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Dr. B.R.

Ambedkar, National Institute of

Technology, Jalandhar

Department of Textile Technology


Submitted by: submitted to:

Preeti Gautam (10210106) Dr.A.Mukhopadhya
Vivek Sharma (10210114)
1.1 Introduction

Theoretical work on t distribution was done by w.s.gosset in the early 1900. gusset
adopted the pen name student and published his findings under this name. thereafter, the
t- distribution is commonly called students t distribution or simply t diustribution.

The t distribution is used when the sample size is less than 30 and the population
standard deviation is unknown.

The t statistics ids defined as

T = (x-µ)/s/√n
S = √(x-x)2/n-1
X= mean of the sample
µ = the actual or the hypothetical mean
s = standard deviation of the sample

1.2Properties of t distribution

The variable t distribution ranges from -∞ to + ∞

Like the standatrd normal distribution, t distribution is symmetrical and has a mean zero.

The variance of the t disrtribution is greater than 1 but approaches 1 as the number of
degree of freedom becomes large.

1.3 Applications of the t distribution

(1). To test the significance of the mean of the random sample

Question1. A finisher buys certain chemical on the understanding that it should not
contain more than 3% impurities. When a batch is delivered five independent
determinations of percentage impurity are made with the following results
2.6, 2.9, 3.2, 3.6, 3
Is this sufficient evidence to conclude that the batch contains too much impurity?

Sol. Let us take the hypothesis that there is no significant difference b/w sample mean
and the stated value of the population mean

N =5
s= 0.37
x= 3.06
Using t distribution

T = (x-µ) √n/s

= 3.06-3.0/ (.37/√5)

T = 0.36
Calculated value of t = 0.36

Table value of t
Degree of freedom= n-1

At 4 d.f,
t= 2.13

Therefore table value of t > calculated value which means that our hypothesis is correct

hence there is sufficient evidence to claim that the batch of chemicals contains too much

Question 2 The fibre fineness values of 6 samples are : 3.1, 2.9, 3.0, 2.9, 3.2, 3.3
And it is stated that the mean fibre fineness iss 3.2. Does this conclude that there
exists difference between the sample and the population?

Sol. Let us take the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the two
N= 6
X= 3.06
µ= 3.2
s= 0.163

Using t distribution

t = (x-µ)√n/s
t = 3.06- 3.2/(0.163/√6)
t = -2.10
calculated value of t = -2.10

Table value of t = 2.57 (at d.f =5, α= 0.05/2)

Table value > calculated value

Therefore there is no significant difference between the sample and the population mean
Confidence limits for small samples

x ± t(k,α) s/√n

S = √(x-x)2/n-1
X= mean of the sample
k = degree of freedom
s = standard deviation of the sample
n = sample size

Question 3. To test the yarn count 10 bobbins were chosen from the ring frame and
the following values were obtained
20.5, 20.3, 20.1, 20.3, 20.4, 20.6, 20.1, 20.8, 20.4, 20.7
Find 95% confidence limits for the mean of the yarn count?

Confidence limits are given by
x ± t(k,α) s/√n

X= 20.42
S= 0.23
d.f= 9
α = 0.05/2

20.42 ± t (9, 0.025) 0.23/√10

20.42 ± 0.164
Confidence limits for the mean yarn count are (20.584, 20.256)

Question no. 4. Strength results were carried out on a yarn with following results
( strength in gf)
589, 592, 601, 602, 596 calculate the 99 % confidence limits for the mean strength. If
it is required to estmate the mean strength within ±10 , how many tests would be

(a) x = 596.8
s= 6.83
α = 0.01/2

Confidence limits are given by

x ± t(k,α) s/√n

x ± t ( 4, 0.005) 6.83/√5

= 596.8 ± 4.60×6.83/√5
= 596.8 ± 14.05

(b) t ( k, α ) s/√n = 10

(4.60 × 6.83)√n = 10
N= 9.87
Therefore n=10

(2) To test the difference between two means

T= x1-x2/sp√(1/n1+1/n2)

Sp = pooled variance

Sp = √[s12(n1-1)+ s22(n2-1)]/n1+n2-2

Question 5. the following are results of extension test carried out on two types of
yarn ( % extension at break)
Yarn A : 14.2, 14.6, 14.9, 14.3, 14.5
Yarn B : 15.3, 15.7, 15.9, 16.1, 16.3

Do these results suggests that one yarn is more extensible than the other?
X1 = 14.5 s1 = 0.27 N1 = 5
X2 = 15.86 s2 = 0.38 N2 =5

T= x1-x2/sp√(1/n1+1/n2)

Sp = √[s12(n1-1)+ s22(n2-1)]/(n1+n2-2)

Sp = √[0.272(5-1)+ 0.382(5-1)]/(5+5-2)
Sp = 0.33

T= 15.86-14.5/0.33 √(1/5+1/5)
= 1.36 /0.20
= 6.8
Calculated value of t = 6.8

Table value of t ( at df = 8, α = 0.05 )

T= 1.86
Since calculated value is more than the table value hence the yarn is more extensible
than the other.

Based on confidence limits for difference between two means

µ1-µ2 = x1-x2 ± t ( k, α) sp √(1/n1 +1/n2)

Question no. 6 fineness of the raw cotton fibre is as follows:2.52, 2.51, 2.54, 2.50
On scoring the fineness of the cotton fibre was observed as follows : 2.48, 2.49,
2.47, 2.48. calculate 95 % confidence limits for the mean increse in the fineness
on account of scouring ?

N1 = 4
n2= 4

T= x1-x2/sp√(1/n1+1/n2)

X1 = 2.515 s1 = 0.0129
X2 = 2.48 s2 = 0.0081

Sp = √[s12(n1-1)+ s22(n2-1)]/n1+n2-2

Sp = √[0.01292(4-1)+ 0.00812(4-1)]/(4+4-2)
Sp = 0.010

Degree of freedom = 6
α = 0.05/2

µ1-µ2 = 2.515-2.48 ± t ( 6, 0.025) 0.010 √(1/4 +1/4)

µ1-µ2 = 0.035 ± 0.0173
(0.0523, 0.0177)

Therefore, the confidence limits for difference between two means are
(0.0523, 0.0177)
(3). To test the significance of the dependent samples

Question 7. pieces of five different fabrics were each divided into two parts and
each part was given one of the shrink resist treatments tests for % shrinkage
were then carried out with the following results
Fabric a b c d e
Treatment a 4 5 3 10 6
Treatment b 4 6 6 8 8
Was one treatment significantly different from the other ?

Treatment a treatment b D
4 4 0
5 6 -1
3 6 -3
10 8 2
6 8 -2

d‾‾ = 1.92
T= -0.8 √5 /1.92

T = -0.93

Calculated value of t = 0.93

Table value = 2.78
Calculated value is less than table value therefore one treatment was not significantly
different from the other.
The Normal Distribution
The normal distribution plays an absolutely fundamental role in statistics. The main
reasons for this are:
a) Many natural phenomenon, and even more industrial ones whose variability can
be considered to be the sum of a number of independent elementary causes are
approximately distributed in normal distributed.
b) The distribution of the mean of a sasmple of n elements, extracted from a universe
distributed in what so ever manner tends towards a normal distribution as n
c) Some distribution of frequent practical application (eg. Binomial distribution)
admit the normal distribution as a limit form .


A continuous random variable is normally distributed when each of its values X

associated with the probability density function

The corresponding cumulative distribution function can be written as:

The curve P(X) has a characteristic bell curve, which is symmetrical with respect to an
axis passing X = µ, the curve has its maximum for X=µ, two turning points for Xµ+ σ
and it tends to asymtotically to zero as X tends towards + ∞

It is possible to relate all normal random variables to the standard normal. For example if
X is normal with mean μ and variance σ2, then

has mean zero and unit variance, that is Z has the standard normal distribution.
Conversely, having a standard normal random variable Z we can always construct another
normal random variable with specific mean μ and variance σ2:

This “standardizing” transformation is convenient as it allows one to compute the pdf and
especially the cdf of a normal distribution having the table of pdf and cdf values for the
standard normal. They will be related via


A standard normal distribution table shows a cumulative probability associated with a

particular z-score. Table rows show the whole number and tenths place of the z-score.
Table columns show the hundredths place. The cumulative probability (often from minus
infinity to the z-score) appears in the cell of the table.

For example, a section of the standard normal table is reproduced below. To find the
cumulative probability of a z-score equal to -1.31, cross-reference the row of the table
containing -1.3 with the column containing 0.01. The table shows that the probability that
a standard normal random variable will be less than -1.31 is 0.0951; that is, P(Z < -1.31)
= 0.0951.

For example, a section of the standard normal table is reproduced below. To find the
cumulative probability of a z-score equal to -1.31, cross-reference the row of the table
containing -1.3 with the column containing 0.01. The table shows that the probability that
a standard normal random variable will be less than -1.31 is 0.0951; that is, P(Z < -1.31)
= 0.0951.

 Find P(Z > a). The probability that a standard normal random variable (z) is
greater than a given value (a) is easy to find. The table shows the P(Z < a). The
P(Z > a) = 1 - P(Z < a).
greater than 3.00. From the table (see above), we find that P(Z < 3.00) = 0.9987.
Therefore, P(Z > 3.00) = 1 - P(Z < 3.00) = 1 - 0.9987 = 0.0013.
 Find P(a < Z < b). The probability that a standard normal random variables lies
between two values is also easy to find. The P(a < Z < b) = P(Z < b) - P(Z < a).

For example, suppose we want to know the probability that a z-score will be
greater than -1.40 and less than -1.20. From the table (see above), we find that
P(Z < -1.20) = 0.1151; and P(Z < -1.40) = 0.0808. Therefore, P(-1.40 < Z < -1.20)
= P(Z < -1.20) - P(Z < -1.40) = 0.1151 - 0.0808 = 0.0343.

In school or on the Advanced Placement Statistics Exam, you may be called upon to use
or interpret standard normal distribution tables. Standard normal tables are commonly
found in appendices of most statistics texts.

Question 1 (a) Aworsted yarn with a mean strength of µ=15 CN and a supposed
normal distribution. Determine the probiability that the measurement falls
between 165 CN and 180 CN.


HERE µ= 150 CN, σ= 150 CN, X= 165 CN and 180 CN

µ1= (160-150)/15 = 15/15 = +1

µ2= (180-150)/15= 30/15 = +2

for +1 and +2 the tables value are

µ1= (+1)= 0.841 and for µ2 = (+2) = 0.988

therefore the required probability is 0.988-0.841 =0.136 =13.6%

(c) Calculate the probability that a single measurement is less than 135

(135-150)/15= -1

Table value corresponding -1 = 0.1587 = 15.87%

(d) for less than 165

(165-150)/15=15/15 = +1

Table value = 0.8413= 84.13%

(d) What proportion of yarn will have strength = 140 CN


(140.5-150)/15= 10.5/15= 0.7

(139.5-150)/15= 0.6

The proportion between 0.7 and 0.6 = yarn having strength = 140 CN

= 0.2743-0.2420 = 0.032 = 3.2 %

Question 2. (a) In the fiber length distribution 14 % of the fibers have length less
than 12mm and 23% of the fibers are under 15mm . Find the mean and
standard diviation of the fiber length if it is assumed that the length is normally
distributed .

SOL. Table value corresponding to 0.14 area and 0.23 area = -1.08 and 0.704
Z1= (12-µ)/σ- = -1.08

Z2= (15-µ)/σ = -0.704

Solving the above equations we get σ = 7.98 mm and µ = 20.586mm

(b) What proportion of the fibers are greater than 36mm

(30-20.59)/7.98 = 1.180

Table value corresponding to 1.180 = .1190 = 11.9 %

Question 3 A mass of 150 gms hung in turn from 250 pieces of a certain yarn, and 12
of the pieces broke . A load of 200 gms was then hung from the previously unbroken
pieces and a further of 213 pieces broke . assuming that the yarn strength is
normally distributed estimate the mean and standard deviation of yarns strength

SOL. Proportion of the yarn with strength less than 150gms = 12/250 = 0.048

Proportion of the yarn with strength less than 2000gms = 213/238 = 0.8950

Table value corresponding to 0.048 and 0.8950 are -1.70 and +1.58

Z1= (150-µ)/σ- = -1.70

Z2= (200-µ)/σ = 0.943

On solving the equations we find µ = 170.87 and σ 16.972

Question 4) A worsted yarn with a mean strength µ = 150 CN and σ = 15 CN .A
finishing treatment was given to the yarn and a sample of 64 yarns has a mean of
154 CN .Is this sufficient to conclude that the new finishing procedure evidence
to conclude that the new finishing procedure reduced the mean mass loss during
the finishing

SOL. Let us take the hypothesis that there is no difference between the two

H : µ=µo

(Xo - µo)/(σ /√n)

(154 - 150)/(15 /√64) = 2.13

At 95 % Z = 1.64 when considering s single tail test therefore the hypothesis is

rejected and there is a significant difference between the strength of the two.

Question 5) given that Xo= 31.13 tex and s = 0.97 tex . calculate the 95% and
99% confidence limits for the mean count of the delivery when the number of
test is 192.

SOL Xo±{Z(α/2)s}/ √n

α = 95% and 99%

at 95 %

31.13±(1.96*0.79}/ √192

31.13 ± 0.11

At 99%

31.13±{2.58*0.79}/ √192

31.13 ± 0.15

Question 6) suppose 75 % 0f the age group I through 4 years regularly utilize

seat belts. Find the probability that in a random stop of 100 automobiles
containing 1 through 4 year old 70 or fewer are found to be wearing a seat belt.
SOL. Using the normal distribution µ= np , σ = √npq

N= 100 , p=0 .75

µ= 75 σ = 4.33

(70 – 75 )/ 4.33

Z = -1.16

Table value corresponding to this = 0.1230

This means 12.3 % containing 1 through 4 year old, 70 or few are found to be wearing a
seat belt.

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