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Topic 1: Write about a company you know in 70-100 words.

Suggested questions:
- What is the company’s name?
- When was it founded/ established?
- Where is its headquarter?
- What does it specialize in?
- How many employees does it have?
- What are its target customers?
- Who are its competitors?
Topic 2: Write about a service provider you know in 70-100 words
Suggested questions:
- What is the name of the service provider?
- What service does it provide?
- What do you have to do if you want to use its service?
- Who are its target customers?
- Where is it located?
- What time does it open and close?
Topic 3: Write about your favorite product
- What is your favorite product?
- How did you get it?
- What is its function, shape, size, material, color, price?
- Does it have any special features?
- Why do you like the product
- Do you have any problems when using it?
- Do you want to change it for a better, newer product?
Topic 4: Write about your new product
- What is your new product?
- When are you going to launch it?
- What is it made of?
- What is its function?
- What is its shape, size, color?
- Does it have any special features?
- How much do you charge for it?
- Who are its target customers?
- Do you have any special sale programs? What is it?
- What distribution channels are you going to use?
Topic 5: Write about an experience in which you made a complaint about a company’s
- What kind of service did you get from that company?
- What problem did you have with that service?
- How did you inform the problem to the company?
- Was the problem solved by the company?
- How did you feel about the company’s customer care?
- Are you going to use their services or products in the future?
Topic 6: Write about an useful means of communication used in the meeting./ at work
- What is the means of communication?
- What devices do people need to use it?
- Do people have to be trained to use it?
- What are its advantages?
- What are its disadvantages?
Topic 7: Write about your favorite means of communication?
- What is your favorite means of communication?
- How often do you use it? ( How long do you spend on using it a day?)
- What devices do you need to use it?
- What do you use it for?
- What are its advantages?
- Why do you like it?
Topic 8: Bad experience with a company’s service
- What did you purchase from the company
- What problem did you have?
- How did you inform the company of the problem?
- How did the company solve the problem?
- How did you feel after that?
Topic 9: An experience of buying at a shop
- When and where did you buy?
- What did you buy? Tell something about the product ( model number, quantity, color,
price, etc...)
- how did you pay for the product?
- Were there any special offers on the product?
- Were you satisfied with their service? (How were the staff in the shop? How did they
behave with you? How did they help you? etc.)
- Did you have good or bad experience in the shop?

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