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City of Malabon University

Malabon City, Philippines

Factors Affecting the Lack of Interest in Science Among Grade 6

Students at Catmon Integrated School
A Mini Research

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Teaching Science in Elementary Grades

Submitted by

Michelle Lopez
Mikaela Espiritu
Chlarenze Abejero
Junel Infante

September 2022


With the rise of social media as part of a teenager's daily routine nowadays,

students must participate and lean towards the importance of learning and interest in

science education. The science program in the Philippines has improved in the K to 12

Basic Education Program that allows the student to compete and adhere to the

standard of education's performance and competence in the surrounding area countries

in Asia and around the world.

In connection with this, the researchers decided to conduct this research to look

deeper into the factors affecting students' lack of interest in learning Science. Thus, the

researcher led to know the factors that affects to the students' lack of interest in the

Science subject. This study aims to determine the different factors that influence the

lack of interest of Grade 6 students in learning the Science subject in the school.

The main objective of this study is to determine the underlying factors why grade

6 students have lack of interest in learning Science subject.


This study utilized the qualitative method. This will be used to determine the

factor that affects the lack of interest of students in learning science. The respondents of

this study were 10 grade 6 students from Catmon Integrated School. These students

were chosen by the researchers because they are suitable and applicable to the study.

The researchers only considered the sample population under the random sampling

technique. To identify the factors that contribute to the lack of interest of students in

learning science, a survey form was utilized. The instrument was developed by the

researcher to assess the lack of science interest of grade 6 students.

In order to compute the gathered data, the researcher, will use statistical tool–

the Weighted Mean. The Weighted Mean will be used to determine the average

perception of the respondents.

The researchers observed ethical standards and highest level of professionalism

during the conduct of the research. The researchers sought permissions from the

students prior to the survey. All responses were made strictly confidential. All sources in

the paper were cited properly and were not plagiarized.


The research survey questionnaire was made to find out the factors that

contribute to lack of interest among grade 6 students in learning Science. To be able to

finish this study, ten (10) grade 6 students from Catmon Integrated School were given

an 8-items questionnaire consisting of sections on social, support, content and

pedagogy, and performance related factors to respond to. The result in table 1 present

the mean rank of the responses of the students on the factors that contribute to the

grade 6 students lack of interest in the subject of science.


I would study science if we do projects and

10 0
classroom experiments to enjoy the class.
Science demands a lot of student’s time of learning
9 1
to perform better.

The content of science is too broad 8 2

If teaching and learning of science could be more

practical than it is now, I would have studied 8 2
I would have studied science if my local language
8 2
was used in teaching it.
I would have studied science if my
7 3
parents/guardians encourage me to study science.
My lack of interest in science was due to the fact
7 3
that I used to score low marks in science.
I would have studied science if my teacher 6
encouraged me to.

Table 1 Rank of the Factors that contribute to Grade 6 students from Catmon Integrated
School Lack of Interest in Science

The result in the table 1 above shows that majority of the statement in the

questionnaires that we have given in our respondents are the reasons why some of the

students in Catmon Integrated School lacks interest in the subject of science.

This is because 100% of the students agreed that one of the factors that

contribute to the students’ lack of interest in science is that “I would study science if we

do projects and classroom experiments to enjoy the class”.

The next factor where 90% of the students agreed that it contributed to the

students’ lack of interest in science was “Science demands a lot of student’s time of

learning to perform better”. The “The content of science is too broad”, “If teaching and

learning of science could be more practical that it is now, I would have studied science”,

and I would have studied science if my local language was used in teaching it” were

also in the rank three as a top factor that contribute to the students’ lack of interest in


The result from the table above shows that out of 8 factors, 1 were disagreed

upon by the students as a factor that could have contributed to the grade 6 students’

lack of interest in science. That is “I would have studied science if my teacher

encouraged me to” did not contribute to the respondents lack of interest in the subject of


The findings from the table above show that the subject science will be more fun

and enjoyable for the students only if they will be given a project or classroom

experiment. It is that most considered factor that contributes to the grade 6 students’

lack of interest in science. However, the influence of teacher in studying science is the

weakest factor among the 8 factors for contributing to the grade 6 student’s lack of

interest in science.


The result of the study was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential

statistics. The first four questions were answered through the respondent’s own opinion.

All about the subjects that our respondents like and don’t like and how would they rate

the subject science on a scale of one (1) to ten (10). In which one is the lowest score

and 10 is the highest.

While the following research question was computed using percentages, means,

and standard deviations on a four point. Likert scale was calculated for each item on the

questionnaire. The four-point Likert scale was coded as strongly agree for 4, agree for

3, disagree for 2, and strongly disagree for 1. In analyzing the questions that we gave to

our respondents on the Likert scale, a mean score of 3 and above were an indication of

agree statement while we put a mean score of 2 and below were an indication of a


Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,

The researchers would like to ask some of your time in answering this survey

questionnaire about the Factors Affecting the Lack of Interest in Science among Grade

6 Students at Catmon Integrated School. Your responses are appreciated and will be

kept confidential.

-The Researchers

Name: __________________________________

Age: ___________________________________

What is your favorite subject in school?


What subject do you hate the most?


Rate Science subject, 1 would be the lowest and 10 would be the highest


If you hate Science, What are the reasons why you hate the subject?

It’s hard to memorized formulas

T. Problem solving can be hard sometimes

Science is not relevant in their interests

My teacher is can’t explain properly the topic that reason why I’m being sleepy

during class

e. Others reason: ___________________________


Strongly Agree Disagree


Science demands a lot of student’s time of

learning to perform better

The content of science is too broad.

If teaching and learning of science could be

more practical than it is now, I would have

studied science.

I would have studied science if my teacher

encouraged me to.

My lack of interest in science was due to

the fact that I used to score low marks in


I would have studied science if my

parents/guardians encourage me to study


I would have studied science if my local

language was used in teaching it.

I would study science if we do projects and

classroom experiments to enjoy the class.


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