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I’m a young teenager who has passion and love for art, beautiful pictures, or good music
makes my heart vibrate. And today, I want to introduce a piece of art: The starry night of great
artist – Vincent Van Gogh, painted in 1889.
I’m not an art critic, all my opinion about this picture is the point of view, the person
who enjoys art. This picture was painted by Vincent during the day according to his memory
while he’s at the mental hospital, by the window of his room. He spent a lot of time and
enthusiam on this painting, when he had fight with mental illness. It’s drawn with oil color, has
a big Cupressus torulosa tree with stylized stars and the moon shone brightly in the sky. In the
distance, there is a church tower. All of them are in the peaceful village.
The combination of 2 tones, deep blue and bright yellow highlighted all the stars in the
sky – it called 11 holy stars. I’m afraid that spirally details of the stars like an image of Whirlpool
Galaxy. Precisely because of the contrast between the blue shades of the sky and the yellow of
the stars and the moon, it’s expression for a vast, a mystery of the space. Cupressus Torulosa
tree compared as the soul of Vincent Van Gogh, strong and take a ray of hope.
The starry night always understood as a message of hope with a strong life. That’s the
reason I love this painting. Only after Vincent’s death, all his painting that became famous and
exhibited at NewYork Art Museum

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