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FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado

INTRODUCCIÓN: A diferencia del Español, no existe un tiempo específico para el futuro en inglés, es decir,
no hay una forma verbal que lo exprese. Debido a esto, existen en inglés otras estrategias para expresar el

Sujeto + will + verbo
I will play / Yo jugaré
I will play Yo jugaré I will not play Yo no jugaré
You will play Tú jugarás You will not play Tú no jugarás
He will play Él jugará He will not play Él no jugará
We will play Nosotros jugaremos We will not play Nosotros no jugaremos
You will play Ustedes jugarán You will not play Ustedes no jugarán
They will play Ellos jugarán They will not play Ellos no jugarán
 En la forma interrogativa se invierte el orden de sujeto y auxiliar:
Will you play? / ¿Jugarás?
 La estructura de la forma interrogativa-negativa es:
auxiliar + sujeto + not+ verbo
Will you not play? / ¿No jugarás?
 La contracción de Will + not es WON’T:
Won’t you play? / I won’t play.


I’ll lend you money if you need it. / I won’t help you out anymore.
 Offers (intentions, promises) and things you expect to happen in the future (predictions).
I’ll help you study for the text next Friday.
I’ll (probably) move to my own apartment when I get a job.
The horse “Puchacay” will win this race.
 Predictions based on general beliefs.
The sky is red tonight. It’ll rain tomorrow.
I’m sure you will enjoy your visit to the zoo.
 When you are announcing a decision you have just made or are about to make.
I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.


Sujeto + TO BE + going to + verbo
I am going to play / Yo jugaré (yo voy a jugar)
I am Yo jugaré I am Yo no jugaré
You are Tú jugarás You are Tú no jugarás
He is Él jugará He is NOT Él no jugará
She is PLAY Ella jugará She is GOING PLAY Ella no jugará
We are Nosotros jugaremos We are TO Nosotros no jugaremos
You are Ustedes jugarán You are Ustedes no jugarán
They are Ellos jugarán They are Ellos no jugarán
 En la forma interrogativa se invierte el orden de sujeto y TO BE:
Are you going to play? / ¿Jugarás?
 La estructura de la forma interrogativa-negativa es:
TO BE + sujeto + not+ GOING TO + verbo
Are you not going to play? / ¿No jugarás?

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
I’m going to see a movie tonight.
 Going to indicates intention and decisions.
 When you are using facts or events in the present situation as evidence for a prediction.
It’s going to rain. (I can see the black clouds)
I’m going to be late (I missed my train)
WARNING: You do not normally use “going to” with the verb “go”.

GOING TO Expresa los planes e intenciones de una persona de llevar a cabo una acción en el futuro. En
general, se considera que es muy probable que estas acciones se lleven a cabo. La intención es siempre
premeditada y generalmente existe la idea de una preparación previa. También se utiliza cuando hay
seguridad de que la acción se realice en el futuro.
Es una forma muy habitual para referirse a una acción relativa a una intención o una decisión que se había
tomado con anterioridad. Al igual que el Presente Continuo se puede utilizar para expresar planes, citas,
Are you going to take the car tonight? / ¿Vas a tomar el auto esta noche?
I am going to the cinema tomorrow / Mañana iré al cine.

WARNING: Cuando la intención de una acción no se define, de manera clara, como premeditada o
impremeditada, podemos utilizar “Will” o “Going to” indistintamente.
 When you are making predictions about the future or talking about the future intentions, you
can use either “will” or “going to”.
 When you are talking about you own intentions, you use “will” or “going to”
I’ll ring you tonight. / I’m going to stay at home today.

Difference between will and going to: Will (‘ll): We use will when we decide to do
That’s a great idea. We will invite lots of people. something at the time of speaking. The
Sue is talking to Helen: speaker has not decided before. The party is
Let’s have a Party a new idea.
Decision now

I will

Past now future

Helen Sue
Later that day, Helen meets Dave: Going to: We use (be) going to when we
Sue and I have decided to have a party. We are going to have already decided to do something.
invite lots of people. Helen had already decided to invite lots of
people before she spoke to Dave.
Decision before

I’m going to

Past now future

Dave Helen

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
1. Con 'to be' + infinitivo, para indicar lo que está programado para el futuro
The president is to meet the congressmen tomorrow / El presidente se reunirá con los congresistas mañana
2. El Presente como futuro: En inglés, al igual que en español, podemos emplear tiempos del
presente para hablar del futuro. El Presente Simple puede ser usado para hablar de acciones
conocidas de antemano o planificadas (que no dependen de nuestra voluntad).
Our holidays begin in August / Nuestras vacaciones comienzan en agosto
Your flight leaves at 17:15 on Monday / Su vuelo sale a las 17:15 el lunes
3. El Presente continuo como futuro, cuando hablamos de planes, proyectos, citas, etc.
We're playing football this afternoon / Vamos a jugar al fútbol esta tarde
4. Con 'to have to' (tener que)
I have to go to the dentist / Tengo que ir al dentista

MIGHT: When you are not very sure about the future, use Might.
It looks like it might rain, but there aren’t many clouds.
 When you are talking about your opinions and you are not very sure, you can also use the expression:
I don’t think + subject + WILL + verb
I don’t think it will rain
I don’t think she might come.


A. Match the sentences, which supply present evidence, with the predictions below.
They are playing really well. They’re going to fall asleep.
They invited a lot of people. It’s going to be very crowded.
I listened to the weather forecast tonight. They’re going to win again.
The kids are tired. It’s going to be a hard day.
We have a lot to do. It’s going to be wet and windy tomorrow.

B. Now match these sentences with the predictions below, which are based on general beliefs.
John starts his new school tomorrow. The shops will probably be crowded.
It’s Saturday morning. She’ll be very happy.
They’re having a big party next week. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it.
Fred can’t keep a secret. He’ll tell everybody.
Did you tell Kate about your new job? It will probably be very crowded.

C. Complete the dialogues below using the verbs in brackets with will or going to.
1. A: Did you decide how to spend the prize money?
B: Well, I think we will buy a new car, but we are not sure yet. (buy)
2. A: Did you decide how to spend the prize money?
B: Yes. We…………………………… a new car (buy)
3. A: Do you have tickets for the concert?
B: Yes. We …………………………. on Saturday. (go)
4. A: Do you have tickets for the concert?
B: Not yet. But I think we ……………………….. on Saturday if we can. (go)

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
D. Complete the sentences using will (‘ll) or going to.
1. A: Why are you turning on the TV?
B: I’m going to watch the news (I/watch)
2. A: Oh, I don’t have any money?
B: Well, don’t worry. ………..…………………………………you some (I/lend)
3. A: I have a headache.
B: Really? Wait there and ……………………………………….an aspirin for you (I/get)
4. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, ………………….……………………………something for dinner (I/buy)
5. A: I don’t know how to use this camera.
B: It’s easy. …………………………………………….you (I/show)
6. A: I have decided to repaint this room.
B: What color …………………………………………………it? (You/paint)
7. A: What would you like to eat?
B: ………………………………………… a sandwich, please. (I/have)
8. A: Did you post that letter for me?
B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. ……………………………………it now. (I/do)

E. Write about your plans for this weekend.

If you are sure, use going to, if you are not sure, use I’ll probably or I might.

F. Put the correct words into the sentences.

will going won’t not going

1. I’m ………………………… to college today.

2. I’m ……………………. to college today because it’s raining.
3. Hasan ……………… be at work today. He’s sick.
4. Next week we are ……………….. on holiday.
5. I …………. see you next week. Take care.
6. I’m ……………… shopping tomorrow.
7. We are …………… shopping in Leeds at the weekend.
8. The doctor ……………… see you at 5 o’clock.
9. I ………………. help you paint your house.
10. I ……………… see you next week because I’m ……………… on holiday.

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).
 I love London. I (probably / go) there next year.

 Our train (leave) at 4:47.

 What (wear / you) at the party tonight?

 I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my mum's wardrobe.

 This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow.

 Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.

 My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.

 Look at these big black clouds! It (rain).

 Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) dry and sunny.

 Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.

Complete the sentences with a future form.

1. This is a terrible film Tony! When __________________ (finish)?

2. She ______________ (not see) Tim tonight or ever again. They broke up last week.
3. The library _________________ (close) in five minutes and I have four books to return!!
4. After this lesson, I _____________ (see) a friend to have a coffee.
5. I'm going to be late! What time ___________________ (this train/arrive) in Concepción?
6. We are all very excited about going away tomorrow. The taxi _____________ (arrive) at 7am to take us to
the airport.
7. The plane ________________ (leave) at 10am.
8. I can't see you tonight Joan. I _________________ (go) to the theatre with Mike.
9. And the play ________________ (finish) very late. Sorry!
10. I want to go and see a Rembrandt exhibition at the National Gallery. It ________________ (start)
tomorrow morning.

P: Write full questions for the answers.

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
When am I going to get pregnant?
You will get pregnant next month.
1. Yes, you might get married this year.
2. No, you won’t have a new job this year.
3. Yes, you are going on a World wide tour.
5. Yes, your mother will recover.

6. No, you won’t finish your degree this year.

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado


1. In sentences that concern events that are on a 1. In sentences that concern a definite
definite schedule or timetable. These sentences plan or arrangement. These sentences
usually contain future words. Only a few verbs usually contain future words, or the future
are used in this way, eg: to be, open, close, is understood from the context.
begin, start, end, finish, arrive, come, leave,
return. Mary IS TAKING her music exam next year.
They can’t play tennis with you tomorrow.
The train LEAVES Detroit at 9pm tonight. We’RE GOING to the theatre on Friday.
John STARTS work next week.
Tomorrow IS Thursday.

1. When the speaker is making a prediction 1. When the speaker is making a
based on evidence. prediction.
There are clouds in the sky. It’S GOING TO rain. Tomorrow WILL BE hot and sunny.
People WILL GO to Mars in the next decade.
2. When the speaker already has an intention or
plan. 2. When the speaker decides to do
We’RE GOING TO paint our bedroom tomorrow. something at the time of speaking. He had
Jo has won the lottery. He says he’S GOING TO no previous plan. It is spontaneous.
Tahiti. Hold on. I’LL get a pen.
We WILL see what we can do to help you.
Maybe we’LL stay home and watch


A. What are you doing tonight?
B. I don’t know. I might study or I might see some friends.
A. Do you think he’ll come? He might.
B. Do you think it’ll rain? It might.

Future Time: Summary

When we speak, we choose the tense that we use. When we speak about the future, the tense we
choose can express how we "see" the future, even our personal feelings about the future. It certainly
expresses what we believe to be the probability (the chance, the reality) of something happening or
whether we have already decided to do it.
This table gives a simple scale of probability for each structure. It is not exact because language is not
a science, and there are many variables. This table should help you to think about the "concept" of the
future in English.

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado

% probability before
speaker speaks of event
happening Structure used for example

Don't get up. I'll answer the

  0% will no plan

70%going tointentionWe're going to watch TV tonight.

90%present continuousplanI'm taking my exam in June.

99.999%present simplescheduleMy plane takes off at 6.00am tomorrow.

A: Underline the correct verb form.

1. I'm glad you're coming with us. I'll get/ I'm going to get you a ticket.
2. He'll go/He's going to Rio. His flight is at 10:30.
3. I need some stamps. I'll get/I'm going to get some.
4. Where will you/are you going to stay? In a beautiful hotel near the sea from Monday to Friday and
then with friends.
5. She has a train ticket and she'll/she's going to visit Scotland.
6. I'll go/I'm going shopping this afternoon. Do you need anything?

B: Put the verbs in brackets in the right future form. Use will or going to.
1. Be careful! You ……………….…. (drop) the glass!
2. I promise I …………………... (do) my homework every day from now on.
3. I think I ………………….…. (sit) here and do nothing.
4. They ………...................... (visit) the museum tomorrow.
5. He says he ………………….. (be) a doctor when he grows up.
6. I bet she …………………. (win) the game.
7. I …………………. (play) tennis this evening.

C: Complete the dialogue with will, won’t or going to.

A: ‘I think I need a holiday’. ‘I work too much and I feel really exhausted. Maybe I ………. take some
time off next week. I think I ………go and spend a couple of days with my sister in Italy.’

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
B: ‘But your new book ………. come out next week and you need to be here to sign copies and
A: ‘Oh, yes, you are right. I forgot that. I ………. have to wait until February. And my sister ………. stay
in Italy only until the end of the month. So I can’t go there after all.’
B: ‘Look, I …………. be free after the 5th of February. How about going somewhere together?’
A: ‘That’s a good idea! Maybe we could go to Austria together and spend a couple of weeks there.’
B: ‘Yes. I ………… arrange everything today and I’m sure we ………. have a great time.’

D: Write about your plans for the summer holydays.

If you are sure, use going to, if you are not sure, use I’ll probably or I might.

E: Choose the correct verb in the sentence.

 ‘What’s for supper?’ ‘We are having / might have chicken. It’s in the oven.’
 ‘What time are we eating?’ ‘Don’t worry. It’ll be / might be ready before classes.’
 ‘Who is eating with us?’ ‘I invited Ana, but she’ll be / might be late. It depends on the teacher.’
 ‘Are you going on vacation this year?’ ‘I am / might. I haven’t decided yet.’

F: Read about Henry

I’m not sure yet. Some friends have invited me to work in a salmon nursery during the summer with
them, so I might go to Chiloé. I’ll have to earn some money before that, so I might work in a
restaurant for a while. I don’t know what I want to do. I love Santiago, so I might live here for a year or
so and I could teach in some high school. I might meet a nice and attractive person and fall in love!
Who knows!

What are some possibilities in Henry’s life?

He might go to America.
1. ................................................................................go to Chiloé.
2. ................................................................................ work in a restaurant..
3. ........................................................................ live in Santiago for a year or so.
4. ................................................................... meet a nice and attractive person.

G: Insert (be) going to or will into each gap. If you think both are correct, write both.

1. I ……………………to have a cup of tea when I get home.

2. To waiter: “I……………………. have the Chicken Kiev, please.”
3.Nobody …………………………… you when you finish university.
4.“Do you have any plans for your holiday?” “We………………………….. Umbria in Italy.”
5.Look at that traffic jam. We ……………………….. be late.
6. Can you guarantee that this …………………….happen again?
7.I……………………….. the shop. Is there anything you want?

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
8.“Do you have my book?” “Sorry. I forgot it. I…………………….. give it to you tomorrow.
9.I……... probably be about 40 minutes late tomorrow. I……….. the dentist in the morning.
10.She………………. dye her hair blonde, but I don’t think it ……………..suit her.

H: Imagine you are talking to a friend who has this problems. How will you help?
1. I’m freezing.______________________________________________________________________
2. I have a headache. ________________________________________________________________
3. I’m thirsty. _______________________________________________________________________
4. My bags are heavy. ________________________________________________________________
5. I’m hungry. _______________________________________________________________________
6. I’m very tired. _____________________________________________________________________
a. I’ll close the window.
b. I’ll make you a sandwich.
c. I’ll get you an aspirin.
d. I’ll get you some coffee.
e. I’ll get you a drink.
f. I’ll help you.

I: Complete the sentences with will (‘ll) + one of these verbs:

come get like look meet pass

1. Don’t worry about your exam. I’m sure you’ll pass.

2. Why don’t you try on this jacket? It …………………….. nice on you.
3. You must meet George sometime. I think you ……………. him.
4. It’s raining. Don’t go out. You ……………….. wet.
5. Goodbye. I expect we ……………. again before long.
6. I invited Sue to the party but I don’t think she ………………………….
J: Put will (‘ll) or won’t.
1. Can you wait for me? I won’t be very long.
2. There’s no need to take an umbrella with you. It ……………. rain.
3. If you don’t eat anything now, you ………….be hungry later.
4. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. It ……………….happen again.
5. I have some incredible news. You ……………….believe what happened.
6. Don’t ask Margaret for advice. She ………………know what to do.

K: Complete the sentences with might + one of these verbs:

bite break need slip wake rain

1. Take an umbrella with you when you get out. It might rain later.
2. Don’t make too much noise. You ………………….the baby.
3. Be careful with the dog. It ……………………you.
FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
4. I don’t think we should throw that letter away. We ………………….it later.
5. Be careful. The footpath is very icy. You …………………..
6. I don’t want the children to play in this room. They……………………something.
L: Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present simple.
 I’m going (go) to the theater this evening.
 Does the film begin (the film/begin) at 3:30 or 4:30?
 We …………………….. (have) a party next week. Would you like to come?
 The art exhibition …………………….(open)on 3 May and …………….(finish) on 15 July.
 I ………………….. (not/go) out this evening. I ………………. (stay) at home.
 ………………………….. (you/do) anything tomorrow night? No, I’m free. Why?
 We………………. (go) to a concert tonight. It ………………… (begin) at 7:30.
 Sue …………….. (come) to see us tomorrow. She …………….. (travel) by train and her train
…………………. (arrive) at 10:15. I ………………………..(meet) her at the station.
 I………………….. (not/use) the car this evening, so you can have it.
 I’m bored with this program. When …………………(it/finish)?
M: Write questions using do you think…..will….? + one of these verbs.
Be back cost finish get married happen like rain
1. I bought Mary a present. Do you think she’ll like it?
2. The weather doesn’t look very good. Do you……………………………….?
3. The meeting is still going on. When do you…………………………………?
4. My car needs to be repaired. How much………………………………………?
5. Sara and David are in love. Do…………………………………………………..?
6. I’m going out now. Ok. What time ………………………………………………?
7. The future situation is uncertain. What ……………………………………….?
N: Complete these sentences with will or won’t according to your opinion.
 Children………………….to school.
 People ………………work in offices.
 Computers ………… very different from computers now.
 Most people …………….be very fat.
 Houses ………………be bigger than they are now.
O: Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
1. Claire and Barry ………………… (get) married next Sunday.
2. They ……………….. (have) the reception in the garden. It depends on the weather.
3. They ………………. (look for) an apartment after the wedding.
4. Claire…………………(study) French next year.

FUTURE Teacher: Ximena Alvarado
5. Claire ………………(meet) a French client this afternoon at 3:45.
6. The client …………….(speak) English, but Claire isn’t sure.


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