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Sales Guide

1.Who to contact:

The selection of prospects is a fundamental and crucial part of the sales process as such. That
is why we must bear in mind which are the filters and criteria that will be used to choose the
proper candidates to be contacted depending on what is instructed and indicated by the A&R
managementand/or the Sales Team.

2. Analysis

Probably the Spotify platform will be the one you will use the most to select the prospects to
be contacted. In order not to waste time, once we have entered the artist's profile, we will
seek at their biography if they have already contracted a Management service or if they have
had contact with a Major Label; in this case, get in touch with your superior.

3.First Contact

We will also want to know which the country the artist is coming from, which other musicians
he has collaborated with, how old he/she is and if he/she has projects for the near future. We
will focus on the numbers of followers and monthly listeners as well. In the same bio, you will
usually find the artist’s email address, IG or Facebook. If you get the email, use the pitch found
in Notion.

For IG or FB, the right thing to do is to send a greeting message and ask for the email address
so that the Pitch can be sent to the musician with the possibility to attach a document if
needed or wanted. An example of such a message might be:

Hello XXX. I hope you are doing well. I'm ZZZ and I work at Zil Media and would like
to send you some info that you might be interesting in.

Could you please give me your email address? Thanks! All the best!

4. Responses or lack of them

In the event that the email address is known from the very first beginning, the pitch has been
already sent, and we obtain a positive response, a call must be scheduled as soon as possible
and you need to check the rest of the artist’s info: IG, mobile, website, and so on.

In the event that the answer is negative, it is important to thank the artist for the time he/she
dedicated to reading the pitch and ask him/her without being heavy-handed what reasons
make our proposal not interesting for him/her (in the case this is not explained in the response
email previously). If the artist already have the services that ZIL offers contracted through
other companies or you receive another forceful response, it is better to keep a good relation
with the artist and let him/her alone for the moment, so that in the future he/she can be
contacted again without any inconveniences. Yes, it should be noted and you have to schedule
a new email to greet him/her in a few months, since the artist may be in other circumstance. If
him/her does not show a solid negative answer, or are "flaky" in his/her speech, you will insist
once again commenting that:

1- One always learnes something from a call with a management serivice rep.
2- The artist is not commited to anything rather than to assist to the call (yet).
3- Name some successful ZIL artists
4- Remember him/her that there are no fees of any kind, and the ZIL share is very

If he/she rejects the call anyway, let the artista go. If your arguments worked, schedule the call
immediately and re check al lof his/her data.

In the case of not receiving a response to the first email (Pitch), send the email NO RESPONSE
(also in Notion) the next business day. If there is a response to this, it will be treated as it was
specified in the previous paragraph. If there is no response again, contact the artist by IG or FB
with the message in section 3, and feel free to customize it by commenting that you had no
luck contacting him/her by email, for example. If there is no response, insist within 48 hours,
and if there is still silence, schedule an email for a few months later or as indicated by your
superior. If there is a response, again operate as in the previous paragraph.


This is the most delicate moment of the sales process. It is the first time that the artist will see
our face, the environment in which we are, our body position and will hear our voice. Nothing
must fail.

At least half an hour before the call, we must review all the communications between us and
the artist, take the important data and try to decipher as much as possible what his character
is like. Our clothing and the way we express ourselves should be calibrated to what we intuit
his character may be.

If it seems very formal, or semi-formal but punctual; surely it is someone more conservative;
so a stylish shirt or dress shirt in a few colors is a good choice. We will be courteous, smiling
occasionally and without being histrionic. We will speak at a medium and firm pace trying to
reinforce the points that interest us with our hands.

If we sense that it is someone much more friendly and relaxed, we can dress in the way we feel
most comfortable, since that will affect the conversation, but never wear distracting clothes,
such as too many colors or garish colors. We will handle ourselves in a more natural way,
speaking at our own pace while always being professional and paying close attention to what is
happening. Above all, never interrupt the artist while he/she is speaking (it usually happens
when one relaxes too much). Do not loose your guard completely.

Listen to the artist's tracks, at least the most popular ones. Make notes about what we liked,
why we find a particular moment of a track seductive, if we see a progression in his/her career
towards a particular style, etc. Having done a brief search on Google about the artist is also
important and having the data that we consider appropriate at hand can help us a lot.
Finally, to feel completely comfortable and avoid anxiety:

1- we will enter 10 minutes before the meeting to fix any connection failures may occur
2- we will check out how do we look, and correct what is necessary
3- always have wáter, and if we want, tea or coffee (and paper towels…)
4- paper, pen, pencils
5- close all windows and software that are not needed
6- if possible, put your mobile in airplane mode
7- just in case, have a calculator at hand
8- avoid music or disturbing noises (only have the Spotify profile of the artista open)
9- breathe slowly 20 times if you feel nervous
10- put on our favorite fragrance, firm shoes and ensure a comfortable room temperature

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) explains how the sense of smell has a direct impact on our
brain, which is why the perfume of our choice will make us feel “at home”. On the other hand,
having your feet well supported and with shoes that grip them well, will make you feel more
confident. Last, but not least, cold generates feelings of insecuruty in some people; and heat,
tediousness (and sweating never looks good).

The call itself

Once the artist enters the call, he/she may not turn on the camera. If this happens we will not
be able to see their body reactions to our words, so we will have to concentrate more than
the usual not only on what the artist says but also on the tone of the voice and the cadence
too. We will have to remain more still and remember to smile from time to time.

The first thing is to perceive the personality type as quickly as possible and generate empathy.
Let’s hope that our intuition previously mentioned in this guide was correct, and otherwise, be
somewhat more neutral without losing spontaneity.

To generate empathy, the first thing is to say hello and thank the artist for the time he/she is
going to dedicate to us. It is good to take the opportunity to make a gesture with a hand or a
slight nod with the head at the same time that we welcome the artista t osee how he/she
reacts. The rapport that can be achieved by imitating or mirroring the body poses the artist
takes is big thing. NLP has shown that people feel more comfortable when mirrored.

We will only take 2 minutes -unless the artist extends them by his/her will- to tell him/her that
we are very happy to be able to have the call, and ask him/her how is going. If we see that the
artist is at his/her studio we can ask about it, or if we perceive that the room has a panoramic
view, we can ask if heshe is traveling somewhere, or on a tour. We can take for example their
clothing if it is particularly original too, all in order to generate a more familiar atmosphere, of
closeness and to make it feel more like a you are hanging out at the park or at the studio,
rather than having a sales meeting. If we notice that the artist is somewhat uncomfortable, we
can talk about some situation related to the weather in our city or better yet, ask him how
he/she was inspired to compose “that section” of a track we really like.
After this, let's keep in mind the following: All artists like to talk about their art, so sincerely
praising certain tracks and specific moments, or asking about the lyrics of a particular track is
always going to a positive thing.

Ask the artist for how long he/she has been producing music, if he/she plays instruments and
which ones, if he/she has relatives who have dedicated themselves to music, if he/she
produces/sings a certain genre but likes listening to others, if he/she has collabs that we do
not know etc. This moment after the introduction will be very important and will possibly take
40% of the talk. We will try from time to time to make comments about our own music
preferences, or our experience in the industry so that it does not seem like an interrogation,
but rather a chat.


Immediately afterwards, we will take the reins of the conversation, to explain to the artist who
we are, what ZIL is, why we are interested in working with him/her and the services we offer.
We will cite success stories, the companies which we have a partnership with, and the services
that ZIL has at his/her disposal. Always be professional and let the artist to interrupt you with
any questions that may appear. During this moment, it is important to mention that the artist
will be able to review all the details when he/she receives the draft of the agreements at the
end of the call, so in his/her mind it will sound familiar to receive that draft, and will be waiting
for it subconsciously.

End of the call:

After asking if the artist has further questions and answering them (in case we lack
information, we will apologize and let the artist know that we will respond as soon as possible
by email) we can ask him/her pone numbers or any missing info. Then we wish tha artist an
excellent day, or performance if he/she has one, etc., we hang up and the email is sent with
the corresponding agreement draft.


If the artist gets in touch and is willing to sign, the closing is done as soon as possible. If the
artist gets in touch and has questions, answer them asap. If the artist wants to make changes
to the draft, you will ask your superior about it. If that’s fin, quickly perform the closure.

If the artist does not respond to the agreement email, he/she should be contacted within 4-5
days to find out if the artist had a chance to read it. If he/she did, act as specified in the
previous paragraph. If the document has not been read yet, we will contact him/her 2 days
later. If 2 days after, you get the same answer ask the artista if he/she is really interested or if
there is something causing doubts. We will clear them all or directly tell the artist to contact us
when a decisión has been made.
In the event that the artist does not respond to the agreement email, and do not answer us
after 3 attempts through the different contact channels that the artist provided us, stop all
communications. Continue answering other calls and generating new prospects.

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