IE.1824004010 Final Report

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A Project Report Submitted to

IE Department
for the Startup Project Part-II
(Course Code:12300008)

Name: Drashti Khatra
Enrollment Number: 1824004010
Branch: Computer Engineering
Semester: 8th

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Jinal Pandya
College Name: Swarrnim Institute of Technology

April, 2022

I hereby declare that the Stat-up Project Report Part-II Rentome is a result of my own
workand my indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly
acknowledged. If I am found guilty of copying from any other report or published
information and showing as my original work, or extending plagiarism limit, I understand
that I shall be liable and punishable by the university, which may include Failing me in
examination or any other punishment that university may seem fit.

Enrollment No Name Signature

1824004010 Drashti Khatra Drashti

Place: SSIU Date: 20th April,2022

Swarrnim Institute of Technology
Bhoyan Rathod, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat (INDIA) 38242

This is to certify that the Project Report “ Rentome ” is the bonafide work done by
Drashti Khatra having Enrollment Number: 1824004010 studying in: Computer
Engineering - 8th Semester at “Swarrnim Institute of Technology” and the work is
submitted to Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department (IE) affiliated to
Swarrnim Start-Up and Innovation University in partial fulfilment of the course
“Start-Up Project Part -II” having Course code: 12300008 during the Academic
Year, 2021-22.

I also certify that, the work reported here does not form part of any other project report or
dissertation based on which a degree or award was conferred on an occasion.

Rating of Project Report [A/B/C/D/E]: (A=Excellent; B=Good;

C=Average;D=Poor; E=Worst) (By Faculty Guide)

Faculty Sign: Date: 20th April,2022

Principal Sign:

 I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to the all the people who have played a
crucial role in the research for this project, without their active cooperation the
preparation of this project could not have been completed within the specified time

 I take this opportunity to thank the Swarrnim Startup and Innovation

University for giving me chance to do this project.

 I would like to thank my HOD (IE Dept.), Dr. Swati Joshi for providing
the necessary facilities required for completion of this project.

 I take this opportunity to thank our Project Guide – Prof. Jinal Pandya who
supported me throughout this project with utmost cooperation and patience and for
helping me in doing this Project.

 Lastly, I would like to thank each person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who
supported me throughout my project.

Table of Contents
Sr No. Title Page No
1 Introduction of the start-up idea 7
1.1 Project Profile 8
1.2 Purpose 9

1.3 Introduction to system 10

1.4 Problem Definition 11

1.5 Solution 11
1.6 System Development Methodology 12
2 SWOT Analysis 13

2.1 Strength 14

2.2 Weakness 14

2.3 Opportunities 14

2.4 Threats 15

3 Literature Review 16

4 Competitive Scenario Analysis 18

4.1 Homeaway 19

4.2 Flipkey 20

4.3 roomorama 20

4.4 Airbnb 21

5 Feasibility Analysis of the project 22

5.1 Operational Feasibility 23

5.2 Technical Feasibility 23

5.3 Economic Feasibility 23

5.4 Legal Feasibility 23

6 Business Plan Development 24

7 Market Research 26

7.1 Data Analysis 27

8 Market Strategies 34

9 Financial Strategies 36

10 Prototype Development and its testing 40

11 Growth Strategies 53

12 Conclusions and Suggestions 55

13 Bibliography 57


Project Profile:

Project Title : Rentome

Goal of System : The main goal of the project is to develop online home
rental management system and facilitate home record
keeping for who wants home and for administrative
management system. The system allows for the admin
to view home finders and also customer can easily
register at any point of time sitting in their homes to
rent the home. Customers can also cancel home rent
easily according to the rules and minimum time needed
for the various activities in the Home Rental
management system. It will provide better Service for
home rent finder.

Developed at : Swarrnim Institute Of Technology - SSIU

Project Duration : 1 Year (2021-2022)

Team Member : 1. Riddhi Jani

2. Drashti Khatra
Internal Project Guide : Prof. Jinal Pandya
Front End (Technology) : HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, Bootstrap

Back End (Technology) :JSP,Java

Database : MySQL

Documentation Tools : MS Office 2016

OS Platform : Microsoft Windows

The advancement in Information Technology and internet penetration has greatly enhanced
various business processes and communication between companies (services provider) and
their customers of which Real Estate/House Rentals industry is not left out. This House Rental
System is developed to provide the following services:

• Enhance Business Processes:

To be able to use internet technology to project the rental company to the global world instead
of limiting their services to their local domain alone, thus increase their return on investment.

• Online House/Room Booking:

A tools through which customers can book available Rooms/House/Apartment online prior to
their date of using the house instead of walking around and asking for a vacant house.

• Customer’s registration:
A registration portal to hold customer’s details, monitor their transaction and used same to
offer better and improve services to them and user account where he/she can view her/his
details instead of the poor existing systems where only the administrators control their
customer details.

• Rentals Notice and Blog:

A tool where customers can see and view the details of nearby available House for rent/sale,
and also view the current economic design of houses/apartments.

Introduction to system:

A home is a dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual,

family, household or several families in a tribe. You rent a room in your home that is always
available for short-term occupancy by paying customers. This room is used solely as a hotel or
similar establishment and is not a dwelling unit.

Renting of home may have advantage as well as disadvantage. Advantages of rented person
from that particular house are renter may work other kind of work with the time of constructing
that house, he/she may not repair if that house deprecates etc. on the other hand the rented may
get difficulties or disadvantage from that particular house are payment of period calls may enter
into bankruptcy, the renter may ask him to leave his house with an expected time.

Home is a necessity, and for some people support is a necessity too. Rented homing is provided
for people who cannot afford to buy, or to pay private rented sector rents. Our system
considered this problem and will solve in the available time.

Our Website (Rentome) is providing the house in a low cost because Airbnb has very high rent
of houses and Airbnb is not showing local areas or houses, but we are connecting local areas
and houses.

• Rentome is provide the feature like search through places.

• In this feature, guest just click on the place which they like to go, and guest can see the houses
near that place

• And guest can also search through the areas.

Problem Definition:

The problem found in the current system:

 Complexity of finding home is not easy and more tedious. There is too match time
consumption in process of find home Complexity of the system for payment.
 An emergency repair is required when something in the rental unit has broken, and the
health or safety of the tenant is in danger, or the building or property is at risk until
repairs can be made.

Management has become difficult because of issues that include:

i) Data growth
ii) Data security is not assured


• It is best platform for both house owners and customers.

• The price is low than hotel rooms because we are connecting local house owners and
there is no need of staff members.
• The time for check in and check out is not fixed, so they can find and book a room to
come and stay at any time.
• It is also safe for customers because ID verification of service provides is required at
the time of registration.

System Development Methodology:

Methodology specifies the method and technology used to develop the web application system
such as, the methods used to gather data, approach used to design the software system, software
and hardware requirements used to implement the system.

1. Data Gathering
 Interview:
We interviewed about the problem that they are facing on not having computer based
system of the home rental.
 Observation
We used observation as a tool of gathering information of the existing home system,
we choose the observation technique since this is the cheapest and highly advanced in
providing information about the existing home rent system.

 Our system designing is on the bases of object –oriented system approach.
 Why we use object oriented is: Among the different methodologies available we
plan to use the object oriented design methodology for the development of our
system. Because it is best way to construct, manage and assemble objects that
are implement in our system, and the composition of objects and collaboration
between objects on the system.


 Spirit of Innovation
 Young and highly spirited leaders
 Cheaper Yet Unique Alternatives: Rentome can be a cheaper alternative to other
resorts and hotels. The prices for the services can be competitive based on the location
of the place. Customers can shop around and can choose the place that suits their

 Tight margin
 Lack of smart-home technology
 Poor online reviews
 Lacking in amenities

 Global Pandemic: Due to Covid-19, most countries are on lockdown which had put a
stop to travel business due to rules and regulations in local areas. Also, people are afraid
to come out of the house due to the novel coronavirus.

 Lack Of Quality Controls For Hosts: There is no standard of quality control which
creates problems such as less comfort and cleanliness. Poor hosts can damage a
company’s reputation.Poor ratings and Backlash on social media hit the company’s
profit in the current business world.

 Emerging needs for this type of services
 Percentage of poor/middle class people is more than richer class so beneficial for both
consumer and provider.
 Recovery From Covid-19: Since the world is recovering from covid-19, the scope for
the travel industry will increase in the upcoming months. As people want to leave the
house and freshen their minds, travelling would be a great option.
 Brand Investments: Rentome with the brand investment can enter in other segments
as car rentals, advertisements, travel guides, etc to keep up its business at its peak.
 Innovation: Rentome can improve on making the platform more appealing and can
improve engagement for both hosts and guests. As the usage of the mobile app
increases, Rentome can develop a mobile app that will facilitate the hosts and guests to
get connected easily.

 Decreased Travel Demand: Due to the worldwide pandemic, the whole travel industry
is suffering. Because of the lockdowns, buying power of people has decreased and this
impacts on decreased travel demand.
 Increased Competitions: Rentome tries to stand out as a powerful player in attracting
hosts and guests. Yet some hosts can decide to use some of the competitors, and often
cross-list their offerings. Rentome can face heavy competition in some sectors in some
areas by companies likeOyo, Airbnb, etc.


Overview of Residential Rental Housing Market:

The residential rental housing markets vary from city to city, as these are influenced by, and
responded to, the local economic and political conditions and regulatory frameworks (UN-
Habitat and UNESCAP 2008). While ownership has been encouraged, the rental sector has
been neglected. In general, landlords assume an upper hand, exploiting poor and vulnerable
tenants through exorbitantly high rents for crowded and substandard housing. As a result,
evictions are common, and thus, renting is perceived to offer tenants little by way of security.

However, the above generalization can be contested. While renting a house has the potential
to create social problems, it can bring benefits as well. Housing tenants increase population
densities, reducing urban sprawl and cutting some of the demand for expensive infrastructure
in peri-urban areas. An adequate supply of reasonably priced rental accommodation is also
likely to reduce the temptation for poor families to mount land invasions or buy plots in illegal
subdivisions. A higher incidence of renting is also likely to ease the organization of public
transport, given that more people are concentrated in a small area and most tenants choose to
live near to bus or train routes (UN-Habitat 2004).


Homeaway Family of companies includes VRBO,, Homelidays,
Ownersdirect, Abritel, Travelmob and others. Vacation Rentals By Owner (VRBO) slogan is
“Rent a house for half the price of a hotel”. HomeAway lists 1220 listings in San Francisco,
VRBO lists 1,247. It is not known if this inventory overlaps with itself and other OVRP’s.
These sites primarily rent by the week, with some listings showing a daily rental options with
minimum 2+ day seasonal rates. The listings are star rated, with most observed to be operated
by owner. VRBO and Homeaway do not charge a tourist fee percentage of rental, representing
a competitive advantage to the consumer over Airbnb. Homeaway comparison statistics for the
summer months of 2013 reflect a $254 ADR, 77% occupancy and a year over year growth of
12%. When compared to hotels for the same period, hotels had a $110.21 ADR, 70%
occupancy and a 3% growth year over year; (STR.) Homeaway has 775,000 listings in 171
countries, (Business Wire.). Brian Sharples, CEO of Homeaway describes his company’s’
platforms as less big city, more family oriented, younger with a group that values the social
network aspects of their service, (Investor’s Business Daily.) Mr Sharples described the second
home industry as composed of many younger people who recognize the wisdom of buying a
vacation home and managing the vacation home as a rental with annual the family vacations.
The second home mortgage being paid from rental proceeds while establishing their dream
retirement home.

Flipkey is owned by TripAdvisor. It should be noted that Flipkey specifically targets offers to
those that manage 5 or more rental properties. The web site promotes features offering business
analysis tools for 5 or more rentals including ROI analysis, automated listings, expert advice,
unlimited photos, verified reviews, global exposure, analytics and special offers. Three
payment schedules are offered for 5 or more rentals. Trip advisor and Flipkey notes 15 years
of experience, 160 countries, 11,000 cities and 300,000 listings from cabins to castles.

This Asian focused web-site describes similar founding circumstances to those of Airbnb; in
fact the website looks remarkably like Airbnb. Roomorama touts its average booking as 9
nights or longer and guests spend $1,000 or more per booking, with 5,000 cities and 70,000
properties. In contrast Roomorama started primarily in Asia, and strongest locations include
Beijing, Tokyo and Singapore. In contrast to the other brands Roomorama started with, and
maintains a large corporate following. Roomorama COO and co-founder notes that savvy
travelers ages 25-50 are their target. Roomorama now touts multi-unit hosting. Roomorama
features include suggested alternatives, multi-edit rates, and multi-platform compatibility,
flexible rate management, calendar driven rate management, check in-out instructions, secure
payment, extensive API, rate tester, rate estimator, and social integration. These features and
innovations seem to have started with Airbnb, now Roomorama has adopted matching features
replicating many aspects the Airbnb model.

Airbnb is a vacation rental e-commerce website. In this website host sign up on the platform
and list their spaces. Travellers are browse the website and book spaces. Travellers can search
through adding check in and check out details. Verify the id of host and host can verify id of


Feasibility Study:

The feasibility study is the preliminary study that determines whether a proposed system
project is financially, technically and operationally. Feasibility study is essential to evaluate
the cost and benefits of the new system. The alternative analysis usually include as part of the
feasibility study, identifies viable alternatives for the system design and development.

1. Operational Feasibility

The system to be developed will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor
of workers and also it is not limited to particular groups or body. The system will easily
operational, as it doesn’t affect the existing organizational structure and support the current
system. So the system will be operationally feasible.

2. Technical Feasibility

The system to be developed by using technologically system development techniques such as

Java, Java script, CSS and MySQL database without any problems and the group members
have enough capability to develop the project. Our focus is to develop well organized dynamic
website that is technically efficient and effective for managing the Online Trade interaction
system. Therefore, it can be concluding that the system is technically feasible.

3. Economic Feasibility

The system to be developed is economically feasible and the benefit is outweighing the cost.
Since this project already computerizes the existing system and more advanced than the current
system reduces and change the labor force to computerize system. Reduces the cost of the
material used.

4. Legal Feasibility

The system is free from any legal and contractual risks.


 “Rentome” is about House Rental in which a house/Apartment/home that can be used
temporarily for a fee during a specified period. The individual who needs a house must contact
a rental home company and contract out for a room/home/apartment. This system increases
customer retention and simplify House and staff management. Many platforms providing hotel
services to the customers. But we are trying to provide more flexibility to the users. Using this
website users can book a room with their compatibility to stay.
 It is best platform for both house owners and customers.
 The price is low than hotel rooms because we are connecting local house owners and also
there is no need of staff members.

 Prepare an online home rental system for the home finders
 Allow for the admin to view home finders.
 To provide a fully functional automated home Rental Management System that will be
an online system.
 To provide a complete organized and reliable system with least possibility of any errors.
 Customer can easily register at any point of time sitting in their homes to rent the home.
 A central database has been designed which will help in removing the problems
associated with the existing manual system and will keep the records safely.
 Customers can also cancel home rent easily according to the terms and conditions
 Minimum time needed for the various activities in the Home Rental management
 It will provide better Service for home rent finder.

 Our Website (Rentome) is providing the house in a low cost because Airbnb has very high
rent of houses and Airbnb is not showing local areas or houses, but we are connecting local
areas and houses.
 Rentome is provide the feature like search through places.
 In this feature, guest just click on the place which they like to go, and guest can see the
houses near that place.
 It will ensure data accuracy using database.
 And guest can also search through the areas.

Target Audience:
 House Owner
 Tenant


Market Research:
Hotel market segmentation provides a basis for hotel marketing efforts and inventory controls
to maximize revenue over competition.

Hotel marketing is focused on product, pricing, and distribution channels. Market segments
must be identifiable to be measured, accessible by communications and distribution channels,
substantial to be profitable, and durable to have a stable impact on profitability. Competition
is keen among hotel competitors. Matching the right customers to your hospitality product mix
is critical to success. Establishing the foundation elements utilized to identify unique consumer
traits for budgeting, target marketing, and sales for a particular hotel include the following

• Geographic - region, size population, and climate

 Demographic - age, gender, lifestyle, income, and occupation
 Psychographic - activities, social interest, and values
 Behavioral - features, benefits, usage, loyalty, and occasion

Today hotels are segmented and branded to meet more narrowly targeted experiential
expectations. Each market segment and brand can be focused to meet niche market
expectations or can be simply a commodity like a basic room and competing by price. Room
size, furnishings, hotel outlet services such as gourmet food, bars and entertainment, golf, other
recreation, spa, retail, gambling and quality standards reach every pocket book and experiential
demand. Resorts focus on the recreation and niche experiential demands of its targeted market

Data Analysis:
➢ Solution

➢ Key Partners

➢ Key activities

➢ Key Resources

➢ Tools

➢ Front-end Technology

➢ Back-end Technology

• It is best platform for both house owners and customers.
• The price is low than hotel rooms because we are connecting local house owners and
also there is no need of staff members.
• The time for check in and check out is not fixed, so they can find and book a room to
come and stay at any time.

Key Partners:
 Service Consumer
 Service Provider

Survey of Service Providers (House Owners):

Survey of Service Consumer:

Key Activities:
 Requirement Analysis
 Simulating a blueprint of a project
 Selection of Software
 Designing and Building UI
 Coding and Implementation and Testing

Key Resources:
Physical resources are Lab, Laptop, Internet connection.

 Hardware:
Processor Pentium-II or higher
Processor Speed 533 MHZ
Hard Disk Space 20 GB (min.)
Ram Memory 32 MB (64 MB recommended)

 Software:
Operating System Windows 95/98/NT/2000 /10/7/8
Database Server MySql
Text Editor Eclipse J2EE

Front-end Technology:
 CSS
 JavaScript
 Bootstrap

Back-end Technology:
 JSP
 Java


Marketing Strategies (4P’s – Product, Price, Place, Promotion)

 Our product is about an online home rental management system and facilitates home
record keeping for who wants home and for administrative management systems.
 The system allows for the admin to view home finders and also customers can
easily register at any point of time sitting in their homes to rent the home.
 Customers can also cancel home rent easily according to the rules and minimum time
needed for the various activities in the Home Rental management system.
It will provide better Service for home rent finders.

 If we are providing customers for approx 25 rooms per day then our monthly profit will be
72,000(commission 12%=96 rs.); so we can recover our cost in 5-6 months.

 Our profit in next 3-5 years:

Approximately Rs. 25,92,000 in 3 years

 As our project is website so it is an online technology business
 Rentome will provide its service through the internet
 Further our portal can be accessed from anywhere through any device with an internet

1) Digital marketing
2) Online promotion
3) Community connection
4) Referral marketing
5) Local partnerships


Our Funding will be depended on:

 Website Hosting and Domain

 Marketing

1. API:
 API is set of functions that allows applications to access data and interact
with external software components, operating systems, or micro services.

 In other words, an API delivers a user response to a system and sends the
system's response back to a user.

2. Website Hosting and Domain:

 Web hosting is effectively the process of using a server to host a website,
and there are all sorts of different types of web hosting available out there
on the market.

 Hostinger will allocate space for you to store your website and database.
That is why it play an important role in our Web-based application.

 A domain is the name of a website, a URL is how to find a website, and

a website is what people see and interact with when they get there.

3. Marketing:
 Marketing Is a Communication Channel which will help us to Inform
Customers or users about our project.

Total Cost:
 Software cost (approx.): 3 lacs
 Advertisement cost(approx.): 1 lakh

So, our total cost will be approximately 4 lacs.


Prototype with Description:

There are three panel:

1. Admin:
 Admin are the one who adds or delete house owner and Tenant and Administrate whole
process in the project.

2. Tenant:
 Tenant is the one who can search a house for rent and can select any house by their

3. House Owner:
 House Owner is the one who can add or delete the houses and manage the status of
their property

Photos Of website:
1) Home Page

2) Login dropdown :
Here, arrow display that in login we have an admin login, customer login and owner
login three options are available.

3) After clicking on admin login , admin can able to login by inserting their login id and

4) After admin login , admin dashboard display as below

5) Admin can able to view owner list

6) Admin can able to view customer list

7) Admin can able to view House List

8) After clicking on logout admin can see pop up of logout and by clicking on logout admin will
logout from their dashboard

9) After clicking on customer login customer can able to login by inserting their login id and
password, after clicking on create account registration form will be display.

10) Customer registration form is as below

11) After customer login , customer dashboard display as below

12) After clicking on search house customer can able to search houses though city or price

13) Customer can booked house on rent by clicking on book house button which shown on
above picture and booked house of customer will display on my order as below.

14) Customer can able to edit their profile by clicking on profile

15) After clicking on owner login owner can able to login by inserting their login id and
password and owner can able to register by clicking on create account.

16) Owner registration form will display as below.

17) After Login owner dashboard display.

18) Owner can able to add house by clicking on add house

19) After clicking on house details below page will display , Here house owner can able to edit
and delete the houses

20) After clicking on Booked house below page will display

21) After clicking on logout owner will logout from their dashboard and come back on login


Growth Strategies
➢ Future services
 Launch Taxi Service:
We can connect taxi driver with our website with the help of that we can pick up customer
from their place and drop to their destination house.

 Improve Security and Manage Dataset:

Here, we can fix IP Address so that only limited or authorized system can access the page.

 Managing large data:

Management of Large Data set.

 Improve data security:

Here, we can fix IP Address so that only limited or authorized system can access the page.



House Rental business has emerged with a new goody compared to the past experience
where every activity concerning House rental business is limited to a physical location
only. Even though the physical location has not been totally eradicated; the nature of
functions and how these functions are achieved has been reshaped by the power of
internet. Nowadays, customers can reserve book/buy/sale House online, rent House
online, and have the house contracted successfully without any sweat once the customer
is a registered member of the House Rental Management System. The web-based House
rental system has offered an advantage to both Tenants as well as Landlords to manage
the business and satisfies customers’ need at the click of a button efficiently and




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