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Ukcat last min tips

1) mcq based and computer based

2) situational judgement band 1 and band 2 good(can revise and get marks easily and important)
3) Sj makes them to decde to give interview based on ur personality
4) Qr practice using online calculater
5) Last min will burn out
6) Practice practice
7) Dealing with time pressure
8) More u do faster u recogonize pick up keywords
9) 6 weeks enough to read---yes ,
10) Wgy u got wrong skim through it , 20 to 30 qs per day , question go wrong look thru read
explanation ,week later do same again, quality better than quantity
11) General advice
12) Top tipsdon’t bring ur knowledge , based on passage do it verbal reasoning,
13) Use online highlighters, find keywords,first passage take lot of time to do than rest
14) Keyword->then read out sentence, answer sometime s will give false clue
15) DM->whiteboard—pen non erasablesmall bots of spaces
16) VRtry not make assumptions

Quantitative reasoning

- Practice using the online calculator from the start

- Practice mental math
- No fractions and percentages available on calculator, so practice doing these sums mentally
- Don’t think about questions that you flagged previously
- Key formulae:
o Speed = distance / time
o Area of sphere, circle, other shapes
o probability
 And  multiply (succession)
 Or  add numbers (mutually exclusive)
o 1 mile = 1.6km and between km/h and m/s

Abstract reasoning

- Identify common pattern for set A, look for this pattern in Set B
o Shape, size (relative between shapes), shading, position (corners vs middle), number
(different number of sides, even and odd sides, even and odd number of points, number
of right angles, acute and obtuse angles)

Try to do it on a computer rather than a laptop, because the keys feel different, calculator punching
works differently etc., try taking a mock exam in a library setting.
Situational judgement

- GMC guidance to good medical practice

- 70% of answers are always very appropriate, or very inappropriate
- Flag, skip, come back later

Before starting revision, do a paper to see what the baseline is

3 weeks before, start doing the mock exams, 1 a week.

No water in the exam room.

Between very appropriate and just appropriate  based on the urgency of the situation

- E.g. medical student turns up drunk and says that he will stay on in the hospital. Will you report
to a senior  very appropriate because time is a matter of concern. In the time between you
reporting to a senior, the student might misdiagnose a patient, which is a serious offence.
- Jumpers yellow ,some jumpers red-write shortly in whiteboard and select
- UkcatARtest daytry ur best to idebntify patterndon’t panicflag it and cgo
aheadmake educated guess if u donrt know
- Round up ur number if its is like 680 to 700 to make calculations faster (u can make good
estimate of it)
- Final mock620 average good mark
- Take snacks with u
- Pearson caluckat tutorial to teach u about calculator, use shift n or p to go next page or prev

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