ENG 225 Unit 2 L4

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Marian College

Language Learning Materials Development (Eng 225)

Unit 2 – Lesson 4 (Answer sheet)

Name: Nur-Sallah M. Abbas Program: BSED III Score:

Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Y. Nuega Date: 05/15/ 22 Class time: 02:30-04:00 TTH

PP 46-73

Activity: Short Story 

The donkey and the load of salt

a. Based on the story above what types of teaching learning materials are applicable to use? Choose from

Teaching- learning Applicable Type of Teaching Material

Materials to use (Write or draw)
1. Anticipation  Provide statements based on the story. It might be
Guide lessons or attitude to let the students decide if it is true or
false. Then ask the students about their answers to start the
discussion. And let them share their ideas about the
2. Concept Map  To deepen their understanding of the story they have
read, concept maps are one of the best teaching tools to use.
Ask the students to write their ideas in the boxes. It could be
a summary of the story. Any graphic organizer will do to
show connections between the concepts and organize them.
3. DRTA  This material is exciting and interesting at the same time
because it will awaken the students' curiosity. It will assess
their comprehension and enhance their critical thinking skills
by answering the questions provided by the teacher and
making predictions. The students will have a broad
understanding of the text they are reading by reviewing their
answers and predictions.
4. Exit slip After reading the story, teachers must provide questions
or tasks to do to assess the students' understanding of the
 story they have read. Ask them to reflect and to gather ideas
from the story. This additional material will help to evaluate
the students' insights about the story and will allow them to
form realizations. They can write about what they have
learned and what they want to learn.
5. First Lines Just like DRTA, students are asked to draw predictions
after reading the first line or sentence of the story and
provide an explanation of what they have predicted in the

story. Share what they can say about the first line and try to
think of what may be the next sentence. They are allowed to

revise their answers and make new predictions.
6. I-chart Teachers create I-charts with several questions about the
story. It could be the analysis of "The Donkey and the Load of
Salt." Students will read from different sources on the story
and record their responses to the posed questions on the I-
 Chart. The question might be about the author, characters,
or scenes in the story. The students are allowed to formulate
questions they want to know the answers to. Then they will
provide a summary from the sources they have. So they can
compare and contrast the ideas from various sources.
7. LRD The teacher will introduce the story first. The students
must listen attentively because they will be given certain
topics to be discussed within their respective groups. Topics

may be about the characters or the setting of the story. It
could also be the moral lesson of the story. The students will
have a brainstorm with their groupmates and share their ideas
about the topic they are assigned. Then they will draw a
summary of the topic and present it using a graphic organizer.
8. Paragraph The students will find their partner and then decide who
Shrinking will be the player and the coach. The player will read the first
 paragraph of the story once, and then the coach will ask
about it. A player might be asked to sum up the paragraph in
her own words, at least a sentence. Then, vice versa, the
player will be the coach. And the coach will be the player and
continue reading and answering questions until the end of
the story. It is to enhance their reading comprehension.
9. QAR Provide questions to which the exact answers can be
found in the story. Other questions will necessitate the
 readers' thinking and searching for answers and then
connecting them to provide a complete answer. There are
also questions that can be answered on their own. This is
subjective. The students must use their background or prior
knowledge to answer the question.
10. Reading Guide Title:_________________ Author:____________
1. What is the story all about?
 2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. What is the moral lesson of the story?
11. Story Map Read the story entitled “The donkey and the load of salt”

then fill in the boxes below.
12. Sequence Provide the events in the story of “The donkey and the load of
Structures salt”

13. Visual Imagery Ask the students to draw a picture of what they created

in their mind for each paragraph in the story. Then share it
with the class. They will be graded based on the criteria set
by the teacher.

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