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The significant events in the life of St.


Life of St. Augustine is a living testimony that how rude, cruel, timid, and contrary
your life is, God has prepared the best way for you to love and know Him. Upon exerting
and giving my time to watched and understand the life of St. Augustine I’ve witnessed the
significant events of his life and journey to know God. And here are the significant events
in life of St. Augustine:

• St. Augustine was born at Tagaste on Nov. 13, 354;

• He was sent to study rhetoric in Carthage in 370;
• Had a son named Adeodatus;
• Establish/opened a rhetoric school in Carthage in 373;
• 383, he went to Rome to teach rhetoric;
• On 387, St. Augustine was baptized by Bishop Ambrose;
• His return to Tagaste in 388;
• In 396, he became the bishop of Hippo
• He died, August 28, 430.

In his struggle against evil, Augustine believed in a hierarchy of being in which God
was the Supreme Being on whom all other beings, that is, all other links in the great chain
of being, were totally dependent. All beings were good because they tended back toward
their creator who had made them from nothing. His life experience is a living proof that
nothing is permanent except change. Earth was brought into existence by a perfectly
good and just God, who created man. The earth is not eternal; the earth, as well as time,
has both a beginning and an end. Man, on the other hand, was brought into existence to
endure eternally.
Appreciate most in the life of St. Augustine

There is no specific event I appreciate the most in the life of St. Augustine because
his life is a living testimony that knowing God is a process and it surely takes time so it is
a great experience to know the life of St. Augustine that is why all his experiences is the
one I appreciate the most because there is no such part of his experience that can
conclude or narrate on how he learned to love and know God, it is all with his testimonial
experience. But to point one event in his life is he had to be brought face to face with his
sinfulness and complete inability to save himself. He was forced to recognize that he had
no hope other than to put his trust in Jesus Christ, who had died to pay the price of his
sin. He had to learn that to be a Christian was to be in fellowship with the Son of God, to
be united with him in a deeply individual union that rested on personal conviction, not on
outward support or tradition. From beginning to end, his faith was a walk with God that
could only be expressed as a dialogue between two spirits. Take that away and there
would be nothing to speak of at all. No faith to confess and no life to live. The first thing
we notice about him is the emphasis he placed on the relationship of the individual to
God. He lived in a world that was rapidly becoming Christian, at least in a formal and
public sense. It would have been very easy for him to have gone with the flow, as many
of his contemporaries did. But Augustine confessed that he became a Christian only when
the Holy Spirit of God moved in his heart, and not before. It is indeed that God has
preparatory plans on how he’ll introduce himself to anybody. Augustine in his teenage
was a difficult child, and grew to be an atheist despite being raised by a devoted Christian
mother. He then reject and refuse the counsel made by his mother and eventually as the
Holy Spirit come over his life, his heart beats for the love given by God.

Also, I just want to highlight this, “Fruits grow back year after year but a child if he
goes astray can be lost forever”, this what the old man told the mother of St. Augustine
and it really create an emphasis within my life because I also have a grandfather and he
speak only when it is needed and the moment he speak, surely it’s remarkable that you
won’t forget. It is a life teaching that you will bag as you age.
Immaculate Conception College of Balayan, Inc.
Augustinian Recollect Sisters
Plaza Mabini, Balayan 4213 Batangas, Philippines

Event/s in the life of St. Augustine that tells us about the following values
Intelligence, Character, Competence, Bravery, Integrity.

Intelligence, Character, Competence

One particular event in his life is that when he establish/opened a rhetoric school
in Carthage in 373. He studied rhetoric with eagerness and pleasure, but his motives were
vanity and ambition, and to these he joined loose living. He sought a philosophical way
to explain - or at least to be able to live with - his uncomfortable experience of knowing
that he wanted Truth and sensual pleasure - and both of them simultaneously. This is part
of the so-called "problem of evil" in the world. With this quandary in mind, he thought there
might be a solution offered by the Manichees. They were a religious group that specifically
stressed purity of life and the need to place emphasis on the importance of Christ. The
Manichees seemed so valuable to Augustine because they promised to provide him with
the "truth" he was seeking. The teachers of Augustine in Carthage took note of his keen
mind and flair for writing. Augustine's dream was to become a famous speaker. Through
reading Cicero, Augustine was riveted and turned toward "the wisdom of eternal truth."
Augustine became a great admirer of Cicero, acknowledging him as "the greatest master
of Roman eloquence." He has the guts to achieve what he dreamt and he allow himself
to go along with different people for him to set his personality a boundary that would help
him exceed and bring out the best he could’ve done in his life.

Bravery and Integrity

It is when he said to Valerius that there is glory in fighting for peace than waging
war. I do believe that before Augustine died he made himself known for his words and he
let the voice worthy of voice resound when he accepted God in his life. We, people, can
have the glory without putting violence. Just like what Augustine said “fight for peace than
waging a war” simply , put your trust into God that He will never leave you . He is brave
when he allowed God enter his life and it’s more likely when he allow Bishop Ambrose to
baptized him to know God. And he is proud that way before he don’t believe in God, that
he refused to know Him and that he believe only in contrary to the Christian belief but he
Immaculate Conception College of Balayan, Inc.
Augustinian Recollect Sisters
Plaza Mabini, Balayan 4213 Batangas, Philippines

used it us a testimony that to become righteous, wise and holy in eternity like God, man
must seek to grow in virtue, knowledge and love now by submitting his intellect and will,
disordered by sin, to God's perfect Charity.

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