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Music magazine has eye on China

US publication Rolling Stone magazine is to launch in China. The magazine, ________ should hit
shelves early next year, will focus on China's emerging youth culture as well as foreign arts and
entertainment. Rolling Stone_______ first published in San Francisco in 1967 to chronicle cultural
changes in the US. "We feel Chinese music and arts are maturing rapidly and that a Chinese
edition __________ be viable," said Jimmy Jung, of One World Publishing. Rolling Stone
________ licensed Hong Kong-based One World to publish the Chinese-language edition. Mr Jung
said the magazine, to be printed in simplified Chinese characters, will contain a mix of local
content __________ primarily by Beijing-based staff and translations of articles from the US edition.
"We want to make ________ that we're faithful to the spirit of the brand," said Jung. He added that
while Hong Kong and Taiwan had more developed pop cultures, mainland China was more important.
"We feel China offers greater potential and we want to be there from the  ________," said Jung,
whose company also ________ Chinese editions of British car magazine, Top Gear and gadget
magazine T3.

Read the text below. Use the word given in (CAPITALS) to form a word that fits in the gap next to it.

Ever since television first came into people’s lives, it has proved (ADDICT)_________. Even in the
1950s, when there was only one channel and the entertainment value was very limited, people were
still glued to their sets, (PRESUME) _______ due to its novelty value. Back then, programmes started
mid-morning. Before that, the screen showed test cards which gave viewers time to
make (ADJUST)________ to their aerials to improve the (RECEIVE)___________, which could be
affected by anything from bad weather to car ignitions.
Broadcasters have always been aware of the habit-forming nature of television viewing. Until 1957,
broadcasting ceased between 6 and 7pm, allowing parents to put their children to bed on
the (PRETEND)_________ that television had finished for the night. It stopped again at around eleven
These days, of course, television is not so (PRESCRIPTION)__________ as to tell viewers what time
they should retire, but advertisers have long taken advantage of the hypnotic effect of the screen.
However, now that some channels allow viewers to skip through
advertisements, (COMMERCE) ___________ channels have had to come up with more cunning
ways to prevent viewers from reaching for the remote control whenever the ads come on. Some
channels, for instance, have cut out the ad break between programmes altogether, meaning viewers
are taken (EFFORT) _________ into the next programme.

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