by the iudge- mentand aughority of the Church, Thirdly, — _ AD OF THE CREED, 45 ‘Thirdly, hereunto doe belong thofe thinges that ate neceflarily drawen(d)and deduced,partly out of the Articles of the Creede, and partly out of holy Scriprures, Fourthly and laftly, are all fuch documents to. be holden as moft holy, andto be firmely belee= ued, which the holy ghoft reuealeth vnto vs, and pronounceth by the(+) Church, whether theybe commended vato vs by writing, ordeliuered by tradition and word of mouth. Which point we will couch more at large hereafter. Thefe therefore are the things, in which the true Catholike faith doth confift, withoutthe which, all fe€taries do in vaine promife to them= felues and others, grace, and faluation in Chrift. Hebs.t2.&> 6.1-1,Pet.3.15. (4) Ambit Vitge Aung Cath.co1. & L2cap.1.(b) 26Pete 1.19.ROM. U5 o4yo2sTitie3015,(¢)Conc.Tol. for.129.6 19h detemp. Hier anfymad Damef. Aug. ome. TradSeffa.(d)Mas.22.29.(@)Cyr ep. dosed Neftalren. b3-CAPedn OF liv sto4y5« Gr O3sHier. con Lucif 4eVinesLitecon.Nonat, (f)Le0.fetedn de natin, Dom. THE SECONDE CHAPTER of Hope, and our Lords Prayer. 1. What is Hope? Ope is a vertue infufed by God , whe Hatice with ace eff sna onitence, expe 48 OF HOPE, AND OF expeftat Gods hande, the good of our{aluation and life everlafting. To {mall purpofe it isto beleeuein God, and sword of God, and to profefle the divine Do- rine of holie Church , vnleffe a Chriftian ha- ing once vnderftoode the goodnelfe of Almigh- ty God, doe concoiue hopeand confidence of ob- taining pace and eternal alacion. Wich hope doth fo fortifie and vphold the iuft man in the greateft(a)mniferies, thar although hebe deftiture of all worldly helpes , yet will he confidently fay: (b) Alsbough be kill me, yet will 1 hope in him. nd (c) in God Ihave boped ,1 Dill not feare what b de vate me. (d) My Ged I sruj in thee 1 Sitebeabenes” 27 TH Again Enescap8.1.COV.35, 1, Rams.2.67 Buta Tit. 2613.6 3.7.16P Ct. 1.3. 1610.51 Lacat 365-10. 33.6 16.3. Matt agePf.abty 140 Bye 8 pate er arate Tes 8 Epb.6.17.Heb.10.35.6 6.18. (4) Eeelingents Rom3, 35.Pfal30. 25.Prou.a8.s. (b)oba315, ()Pf-55.5 (4) Pfal.r42. 24 By What meancs maya man cometobave this bope? Tei ofall one great helpe hereunto, isto (+) Frey feruently and often to Almighty Gods Alfo hopes to be nourithed and tired vp wi daily meditation of the goodnefle and benefices (8) of God, thofe efpeciilly , which Chrift out Lorde THE PATE Lordeforhis infinite charity towards vs , perfor med and promifedeuen tothe vndeferuing. Laft ofall, there mu(t be annexed (¢)purity and clean- nesof cAfcience,which mutt euer/d)thewit felfe by good workes, and inuincible patience in all aduerficy, For they that wante the teftimony ofa good conlcience, or haue not apurpofetoamend their life, they Ifay, haue nor-that hope which they fhould, but do rather rafblie vaunt of () pre~ famption, and a very vaine and vafruitfull con= fidence, howfoeuer they boalte of Gods grace, and of the merites of Chrift. Hopein our Lorde (aith the (f) Prophet, and do Seedneffe, and againe: Be thou Jubied to our Lordy and pray to bin. And another Prophet: (¢) Our Lordis goodto shofethat hopein kim,to the foule that feeketh him, And thatthis hope muftnot bealto- gesher(t) voide of eare,itappeareth by thisplace Of the plalme: Our Lord (i)is Well pleafed over ebema that fearebim , and inthem that hope andsruftin bis mercy. (@) 1-Thef-5.16. Luc.t1.9.67 18.t. Mat.7.7.Ecelia 18.22,(b)Eph.3.4.Tit.33.Rom8, 9.Hleb,10.23.Tit.t.2.RoM $.8.17.20. G 8.18.(c)Prec WotGntal0n3.21. AUgel.t. de dol, Chr.637.6 40.6 Lg. 6.10. GinprafiPlgt.(d) 2.Cor, o 3. Col, 1.21.2. ets t.1 (f)P/3634(g) tp.davad Gregorian, Feft, Mag I 48 OF HOPE, AND OF 3+ What goodthinges are thofe Whicha Chridtuan mutt bope for ? Fides efpeciallythofe good (a) thinges of the Kingdome of heauen , which do make men bleffed and happy, and exempreth them fromall mannerof miterie. Then, all uch things as(b) {eruing for the neceffarie vies of mortall ‘men in thislite, are rightly defired and prayed for at Gods hands , oughtto be reputed inthe nums ber of thofe goad thinges which areto be hoped forand expected. All which are fpecially expref- fed in our Lordes prayer, as which Chrilt our Lorde with his ewne molt facred (¢) mouth de- iuered,and with wonderfull witdome prefcribed toallthofe, that would gladly byprayer lay open, their hope and good defires before God, i) Tit.2.13.0F 3-7.(b)Heb.4416. Encbsthe rigee)Mat.b.g.bucstt.2. 44 Whatisthe forme of our Lords prayer? T Histhatfolloweth ; Our Father which artin beauen. 44, Hallowed bethy name. Thy kingdome come, 3+ Thy Will bedonne,in earth, asi 4+ Give vs tbis dayour daily breed. 5. And forgine vs our trefpaffes, as We for gine hem shat trefpafe againft vs. Pr in heauen, 6. And 4 THE PATERBOSTER, 49 6. And lead vs notinto temptation. Pa teBugdiliver vs fron gills Amen. The Pater nofter:is-expowuded:, by.thefe. Tert. & or. Dom.Cyt.catmyf5e chry.bocde er.Dom. ein cap.6.Mat. Hitron. Theop. Eursin Mas, Amb. Sxerscap.4w-Augap. 121.40 Probatm Gut1.G lit de fer. Do. ciduG feqeGih0. dita 6 50:.Gr fer. 1264 135: 182s de temps fer guex ditte Chryfol.fer.67.& feq.tnnoc.3.libede MiB. Miffe 6.176 part tras Laod.German.Patriareba Conft,Caftid. 18.6 fegtle Aertel eM g- Whatis thefamme of our Lords prayer? PP Here are («) feuen petitions conteined ther= +L. in, vnto which ,all, manners and formes of prayers (6) whatfoeuerymay and ought to be re- ferced , whether we.treate with almightie God, forthe obtaining of fome good things, or forthe wiping away affine, of for the turning away of any euill whatfoeuer. And in the three firft peti- tions, thofe things arein order demanded, which are properly erernall & euerlafting:jathe fower others we do aske euen temporall thinges , a8 being neceflary for vs, to the getting of the eter nal, (4) Ang. in Bach, cor 150 Or ltede fers Dott. 6.100 (0) Ang.ep.121.4d Probam c,124 D 6. What so OF HOPE, AND OF - 6, What is ment by the beginning of shit prayer 3' _ sila ese on I ‘T is allitle preface , and it putteth vs in minde of-that grtat & ineftimable bencfite , wherby God th Father, that eternall maieftie, ‘raigning molt happily in heaven, received ve-tnto be fe. uour, and for Chrift his Sonnes fake , adopted vs by the holy ‘Ghoft to be his fonnes’, and heires vnto his heauenly Kingdome. ‘And this remembrances of {0 great benefites, doth notanly tirre vpf4) attention : but proueke alfo the fonnes torender loue againe to their fa~ ther and to obay him, and it doth in like manner encourage them to pray, and afford them()eonfi- dencetoobtaine. Ext5.11 Bfaagtasedy 65019, Malet62. Cort 30 Phils4u20.A:4:10. R0.8 15. Gal-4u§.1-Pet.3 29.1000 sat Dir. (4) Cyprain 1.1% 7« Whatis the fenfe of the firlt Petition , Hallowed by thy name ? E defire that afwellin our felues a8 in all others, that may alwaiesbe preforred and aduanced,whieh ftane eth moft with the glory and ho- nor of our Soneraigne and moft excellent Fa- thers And 1 THE PATER NOSTER. = And this indeede wee doe performe,when thé onféffion of the true faith, hope and charity, and holy conuerfatidn («)of Chiiftian life, forth their lightand force in vs,that(B)others alf@ bebioldiitg thie faine; may take occafidn t6 glorifie our Father. Mist 5.47.1. Pett. 120G dul ke COT. 20,310 Se. i7.Rom-t5.6, Becli, 36.1, (4) Lu6st.7est.Petatat 5 316,Pbiliast5. (b) Matt 5.176 8. What it contained in the fecond Petition Thy kingdome come? E do aske that God by his grace “Sciufticemay raignein his Church, yea,andin the whole world,all ad- uerlary powers, andeuill afeétions being once abaridoned and rooted outs en we dowihe and pray , that being once called dut of this world , as out of a troublefoma (#)pilgrimage and warfare, we may be (peedily tanfported into thekingdome of glory, and euer~ lafting felicity , co raigne with Chrift and hia Sairites for ener, Mat.6.33:Romst4at7Pf.2201 CF 794. LH601. 3720.14 1b. 4.204 Eph, 1418.23. Me Corei§.24.Cols1134P/.57.24(4)Pbi1.33. Hel 3 VsPCbade 11s 106.701 526COT.5 454 SAPG.15+ APOC a Ma 811, Dz 9. What # OF HOPE,AND OF : 96. Whas imperteth the third Petition , Thy Dill be done? E doe withe in this petition, that asthe An- gels and bleffed Saints in heauen 30 we alfo vpon earth , though weake, atfd of imall force, may exhibite vnto Almighty God, exaéte obe- dience , defitig or coueting nothing fo much, as that we may willingly fubmir our lelues to the will of God, both in profperity andaduerfity, and renouncing our owne will, which is prone (4) vntoeuill, we may reftand fettle our mindes in the (6) will of God. Pf.102,20.Rom.t.10. Ait9.6.6°21.144 Deuter. | BiHeba1g 21 1Alan1$uL46.22.4241-PetahadoAE$.29. Tobsta2t. 1.Pet5s 6. (4)Gen. 8.21, Mat. 26.41. Berm. {for.g. derefur, 5-30 G 6o38ste Rege 3.18 10, What hath the fourth Petition, Ginevs this day our daily bread? WW Edoc like poore folkes, and beggers, crave of the author and fountaine of all goodnefle, thofe thinges that befufficient forthe daily main- tenance of our corporall life, co wit , food, and cloathing: alfo thole thinges that doe ferue to abercer the life of the foules as the (¢) word of God, the fpirituall food of the foule;the moft oly (4) and B, Sacrament of the Altar, tach y THE PATER NOSTER 3B uenly breade: and other moft holefome Sacra« ments and gifts of God, which doe feede, cure, and confirme'the inwarde manto'a well ordered and happie Kinde of life. 1aest.5.17. Pfaleggnt8. Detit.10-18, Geti.28:20, ¥- Tits.6.8.P70.30.8:P/.14 4015.) Malou doe AM Bo1T6 Eetle 15.34 P10,9.5, (b) Mats 26,26. GF 6.1%. 10.6510 fer.deor.Do.AmbuL5llé Sacre GsqoAtlg bende fer. Do.inmont.c.7. a 3+, Hol is the fifeh Petition vnderpied s Forginevs our trefpaffes ? N this we craue, that God will mercifufly puir- gevs fromthe {pot of finne , which aboue all thinges is moft foule and peftilent vnto the foule;, and that he will alfo remitte‘thofe verie debts, which we haue contratted by finning. Andleaft our praier fhould not Be autaileable, by reafon that we are euill affedted towardes our neighbour ; we adde this befides, that all fecret hateand («) defire of reuenge being laide afide, Wwe areat atonement with our neighbour , and haue forgiuen euery one that hath offended va, euen fromthe bottome of oui hartes . For this is that which Chrift fignified in anotherplace when. he faid: (6) Forgive , andycess ball beforgivens And againe : (¢) If you Willnot forgine then , neither Will ‘our Father forgive you yout ofences. > Thren, 4.8.1. Cor.10.6, 14.26.14 NUM5.6.206 Bx0,32427.L6.7047.T0D.12.104 S4Pe1 61 Au Pf. 50-3 D3 Agtte Sa AND-HOPE, AND OF $-9.13-(4) Rom 12.17.19. Col.3.12.L0u0.23.34.A8.7, Go.Mare1 1.25-Eph 432. (b) Lu6.6.37-(c) Mat 6.140 @ 18.22.33,Ectl24. 1. Aug. im EDC. tep.740 32. Whatis she fenfe of the fixth gaits Lead vs fot into temptation Ecaufethis prefent life warfare’ earch, while we ate alwaies agulted wih jivers temprations,and in an hard and continual] conflig, wish the world, the fle(h, andthe deuill: therfore, being gevouly careful] of out owne eftate, we fuetorhelpeat the handes of almighty God, that we donot yeeld to fuch aflaultes of our aduetfaries, and by yeelding incurre damnation ; ‘but that tanding alwaies in this continuall com- Bate, relieng ypon the tighre and handof God, ‘we may valiantly refifte the power of the devill, Ihaue the world in gontempre, chaltice the flethe, and fo finallieasinuincible fouldiers of Chrift, be crowned afier the vidory, for (4) 22 men iscrow= ra as witnelfeth the Apofile,ymlefe be firine lan fully. Job.7-1.1udith.8.21. T9b.3.21. GF ra. 13-Mat4.1, 6 26.4.1-Heb.2.48-2.Thef 3 3.1. Goo So. Mate 16.26. 16007. 9.35 37.6 Noe eae oe OF 1, 12s 14 Petg.8. 10.2. Pet.2. 9. Eph.6. 11.Cole BS APH 27 S017 26 2cT M47. zt, 3 What THE PATER NOSTER. 55 ag Whats tbe fevensh anid laftpesition, Deliner ¥s from euill? E pray’ at the laf that God will ‘hot fuffer'vs. to beauer-throwne, _ and calt away with the wicked, by : the calamities of this world, wher- witheuen the Godly alfo are exercifed : but that by his banignitie he deliver vs, fo farre forthe as isexpedientfor ourfaluasion: and mercifully de- fend'vsfrom all eujll both of body, andfoule as this Jife,, a6 in tocome. For {fo hath bimfelfe promiled : (4) Call ypon mein the 4y- af tribulasion., I. Aeul deliner shee and thou shale bonour me, ‘.Laft of all, weeonelude-the whole prayer with this ong avarde Amen ,-(#) that we may fhewe our confidence in praying, and hope of obtaining, in garde aswell of Chriftes promife that neuer faileth, (¢):Aske, (faith he) andit shall be given yous asalfoof the infinire clemencie and ready mercie of God the-Father: in fo much that hereupon, 5. thombath faied,(d) W hatfoewer We shall askeat- carding t0 bis Will, be beatetb ys. 3-Reg.8.33.P10.¢cli.23.4oHiet.2.i = Tob.122.6 2.10. Ec6li.27-1-464Ap 3.10. Pid huife © 9.16.6 23.5.7-8:18,(a) Pfalegy. 15.(b)2. Cor.1.20. Pfal.goHiersin 6.6, Mat. (c)Mate 77 ebiWGgt to9lQe16.230(d)E-l05 140 Toeeas togoaX’ Hae 4 14. Wha y6 OF HOPE, AND:OF E-rc, Ihe Whats thefaanme df our Lords prayer? T containeth aperfite and abfolute forme, net Toy of asking that whichis good ,bugalfo of Playing tobe deliuered from whatfoewerS evil, ‘And among{t che things that be goad, tlisis firft to be wiflredand praied for, hatall inen may glotifie our heauenly Father,at all imes audin all placed : then; thar We may be partakers of his Kingdome: afterwardey that we antap riot yarit thofe helpes that are'convenient for the attdininig vnto the {ame kingdomb. Asis ,onche behalfe of our foile, v6 be conformable tothe will of God: and-as touthing-our body sto-haue néceffary li- uuing and maintenance, “ : Butthofe thinges that are added ia che fecond place, and do continucto the end of ths prayer, do expréffetheaffett of one that crauetlideli from euils, which by the grace ‘and power of al- mighty God,he defirethtohaue either veretly ta- ken away,to wit finne;the contagion of algood- rieffe andthe'finke and'pudale of alleuils: or els that they be fo tempered’, that by their vistence, they hindervs not in the way to falsation. Such are, dhiers temptations’ tht intiade vs in this worl andall calamities both prefent and toco- me. All other things that are to be faid rouching praier, {halbe referued-for thatplace ,where the threekinds ofgoad works {hall beexpounded, OF THE OF THE ANG TC ALL Y ALV EA ELONG 3 = iho Which is comnonly alledthe Ampoisall (falutation? AT Het which war pronbanced vnro the moft holy Virgin,the mother of God in thefe wor- desis Haile Mary full ofghate} our Lovdes} With thees ‘Hlefedart thou among Women, and bicffedisthefrsir ‘af thy Wombre, Te[us. Hély Marie mother oftGid , pray for vs %ftuners: nowy and ins the'houre ‘of ‘our death. Amen’ 2 116; Aug. ferd.deiditonnt 6aAcBcs Chry fh feritqd.or ‘feqs By cbanki3. fuper Miftisep.Fulg.fer, de Laud. 8. fee Out Su tsi sind: ted, old es : BW hetenpon tenie thie niaher of faliting ¢ 0d o samplesaf the Gof- FE peth, wheteas che-great Archangel! Gabriel, Ste cbethche holyeno ofthe (4) forerun- net of our Lorde , bochi‘in(pired by the’ holi Ghoft, dofo teach andiniteudte'vs. : ‘Then we haue this forme of falutation confir- med‘and ratified ,by-che-contiauall caftotheand confent of the Church , which the holy ayncignt (pFerssand meri of olde rime haut‘teligioully ered ,-cuen to-thiis “day ; andivaut Wine . alfo . 58 OF THE ANGELICALL alfo of vs to be oblerued, eHeeey (4) Lue, 1.28.43. (b) Demafe. in Cant. deannunc, ‘ Eaang,deSS, De. para & many more as appe> reth in she 18. & 19. fetbeng,. i 17 What doth it profite vs t0 vfe this manner af falasasion? By thole excellent words, we ave firft of all admonihed of that exceeding greate benef te, that the eternall Father wouldes beginne in Chrift, by Marie the mother of-God sand merci- fully beftowe vpon mankinde by redeemingit. This js-alfo a fingulare eomayendation of the melt holy and Mate Virgin, which God letermined to be the findet forth of. grace, and mother of life vnto vs. ran on : ‘Whetsfore no meruaile, if after thofe Godly petidions ; which we ‘offered ynto. Ged in. our Lords praier , being here mindfull of the grace that we receaued by Chrift, we doe not only praife the mother ‘of Chrift, bytalfo God the F: ther in the fame Virgin nether of God, andra. Hoicing together with the Angels, with great re- erence, and often faluce her. : a ¥ Cal dnge Lip1127. & 1.30, 38, Whatis the fen ofthis alutation ? J N the firft ‘wordes therof, wedoe iuflly reioice wa herof , we a and in xeigicing praife and renowme het, ——————, SALVTATION: 59 her, that was to vs the fecond, and that amoft happy Eue: For, that woe of malediétion thatthe firlt Eue brought into the world, this other by her holfome fruite hath taken away, and hath ex- changed the very curfe of the children of Adam / with a perpetuall bleffing, : Moft worthy no daubt to becalled full of gra. ce, as who being full of God, full of vertues : a- lone(for I will vieS. Ambrofe his words ) obtai- ned that grace which no other had ener deferued before, tha the might be repleni(hed with the Author of grace. And what place could there be in her (oule gr bodie for any vice, when the was made the temple of the holy of all ho- lies? There is added befides: Our Lordis with thets Becauleboth the power of the Father did fingu- larly ouerfbadowe (4) her: andthe holy Ghoft came plentifully vpori her : and the (5) worde being made fefhe, from her did proceecein moft wonderfull wile, as a bridegroome from his chamber, ° ‘Then it followeth, Bleffed art shou among Wo- men, Becaufe {he was togeihera fpoule by « Vire jinitiesanda mother by Ruicfuelte. Andthere- re with greate right all generations doe and Mball al-waies call her (¢) bleffed. A woman (4))all faire and immaculate : a Virgin before her delivery 3 at her deliuery , and after her Geliuery : alwaies (¢) vncorrupted : free from all fpot of fin ; (f) exalted aboue all heauens: ae sho, 60 OF: THE ANGELICALL who no lefle by giuing life. was profitable, than vohappy Eue by killing-was: hurtfull, ynto all tmankinde, ‘And bleffed is the fruit of thy Tombe, Telus ‘that {pringing'va like a (g) lower from Mariethe roote hath both thewed hinjelfe after a forte fruice of the earth:and doth in fuch manneryeeld thefruit of lifeand faluation to his members , a8 (6) a Vine doth ivice and life vnto the branches. O bleffed wombe (i)indeede that bare & brought forthe a Sauiour to the worlde:O blelled pappes without doubt , that being filled from heauen; Suckeled: the Sonne of almighty God. Finally the Church hath added is the end(k) ‘Holy Marie mother of God, pray for ys finners , nob, and in she boure of aur death. For we following the (2) Reppes of the holy Fathers , doe nor only {z- Jute that wonderfull Virgin, worthy of all com- mendation, which is asa Lillie (m)amongft thor- nes zbut doe al(o beleeue and profefle that theis ‘endowed with fo great power and ability from God, that fhe isable to profite, fauour, and plea- fure miferable mortal men,efpecially when they doc commend themfelues, and their defires vnto. hier, and doe humblely fue forthe grace of God, bythe Morhersinterceffion, Andr.Hietaf-Archie.Cretenfis in falut.Angel.Iren. 35-Hiersad Ente. ep.22 6448.07 9 Innoc 3. ‘for-2deaffump. Ber. Miffus ft. epattg.catt Clemens Alexan Lb Pf-g2. E3:20.1.0 34, 28.L¢0i, 1968 o37-Dett oat 5.6.6 10.4 (4) Matet9ua7. (82203 7 MAT. 10619407 1203 16 LC. 18619687 Le 25,ROs213.8 13.8.6 7.12.Gal5-14.1462.8 @ 1.25. Fh MATHML. §.CONC.TrHinfeff. Lee 26.1.The commandements are expounded by Orig. bo. 8m Exod.Aug.quett-71. im Ex. Cr state 10.plagis, & tbede to.chord.(6)Deut.21 6. Whar COMMAVNDEMENTS, 6 6. What meaneth this beginning, Lam thy Lord God ¢ A Lmightie God beginneth the ren Comman- dementes with the knowledge of himtelfe, and with theinfinuation of his Maielty. That the Law-maker being once knowen , we may feare andreuerence him the more, and the Commmaun- dements which he hath fet downe may bee of greater auchority amongft all men. ForwWe are{o feriouflie deale withall ,thatifeuer we meaite fo be (4) faued,we mutt firlt a8 in amott bright glat- fe, here afluredly behold the will of the dinine ‘Maieltie, and he whole and perfeCte manner of iuing well, and then this molt holy Lawebeing once knowen by the (b) helpe of Chriftsipirite, exaétly keepe and obleruethefame, * Neither truely doth our Lawe-maker’onlie give Commaundements, but doth withall pro mile his(¢) blefTing, and afffteth with his helping bhand. 1 Will put faith bee my (4) {pirit in themiddelt of you, & 1 Will caufe that yon may Wwalke m ny Com- maundements, and thas you may Reepe my iudgements, nd that you may Worke, For which caule when Chritt alfo (¢) had commaunded : Take vp my yoke ‘ypon you; leaitany man fhoulde gleadge the difft- Sulty thereofas an exc ufe: heeadded, Formy yoke is oeete, and my burthen light : Vnto thole vn- doubtedly , that being indued with the fpirite of grace, doe walke in charitie nat fained, E3 Deutibs 70 OF THE TEN Dest 6.1.3§.24. 6 4.23.40. & 10.16, Malt 5.146 Hier.g2.17.P{al.46.3.(a)Mat 518.0 19,17.0728.20. 1610.3.24. Ang quelt.140.fape 17.Phil. 4.013.(c)P/-83.8. Deut. 28.1.Leuit.26,3.(d) Bx.ecg6.27.c+ 11.19.20. (e)Mat. Ioang.3. Come. Trid feff.6.c6.11.6 Cane 38.Cbry/ reg brett. As denat. 6 £1466043-C7 69.0 fet. 610 GF igtede teampy {mad Damaf. eo Whatimporteth the firft Commayndement? T forbiddeth and condemneth Idolatry, Su- perftitious obferuations, and the vie of Arte- ‘Magicke and divination, Te ceacheth alfo and requireth, that wee ac- connt(4)no creature at all for God , though ic be neuer foexcellent: butthat we beleeye andcon- fefle one only true, erernall ,and infinite God, and thatta him only we offer Sacrifice, and giue that fingulare (4) and foueraigne honar which the Graecians call Lesrig. ‘And by meanes hereof it commeth to paffe, that aboue (c) all thinges wehonour, call vpon, and adore that foueraigne and eternall good , the moftexzellent, mightie , Maker, Redeemer, Sar uiour , one immortall God , who (4) is blefled a- baue all thinges, the giuer of al] giace and glory. Deus.12.2. © 4415-6 18.9. 1.Reg 28,3. Pfaet13. MaLedietg 26.31.67 20.6.27. Eccl 4.4(a) Aug.lib NO.CME CIC ¢ Alig. 1.10. Citacst. CF 4 Oh Lar5.comeFatih 69. l20.cap.2te(¢)10.4.23-Roms 10d, W! COMMAVNDEMENTS. = 7 10./1oTeTo4n.4.B, Mat. 4.10, LitcaheBs BfA.4gotele Tim6.13 (4)Rom.9.5.Pfal.83.12. 8, How, andin what fort doe We befides Almighty God, honor and call ypon the Saints alfo? O E Saintes , to wit, ofall thofe that are fan- Gified and borne againe in Chriff, our mea- ningis not to fpeake in this place ,a8 S. Paul (4) doth often appliethis name to all Chriftians: but thofe we meane , that haue obtained the trae re- wards of their holineffe in (6) heauen. Of whom the fame S, Paul doth teftifies that (¢) by faith they oucrcame Kingdemes, Wrought laltice , obtained Promifes. And thele in very deed , are Saints ,im- maculate , without fpotte and wrinckell ,thefe ate the moft excellent members of the Church, and very choife inftryments of Gods holy (pitit, vnto whom no finne or euill , ean ener have ac- elle, Which Saintes doe confite partly of Ange- call, parely of humane nature ; Creatures cerees of all moft noble & bleffed , to whomitis graun- tedto be replenifhed with thofe moft extellent andeternall good things that are in heauelt and to livealwaies in moft perfite loug and friendfhip with (4) Chrift our Lorde. Therefore, by his fauour , both they ‘are able t0 (e) vnderftande,whatthinges are doneamongit vs vpon earth: and becaule they ate inflamed With anexceeding Chatitie towardes their bre~ thren , though farre abfent from them ; ‘they (() ate eapefull of our faluation they fauor vs g E4 and n OF THE TEN and doewithe vs all manner of good. And they deale fo much more feruentlie in ourbehalfe , by how much leffe caufe they hauetobe carefullfor themfelues rand by how much greater perfedtion cof incere(s) charity, and of all kinde of vertue a- greable vito bleffed Szints, chey continually doe exercife, Not without greate caufe therfore,doe wee (8) renerence thefe lightes of heaven, and nexte vnto God the fortreffes and principall ornamentsof the Church.Nor with out greate caule doe weeftee- me, praife imitate, and love exceedingly thefe Saintes aboue all mortall men, thoughe neuer fo excellent, Not without greate caufe, according to ‘our {mall power, doe we exhibite great honot vato them , being now aduanced to fuch and fo great dignity. Finally, notwithout great caufe, do ‘we according to Chriftian pietie, make fute vnto them, not that they may giue any thing asof théfelues,bue chat they may pray with vsto God, the giver of allgoodneffe, and thar they miay be fauorable & effeQuall interceffours, euenin theit behilfethar have delerued no good atall. ‘Which kinde of woifbip and inuocation,,ifit béedone rightly asic fhould: to wiste,, fos chat fupreame(k) worlhippe and honor duevnto Al- mighty God, which weescalled Latria, may ftand whole ani perlite: there is doubrleffe noincon~ venience therein, neither is it(l) repugnan'ro holy Scripture, butis approned by many. firme teflimonies ofthe Church, and is very Profable; An COMMAVNDEMENTS, rey ‘And in that we doe in this manner withshe Church honor and call vpon the Saints, itis fofar~ reoff from obfcuring the glory (m)of Chrift our Lord and Sauiour ,thatic coth more fer forthand aduance the fame, For hereindoth themoft excel- lenevertue and glory of Chrift our Redemer thine. and fheweit(elfe,in that he doth not onlyin him- felfe but in (m ) his Saints alfo ,appeare mighty, lorious and’ marueilous : in that he. honoureth (o)thets himfelfe,and will hauethem exceeding» f (p) honored in heauen and in earth: alfo in that, that by them, and for their fakes (q) he giueth many thinges, and fpareth oftentimes the vnde- feruing. For it is well knowne that Abraham, (7) Mac , facob, Dauid , Hieremie ,are reade to haue profited the living, chough they themfelues were ted before, ‘Thereupon , the fathers(f) when they fpeake of the Saints , they often call them our fauorere, interceflors, and Patrones.And not without caufe doubrleffe ; the faithfull {ufrages of the Saints, when they axe humbly anid denourlie defired in the name of Chrift, are knowneby ex- petience, tohaue donegood to many. For which caufe(c} ‘he Vigilantians werelong, fince condemned ,who defraud the faines & thei holy (u) Relickes of their honours, which the true Catholike Church hath alwaies giuen vato them. i Neither muft we give eare vnto malitious ca- uilles, who doc fide affirme, thatthe. oso ue. 1 OF THE TEN due vate God,is by this meanes tranflated(s}yn- to men : that Saints are adored for Gods: that exeatures are by Cathalikes,made equal vnto the Creatour. For, that it is nothing fo , both many other thinges doe conuince , and amongft there that oldeand folemne fupplication,called the Li- tanie , doth teftifie: where God andthe diuine perfonsare worlbiped and inuocated , frit ofall, and in afatre more high and excellent manner, than the Saintes (y ) orallthe arders of Saintes together. Heréupon alfo were thofe feafts of Saintes ine fitted, which Sainte Auguftine writing againtt Fauftus the Manichee( 2) defendethint ig man ner: The Chriftian people, faith he , dothe celo- brate the memories of Marryrs with a religious folemnity, thatthey may both flirre themfelues vpto the following of theie fleppes 5 andalfo be made partakers of their merite, and holpen by their prayers, (4) Rom.1.7.2.Corst, 1.Phil.4422.Cobetot-Philette 7-(b)4poe.7.9.(6) Heb.t1.33. Epb.§.27-Apos.8.07 7 G212.6 22.3.6 phat. 30. 1.Cor-6.19.(4)Phist 23. 2.Cores.36, Gregor. 4. mor. 6.32. Nifede S. Bphr.g Epbreml.t.comp.c.rls.(e) Greg.lib.12.mor.cap.13.6¢ Ub 4d cura pro mort.e.t$.&7 16,0Tige Wb Scone Celfdy Regs-26. & 6.9. 1.COr-14.25. Datn.10.12.MatatB.10, Hebstel fo Tob.12012. LCI fe 7-AES.19. 1207. Apoes.8. 6 de matte Naz.orat.19.(g) vigilec-2.3. i Vig.P ety, Padecs feftacarundem,cs {et.tade S.Vidks (Dam, | COMMAVNDEMENTS, = yy (b)Dam.t.4..64.16.{:) 40.Mart. dy in Maman= tent, Nay. ora, 18, 18 Ath.C 20. in Bal. Nyfede San.Eph.Chry{-an fersde catenis 5. PetrivAmbs de vid. de fid.refur. & in c.22. LueChryf-bo, Dop-Epbrade laud. Mart. epit. Paula ep. TlqeAng. de cura promort.c. 4. & l.zacon. Done cant. Theod.1,8. Greg.aff.& in Philothe ib. peri fteph.7. finod. A@.6. vide etiam fupra in falurationem Angelicam.Gen 43.16.10b.5.1.Gen 320 26,0ft.12.4.ZaCl 1o12-Hier. t5.1.(k)ANglibu10.CHibe 6.167 iba, cont, Faull. 64.21. 6 lib8. cin. ())8om.15.30.H1eb.13.18.Epbe/.6.18. Cole d.2 fo2s.sThefig L607 .3010b.42.8.(in) Conc, Trid.feff. 45.(n)Pf.67.36. Toan.1 412+ (0) 10.12.36.Mat19.286 Luesig ¥7.Ap 2.26.67 3.21.05 10.(p) Pfaletg&.17~ ( in Pfalso. 6 b0.27. m Mate 42. Gender devirt. ds vit. (1) Gen, 26.3.2. Ex.3 Regi GF 15,4 Bfaei7.35. 4. Reg.8, 19.6 19.34.6720.6 Cr 2oMace 5.12. (s)Anibude Vide © in ca21 Luc.Leo.fer.1- ey rude Pet. G Pants fe deanniner{ Paulin. ad de B.Falice Maxim, 40.Mar.Aug.qu.10¥.in Exed.Enfehe deprep. lib, 13, cap.7.(t) Hier. con. Vigsca.z. Ofeqe © i 04.65. Ef4. & 2.SinNice GGangren. (1) 4. Reg.13. 21. Each. 48. 14 AUG 22, cincap.8.Dain lib, 4acap.i6. Pfalxr5.Chryf, sn luuent. & Max.Cy in Bab. Gr fer. de catenis Pen Anh. ¢p. 85. O& fer. 91-6 936 Naz. lambs 18. Cor Trid.feff.2g.Ad.19.1206€ 5.15. LUC.8. 4.4n Mater 4. 36, (x)Gemsiger. & 23.7. 6 33.3.6. 66 42.7-]ofi§etqet ReGe2Og ech 25.2304. REQ. 2 3FeTePAL 29.20. ()) Bere ord xs . OF THE TEN forede 4, Modis orands Vilto.13.deperfecutianeW ond %) 41.20. cont. Faw ca 21. & im P/88. Conca. of, 6454 350 9+ Is sherectiued vfe of the images of Chrift and bis Saintes, contrary totbisfir8 commaundements? O furely:for we doe not, asthe Heathens are wonte , worfbipe images, ftockes, and tones, as if they were certaine (4) Goddes (for that is ipecially prohibited in this commande. ment :) but after a Chriftian maner, and with a aeyoute minde,we doe there honour Chrifthim- felfe and his Saintes, where they are reprefented nto vs, by their images fet before vs. So doth the Church (cYboth of olde,and ofthis prefent time teach with one confent, commen- ding vnto vs the devoute and reuerend images: the vfe of which we haue receiued as commen- ded vnto vs, by Apoftolicall tradition ;and we setaine 28 approued by amoftholy general Coune cell of Fachers. Yea God himfelfe appointed to the auncient Sinagog /d)their peculiar images.: For which caufe was condemned the (¢) error ofthe Iconoclafes ,o: Images breakers asthey | + that made no difference betweene the likenefles ofthe Goddes, and the Images of Chrifteand his Saintes ,nor had any confideration of the time of oF the new lawe, wherein God himfelfe being made man , hath put on vpon himfelfe his owne Image and likenes (f) which he oe the COMMAVNDEMENTS, ” the beginning, & hath reprefented himfelfevnto ve in the fame. And it is nor only an abfurde er= ror, but alfoa mofte wicked madnes (g) of thole that doe caft out of Sacred places the holy Ima- gts,and amongit them alfo the Crofle of our Lorde ,and with facrilegious handes, pull downe ina manner all the holy thinges they can. Bar.6.25.38. Det. 4ut5.0° §8.P ale 13120 1340 Ue Sapo dads 21,1e COT610.76 CF 8.4 Qoimade. Teta. cont. Mar. c4p.22.(b) Baf de (pir fancse.18, sib. 4..cap.17. Athan.{er.4..cont.Artian.(¢)7. Sinod.€h 8.Sinod.cap.3. Aug. confen.Euang. vita Silt. pafiimag.cap.4uGreg. P9407 lic sindift2.ep.53, 6° 109.Damafesl.du Eufebali7 shift. 14S,Niceph libu2. 44-6 lib.b,cap.r6.Nicetas de imperio Manuclis ib Tunas imag cultu.Dama{cain tribus orationi= bus de imagi (d) Ex0d.25.244@ 37.8. Num.7. 89." 21,8.3.Reg.6 23.(¢)2. Sinod. Nic.AGs7.€ Nicepbslib.r6, cap.27..Greg. lig.ep.9. Trid.feff25.(f) Gen,1.26.Phil.ai7.(g) geflis lnm $0bs601 4.6 libavlede geftis fine Lean. Hier,in vita Damafe. 10, Whats prefevibed vnto vs by she fecond ” commanndement? T forbiddeth the abufe and irreuerence of A Godsholy name, which is committed by Per= iurous , Blafphemours , and thofe that rafblie fweare («) by God, by che Saintes, or other holy thinges,

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