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:JMIS/DWK/PC/2022-23/036 Date: August 08, 2022

TERM – I ASSESSMENT (2022-2023)

Dear Parent,


Term 1 Assessments are approaching and we wish to inform you about the details of syllabus, marks and dates of these

 Reporting time will be as usual at 8:00 am.

 There will be no Preparatory Leaves during Preliminary Assessments (between 30th Aug. – 3rd Sept., all days
in between also working).
 Till Saturday 3rd September, all the days will be full working days.
 Monday, 5th September 2022 will be half day on account of Teachers’ Day (Dispersal will be at 11:30 am)


On regular working day
THURSDAY  ARTIFICIAL Subject Specific Skills :
INTELLIGENCE Unit 1 Introduction to AI
Unit : 2 AI Project Cycle
Employability skills:
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills-II
Unit 3 : ICT Skills - II
 Maximum marks of all subjects 80, except Artificial Intelligence whose maximum marks will be 50.
 Preparatory Leaves will start from 6th & 7th September and there will be Preparatory Leaves in between the
assessments as mentioned in the date sheet after 08th September, 2022.

Tuesday 6.9.22 – Wednesday 7.9.22 Prep. Leaves
THURSDAY अपिठत ग ांश
8.9.22 HINDI/FRENCH पु क श- ग भाग
पाठ -1बड़े भाई साहब पाठ-2 डायरी का एक प ा
पाठ् -3 तताँरा वामीरो कथा ,
पाठ -6-आप कहां दू सरे के दु ख से दु खी होने वाले
पाठ 7 -पतझड़ की टू टी पि यां
भाग् -1 िग ी का सोना, भाग 2- झेन की दे न 12:15 pm
पु क श- प भाग
पाठ -1 साखी कबीर पाठ-2 मीरा के पद
पाठ-5 पवत दे श म पावस
पु क संचयन-पाठ-ह रहर काका
ाकरण- 1 रचना के आधार पर वा पां तरण
2 मु हावरे 3 समास 4 पदबं ध
रचना क लेखन-
अनु े द लेखन सूचना लेखन िव ापन लेखन
औपचा रक प लेखन लघु कथा लेखन
Section - A - Compréhension Écrite - Compréhension
Section - B - Production Écrite - Lettre, décrire une
personne, carte postale, l’invitation et le message
Section - C Grammaire - Trouvez la question, négatifs,
les pronoms personnels, les pronoms démonstratifs, les
verbes, les pronoms relatifs simples et composés
Section D - Culture et Civilization
Leçon 2 Après le bac , Leçon 3 Chercher du travail
Leçon 4 Le plaisir de lire , Leçon 5 Les médias
Leçon 6 Chacun ses goûts
Friday 9.9.22 – Saturday 10.9.22 Prep. Leaves

MONDAY ● SCIENCE Physics: Ch- Light: Reflection and Refraction 12:15 pm

Ch- Human Eye and the colourful world
Biology :Ch- How do organisms reproduce?
Ch-7-Control and coordination
Ch-6-Life processes
Chemistry: Chemical reactions and equations
Acids, bases and salts
Metals and nonmetals
Tuesday 13.9.22- Wednesday 14.9.22 Prep. Leaves
THURSDAY ● SOCIAL SCIENCE History Ch-1 The rise of Nationalism in Europe
Ch-2 Nationalism in India
Geography ( With Map )
Ch-1 Resources and Development 12:15 pm
Ch-2 Forest and Wildlife Ch-3 Water Resources
Ch-4 Agriculture
Ch-1 Development Ch-2 Sectors of Indian Economy
Democratic Politics
Ch-1 Power Sharing Ch-2 Federalism
Ch-4 Gender, Religion and Caste
Friday 16.9.22– Sunday 18.9.22 Prep. Leaves
MONDAY ● ENGLISH Literature- Book: ‘Footprints without feet’- A
19.09.22 Triumph of Surgery, The Thief’s Story, Footprints
without feet
Book: ‘The First Flight’- Poems- The Ball Poem, Fog, 12:15 pm
Chapters- Madam Rides The Bus, Sermon at Benares
Grammar: Integrated Grammar
Writing Skills: Analytical Paragraph, Formal Letter
Tuesday 20.9.22– Wednesday 21.9.22 Prep. Leaves
THURSDAY ● MATHEMATICS Chapter-1 : Real Number Chapter-2 : Polynomials
Chapter-3 : Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables
Chapter-5 : Arithmetic Progressions
Chapter- 6 : Triangles 12:15 pm
Chapter-7 : Coordinate Geometry
Chapter-8 :Introduction To Trigonometry
Chapter-12 : Area Related To Circles
Chapter-15 :Probability
Plan the revision work according to the datesheet.

Result PEM for Term 1 will be held on Saturday, 1st October, 2022.

All the Best!

Warm regards,


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